1410 lines
42 KiB
1410 lines
42 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2015, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K a t a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./GCell.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <functional>
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Layer.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "katabatic/AutoContact.h"
#include "katabatic/AutoSegment.h"
#include "katabatic/GCell.h"
#include "katabatic/GCellGrid.h"
#include "katabatic/Session.h"
#include "katabatic/KatabaticEngine.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
using namespace Katabatic;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::UsedFragments".
class UsedFragments {
class Axiss;
class Axis {
Axis ( UsedFragments*, DbU::Unit axis );
inline DbU::Unit getAxis () const;
inline UsedFragments* getUsedFragments () const;
void merge ( const Interval& mergeChunk );
Interval getMaxFree () const;
UsedFragments* _ufragments;
DbU::Unit _axis;
list<Interval> _chunks;
class AxisCompare {
bool operator() ( const Axis* lhs, const Axis* rhs );
class AxisMatch : public unary_function<Axis*,bool> {
inline AxisMatch ( DbU::Unit axis );
inline bool operator() ( const Axis* );
DbU::Unit _axis;
UsedFragments ();
~UsedFragments ();
inline DbU::Unit getPitch () const;
inline DbU::Unit getMin () const;
inline DbU::Unit getMax () const;
Interval getMaxFree () const;
inline void setSpan ( DbU::Unit min, DbU::Unit max );
inline void setCapacity ( size_t );
inline void incGlobals ( size_t count=1 );
inline void setPitch ( DbU::Unit );
void merge ( DbU::Unit axis, const Interval& );
DbU::Unit _pitch;
vector<Axis*> _axiss;
Interval _span;
size_t _capacity;
size_t _globals;
UsedFragments::Axis::Axis ( UsedFragments* ufragments, DbU::Unit axis )
: _ufragments(ufragments)
, _axis (axis)
, _chunks ()
merge ( Interval ( ufragments->getMin()-ufragments->getPitch(), ufragments->getMin() ) );
merge ( Interval ( ufragments->getMax(), ufragments->getMax()+ufragments->getPitch() ) );
inline DbU::Unit UsedFragments::Axis::getAxis () const { return _axis; }
inline UsedFragments* UsedFragments::Axis::getUsedFragments () const { return _ufragments; }
void UsedFragments::Axis::merge ( const Interval& chunkMerge )
// cerr << " Merge @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis)
// << " " << chunkMerge << endl;
list<Interval>::iterator imerge = _chunks.end();
list<Interval>::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
while ( ichunk != _chunks.end() ) {
if ( chunkMerge.getVMax() < (*ichunk).getVMin() ) break;
if ( chunkMerge.intersect(*ichunk) ) {
if ( imerge == _chunks.end() ) {
imerge = ichunk;
(*imerge).merge ( chunkMerge );
} else {
(*imerge).merge ( *ichunk );
ichunk = _chunks.erase ( ichunk );
if ( imerge == _chunks.end() ) {
_chunks.insert ( ichunk, chunkMerge );
Interval UsedFragments::Axis::getMaxFree () const
list<Interval>::const_iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
list<Interval>::const_iterator iend = --_chunks.end();
Interval maxFree;
for ( ; ichunk != iend ; ++ichunk ) {
list<Interval>::const_iterator inext = ichunk;
if ( inext == iend ) break;
Interval currentFree ( (*ichunk).getVMax(), (*inext).getVMin() );
if ( currentFree.getSize() > maxFree.getSize() )
maxFree = currentFree;
// cerr << " @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis)
// << " before:" << *ichunk << " after:" << *inext
