379 lines
12 KiB
379 lines
12 KiB
// ****************************************************************************************************
// File: Transistor.h
// Authors: Wu YiFei
// Date : 21/12/2006
// ****************************************************************************************************
#include "Cell.h"
using namespace Hurricane;
#include "Transistors.h"
namespace Hurricane {
class GenTrans;
class Transistor : public Cell {
//# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// Types
// *****
public: typedef Cell Inherit;
public: class Polarity {
public: enum Code {N=0, P=1};
private: Code _code;
public : Polarity(const Code& code=N);
public : Polarity(const Polarity&);
public : Polarity& operator=(const Polarity&);
public : operator const Code& () const { return _code; };
public : const Code& getCode() const { return _code; };
public : string _getTypeName() const { return _TName("Transistor::Polarity"); };
public : string _getString() const;
public : Record* _getRecord() const;
public : class MaskVersion {
public : enum Code { VERSION1=0 };
private: Code _code;
public : explicit MaskVersion(const Code& code=VERSION1);
public : MaskVersion(const MaskVersion&);
public : MaskVersion& operator=(const MaskVersion&);
public : operator const Code& () const { return _code; };
public : const Code& getCode() const { return _code; };
public : string _getTypeName() const { return _TName("Transistor::MaskVersion"); };
public : string _getString() const;
public : Record* _getRecord() const;
public : class Type {
// *********
public : enum Code { INTERNAL=0, LEFT=1, RIGHT=2, SINGLE=3};
private: Code _code;
public : explicit Type(const Code& code=INTERNAL);
public : Type(const Type& type);
public : Type& operator=(const Type& type);
public : operator const Code&() const { return _code; };
public : void setCode(const Code& code) { _code = code; };
public : const Code& getCode() const { return _code; };
public : string _getTypeName() const { return _TName("Transistor::Type"); };
public : string _getString() const;
public : Record* _getRecord() const;
public : class MaskInfo {
// ***************
// Attributs
// *********
private : double _l;
private : double _w ;
private : Type _type;
private : unsigned _nbDrainColumn;
private : unsigned _nbSourceColumn;
// Constructors
// ************
public : MaskInfo(const double& l, const double& w, const Type::Code& type=Type::INTERNAL
, const unsigned& nbDrainColumn=1
, const unsigned& nbSourceColumn=1);
public : virtual MaskInfo& operator=(const MaskInfo&);
private : MaskInfo(const MaskInfo& );
// Destructors
// ***********
public: virtual ~MaskInfo() {};
// Accessors
// *********
public : const double& getL() const { return _l; };
public : const double& getW() const { return _w; };
public : const unsigned & getNbDrainColumn() const { return _nbDrainColumn; };
public : const unsigned & getNbSourceColumn() const { return _nbSourceColumn; };
public : const Type& getType() const { return _type; };
// Update
// ******
public : void setL(const double& l) { _l=l;};
public : void setW(const double& w) { _w=w;};
public : void setNbDrainColumn(const unsigned& column) { _nbDrainColumn=column; };
public : void setNbSourceColumn(const unsigned& column) { _nbSourceColumn=column; };
public : void setType(const Type::Code& code) { _type.setCode(code); };
public : void setType(const Type& type) { _type = type; };
// Predicats
// *********
// Operators
// *********
public : virtual bool operator==(const MaskInfo&);
// Others
// ******
public : virtual string _getTypeName() const =0;
public : virtual string _getString() const;
public : virtual Record* _getRecord() const;
public : class MaskV1Info : public MaskInfo {
// *************************************
// type
// *****
public : typedef MaskInfo Inherit ;
// Attributs
// *********
// Constructors
// ************
public: MaskV1Info(const double& l, const double& w, const Type::Code& type=Type::INTERNAL
, const unsigned& nbDrainColumn = 1
, const unsigned& nbSourceColumn = 1);
public : MaskInfo& operator=(const MaskInfo&);
// Destructor
// ***********
public : virtual ~MaskV1Info() {};
// Operators
// *********
public : bool operator==(const MaskInfo&);
// Others
// *********
public : virtual string _getTypeName() const { return _TName("Transistor::MaskV1Info"); };
public : virtual string _getString() const;
public : virtual Record* _getRecord() const;
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// Attributes
// *******************
private : Polarity _polarity;
private : MaskInfo* _masqueInfo;
private : GenTrans * _genTrans;
//public : RealInfo * _realInfo;
private : map<Net*, Box> _mapNet2Box; // This Map Is For localize The Position Of Routing.
