185 lines
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185 lines
5.6 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class QuadTree
* \brief QuadTree description (\b API)
* \section secQuadTreeIntro Introduction
* Quadtrees are efficient hierarchical data structures for the
* geometrical access of gos.
* \important You must not change the bounding box of an object already
* present in the quadtree, because its localization within the
* tree depends on it. Therefore, if an object is modified, you
* must in a firts time remove it from the quadtree, apply the
* changes then re-insert it in the quadtree, at the right place
* which depends of its new bounding box.
/*! \name Constructors
// \{
/*! \function QuadTree::QuadTree();
* Default constructor : the quadtree is initially empty
* (objects will be inserted or removed on demand).
// \}
/*! \name Destructors
// \{
/*! \function QuadTree::~QuadTree();
* Destroys the quadtree and its sub-quadtrees but doesn't touch
* to the contained objects, they will ibe only detached from
* their respective quadtree nodes.
// \}
/*! \name Accessors
// \{
/*! \function Box QuadTree::getBoundingBox() const;
* \Return the quadtree bounding box, that is the minimal bounding box
* including all objects of the quad tree (this bounding box is
* updated dynamically).
/*! \function Gos QuadTree::getGos() const;
* \Return the collection of graphical objects contained in the
* quadtree.
/*! \function Gos QuadTree::getGosUnder(const Box& area) const;
* \Return the collection of graphical objects contained in the quadtree
* and whose bounding box intersects the rectangular region
* defined by \c \<area\>.
// \}
/*! \name Predicates
// \{
/*! \function bool QuadTree::isEmpty() const;
* \Return <b>true</b> if the quadtree doesn't contain any object, else
* <b>false</b>.
// \}
/*! \name Modifiers
// \{
/*! \function void QuadTree::insert(Go* go);
* inserts the graphic object within the quadtree (if not yet
* inserted).
* \caution If the graphic object pointer is NULL an exception is thrown.
* \remark When the number of objects contained in a quadtree leaf is
* greater than some threshold, this leaf is split into four
* balanced sub-quadtrees. This recursive division provides a
* faster access even for very large quadtrees (to the detriment
* of some memory loss).
/*! \function void QuadTree::remove(Go* go);
* removes the object from the quadtree.
* \caution If the graphic object is NULL an exception is thrown.
* \remark When the number of objects included in the quadtree goes
* below an other threshold, the inverse behaviour happens : the
* sub-quadtrees are deleted and the contained objects are taken
* in charge by this quadtree node (and memory is released to
* the system).
// \}
/*! \section secQuadTreeRemark Remark
* In principle there is no need to call upon directly those
* insertion and removal functions because graphic objects are
* inserted within the quadtree by the method <b>Materialize</b>
* and removed by the method <b>Unmaterialize</b>.
* Nevertheless it is necessary to know them if you need to
* overload one of those methods.
* We give as an example the implementation of those methods for
* the components :
void Component::Materialize()
// **************************
// we get the cell and the layer of the component
Cell* cell = getCell();
Layer* layer = getLayer();
// we get the slice within which the object must be inserted
// (if necessary we create it)
Slice* slice = cellGetSlice(layer);
if (!slice) slice = Slice::_Create(cell, layer);
// we get the quadtree associated to the slice
QuadTree* quadTree = slice_getQuadTree();
// we insert into the object
// we request to the cell to take into account the new bounding box
// of the quadtree (does nothing if the envelope has not grown).
void Component::Unmaterialize()
// ****************************
// we get the cell and the layer of the component
Cell* cell = getCell();
Layer* layer = getLayer();
// we get the associated slice
Slice* slice = cellGetSlice(layer);
// if the slice doesn't exist : there is nothing to do
if (slice) {
// we inform the cell that an object with a given bounding
// box will be removed (does something only if the bounding
// box is tangent to the cell bounding box)
* // we remove the object from its slice
* slice-\>_getQuadTree()-\>remove(this);
* // if the slice becomes empty, it is destroyed if
* (slice-\>isEmpty()) slice-\>_Delete(); } }