// << " size:" << DbU::getValueString(currentFree.getSize()) << endl;
return maxFree;
inline bool UsedFragments::AxisCompare::operator() ( const Axis* lhs, const Axis* rhs )
if ( lhs->getAxis () < rhs->getAxis () ) return true;
return false;
inline UsedFragments::AxisMatch::AxisMatch ( DbU::Unit axis )
: _axis(axis)
{ }
inline bool UsedFragments::AxisMatch::operator() ( const Axis* axis )
{ return (axis->getAxis() == _axis); }
UsedFragments::UsedFragments ()
: _pitch (0)
, _axiss ()
, _span (false)
, _capacity(0)
, _globals (0)
{ }
UsedFragments::~UsedFragments ()
while ( not _axiss.empty() ) {
delete (*_axiss.begin());
_axiss.erase ( _axiss.begin() );
inline DbU::Unit UsedFragments::getPitch () const { return _pitch; }
inline DbU::Unit UsedFragments::getMin () const { return _span.getVMin(); }
inline DbU::Unit UsedFragments::getMax () const { return _span.getVMax(); }
inline void UsedFragments::setPitch ( DbU::Unit pitch ) { _pitch=pitch; }
inline void UsedFragments::setSpan ( DbU::Unit min, DbU::Unit max ) { _span=Interval(min,max); }
inline void UsedFragments::setCapacity ( size_t capacity ) { _capacity=capacity; }
inline void UsedFragments::incGlobals ( size_t count ) { _globals+=count; }
void UsedFragments::merge ( DbU::Unit axis, const Interval& chunkMerge )
Interval restrict = chunkMerge.getIntersection(_span);
if ( restrict.isEmpty() ) return;
vector<Axis*>::iterator iaxis = find_if ( _axiss.begin(), _axiss.end(), AxisMatch(axis) );
Axis* paxis = NULL;
if ( iaxis == _axiss.end() ) {
paxis = new Axis(this,axis);
_axiss.push_back ( paxis );
stable_sort ( _axiss.begin(), _axiss.end(), AxisCompare() );
} else {
paxis = *iaxis;
paxis->merge ( restrict );
Interval UsedFragments::getMaxFree () const
//cerr << "capacity:" << _capacity << " _globals:" << _globals << " _axiss:" << _axiss.size() << endl;
if ( _capacity > _globals + _axiss.size() + 1 )
return _span;
Interval maxFree;
vector<Axis*>::const_iterator iaxis = _axiss.begin();
for ( ; iaxis != _axiss.end() ; ++iaxis ) {
Interval axisMaxFree = (*iaxis)->getMaxFree();
if ( axisMaxFree.getSize() > maxFree.getSize() )
maxFree = axisMaxFree;
return maxFree;
} // End of anonymous namespace.
namespace Katabatic {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::roundfp;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::ltracein;
using Hurricane::ltraceout;
using Hurricane::inltrace;
using Hurricane::ForEachIterator;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Horizontal;
using Hurricane::Vertical;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Katabatic::GCell::CompareByDensity".
GCell::CompareByDensity::CompareByDensity ( unsigned int depth )
: _depth(depth)
{ }
bool GCell::CompareByDensity::operator() ( GCell* lhs, GCell* rhs )
//float difference = roundfp ( lhs->getDensity(_depth) - rhs->getDensity(_depth) );
float difference = lhs->getDensity(_depth) - rhs->getDensity(_depth);
if (difference != 0.0) return (difference > 0.0);
//int difference = floatCompare ( lhs->getDensity(_depth), rhs->getDensity(_depth) );
//if ( abs(difference) > 1000 ) return difference > 0;
return lhs->getIndex() < rhs->getIndex();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Kite::GCell::CompareByKey".
// lhs < rhs --> true
bool GCell::CompareByKey::operator() ( const GCell* lhs, const GCell* rhs )
return lhs->getKey() < rhs->getKey();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Katabatic::GCell".
