* Change: In CRL::LefParser::_macroCbk(), create a Catalog entry for the
newly read MACRO (that is Cell) and sets the Logical, Physical,
InMemory and TerminalNetlist flags.
* Bug: In CRL::LefParser::_siteCbk(), check for NULL cell gauge.
* New: In CRL::AllianceFramework, add setCellGauge(), to set the default
cell gauge. Exported to Python.
* Change: In CRL/etc/common/technology.py, create variables for VIA
layers, so we can modify their properties afterwards.
* New: In CRL/etc/node45/freepdk45, port the configuration files to the
new Python "importable" format.
Note: in kite.py, all the gauges (Routing & Cells) must be named
"LEF.CoreSite" to please my LEF parser, so it can match the gauge
name with the SITE name for standard cells.
* Bug: In Anabatic::NetBuilderVH::_do_2G(), forgotten to be reimplemented
from the base class. Simply redirect to _do_xG().
* Change: In Katana::PowerRailsPlanes::PowerRailsplanes(), create plane
from the layers in the RoutingGauge and their associated blockages
instead of sweeping through all the basic layers.
Allow to distinguish bewteen "METAL" (symbolic) and "metal" (real).