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// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2008, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | H U R R I C A N E |
// | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./NetlistModel.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <QFont>
#include <QApplication>
#include "hurricane/Name.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Graphics.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/NetInformations.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/NetlistModel.h"
namespace Hurricane {
NetlistModel::NetlistModel ( QObject* parent )
: QAbstractTableModel(parent)
, _cell(NULL)
, _netlist(NULL)
{ }
NetlistModel::~NetlistModel ()
if ( _netlist ) delete _netlist;
QVariant NetlistModel::data ( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
static QFont nameFont = Graphics::getFixedFont ( QFont::Bold );
static QFont valueFont = Graphics::getFixedFont ( QFont::Normal, true );
if ( role == Qt::SizeHintRole ) {
switch (index.column()) {
case 0: return 200;
default: return -1;
if ( role == Qt::FontRole ) {
if ( index.row() == 0 ) return QVariant();
switch (index.column()) {
case 0: return nameFont;
default: return valueFont;
return QVariant();
if ( !index.isValid() ) return QVariant ();
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
int row = index.row ();
return _netlist->getRow(row)->getColumn(index.column());
return QVariant();
QVariant NetlistModel::headerData ( int section
, Qt::Orientation orientation
, int role ) const
if ( orientation == Qt::Vertical ) return QVariant();
static QFont headerFont = Graphics::getFixedFont ( QFont::Bold, false, false, +2 );
if ( role == Qt::FontRole ) return headerFont;
if ( role != Qt::DisplayRole ) return QVariant();
if ( not _netlist ) {
if ( section == 0 ) return QVariant("Net");
return QVariant();
if ( section < _netlist->getColumnCount() )
return _netlist->getColumnName(section);
return QVariant();
int NetlistModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
return (_netlist) ? _netlist->size() : 0;
int NetlistModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
return (_netlist) ? _netlist->getColumnCount() : 1;
const Net* NetlistModel::getNet ( int row )
if ( !_netlist || ( row >= (int)_netlist->size() ) ) return NULL;
return _netlist->getRow(row)->getNet();
} // End of Hurricane namespace.