const Name GCell::_goName = "Katabatic::GCell";
DbU::Unit GCell::_topRightShrink = 0;
size_t GCell::_allocateds = 0;
GCell::GCell ( GCellGrid* gcellGrid, unsigned int index, const Box& box )
: ExtensionGo (gcellGrid->getCell())
, _gcellGrid (gcellGrid)
, _index (index)
, _vsegments ()
, _hsegments ()
, _contacts ()
, _box (box)
, _depth (Session::getRoutingGauge()->getDepth())
, _pinDepth (0)
, _blockages (new DbU::Unit [_depth])
, _cDensity (0.0)
, _densities (new float [_depth])
, _feedthroughs (new float [_depth])
, _fragmentations (new float [_depth])
, _globalsCount (new float [_depth])
//, _blockedAxis (this)
//, _saturateDensities (new float [_depth])
, _flags (GCellInvalidated)
, _key (this,1)
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
_blockages [i] = 0;
_densities [i] = 0.0;
_feedthroughs [i] = 0.0;
_fragmentations [i] = 0.0;
_globalsCount [i] = 0.0;
//_saturateDensities[i] = 0.0;
if ( Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerGauge(i)->getType() == Constant::PinOnly )
void GCell::_postCreate ()
ltrace(90) << "GCell::_postCreate() - " << (void*)this << " " << this << endl;
ExtensionGo::_postCreate ();
GCell* GCell::create ( GCellGrid* gcellGrid, unsigned int index, Box box )
if (_topRightShrink == 0) _topRightShrink = 1;
DbU::Unit trShrink = ( gcellGrid->isOnTopBorder (index)
or gcellGrid->isOnRightBorder(index)) ? 0 : _topRightShrink;
ltrace(90) << "Gcell::create()" << endl;
GCell* gcell = new GCell ( gcellGrid, index, box.inflate( 0 ,0 ,-trShrink ,-trShrink ) );
gcell->_postCreate ();
return gcell;
GCell::~GCell ()
ltrace(90) << "GCell::~GCell()" << endl;
delete [] _blockages;
delete [] _densities;
delete [] _feedthroughs;
//delete [] _saturateDensities;
void GCell::_preDestroy ()
ltrace(90) << "GCell::_preDestroy() - " << (void*)this << " " << this << endl;
ExtensionGo::_preDestroy ();
bool GCell::isSaturated ( unsigned int depth ) const
{ return getDensity(depth) > Session::getSaturateRatio(); }
bool GCell::isAboveDensity ( float threshold ) const
if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity();
float difference = roundfp ( getDensity() - threshold );
//int difference = floatDifference(getDensity(),threshold,10000);
ltrace(190) << "GCell:isAboveDensity() " << threshold << " diff:" << difference << endl;
return (difference >= 0.0);
bool GCell::areDensityConnex ( GCell* a, GCell* b )
ltrace(190) << "GCell:areDensityConnex()" << endl;
for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<a->getDepth() ; i++ ) { // Ugly: hard-coded skip METAL1.
//int highDiffa = floatDifference(a->_densities[i],0.6,10000);
//int highDiffb = floatDifference(b->_densities[i],0.6,10000);
float highDiffa = roundfp ( a->_densities[i] - 0.6 );
float highDiffb = roundfp ( b->_densities[i] - 0.6 );
ltrace(190) << "Compare depth " << i
<< " " << a->_densities[i] << "," << highDiffa
<< " & " << b->_densities[i] << "," << highDiffb << endl;
if ( (highDiffa > 0) and (highDiffb > 0) ) {
ltrace(190) << "GCell::areDensityConnex() Neighboring high saturated GCell (depth:" << i
<< " " << a->_densities[i] << " & " << b->_densities[i] << ")" << endl;
return true;
return false;
void GCell::getDensities ( float* densities ) const
if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity();
for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
densities[i] = _densities[i];
const Name& GCell::getStaticName ()
{ return _goName; }
size_t GCell::getAllocateds ()
{ return _allocateds; }
DbU::Unit GCell::getTopRightShrink ()
{ return _topRightShrink; }
const Name& GCell::getName () const
{ return _goName; }
unsigned int GCell::getRow () const
{ return _gcellGrid->getRow ( _index ); }
unsigned int GCell::getColumn () const
{ return _gcellGrid->getColumn ( _index ); }
GCell* GCell::getLeft () const
{ return getGCellGrid()->getGCellLeft(this); }
GCell* GCell::getRight () const
{ return getGCellGrid()->getGCellRight(this); }
GCell* GCell::getUp () const
{ return getGCellGrid()->getGCellUp(this); }
