
600 lines
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#include "coloquinte/detailed.hxx"
#include "coloquinte/circuit_helper.hxx"
#include "coloquinte/optimization_subproblems.hxx"
#include "coloquinte/union_find.hxx"
#include "coloquinte/piecewise_linear.hxx"
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
namespace coloquinte{
namespace dp{
struct minmax{
int_t min, max;
minmax(int_t f, int_t s) : min(f), max(s){}
void merge(minmax const o){
min = std::min(min, o.min);
max = std::max(max, o.max);
void merge(int_t const o){
merge(minmax(o, o));
struct order_gettr{
index_t cell_ind, seq_order;
bool operator<(order_gettr const o) const{ return cell_ind < o.cell_ind; }
bool operator<(index_t const o) const{ return cell_ind < o; }
order_gettr(index_t c, index_t i) : cell_ind(c), seq_order(i) {}
std::vector<order_gettr> get_sorted_ordered_cells(std::vector<index_t> const & cells){
std::vector<order_gettr> ret;
for(index_t i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i){
std::sort(ret.begin(), ret.end());
return ret;
std::vector<index_t> get_unique_nets(netlist const & circuit, std::vector<index_t> const & cells){
std::vector<index_t> involved_nets;
for(index_t c : cells){
for(netlist::pin_t p : circuit.get_cell(c)){
// Uniquify the nets
std::sort(involved_nets.begin(), involved_nets.end());
involved_nets.resize(std::distance(involved_nets.begin(), std::unique(involved_nets.begin(), involved_nets.end())));
return involved_nets;
struct Hnet_group{
struct Hpin{
index_t cell_index; // Not indexes in the circuit!!! Rather in the internal algorithm
minmax offset;
bool operator<(Hpin const o) const{ return cell_index < o.cell_index; }
struct Hnet{
bool has_ext_pins;
minmax ext_pins;
int_t weight;
has_ext_pins = false;
ext_pins = minmax(std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max(), 0);
weight = 1;
std::vector<index_t> net_limits;
std::vector<Hnet> nets;
std::vector<Hpin> pins;
std::vector<int_t> cell_widths;
void add_net(std::vector<pin_1D> const added_pins, int_t weight){
Hnet cur_net;
cur_net.weight = weight;
std::vector<Hpin> new_pins;
for(auto const p : added_pins){
Hpin new_pin;
new_pin.cell_index = p.cell_ind;
new_pin.offset = minmax(p.offs, p.offs);
cur_net.has_ext_pins = true;
std::sort(new_pins.begin(), new_pins.end());
if(not new_pins.empty()){ // Possible when generating from a Steiner topology
// Uniquify just in case there are several pins on the net on a single cell
index_t j=0;
auto prev_pin = new_pins[0];
for(auto it = new_pins.begin()+1; it != new_pins.end(); ++it){
if(it->cell_index == prev_pin.cell_index){
new_pins[j] = prev_pin;
prev_pin = *it;
net_limits.push_back(net_limits.back() + new_pins.size());
pins.insert(pins.end(), new_pins.begin(), new_pins.end());
std::int64_t get_cost(std::vector<int_t> const & pos) const{
std::int64_t cost=0;
for(index_t n=0; n<nets.size(); ++n){
auto cur_net = nets[n];
minmax mm(std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int_t>::min());
mm = cur_net.ext_pins;
assert(net_limits[n+1] > net_limits[n]);
for(index_t p=net_limits[n]; p<net_limits[n+1]; ++p){
int_t cur_pos = pos[pins[p].cell_index];
mm.merge( minmax(cur_pos + pins[p].offset.min, cur_pos + pins[p].offset.max) );
cost += static_cast<std::int64_t>(cur_net.weight) * (mm.max - mm.min);
return cost;
std::int64_t get_cost(std::vector<int_t> const & pos, std::vector<int> const & flip) const{
std::int64_t cost=0;
for(index_t n=0; n<nets.size(); ++n){
auto cur_net = nets[n];
minmax mm(std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int_t>::min());
mm = cur_net.ext_pins;
assert(net_limits[n+1] > net_limits[n]);
for(index_t p=net_limits[n]; p<net_limits[n+1]; ++p){
int_t cur_pos = pos[pins[p].cell_index];
bool flipped = flip[pins[p].cell_index];
int_t wdth = cell_widths[pins[p].cell_index];
mm.merge( flipped ?
