
516 lines
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#include "coloquinte/optimization_subproblems.hxx"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace coloquinte{
std::vector<capacity_t> transport_1D(std::vector<t1D_elt> sources, std::vector<t1D_elt> sinks){
/* Description of the algorithm:
* For each cell, put it in its optimal region or the last region where a cell is if there is no space in it
* Push all changes in the derivative of the cost function to a priority queue; those changes occur
* when evicting the preceding cell from a region (most such changes are 0 and not considered, hence the complexity)
* when moving to a non-full region
* While the new cell overlaps with a new region, get the new slope (derivative) at this point
* and push all preceding cell until this region is freed or the slope becomes 0 (in which case the new region is now occupied)
struct bound{
capacity_t pos;
int_t slope_diff;
bool operator<(bound const o) const{ return pos < o.pos; }
std::priority_queue<bound> bounds;
std::vector<capacity_t> constraining_pos;
std::vector<capacity_t> prev_cap(1, 0), prev_dem(1, 0);
for(auto const s : sinks){
prev_cap.push_back(s.second + prev_cap.back());
for(auto const s : sources){
prev_dem.push_back(s.second + prev_dem.back());
// The sinks have enough capacity to hold the whole demand
assert(prev_cap.back() >= prev_dem.back());
const capacity_t min_abs_pos = 0, max_abs_pos = prev_cap.back() - prev_dem.back();
assert(min_abs_pos <= max_abs_pos);
auto push_bound = [&](capacity_t p, int_t s){
assert(s >= 0);
if(p > min_abs_pos){
bound B;
B.pos = p;
B.slope_diff = s;
// Distance to the right - distance to the left
auto get_slope = [&](index_t src, index_t boundary){
assert(boundary+1 < sinks.size());
assert(src < sources.size());
return std::abs((float)(sources[src].first - sinks[boundary+1].first)) - std::abs((float)(sources[src].first - sinks[boundary].first));
capacity_t cur_abs_pos = min_abs_pos;
index_t opt_r=0, next_r=0, first_free_r=0;
for(index_t i=0; i<sources.size(); ++i){
// Update the optimal region
while(opt_r+1 < sinks.size() and (sinks[opt_r].first + sinks[opt_r+1].first)/2 < sources[i].first){
// Update the next region
index_t prev_next_r = next_r;
while(next_r < sinks.size() and sinks[next_r].first <= sources[i].first){
index_t dest_reg = std::max(first_free_r, opt_r);
assert(dest_reg < sinks.size());
// Push bounds due to changing the source crossing the boundary j/j+1
// Linear amortized complexity accross all sources (next_r grows)
// get_slope(i-1, j) - get_slope(i, j) == 0 if j >= next_r
// get_slope(i-1, j) - get_slope(i, j) == 0 if j < prev_next_r-1
for(index_t j=std::max(prev_next_r,1u)-1; j<std::min(first_free_r, next_r+1); ++j){
assert(get_slope(i,j) <= get_slope(i-1,j));
push_bound(prev_cap[j+1] - prev_dem[i], get_slope(i-1, j) - get_slope(i,j));
// Add the bounds due to crossing the boundaries alone
for(index_t j=first_free_r; j<opt_r; ++j){
assert(get_slope(i,j) <= 0);
push_bound(prev_cap[j+1] - prev_dem[i], -get_slope(i, j));
first_free_r = std::max(first_free_r, opt_r);
capacity_t this_abs_pos = std::max(cur_abs_pos, prev_cap[first_free_r] - prev_dem[i]); // Just after the previous cell or at the beginning of the destination region
while(first_free_r+1 < sinks.size() and this_abs_pos > std::max(prev_cap[first_free_r+1] - prev_dem[i+1], min_abs_pos)){ // Absolute position that wouldn't make the cell fit in the region, and we are not in the last region yet
capacity_t end_pos = std::max(prev_cap[first_free_r+1] - prev_dem[i+1], min_abs_pos);
int_t add_slope = get_slope(i, first_free_r);
int_t slope = add_slope;
while(not bounds.empty() and slope >= 0 and > end_pos){
this_abs_pos =;
slope -=;
if(slope >= 0){ // We still push: the cell completely escapes the region
this_abs_pos = end_pos;
push_bound(end_pos, add_slope-slope);
else{ // Ok, absorbed the whole slope: push what remains and we still occupy the next region
push_bound(this_abs_pos, -slope);
cur_abs_pos = this_abs_pos;
assert(constraining_pos.size() == sources.size());
if(not constraining_pos.empty()){
// Calculate the final constraining_pos
constraining_pos.back() = std::min(max_abs_pos, constraining_pos.back());