GCell* GCell::getDown () const
{ return getGCellGrid()->getGCellDown(this); }
Interval GCell::getSide ( unsigned int direction ) const
Interval side;
switch ( direction ) {
case KbHorizontal: side = Interval(_box.getXMin(),_box.getXMax()); break;
case KbVertical: side = Interval(_box.getYMin(),_box.getYMax()); break;
return side;
AutoSegments GCell::getHStartSegments ()
return new AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell (this,KbHorizontal|KbSource);
AutoSegments GCell::getVStartSegments ()
return new AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell (this,KbVertical|KbSource);
AutoSegments GCell::getHStopSegments ()
return new AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell (this,KbHorizontal|KbTarget);
AutoSegments GCell::getVStopSegments ()
return new AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell (this,KbVertical|KbTarget);
size_t GCell::getRoutingPads ( set<RoutingPad*>& rps )
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_contacts.size() ; ++i ) {
RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(_contacts[i]->getAnchor());
if ( rp ) {
rps.insert ( rp );
return rps.size();
float GCell::getHCapacity () const
return (float)( _box.getHeight() / Session::getPitch(1) + 1 );
float GCell::getVCapacity () const
return (float)( _box.getWidth () / Session::getPitch(2) + 1 );
float GCell::getDensity ( unsigned int flags ) const
if (not isValid() and not(flags & NoUpdate)) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity();
float density = 0.0;
if (getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::AverageHVDensity) {
// Average density of all layers mixeds together.
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ )
density += _densities[i];
//density = roundfp ( density/((float)(_depth-_pinDepth)) );
density = density/((float)(_depth-_pinDepth));
} else if (getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::MaxHVDensity) {
// Maximum density between all horizontal vs. all vertical layers.
size_t hplanes = 0;
size_t vplanes = 0;
float hdensity = 0.0;
float vdensity = 0.0;
for ( size_t i=_pinDepth ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( i%2 ) { hdensity += _densities[i]; ++hplanes; }
else { vdensity += _densities[i]; ++vplanes; }
if (hplanes) hdensity /= hplanes;
if (vplanes) vdensity /= vplanes;
//density = roundfp ( (hdensity > vdensity) ? hdensity : vdensity );
density = (hdensity > vdensity) ? hdensity : vdensity;
} else if (getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::AverageHDensity) {
// Average density between all horizontal layers.
size_t hplanes = 0;
float hdensity = 0.0;
for ( size_t i=_pinDepth ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( i%2 ) { hdensity += _densities[i]; ++hplanes; }
if (hplanes) hdensity /= hplanes;
//density = roundfp ( hdensity );
density = hdensity;
} else if (getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::AverageVDensity) {
// Average density between all vertical layers.
size_t vplanes = 0;
float vdensity = 0.0;
for ( size_t i=_pinDepth ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( i%2 == 0 ) { vdensity += _densities[i]; ++vplanes; }
if (vplanes) vdensity /= vplanes;
//density = roundfp ( vdensity );
density = vdensity;
} else if ( getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::MaxDensity ) {
// Density of the most saturated layer.
for ( size_t i=_pinDepth ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( _densities[i] > density ) density = _densities[i];
density = roundfp(density);
} else if (getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::MaxHDensity) {
// Density of the most saturated horizontal layer.
for ( size_t i=_pinDepth ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( (i%2) and (_densities[i] > density) ) density = _densities[i];
//density = roundfp(density);
} else if (getGCellGrid()->getDensityMode() == GCellGrid::MaxVDensity) {
// Density of the most saturated vertical layer.
