213 lines
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213 lines
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# This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
# Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
# Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
# Main contributors :
# Christophe Alexandre <Christophe.Alexandre@lip6.fr>
# Sophie Belloeil <Sophie.Belloeil@lip6.fr>
# Hugo Clement <Hugo.Clement@lip6.fr>
# Jean-Paul Chaput <Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr>
# Damien Dupuis <Damien.Dupuis@lip6.fr>
# Christian Masson <Christian.Masson@lip6.fr>
# Marek Sroka <Marek.Sroka@lip6.fr>
# The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# License-Tag
# Authors-Tag
# ===================================================================
# x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
# | |
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | S t r a t u s - Netlists/Layouts Description |
# | |
# | Author : Sophie BELLOEIL |
# | E-mail : Sophie.Belloeil@asim.lip6.fr |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Py Module : "./st_mult.py" |
# | *************************************************************** |
# | U p d a t e s |
# | |
# x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
from stratus import *
from st_mult_matrix import Matrix, Matrix_Inv
from st_func_gen_wallace import genWallace
class Multiplier ( Model ) :
def __init__ ( self, name, param ) :
Model.__init__ ( self, name, param )
if 'nbit' in param :
self.nbit0 = param['nbit']
self.nbit1 = param['nbit']
else :
self.nbit0 = param['nbit0']
self.nbit1 = param['nbit1']
if 'signed' in param :
self._signed = param['signed']
else :
self._signed = True
if self.nbit0 < 3 or self.nbit1 < 3 : raise SizeError, 'input arities must be greater than 2'
self.type = "nr"
self.nType = 1
def Interface ( self ) :
self._i0 = SignalIn ( "i0", self.nbit0 )
self._i1 = SignalIn ( "i1", self.nbit1 )
if self._signed :
self._o = SignalOut ( "o", self.nbit0+self.nbit1 )
else :
self._o = SignalOut ( "o", self.nbit0+self.nbit1-2 )
self._vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self._vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
size_A = self.nbit0 + 2
if self.nbit1 % 2 == 0 : size_B = self.nbit1 / 2
else : size_B = ( self.nbit1+1 ) / 2
if self.nbit1 % 2 == 0 : parite = 1
else : parite = 0
# Signaux internes
sig_nul = Signal ( "sig_nul", 1 )
opB = Signal ( "opb", 2*size_B-1 )
NUL = Signal ( "nul", size_B )
DECA = Signal ( "deca", size_B )
COMP = Signal ( "comp", size_B )
# Matrice de Produits Partiels
matrice_v = []
for i in range ( size_B ) :
matrice_v_bis = []
for j in range ( size_A ) : matrice_v_bis += [Signal ( "matrice_%d_%d" % ( i, j ), 1 )]
matrice_v += [matrice_v_bis]
matrice = []
position = []
NEW_matrice = []
NEW_position = []
PPmatrix = []
sig_nul <= Zero ( 1 )
for i in range ( size_B ) :
matrice.append ( [] )
position.append ( [] )
# Premiere ligne
myMap = { 'nul' : NUL[i]
, 'deca' : DECA[i]
, 'comp' : COMP[i]
, 'vdd' : self._vdd
, 'vss' : self._vss
if i == 0 :
myMap['bminus'] = sig_nul
myMap['b'] = self._i1[i]
myMap['bplus'] = self._i1[i+1]
elif i == ( size_B - 1 ) :
myMap['bminus'] = self._i1[(2*i)-1]
myMap['b'] = self._i1[2*i]
if parite : myMap['bplus'] = self._i1[(2*i)+1]
else : myMap['bplus'] = self._i1[2*i]
else :
myMap['bminus'] = self._i1[(2*i)-1]
myMap['b'] = self._i1[2*i]
myMap['bplus'] = self._i1[(2*i)+1]
Generate ( 'st_mult_blocs.booth_decoder', 'booth_decoder' )
Inst ( 'booth_decoder' , map = myMap )
for j in range ( size_A ) :
myMap = { 'nul' : NUL[i]
, 'deca' : DECA[i]
, 'comp' : COMP[i]
, 'pp' : matrice_v[i][j]
, 'vdd' : self._vdd
, 'vss' : self._vss
if j == 0 :
myMap['a'] = sig_nul
myMap['b'] = self._i0[j]
elif j > ( self._i0._arity - 1 ) :
myMap['a'] = self._i0[self.nbit0-1]
myMap['b'] = self._i0[self.nbit0-1]
else :
myMap['a'] = self._i0[j-1]
myMap['b'] = self._i0[j]
Generate ( 'st_mult_blocs.booth_mux', 'booth_mux' )
Inst ( 'booth_mux', map = myMap )
matrice[i] = matrice[i] + [matrice_v[i][j]]
position[i] = position[i] + [1]
# Adaptation de la matrice de produits partiels pour
MX = Matrix ( matrice, position, COMP, size_A, size_B )
NEW_matrice = Matrix_Inv ( MX[0],( size_B + 1 ) )
NEW_position = Matrix_Inv ( MX[1],( size_B + 1 ) )
PPmatrix = genWallace ( self, NEW_matrice, NEW_position )
# Conversion pour que la sortie soit en non redondant
#temp_out = Signal ( "tempout", PPmatrix[0] )
#temp_out <= PPmatrix[1] + PPmatrix[2]
#self._o <= temp_out[self._o._arity-1:0]
self._o <= PPmatrix[1][self._o._arity-1:0] + PPmatrix[2][self._o._arity-1:0]
def GetModelName ( cls, param ) :
modelName = "multca2_"
if 'nbit' in param :
modelName += str(param['nbit'])
elif 'nbit1' in param :
if param['nbit0'] != param['nbit1'] :
modelName += str(param['nbit0'])
modelName += "x"
modelName += str(param['nbit1'])
else :
modelName += str(param['nbit0'])
modelName += "bits"
return modelName
GetModelName = classmethod ( GetModelName )
def GetParam ( cls ):
return {'nbit' : 'integer', 'nbit0' : 'integer', 'nbit1' : 'integer'}
GetParam = classmethod ( GetParam )