std::partial_sum(constraining_pos.rbegin(), constraining_pos.rend(), constraining_pos.rbegin(), [](capacity_t a, capacity_t b)->capacity_t{ return std::min(a, b); });
for(index_t i=0; i<constraining_pos.size(); ++i){
constraining_pos[i] += prev_dem[i];
return constraining_pos;
namespace{ // Anonymous namespace to hide the transportation structures
class current_allocation{
static const index_t null_ind;
// Internal data structures
// Priority queue element to determine the source to be used between regions
struct movable_source{
index_t source;
float_t cost;
bool operator<(movable_source const o) const{
return cost > o.cost // Sorted by cost
|| (cost == o.cost && source < o.source); // And by index to limit the number of fractional elements between two regions
movable_source(index_t s, float_t c) : source(s), cost(c) {}
// Member data
// The current state
std::vector<std::vector<capacity_t> > sr_allocations; // For each region, for each source, the capacity allocated by the region
std::vector<std::vector<float_t> > sr_costs; // The costs from a region to a source
std::vector<capacity_t> s_demands; // The demands of the sources
std::vector<capacity_t> r_capacities; // The remaining capacities of the regions
// Shortest path data
std::vector<float_t> r_costs; // The costs of allocating to a region
std::vector<index_t> r_parents; // The parents of the regions i.e. the regions where we push sources first (or null_ind)
std::vector<index_t> r_sources; // The source involved in these edges
std::vector<capacity_t> arc_capacities; // The capacities of the edges to the parents, or of the region if no parent
// Best edges data
std::vector<std::vector<std::priority_queue<movable_source> > > best_interregions_costs; // What is the best source to move to go from region k1 to region k2?
index_t dijkstra_cnt;
// Helper functions
// Number of regions
index_t region_cnt() const{
assert(sr_costs.size() == sr_allocations.size());
return sr_costs.size();
// Update the edge between two regions
void update_edge(index_t r1, index_t r2);
// Add a source to all heaps of a region; returns if we need to update a path
bool add_source_to_heaps(index_t r, index_t source);
// Initialize the heaps of a region
void create_heaps(index_t reg);
// Run the shortest path algorithm to update the cost of each region
void dijkstra_update();
// Update the edge and returns if we need to rerun Dijkstra
bool push_edge(index_t reg, capacity_t flow);
// Updates a full path when pushing an element; returns if we need to rerun Dijkstra
bool push_path(index_t pushed_reg, capacity_t demanded, capacity_t & flow);
// Add a new source to the transportation problem; should be done in decreasing order of demand to keep low complexity
void add_source(index_t elt_ind);
current_allocation(std::vector<capacity_t> caps, std::vector<capacity_t> demands, std::vector<std::vector<float_t> > costs)
r_costs(caps.size(), 0.0),
r_parents(caps.size(), null_ind),
r_sources(caps.size(), null_ind),
best_interregions_costs(caps.size(), std::vector<std::priority_queue<movable_source> >(caps.size())),
assert(caps.size() > 0);
assert(costs.size() == caps.size());
std::vector<std::vector<capacity_t> > get_allocations() const{ return sr_allocations; }
index_t get_iterations_cnt() const { return dijkstra_cnt; }
const index_t current_allocation::null_ind = std::numeric_limits<index_t>::max();
void current_allocation::update_edge(index_t r1, index_t r2){
while(not best_interregions_costs[r1][r2].empty() and sr_allocations[r1][best_interregions_costs[r1][r2].top().source] == 0){
if(not best_interregions_costs[r1][r2].empty()){
// There is an edge
movable_source cur = best_interregions_costs[r1][r2].top();
float_t new_cost = r_costs[r2] + cur.cost;
if(new_cost < r_costs[r1]){
r_costs[r1] = cur.cost;
r_sources[r1] = cur.source;
r_parents[r1] = r2;
arc_capacities[r1] = sr_allocations[r1][cur.source];
bool current_allocation::add_source_to_heaps(index_t r, index_t source){
bool need_rerun = false;
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i){
if(i == r) continue;
sr_costs[i][source] - sr_costs[r][source]
while(sr_allocations[r][best_interregions_costs[r][i].top().source] == 0){
need_rerun = (best_interregions_costs[r][i].top().source == source) or need_rerun;
return need_rerun;
