
259 lines
7.7 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Edge.cpp<anabatic>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2016, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | A n a b a t i c - Global Routing Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Edge.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <iostream>
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "anabatic/Edge.h"
#include "anabatic/GCell.h"
#include "anabatic/AnabaticEngine.h"
namespace Anabatic {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using Hurricane::Error;
Name Edge::_extensionName = "Anabatic::Edge";
DbU::Unit Edge::unity = 1;
Edge::Edge ( GCell* source, GCell* target, Flags flags )
: Super(source->getCell())
, _flags (flags|Flags::Invalidated)
, _capacity (0)
, _realOccupancy (0)
, _estimateOccupancy(0.0)
, _source (source)
, _target (target)
, _axis (0)
{ }
void Edge::_postCreate ()
if (_flags.isset(Flags::Horizontal)) {
_axis = std::max( _source->getYMin(), _target->getYMin() );
_source->_add( this, Flags::EastSide );
_target->_add( this, Flags::WestSide );
} else {
_axis = std::max( _source->getXMin(), _target->getXMin() );
_source->_add( this, Flags::NorthSide );
_target->_add( this, Flags::SouthSide );
Edge* Edge::create ( GCell* source, GCell* target, Flags flags )
if (not source) throw Error( "Edge::create(): NULL source argument." );
if (not target) throw Error( "Edge::create(): NULL target argument." );
if (source == target)
throw Error("Edge::create(): Source & target are the same (%s).", getString(source).c_str() );
if (not (flags.intersect(Flags::Horizontal|Flags::Vertical))) {
Box border = GCell::getBorder( source, target );
if (border.isEmpty())
throw Error( "Edge::create(): source & target GCells are *not* contiguous.\n"
" source:%s\n"
" target:%s"
, getString(source).c_str()
, getString(target).c_str()
if (border.getYMin() == border.getYMax()) flags |= Flags::Horizontal;
else flags |= Flags::Vertical;
Edge* edge = new Edge ( source, target, flags );
cdebug.log(110,1) << "Edge::create(): " << (void*)edge << ":" << edge << endl;
cdebug.log(110) << "source:" << (void*)source << ":" << edge->getSource() << endl;
cdebug.log(110) << "target:" << (void*)target << ":" << edge->getTarget() << endl;
return edge;
Edge::~Edge ()
{ }
void Edge::_preDestroy ()
_source->_remove( this, _flags|Flags::SourceGCell );
_target->_remove( this, _flags|Flags::TargetGCell );
void Edge::destroy ()
delete this;
AnabaticEngine* Edge::getAnabatic () const
{ return (_source) ? _source->getAnabatic() : NULL; }
DbU::Unit Edge::getAxisMin () const
if (_flags.isset(Flags::Vertical))
return std::max( _source->getXMin(), _target->getXMin() );
return std::max( _source->getYMin(), _target->getYMin() );
GCell* Edge::getOpposite ( const GCell* from ) const
if (from == _source) return _target;
if (from == _target) return _source;
cerr << Error( "Edge::getOpposite(): On %s,\n"
" \"from\" CGell id:%u is neither source nor target (S-id:%u, T-id:%u)."
, getString(this).c_str()
, from->getId()
, _source->getId()
, _target->getId()
) << endl;
return NULL;
Interval Edge::getSide () const
Interval side;
if (_flags.isset(Flags::Vertical))
side = Interval( std::max(_source->getXMin(),_target->getXMin())
, std::min(_source->getXMax(),_target->getXMax()) );
side = Interval( std::max(_source->getYMin(),_target->getYMin())
, std::min(_source->getYMax(),_target->getYMax()) );
return side;
float Edge::getDistance () const
Point sourceCenter = getSource()->getBoundingBox().getCenter();
Point targetCenter = getTarget()->getBoundingBox().getCenter();
DbU::Unit dx = targetCenter.getX() - sourceCenter.getX();
DbU::Unit dy = targetCenter.getY() - sourceCenter.getY();
return (float)( ((dx > 0) ? dx : -dx) + ((dy > 0) ? dy : -dy) ) / (float)unity;
void Edge::_setSource ( GCell* source )
if (source == _target)
throw Error("Edge::_setSource(): Source & target are the same (%s).", getString(source).c_str() );
invalidate(); _source=source;
void Edge::_setTarget ( GCell* target )
if (_source == target)
throw Error("Edge::_setTarget(): Source & target are the same (%s).", getString(target).c_str() );
invalidate(); _target=target;
void Edge::_revalidate ()
Interval side = getSide();
_axis = side.getCenter();
_capacity = getAnabatic()->getCapacity( side, _flags );
Super::invalidate( false );
_flags.reset( Flags::Invalidated );
cdebug.log(110) << "Edge::_revalidate() " << this << endl;
const Name& Edge::getName () const
{ return _extensionName; }
Box Edge::getBoundingBox () const
static DbU::Unit halfThickness = getAnabatic()->getConfiguration()->getEdgeWidth () / 2;
static DbU::Unit halfLength = getAnabatic()->getConfiguration()->getEdgeLength() / 2;
if (_flags.isset(Flags::Horizontal))
return Box( _target->getXMin() - halfLength, _axis - halfThickness
, _target->getXMin() + halfLength, _axis + halfThickness
return Box( _axis - halfThickness, _target->getYMin() - halfLength
, _axis + halfThickness, _target->getYMin() + halfLength
void Edge::translate ( const DbU::Unit&, const DbU::Unit& )
cerr << Error( "Edge::translate(): On %s,\n"
" Must never be called on a Edge object (ignored)."
, getString(this).c_str()
) << endl;
string Edge::_getTypeName () const
{ return getString(_extensionName); }
string Edge::_getString () const
string s = Super::_getString();
s.insert( s.size()-1, " "+DbU::getValueString(_axis) );
s.insert( s.size()-1, " "+getString(_realOccupancy) );
s.insert( s.size()-1, "/"+getString(_capacity) );
s.insert( s.size()-1, " "+getString(_flags) );
return s;
Record* Edge::_getRecord () const
Record* record = Super::_getRecord();
record->add( getSlot("_flags" , _flags ) );
record->add( getSlot("_capacity" , _capacity ) );
record->add( getSlot("_realOccupancy" , _realOccupancy ) );
record->add( getSlot("_estimateOccupancy", _estimateOccupancy) );
record->add( getSlot("_source" , _source ) );
record->add( getSlot("_target" , _target ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot("_axis", &_axis) );
return record;
} // Anabatic namespace.