# endif
// Constructors
// ************
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
protected : Transistor(Library* library, const Name& name, const Polarity& polarity);
# endif
public : static Transistor* create(Library* library, const Name& name, const Polarity& polarity);
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
protected : virtual void _postCreate();
// Destructors
// ***********
protected : ~Transistor() {};
protected : virtual void _preDestroy();
# endif
// Accessors
// *********
public : const Polarity& getPolarity() const { return _polarity; };
public : MaskVersion getMaskVersion() const { return _getMaskInfoVersion(_masqueInfo); };
public : const MaskInfo* getMaskInfo() const { return _masqueInfo; };
public : const double getL() const { return _masqueInfo->getL(); };
public : const double getW() const { return _masqueInfo->getW(); };
public : const unsigned& getNbDrainColumn() const { return _masqueInfo->getNbDrainColumn(); };
public : const unsigned& getNbSourceColumn() const { return _masqueInfo->getNbSourceColumn(); };
public : const char* getDrainName() const { return "DRAIN"; };
public : const char* getSourceName() const { return "SOURCE"; };
public : const char* getGridName() const { return "GRID"; };
public : Net* getDrain() const { return getNet(getDrainName()); };
public : Net* getSource() const { return getNet(getSourceName()); };
public : Net* getGrid() const { return getNet(getGridName()); };
public : const Type& getAbutmentType() const { return _masqueInfo->getType(); };
// Predicats
// *********
public : bool isNmos() const { return _polarity==Polarity::N; };
public : bool isPmos() const { return _polarity==Polarity::P; };
public : bool isInternal() const { return getAbutmentType().getCode()==Type::INTERNAL; };
public : bool isLeft() const { return getAbutmentType().getCode()==Type::LEFT; };
public : bool isRight() const { return getAbutmentType().getCode()==Type::RIGHT; };
public : bool isSingle() const { return getAbutmentType().getCode()==Type::SINGLE; };
// Updators
// ********
public : void setL(const double& l) { _masqueInfo->setL(l); };
public : void setW(const double& w) { _masqueInfo->setW(w); };
//# endif
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// Others
// ******
public : virtual string _getTypeName() const {return _TName("Transistor");};
public : virtual string _getString() const;
public : virtual Record* _getRecord() const;
public : const GenTrans* _getGenTrans() const {return _genTrans; };
public : static MaskVersion _getMaskInfoVersion(MaskInfo*) ;
public : static MaskInfo* _createMaskInfo(const MaskVersion&) ;
public : map<Net*, Box>* _getMapNet2Box() { return &_mapNet2Box; };
# endif
// Operators
// *********
public : void setMaskInfo(MaskInfo*);
public : void createLayout();
public : void duplicateLayout(Transistor* transistor) ;
#if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Proxy...<const Transistor::Polarity::Code*>".
inline string ProxyTypeName<Transistor::Polarity::Code>
( const Transistor::Polarity::Code* object )
{ return "<PointerSlotAdapter<Transistor::Polarity::Code>>"; }
inline string ProxyString <Transistor::Polarity::Code>
( const Transistor::Polarity::Code* object )
switch ( *object ) {
case Transistor::Polarity::N: return "N";
case Transistor::Polarity::P: return "P";
return "ABNORMAL";
inline Record* ProxyRecord <Transistor::Polarity::Code>
( const Transistor::Polarity::Code* object )
Record* record = new Record(getString(object));
record->Add(getSlot("Code", (unsigned int*)object));
return record;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Proxy...<const Transistor::MaskVersion::Code*>".
inline string ProxyTypeName<Transistor::MaskVersion::Code>
( const Transistor::MaskVersion::Code* object )
{ return "<PointerSlotAdapter<Transistor::MaskVersion::Code>>"; }
inline string ProxyString <Transistor::MaskVersion::Code>
( const Transistor::MaskVersion::Code* object )
switch ( *object ) {
case Transistor::MaskVersion::VERSION1: return "VERSION1";
return "ABNORMAL";
inline Record* ProxyRecord <Transistor::MaskVersion::Code>
( const Transistor::MaskVersion::Code* object )
Record* record = new Record(getString(object));
record->Add(getSlot("Code", (unsigned int*)object));
return record;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Proxy...<const Transistor::Type::Code*>".
inline string ProxyTypeName<Transistor::Type::Code>
( const Transistor::Type::Code* object )
{ return "<PointerSlotAdapter<Transistor::Type::Code>>"; }
inline string ProxyString <Transistor::Type::Code>
( const Transistor::Type::Code* object )
switch ( *object ) {
case Transistor::Type::LEFT : return "LEFT";
case Transistor::Type::SINGLE: return "SINGLE";
case Transistor::Type::RIGHT: return "RIGHT";
case Transistor::Type::INTERNAL: return "INTERNAL";
return "ABNORMAL";
inline Record* ProxyRecord <Transistor::Type::Code>
( const Transistor::Type::Code* object )
Record* record = new Record(getString(object));
record->Add(getSlot("Code", (unsigned int*)object));
return record;
// ****************************************************************************************************
// Generic functions
// ****************************************************************************************************
string getString(const Hurricane::Transistor::MaskInfo&);