for ( size_t i=_pinDepth ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( (i%2 == 0) and (_densities[i] > density) ) density = _densities[i];
//density = roundfp(density);
return density;
void GCell::addBlockage ( unsigned int depth, DbU::Unit length )
if ( depth >= _depth ) return;
_blockages[depth] += length;
_flags |= GCellInvalidated;
// if ( _blockages[depth] >= 8.0 ) {
// cinfo << Warning("%s is under power ring.",getString(this).c_str()) << endl;
// unsigned int modulo = depth % 2;
// for ( unsigned int parallel=0 ; parallel < _depth ; ++parallel ) {
// if ( parallel%2 == modulo ) {
// _blockages[parallel] = 10.0;
// cinfo << " Blocking [" << parallel << "]:"
// << Session::getRoutingLayer(parallel)->getName() << endl;
// }
// }
// }
ltrace(300) << "GCell:addBlockage() " << this << " "
<< depth << ":" << DbU::getValueString(_blockages[depth]) << endl;
void GCell::removeContact ( AutoContact* ac )
size_t begin = 0;
size_t end = _contacts.size();
bool found = false;
for ( ; not found and (begin < end) ; begin++ ) {
if ( _contacts[begin] == ac ) {
_contacts[begin] = _contacts[end-1];
found = true;
if (found) {
ltrace(200) << "remove " << ac << " from " << this << endl;
} else {
cerr << Bug("%p:%s do not belong to %s."
,ac->base(),getString(ac).c_str(),_getString().c_str()) << endl;
#if 0
vector<AutoContact*>::iterator it = _contacts.begin ();
vector<AutoContact*>::iterator end = _contacts.end ();
for ( ; it != end ; it++ )
if ( *it == ac ) *it = *(--end);
_contacts.pop_back ();
void GCell::removeHSegment ( AutoSegment* segment )
size_t end = _hsegments.size();
size_t begin = 0;
for ( ; begin < end ; begin++ ) {
if ( _hsegments[begin] == segment ) {
swap ( _hsegments[begin], _hsegments[--end] );
if ( _hsegments.size() == end ) {
cerr << Bug("%s do not go through %s."
,_getString().c_str()) << endl;
if ( _hsegments.size() - end > 1 )
cerr << Bug("%s has multiple occurrences of %s."
,getString(segment).c_str()) << endl;
_hsegments.erase ( _hsegments.begin() + end, _hsegments.end() );
void GCell::removeVSegment ( AutoSegment* segment )
size_t end = _vsegments.size();
size_t begin = 0;
for ( ; begin < end ; begin++ ) {
if ( _vsegments[begin] == segment ) {
swap ( _vsegments[begin], _vsegments[--end] );
if ( _vsegments.size() == end ) {
cerr << Bug("%s do not go through %s."
,_getString().c_str()) << endl;
if ( _vsegments.size() - end > 1 )
cerr << Bug("%s has multiple occurrences of %s."
,getString(segment).c_str()) << endl;
_vsegments.erase ( _vsegments.begin() + end, _vsegments.end() );
void GCell::updateContacts ()
vector<AutoContact*>::iterator it = _contacts.begin ();
vector<AutoContact*>::iterator end = _contacts.end ();
for ( ; it != end ; it++ ) (*it)->updateGeometry ();
size_t GCell::updateDensity ()
if (isValid()) return (isSaturated()) ? 1 : 0;
_flags &= ~GCellSaturated;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_vsegments.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _vsegments[i] == NULL )
cerr << "NULL Autosegment at index " << i << endl;
sort ( _hsegments.begin(), _hsegments.end(), AutoSegment::CompareByDepthLength() );
sort ( _vsegments.begin(), _vsegments.end(), AutoSegment::CompareByDepthLength() );
float hcapacity = getHCapacity ();
float vcapacity = getVCapacity ();
float ccapacity = hcapacity * vcapacity * 4;
DbU::Unit hpenalty = 0 /*_box.getWidth () / 3*/;
DbU::Unit vpenalty = 0 /*_box.getHeight() / 3*/;
DbU::Unit uLengths1 [ _depth ];
DbU::Unit uLengths2 [ _depth ];
float localCounts [ _depth ];
vector<UsedFragments> ufragments ( _depth );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
ufragments[i].setPitch ( Session::getPitch(i) );
_feedthroughs[i] = 0.0;
uLengths2 [i] = 0;
localCounts [i] = 0.0;
_globalsCount[i] = 0.0;
switch ( Session::getDirection(i) ) {
case KbHorizontal:
ufragments[i].setSpan ( _box.getXMin(), _box.getXMax() );
ufragments[i].setCapacity ( (size_t)hcapacity );
case KbVertical:
ufragments[i].setSpan ( _box.getYMin(), _box.getYMax() );
ufragments[i].setCapacity ( (size_t)vcapacity );
// Compute wirelength associated to contacts (in DbU::Unit converted to float).
