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263 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class Box
* \brief Box description (\b API)
* \section secBoxIntro Introduction
* Those objects represent rectangular boxes. They are defined
* by the values <b>XMin</b>, <b>YMin</b>, <b>XMax</b> and
* <b>YMax</b> which are representatives only when the box is
* not empty. A box is considered empty whenever it is not
* initialized or when it doesn't represent a real area like the
* intersection of two disjoint boxes.
* \section secBoxModifierRemark Remark on Modifiers
* All the function described in the modifiers section returns a
* reference on the modified box, providing so the capability to
* apply to it a new modification as illustrated in the
* following example :
Box box1(0, 0, 100, 100);
Box box2(20, 20, 50, 150;
if (box1.inflate(3).merge(box2.translate(10, 10).inflate(-1, 1)).contains(20, 20)) {
// do we reach here ? that is the question !
/*! \name Constructors
// \{
/*! \function Box::Box();
* Default constructor : the returned box is empty.
/*! \function Box::Box(const DbU::Unit& x, const DbU::Unit& y);
* Builds a box of null size centered on the point defined by
* \c \<x\> and \c \<y\>.
/*! \function Box::Box(const Point& point);
* Builds a box of null size centered on the point.
/*! \function Box::Box(const DbU::Unit& x1, const DbU::Unit& y1, const DbU::Unit& x2, const DbU::Unit& y2);
* Builds the minimal box enclosing the two points defined by
* the coordinates \c \<x1\>, \c \<y1\> and \c \<x2\>,
* \c \<y2\>.
/*! \function Box::Box(const Point& point1, const Point& point2);
* Builds the minimal box enclosing the two points.
/*! \function Box::Box(const Box& box);
* Copy constructor.
// \}
/*! \name Operators
// \{
/*! \function Box& Box::operator=(const Box& box);
* Assignment operator.
/*! \function bool Box::operator==(const Box& box) const;
* Equality operator.
* \remark Two empty boxes are always different.
/*! \function bool Box::operator!=(const Box& box) const;
* Difference operator.
// \}
/*! \name Accessors
// \{
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Box::getXMin() const;
* \Return the XMin value : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Box::getYMin() const;
* \Return the YMin value : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Box::getXMax() const;
* \Return the XMax value : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Box::getYMax() const;
* \Return the YMax value : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Box::getXCenter() const;
* \Return the abscissa of the box center : meaningful only for a non
* empty box.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Box::getYCenter() const;
* \Return the ordinate of the box center : meaningful only for a non
* empty box.
/*! \function Point Box::getCenter() const;
* \Return the box center point : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Box::getWidth() const;
* \Return the box width : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Box::getHalfWidth() const;
* \Return the half box width : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Box::getHeight() const;
* \Return the box height : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Box::getHalfHeight() const;
* \Return the half box height : meaningful only for a non empty box.
/*! \function Box Box::getUnion(const Box& box) const;
* \Return the smallest enclosing box containing the boxes \c \<this\>
* and \c \<box\>. The returned box may be empty if both are.
/*! \function Box Box::getIntersection(const Box& box) const;
* \Return box representing the overlapping area. This box is empty if
* either one of the two boxes is empty or if they are disjoint.
// \}
/*! \name Predicates
// \{
/*! \function bool Box::isEmpty() const;
* \Return \true if the box is empty, else \false.
/*! \function bool Box::isFlat() const;
* \Return \true if the box is non void and if we have either
* ((XMin==XMax) an (YMin\<YMax)) or ((XMin\<XMax) and
* (YMin==YMax)).
/*! \function bool Box::isPonctual() const;
* \Return \true if the box is reduced to a point, else \false.
/*! \function bool Box::contains(const DbU::Unit& x, const DbU::Unit& y) const;
* \Return \true if the box is non empty and contains the point defined
* by the coordinates \c \<x\>, \c \<y\> else \false.
/*! \function bool Box::contains(const Point& point) const;
* \Return \true if the box is non empty and contains the point
* \c \<point\>, else \false.
/*! \function bool Box::contains(const Box& box) const;
* \Return \true if the two boxes are non empty and if the box
* \c \<this\> contains the box \c \<box\>, else \false.
/*! \function bool Box::intersect(const Box& box) const;
* \Return \true if the two boxes are non empty and if they overlap,
* else \false.
/*! \function bool Box::isConstrainedBy(const Box& box) const;
* \Return \true if the two boxes are non empty, if the box \c \<this\>
* contains the box \c \<box\> and if those two boxes have at
* least a common border side, else \false.
// \}
/*! \name Modifiers
// \{
/*! \function Box& Box::makeEmpty();
* Transforms the box into an empty one.
/*! \function Box& Box::inflate(const DbU::Unit& d);
* Expands (or contracts) the box, if not empty, in each
* direction of the quantity \c \<d\>. This quantity might be
* negative enough to transform it into an empty box.
/*! \function Box& Box::inflate(const DbU::Unit& dx, const DbU::Unit& dy);
* Expands (or contracts) the box, if not empty, horizontaly of
* the quantity \c \<dx\> and vertically of the quatity
* \c \<dy\>. Those quantities might be negative enough to
* transform it into an empty box.
/*! \function Box& Box::inflate(const DbU::Unit& dxMin, const DbU::Unit& dyMin, const DbU::Unit& dxMax, const DbU::Unit& dyMax);
* Expands (or contracts) the box, if not empty, on the left of
* the quantity \c \<dxMin\>, on the bottom of the quantity
* \c \<dyMin\>, on the right of the quantity \c \<dxMax\> and
* on the top of the quantity \c \<dyMax\>. Those quantities
* might be negative enough to transform it into an empty box.
/*! \function Box& Box::merge(const DbU::Unit& x, const DbU::Unit& y);
* Expands the box in order that it encloses the point defined
* by coordinates \c \<x\> and \c \<y\>. If the box was
* initially empty it becomes reduced to the enclosed point.
/*! \function Box& Box::merge(const Point& point);
* Expands the box in order that it encloses the point
* \c \<point\>. If the box was initially empty it becomes
* reduced to the enclosed point.
/*! \function Box& Box::merge(const DbU::Unit& x1, const DbU::Unit& y1, const DbU::Unit& x2, const DbU::Unit& y2);
* Expands the box in order that it encloses the points defined
* by coordinates \c \<x1\>, \c \<y1\> and \c \<x2\>, \c \<y2\>.
/*! \function Box& Box::merge(const Box& box);
* Expands the box in order that it encloses, if not empty, the
* box \c \<box\>. If the box \c \<this\> was initially empty it
* becomes reduced to the enclosed box.
/*! \function Box& Box::translate(const DbU::Unit& dx, const DbU::Unit& dy);
* translates the box, if not empty, of the quantities \c \<dx\>
* and \c \<dy\>.
// \}