minmax(cur_pos + wdth - pins[p].offset.max, cur_pos + wdth - pins[p].offset.min)
: minmax(cur_pos + pins[p].offset.min, cur_pos + pins[p].offset.max)
cost += static_cast<std::int64_t>(cur_net.weight) * (mm.max - mm.min);
return cost;
Hnet_group get_B2B_netgroup(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement const & pl, std::vector<index_t> const & cells){
std::vector<order_gettr> cells_in_row = get_sorted_ordered_cells(cells);
std::vector<index_t> involved_nets = get_unique_nets(circuit, cells);
Hnet_group ret;
for(index_t c : cells)
for(index_t n : involved_nets){
std::vector<pin_1D> cur_pins = get_pins_1D(circuit, pl.plt_, n).x_;
for(pin_1D & p : cur_pins){
auto it = std::lower_bound(cells_in_row.begin(), cells_in_row.end(), p.cell_ind);
if(it != cells_in_row.end() and it->cell_ind == p.cell_ind){
p.cell_ind = it->seq_order;
else{ // Found a pin which remains fixed for this round
p.movable = false;
ret.add_net(cur_pins, circuit.get_net(n).weight);
return ret;
Hnet_group get_RSMT_netgroup(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement const & pl, std::vector<index_t> const & cells){
std::vector<order_gettr> cells_in_row = get_sorted_ordered_cells(cells);
std::vector<index_t> involved_nets = get_unique_nets(circuit, cells);
Hnet_group ret;
for(index_t c : cells)
for(index_t n : involved_nets){
auto vpins = get_pins_2D(circuit, pl.plt_, n);
for(auto & p : vpins){
auto it = std::lower_bound(cells_in_row.begin(), cells_in_row.end(), p.cell_ind);
if(it != cells_in_row.end() and it->cell_ind == p.cell_ind){
p.cell_ind = it->seq_order;
p.movable = false;
std::vector<point<int_t> > pin_locations;
for(auto p : vpins)
auto const Htopo = get_RSMT_topology(pin_locations, 8).x_;
// In the horizontal topology, we transform the parts of the tree that are on the row into HPWL subnets
// Two pins sharing an edge are in the same subnet if one of them is on the row: use union-find
union_find UF(vpins.size());
for(auto E : Htopo){
if( vpins[E.first].movable or vpins[E.second].movable){
UF.merge(E.first, E.second);
std::vector<std::vector<pin_1D> > connex_comps(vpins.size());
for(index_t i=0; i<vpins.size(); ++i){
int_t weight = circuit.get_net(n).weight;
for(index_t i=0; i<vpins.size(); ++i){
if(not connex_comps[i].empty()){
ret.add_net(connex_comps[i], weight);
return ret;
// Optimizes an ordered sequence of standard cells on the same row, returns the cost and the corresponding positions
inline std::int64_t optimize_convex_sequence(Hnet_group const & nets, std::vector<index_t> const & permutation, std::vector<int_t> & positions, std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > const & cell_ranges){
// Get the widths of the cells in row order
std::vector<int_t> loc_widths(permutation.size());
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > loc_ranges(permutation.size());
for(index_t i=0; i<permutation.size(); ++i){
loc_widths[permutation[i]] = nets.cell_widths[i];
loc_ranges[permutation[i]] = cell_ranges[i];
std::vector<cell_bound> bounds;
std::vector<int_t> right_slopes(permutation.size(), 0);
for(index_t n=0; n<nets.nets.size(); ++n){
index_t fst_c=std::numeric_limits<index_t>::max(), lst_c=0;
int_t fst_pin_offs=0, lst_pin_offs=0;
assert(nets.net_limits[n+1] > nets.net_limits[n]);
auto cur_net = nets.nets[n];
for(index_t p=nets.net_limits[n]; p<nets.net_limits[n+1]; ++p){
// Permutation: index in the Hnet_group to index in the row
index_t cur_cell = permutation[nets.pins[p].cell_index];
if(cur_cell < fst_c){
fst_c = cur_cell;
fst_pin_offs = nets.pins[p].offset.min;
if(cur_cell >= lst_c){
lst_c = cur_cell;
lst_pin_offs = nets.pins[p].offset.max;
bounds.push_back(cell_bound(fst_c, cur_net.ext_pins.min - fst_pin_offs, cur_net.weight));
bounds.push_back(cell_bound(lst_c, cur_net.ext_pins.max - lst_pin_offs, cur_net.weight));
