* Change: In Hurricane::Cell_LeafInstanceOccurrences, add the ability to
walkthrough the leaf of one specific top-level instance.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell_NonLeafInstanceOccurrences, add the ability to
walkthrough the leaf of one specific top-level instance.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell:
getLeafInstanceOccurrences() and getNonLeafInstanceOccurrences(), now
have a parameter Instance* to select the leafs we want to walk through.
If set NULL (default value) browse through all the instances,
as before.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, add forgotten Inspector support.
* New: In EtesianEngine, add a "block" (and Instance) attribute to allow
the placement of one specific bloc. If we want to place the core of
a chip and take into account the external terminals (if they are not
already fixed as Pins at the edge of *said* block). We must place
the core *in the context* of it's instanciation in the corona.
Note for G. Gouvine : Pin & external RP should be taken into account
starting at line 629 of EtesianEngine.cpp...
* New: In cumulus/plugins/chip/Chip.py, make use of the new block
placement feature of ETesian.
* Bug: In KatanaEngine::create(), perform a pre-check to prevent trying to
route whole chip, which is forbidden an leads to annoying core-dumps.
Routing must take place "at most" at Corona level.
* Bug: In KatanaEngine::PowerRails, create a plane for METAL1 blockage.
Not completely sure this was a bug...