void current_allocation::create_heaps(index_t reg){
// Get all relevant elements
std::vector<std::vector<movable_source> > interregion_costs(region_cnt());
for(index_t i=0; i<sr_allocations[reg].size(); ++i){
if(sr_allocations[reg][i] > 0){
for(index_t oreg=0; oreg<region_cnt(); ++oreg){
if(oreg == reg) continue;
sr_costs[oreg][i] - sr_costs[reg][i]
// Create the heaps
for(index_t oreg=0; oreg<region_cnt(); ++oreg){
best_interregions_costs[reg][oreg] = std::priority_queue<movable_source>(interregion_costs[oreg].begin(), interregion_costs[oreg].end());
// Returns if the path has been modified so that we would need to rerun Dijkstra
bool current_allocation::push_edge(index_t reg, capacity_t flow){
index_t cur_source = r_sources[reg];
// Does this edge allocates a new source in the destination region? If yes, update the corresponding heaps
bool already_present = sr_allocations[r_parents[reg]][cur_source] > 0;
// Deallocating from the first region is handled by the get_edge function: just substract the flow
sr_allocations[ reg ][cur_source] -= flow;
sr_allocations[r_parents[reg]][cur_source] += flow;
assert(sr_allocations[reg][cur_source] >= 0); // The source to be pushed was indeed present in the region
assert(r_capacities[reg] == 0); // The region is full, which explains why we need to push
assert(flow <= arc_capacities[reg]); // The flow is not bigger than what can be sent
arc_capacities[reg] = sr_allocations[reg][cur_source]; // Just update the capacity if it turns out that we don't need to run Dijkstra
if(arc_capacities[reg] == 0){
// The source may have been deleted from a region: rerun Dijkstra at the end
return true;
else if(not already_present and r_capacities[r_parents[reg]] == 0){
// A new source is allocated to a full region: rerun Dijkstra at the end if it changed the heap's top
return add_source_to_heaps(r_parents[reg], cur_source);
// The edge is still present with the same cost and non-zero updated capacity
// The path still exists: no need to rerun Dijkstra yet
return false;
void current_allocation::dijkstra_update(){
// Simple case of the regions with remaining capacity
std::vector<int> visited(region_cnt(), 0);
index_t visited_cnt = 0;
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i){
r_sources[i] = null_ind;
r_parents[i] = null_ind;
if(r_capacities[i] > 0){
r_costs[i] = 0.0;
arc_capacities[i] = r_capacities[i];
visited[i] = 1;
r_costs[i] = std::numeric_limits<float_t>::infinity();
arc_capacities[i] = 0;
// if(visited_cnt <= 0) throw std::runtime_error("Capacity problem: no region has been marked as reachable\n");
if(visited_cnt == region_cnt()){ return; }
// Get the costs for every non-visited region
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i) if(visited[i] == 0){ // For every region that is not visited yet
for(index_t j=0; j<region_cnt(); ++j) if(visited[j] == 1){ // For every already visited region
// Get the best interregion cost
while(visited_cnt < region_cnt()){
// Find the region with the lowest cost to visit; mark it visited
index_t best_reg = null_ind;
float_t best_cost = std::numeric_limits<float_t>::infinity();
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i) if(visited[i] == 0){ // For every region that is not visited yet
if(r_costs[i] < best_cost){
best_cost = r_costs[i];
best_reg = i;
if(best_reg == null_ind) break; // Some regions are unreachable, typically because they have zero capacity at the beginning
visited[best_reg] = 1;
// Update the cost for every unvisited region
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i) if(visited[i] == 0){ // For every region that is not visited yet
update_edge(i, best_reg);
bool current_allocation::push_path(index_t pushed_reg, capacity_t demanded, capacity_t & flow){
// Get the final flow sent, which is smaller than the capacities on the path
flow = demanded;
for(index_t reg = pushed_reg; reg != null_ind; reg = r_parents[reg]){
flow = std::min(flow, arc_capacities[reg]);
bool rerun_dijkstra = false;
// Update the path between the regions
index_t reg = pushed_reg;
for(; r_parents[reg] != null_ind; reg = r_parents[reg]){
assert(r_capacities[reg] == 0);
rerun_dijkstra = push_edge(reg, flow) or rerun_dijkstra;
assert(r_capacities[reg] > 0);
assert(arc_capacities[reg] == r_capacities[reg]);