AutoSegment::DepthLengthSet processeds;
vector<AutoContact*>::iterator it = _contacts.begin();
vector<AutoContact*>::iterator end = _contacts.end ();
for ( ; it != end ; it++ ) {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) uLengths1[i] = 0;
(*it)->getLengths ( uLengths1, processeds );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
switch ( Session::getDirection(i) ) {
case KbHorizontal: uLengths2[i] += uLengths1[i]+hpenalty; break;
case KbVertical: uLengths2[i] += uLengths1[i]+vpenalty; break;
// Add the "pass through" horizontal segments.
if ( _hsegments.size() ) {
const Layer* layer = _hsegments[0]->getLayer();
size_t depth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer);
size_t count = 0;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_hsegments.size() ; i++ ) {
_globalsCount[depth] += 1.0;
if ( layer != _hsegments[i]->getLayer() ) {
uLengths2[depth] += count * _box.getWidth();
count = 0;
layer = _hsegments[i]->getLayer();
depth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer);
_feedthroughs[depth] += 1.0;
if ( count ) {
uLengths2[depth] += count * _box.getWidth();
// Add the "pass through" vertical segments.
if ( _vsegments.size() ) {
const Layer* layer = _vsegments[0]->getLayer();
size_t depth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer);
size_t count = 0;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_vsegments.size() ; i++ ) {
_globalsCount[depth] += 1.0;
if ( layer != _vsegments[i]->getLayer() ) {
uLengths2[depth] += count * _box.getHeight();
count = 0;
layer = _vsegments[i]->getLayer();
depth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer);
_feedthroughs[depth] += 1.0;
if ( count ) {
uLengths2[depth] += count * _box.getHeight();
// Add the blockages.
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
uLengths2[i] += _blockages[i];
// Compute the number of non pass-through tracks.
if ( processeds.size() ) {
AutoSegment::DepthLengthSet::iterator isegment = processeds.begin();
const Layer* layer = (*isegment)->getLayer();
DbU::Unit axis = (*isegment)->getAxis();
size_t depth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer);
size_t count = 0;
for ( ; isegment != processeds.end(); ++isegment ) {
_feedthroughs[depth] += ((*isegment)->isGlobal()) ? 0.50 : 0.33;
localCounts [depth] += 1.0;
if ( (*isegment)->isGlobal() ) _globalsCount[depth] += 1.0;
ufragments[depth].merge ( (*isegment)->getAxis(), (*isegment)->getSpanU() );
if ( (axis != (*isegment)->getAxis()) or (layer != (*isegment)->getLayer()) ) {
count = 0;
axis = (*isegment)->getAxis();
layer = (*isegment)->getLayer();
depth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer);
// Normalize: 0 < d < 1.0 (divide by H/V capacity).