right_slopes[lst_c] += cur_net.weight;
right_slopes[lst_c] += cur_net.weight;
right_slopes[fst_c] -= cur_net.weight;
bool feasible = place_convex_single_row(loc_widths, loc_ranges, bounds, right_slopes, positions);
auto permuted_positions = positions;
for(index_t i=0; i<permutation.size(); ++i){
permuted_positions[i] = positions[permutation[i]];
return nets.get_cost(permuted_positions);
return std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max(); // Infeasible: return a very big cost
// TODO: take modified order relative to the obstacles into account
inline std::int64_t optimize_noncvx_sequence(Hnet_group const & nets, std::vector<index_t> const & permutation, std::vector<int_t> & positions, std::vector<int> & flippings, std::vector<int> const & flippability, std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > const & cell_ranges){
// Get the widths of the cells in row order
std::vector<int_t> loc_widths(permutation.size());
std::vector<int> loc_flipps(permutation.size());
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > loc_ranges(permutation.size());
for(index_t i=0; i<permutation.size(); ++i){
loc_widths[permutation[i]] = nets.cell_widths[i];
loc_ranges[permutation[i]] = cell_ranges[i];
loc_flipps[permutation[i]] = flippability[i];
int_t min_limit = std::numeric_limits<int_t>::min();
for(index_t i=0; i<loc_ranges.size(); ++i){
min_limit = std::max(loc_ranges[i].first, min_limit);
loc_ranges[i].first = min_limit;
min_limit += loc_widths[i];
int_t max_limit = std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max();
for(index_t i=loc_ranges.size(); i>0; --i){
max_limit = std::min(loc_ranges[i-1].second, max_limit);
max_limit -= loc_widths[i-1];
loc_ranges[i-1].second = max_limit;
for(index_t i=0; i<loc_ranges.size(); ++i){
if(loc_ranges[i].first > loc_ranges[i].second){
return std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max(); // Infeasible: return a very big cost
std::vector<piecewise_linear_function> unflipped_cost_functions, flipped_cost_functions;
for(index_t i=0; i<loc_ranges.size(); ++i){
auto cur = piecewise_linear_function(loc_ranges[i].first, loc_ranges[i].second);
for(index_t n=0; n<nets.nets.size(); ++n){
index_t fst_c=std::numeric_limits<index_t>::max(), lst_c=0;
int_t fst_pin_offs_mn=0, lst_pin_offs_mn=0,
fst_pin_offs_mx=0, lst_pin_offs_mx=0;
assert(nets.net_limits[n+1] > nets.net_limits[n]);
auto cur_net = nets.nets[n];
for(index_t p=nets.net_limits[n]; p<nets.net_limits[n+1]; ++p){
// Permutation: index in the Hnet_group to index in the row
index_t cur_cell = permutation[nets.pins[p].cell_index];
if(cur_cell < fst_c){
fst_c = cur_cell;
fst_pin_offs_mn = nets.pins[p].offset.min;
fst_pin_offs_mx = nets.pins[p].offset.max;
if(cur_cell >= lst_c){
lst_c = cur_cell;
lst_pin_offs_mn = nets.pins[p].offset.min;
lst_pin_offs_mx = nets.pins[p].offset.max;
unflipped_cost_functions[fst_c].add_bislope(-cur_net.weight, 0, cur_net.ext_pins.min - fst_pin_offs_mn);
unflipped_cost_functions[lst_c].add_bislope(0, cur_net.weight, cur_net.ext_pins.max - lst_pin_offs_mx);
flipped_cost_functions[fst_c].add_bislope(-cur_net.weight, 0, cur_net.ext_pins.min - loc_widths[fst_c] + fst_pin_offs_mx);
flipped_cost_functions[lst_c].add_bislope(0, cur_net.weight, cur_net.ext_pins.max - loc_widths[lst_c] + lst_pin_offs_mn);
unflipped_cost_functions[fst_c].add_monotone(-cur_net.weight, -fst_pin_offs_mn);
unflipped_cost_functions[lst_c].add_monotone( cur_net.weight, -lst_pin_offs_mx);
flipped_cost_functions[fst_c].add_monotone(-cur_net.weight, fst_pin_offs_mx - loc_widths[fst_c] );
flipped_cost_functions[lst_c].add_monotone( cur_net.weight, lst_pin_offs_mn - loc_widths[lst_c] );
std::vector<piecewise_linear_function> prev_mins, merged_costs;
for(index_t i=0; i<loc_ranges.size(); ++i){
merged_costs.push_back(loc_flipps[i] ?