assert(r_capacities[reg] >= flow);
// Update the capacities at the end
r_capacities[reg] -= flow;
arc_capacities[reg] -= flow;
// The last region on the path is the one that satisfies the demand
if(r_capacities[reg] == 0){ // If we just consumed the available capacity, it becomes useful to move sources off this region: build the heap
rerun_dijkstra = true;
assert(flow > 0);
// If an edge changes cost or a region is full,
// we need to update the costs, parents, sources and arc_capacities using a Dijkstra
// but later
return rerun_dijkstra;
void current_allocation::add_source(index_t elt_ind){ //capacity_t demand, std::vector<float_t> const & costs){
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i){
bool need_rerun = false;
capacity_t demand = s_demands[elt_ind];
while(demand > 0){
// In case we modified the structures earlier
need_rerun = false;
++ dijkstra_cnt;
index_t best_reg = null_ind;
float_t best_cost = std::numeric_limits<float_t>::infinity();
for(index_t reg=0; reg<region_cnt(); ++reg){
// Find the region which gets the source
if(r_costs[reg] + sr_costs[reg][elt_ind] < best_cost){
best_reg = reg;
best_cost = r_costs[reg] + sr_costs[reg][elt_ind];
if(best_reg == null_ind){ throw std::runtime_error("No reachable region found\n"); }
capacity_t flow = 0;
// Tells us whether we need to update the data structures
need_rerun = push_path(best_reg, demand, flow);
demand -= flow;
// Lazily store the change
sr_allocations[best_reg][elt_ind] += flow;
// Set the source's demand
for(index_t i=0; i<region_cnt(); ++i){
if(r_capacities[i] == 0 and sr_allocations[i][elt_ind] > 0){
need_rerun = add_source_to_heaps(i, elt_ind) or need_rerun;
// We leave a clean set with correct paths for the next iteration
} // End anonymous namespace
std::vector<std::vector<capacity_t> > transport_generic(std::vector<capacity_t> const & capacities, std::vector<capacity_t> const & demands, std::vector<std::vector<float_t> > const & costs){
current_allocation transporter(capacities, demands, costs);
for(index_t i=0; i<demands.size(); ++i){
return transporter.get_allocations();
bool place_convex_single_row(std::vector<int_t> const & widths, std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > const & ranges, std::vector<cell_bound> bounds, std::vector<int_t> const & const_slopes, std::vector<int_t> & positions){
std::sort(bounds.begin(), bounds.end());
struct bound{
int_t abs_pos;
int_t slope_diff;
bool operator<(bound const o) const{ return abs_pos < o.abs_pos; }
bound(int_t p, int_t s) : abs_pos(p), slope_diff(s) {}
std::priority_queue<bound> prio_queue;
std::vector<int_t> prev_widths(widths.size()+1, 0);
std::partial_sum(widths.begin(), widths.end(), std::next(prev_widths.begin()));
std::vector<int_t> constraining_pos(widths.size());
int_t lower_lim = std::numeric_limits<int_t>::min();
for(index_t i=0, j=0; i<widths.size(); ++i){
int_t old_width = prev_widths[i];
int_t new_width = prev_widths[i+1];
lower_lim = std::max(ranges[i].first - old_width, lower_lim);
int_t upper_lim = ranges[i].second - new_width;
for(; j<bounds.size() and bounds[j].c == i; ++j){
prio_queue.push(bound(bounds[j].pos - old_width, bounds[j].slope));
if(upper_lim < lower_lim){ // Infeasible
return false;
int_t cur_slope = const_slopes[i];
int_t cur_pos = upper_lim;
while(not prio_queue.empty() and (cur_slope > 0 or > upper_lim)){
cur_slope -=;
cur_pos =;
int_t final_abs_pos = std::max(std::min(cur_pos, upper_lim), lower_lim);
constraining_pos[i] = final_abs_pos;
if(cur_slope < 0){
prio_queue.push(bound(final_abs_pos, -cur_slope));
std::partial_sum(constraining_pos.rbegin(), constraining_pos.rend(), positions.rbegin(), [](int_t a, int_t b)->int_t{ return std::min(a,b); });
for(index_t i=0; i<positions.size(); ++i){
positions[i] += prev_widths[i];
return true;
bool place_noncvx_single_row(std::vector<int_t> const & widths, std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > const & ranges, std::vector<int> const & flippables, std::vector<cell_bound> bounds, std::vector<int_t> const & const_slopes, std::vector<int_t> & positions, std::vector<int> & flippings){
flippings = std::vector<int>(positions.size(), 0);
return place_convex_single_row(widths, ranges, bounds, const_slopes, positions);
} // Namespace coloquinte