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
switch ( Session::getDirection(i) ) {
case KbHorizontal:
_densities [i] = ((float)uLengths2[i]) / ( hcapacity * (float)_box.getWidth() );
_feedthroughs [i] += (float)(_blockages[i] / _box.getWidth());
_fragmentations[i] = (float)ufragments[i].getMaxFree().getSize() / (float)_box.getWidth();
case KbVertical:
_densities [i] = ((float)uLengths2[i]) / ( vcapacity * (float)_box.getHeight() );
_feedthroughs [i] += (float)(_blockages[i] / _box.getHeight());
_fragmentations[i] = (float)ufragments[i].getMaxFree().getSize() / (float)_box.getHeight();
if (_densities[i] >= 1.0)
_flags |= GCellSaturated;
_cDensity = ( (float)_contacts.size() ) / ccapacity;
_flags &= ~GCellInvalidated;
//for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) { _densities[i] = roundfp ( _densities[i] ); }
//_cDensity = roundfp (_cDensity );
//ltrace(190) << "updateDensity: " << this << endl;
return isSaturated() ? 1 : 0 ;
size_t GCell::checkDensity () const
if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity ();
if ( not Session::isInDemoMode() and Session::doWarnGCellOverload() ) {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_depth ; i++ ) {
if ( _densities[i] > 1.0 ) {
cparanoid << Warning( "%s @%dx%d overloaded in %s (M2:%.2f M3:%.2f M4:%.2f M5:%.2f)"
, _getString().c_str()
, getColumn()
, getRow()
, getString(Session::getRoutingGauge()->getRoutingLayer(i)->getName()).c_str()
, _densities[1] // M2
, _densities[2] // M3
//, _blockages[2] // M4
, _densities[3] // M5
, _densities[4] // M6
<< endl;
// for ( size_t i=3 ; i<_depth ; i+=2 ) {
// if ( (_densities[i] < 0.5) and (_densities[i-2] < 0.5) ) continue;
// float balance = _densities[i] / (_densities[i-2]+0.001 );
// if ( (balance > 3) or (balance < .33) ) {
// cerr << Warning("%s @%dx%d unbalanced in %s (M2:%.2f M3:%.2f M4:%.2f M5:%.2f)"
// ,_getString().c_str()
// ,getColumn()
// ,getRow()
// ,getString(Session::getRoutingGauge()->getRoutingLayer(i)->getName()).c_str()
// ,_densities[1] // M2
// ,_densities[2] // M3
// //,_blockages[2] // M4
// ,_densities[3] // M5
// ,_densities[4] // M6
// )
// << endl;
// }
// }
return isSaturated() ? 1 : 0 ;
bool GCell::hasFreeTrack ( size_t depth, float reserve ) const
if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity();
float capacity;
vector<AutoSegment*>::const_iterator isegment;
vector<AutoSegment*>::const_iterator iend;
switch ( Session::getDirection(depth) ) {
case KbHorizontal:
iend = _hsegments.end ();
isegment = _hsegments.begin ();
capacity = getHCapacity ();
case KbVertical:
iend = _vsegments.end ();
isegment = _vsegments.begin ();
capacity = getVCapacity ();
size_t count = 0;
for ( ; (isegment != iend) ; isegment++ ) {
unsigned int segmentDepth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth((*isegment)->getLayer());
if ( segmentDepth < depth ) continue;
if ( segmentDepth > depth ) break;
return (capacity - 1.0) >= (float)count;
float capacity = 0.0;
switch ( Session::getDirection(depth) ) {
case KbHorizontal: capacity = getHCapacity(); break;
case KbVertical: capacity = getVCapacity(); break;
ltrace(200) << " | hasFreeTrack [" << getIndex() << "] depth:" << depth << " "
<< Session::getRoutingGauge()->getRoutingLayer(depth)->getName()
//<< " " << (_densities[depth]*capacity) << " vs. " << capacity
<< " " << _feedthroughs[depth] << " vs. " << capacity
<< " " << this << endl;
//return (_densities[depth]*capacity + 1.0 + reserve <= capacity);
return (_feedthroughs[depth] + 0.99 + reserve <= capacity);
bool GCell::checkEdgeSaturation ( size_t hreserved, size_t vreserved) const
size_t edgeUpUsage = 0;
size_t edgeRightUsage = 0;
size_t edgeUpCapacity = getGCellGrid()->getVEdgeCapacity() - vreserved;
size_t edgeRightCapacity = getGCellGrid()->getHEdgeCapacity() - hreserved;
if ( getUp() ) {
// Up Edge Density.