piecewise_linear_function::minimum(unflipped_cost_functions[i], flipped_cost_functions[i])
: unflipped_cost_functions[i]
prev_mins.push_back(prev_mins.back().previous_min_of_sum(merged_costs.back(), loc_widths[i-1]));
for(auto const M : prev_mins){
for(index_t i=0; i+1<M.point_values.size(); ++i){
assert(M.point_values[i].second >= M.point_values[i+1].second);
flippings.resize(cell_ranges.size(), 0); positions.resize(cell_ranges.size(), 0);
int_t pos = std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max();
for(index_t i=loc_ranges.size(); i>0; --i){
// Find the best position and flipping for each cell
pos = prev_mins[i-1].last_before(std::min(pos - loc_widths[i-1], loc_ranges[i-1].second) );
positions[i-1] = pos;
if(loc_flipps[i-1] and flipped_cost_functions[i-1].value_at(pos) < unflipped_cost_functions[i-1].value_at(pos)){
flippings[i-1] = 1;
for(index_t i=0; i<loc_ranges.size(); ++i){
assert(positions[i] >= loc_ranges[i].first);
assert(positions[i] <= loc_ranges[i].second);
for(index_t i=0; i+1<loc_ranges.size(); ++i){
assert(positions[i] + loc_widths[i] <= positions[i+1]);
auto permuted_positions = positions;
auto permuted_flippings = flippings;
for(index_t i=0; i<permutation.size(); ++i){
permuted_positions[i] = positions[permutation[i]];
permuted_flippings[i] = flippings[permutation[i]];
return nets.get_cost(permuted_positions, permuted_flippings);
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > get_cell_ranges(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement const & pl, std::vector<index_t> const & cells){
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > lims;
for(index_t i=0; i+1<cells.size(); ++i){
assert(pl.plt_.positions_[cells[i]].x_ + circuit.get_cell(cells[i]).size.x_ <= pl.plt_.positions_[cells[i+1]].x_);
// Extreme limits, except macros are allowed to be beyond the limit of the placement area
int_t lower_lim = pl.get_limit_positions(circuit, cells.front()).first;
int_t upper_lim = pl.get_limit_positions(circuit, cells.back()).second;
for(index_t OSRP_cell : cells){
auto attr = circuit.get_cell(OSRP_cell).attributes;
auto cur_lim = std::pair<int_t, int_t>(lower_lim, upper_lim);
int_t pos = pl.plt_.positions_[OSRP_cell].x_;
if( (attr & XMovable) == 0 or pl.cell_height(OSRP_cell) != 1){
cur_lim = std::pair<int_t, int_t>(pos, pos + circuit.get_cell(OSRP_cell).size.x_);
assert(pos >= lower_lim);
assert(pos + circuit.get_cell(OSRP_cell).size.x_ <= upper_lim);
return lims;
template<bool NON_CONVEX, bool RSMT>
void OSRP_generic(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl){
for(index_t r=0; r<pl.row_cnt(); ++r){
// Complete optimization on a row, comprising possible obstacles
std::vector<index_t> cells;
std::vector<int> flippability;
// Get the movable cells, if we can flip them, and the obstacles on the row
for(index_t OSRP_cell = pl.get_first_cell_on_row(r); OSRP_cell != null_ind; OSRP_cell = pl.get_next_cell_on_row(OSRP_cell, r)){
auto attr = circuit.get_cell(OSRP_cell).attributes;
flippability.push_back( (attr & XFlippable) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
if(not cells.empty()){
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > lims = get_cell_ranges(circuit, pl, cells); // Limit positions for each cell
Hnet_group nets = RSMT ?
get_RSMT_netgroup(circuit, pl, cells)
: get_B2B_netgroup(circuit, pl, cells);
std::vector<index_t> no_permutation(cells.size());
for(index_t i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i) no_permutation[i] = i;
std::vector<int_t> final_positions;
std::vector<int> flipped;
optimize_noncvx_sequence(nets, no_permutation, final_positions, flipped, flippability, lims);
for(index_t i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i){
bool old_orient = pl.plt_.orientations_[cells[i]].x_;
pl.plt_.orientations_[cells[i]].x_ = flipped[i] ? not old_orient : old_orient;
optimize_convex_sequence(nets, no_permutation, final_positions, lims);
// Update the positions and orientations
for(index_t i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i){
pl.plt_.positions_[cells[i]].x_ = final_positions[i];
} // Iteration on the rows
template<bool NON_CONVEX, bool RSMT>
void swaps_row_generic(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t range){
assert(range >= 2);
for(index_t r=0; r<pl.row_cnt(); ++r){
index_t OSRP_cell = pl.get_first_cell_on_row(r);
while(OSRP_cell != null_ind){
std::vector<index_t> cells;
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > lims;
std::vector<int> flippables;
for(index_t nbr_cells=0;
OSRP_cell != null_ind
and nbr_cells < range;
OSRP_cell = pl.get_next_cell_on_row(OSRP_cell, r), ++nbr_cells
flippables.push_back( (circuit.get_cell(OSRP_cell).attributes & XFlippable) != 0);
if(not cells.empty()){
std::vector<std::pair<int_t, int_t> > lims = get_cell_ranges(circuit, pl, cells); // Limit positions for each cell
Hnet_group nets = RSMT ?
get_RSMT_netgroup(circuit, pl, cells)
: get_B2B_netgroup(circuit, pl, cells);
std::int64_t best_cost = std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max();
std::vector<int_t> positions(cells.size());
std::vector<int> flippings(cells.size());
std::vector<int_t> best_positions(cells.size());
std::vector<int> best_flippings(cells.size());
std::vector<index_t> permutation(cells.size());
for(index_t i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i) permutation[i] = i;
std::vector<index_t> best_permutation;
// Check every possible permutation of the cells
std::int64_t cur_cost = NON_CONVEX ?
optimize_noncvx_sequence(nets, permutation, positions, flippings, flippables, lims) :
optimize_convex_sequence(nets, permutation, positions, lims);
if(cur_cost <= best_cost){
best_cost = cur_cost;
best_permutation = permutation;
best_flippings = flippings;
best_positions = positions;
}while(std::next_permutation(permutation.begin(), permutation.end()));
std::vector<index_t> new_cell_order(cells.size());
// Update the positions and the topology
for(index_t i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i){
index_t r_ind = best_permutation[i]; // In the row from in the Hnet_group
new_cell_order[r_ind] = cells[i];
pl.plt_.positions_[cells[i]].x_ = best_positions[r_ind];
bool old_orient = pl.plt_.orientations_[cells[i]].x_;
pl.plt_.orientations_[cells[i]].x_ = best_flippings[r_ind] ? not old_orient : old_orient;
pl.reorder_cells(cells, new_cell_order, r);
cells = new_cell_order;
assert(best_cost < std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max());
if(OSRP_cell != null_ind){
assert(cells.size() == range);
OSRP_cell = cells[range/2];
} // Iteration on the entire row
} // Iteration on the rows
} // End anonymous namespace
void OSRP_convex_HPWL(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl){ OSRP_generic< false, false>(circuit, pl); }
void OSRP_convex_RSMT(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl){ OSRP_generic< false, true >(circuit, pl); }
void OSRP_noncvx_HPWL(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl){ OSRP_generic< true , false>(circuit, pl); }
void OSRP_noncvx_RSMT(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl){ OSRP_generic< true , true >(circuit, pl); }
void swaps_row_convex_HPWL(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t range){ swaps_row_generic< false, false>(circuit, pl, range); }
void swaps_row_convex_RSMT(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t range){ swaps_row_generic< false, true >(circuit, pl, range); }
void swaps_row_noncvx_HPWL(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t range){ swaps_row_generic< true , false>(circuit, pl, range); }
void swaps_row_noncvx_RSMT(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t range){ swaps_row_generic< true , true >(circuit, pl, range); }
} // namespace dp
} // namespace coloquinte