edgeUpUsage = _vsegments.size();
for ( size_t icontact=0 ; icontact < _contacts.size() ; icontact++ ) {
forEach ( Hook*, ihook, _contacts[icontact]->getBodyHook()->getSlaveHooks() ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<Segment::SourceHook*>(*ihook) == NULL ) continue;
Segment* segment = dynamic_cast<Vertical*>((*ihook)->getComponent());
if ( not segment ) continue;
AutoSegment* autoSegment = Session::lookup ( segment );
if ( not autoSegment or autoSegment->isLocal() ) continue;
if ( getRight() ) {
// Right Edge Density.
edgeRightUsage = _vsegments.size();
for ( size_t icontact=0 ; icontact < _contacts.size() ; icontact++ ) {
forEach ( Hook*, ihook, _contacts[icontact]->getBodyHook()->getSlaveHooks() ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<Segment::SourceHook*>(*ihook) == NULL ) continue;
Segment* segment = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>((*ihook)->getComponent());
if ( not segment ) continue;
AutoSegment* autoSegment = Session::lookup ( segment );
if ( not autoSegment or autoSegment->isLocal() ) continue;
bool overload = false;
if ( (edgeUpUsage > edgeUpCapacity) or (edgeRightUsage > edgeRightCapacity) ) {
overload = true;
cparanoid << Warning( "In %s, (over h:%d or v:%d)"
, _getString().c_str(), edgeRightCapacity, edgeUpCapacity);
ostringstream message;
message << setprecision(3);
if ( edgeUpUsage > edgeUpCapacity )
message << "up edge: " << edgeUpUsage << " vs. " << getGCellGrid()->getVEdgeCapacity()
<< "-" << vreserved;
if ( edgeRightUsage > edgeRightCapacity ) {
if ( message.str().size() ) message << " & ";
message << "right edge: " << edgeRightUsage << " vs. " << getGCellGrid()->getHEdgeCapacity()
<< "-" << hreserved;
cparanoid << message.str() << "." << endl;
return overload;
void GCell::rpDesaturate ( set<Net*>& globalNets )
set<RoutingPad*> rps;
getRoutingPads ( rps );
set<Net*> rpNets;
set<RoutingPad*>::iterator irp = rps.begin();
for ( ; irp != rps.end() ; ++irp ) {
if ( (*irp)->getLayer() != Session::getRoutingLayer(0) ) continue;
rpNets.insert ( (*irp)->getNet() );
if ( rpNets.size() < Session::getSaturateRp() ) return;
cerr << Warning("%s has %zd terminals (h:%zd, v:%zd)"
) << endl;
AutoSegment* segment;
while ( (_densities[1] > 0.5) and stepDesaturate(1,globalNets,segment,KbForceMove) ) {
ltrace(200) << "Moved up: " << segment << endl;
bool GCell::stepDesaturate ( unsigned int depth
, set<Net*>& globalNets
, AutoSegment*& moved
, unsigned int flags
ltrace(500) << "Deter| GCell::stepDesaturate() [" << getIndex() << "] depth:" << depth << endl;
updateDensity ();
moved = NULL;
if ( not (flags & KbForceMove) and not isSaturated(depth) ) return false;
//float capacity;
vector<AutoSegment*>::iterator isegment;
vector<AutoSegment*>::iterator iend;
switch ( Session::getDirection(depth) ) {
case KbHorizontal:
iend = _hsegments.end ();
isegment = _hsegments.begin ();
//capacity = getHCapacity ();
case KbVertical:
iend = _vsegments.end ();
isegment = _vsegments.begin ();
//capacity = getVCapacity ();
for ( ; (isegment != iend) ; isegment++ ) {
unsigned int segmentDepth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth((*isegment)->getLayer());
if ( segmentDepth < depth ) continue;
if ( segmentDepth > depth ) break;
globalNets.insert ( (*isegment)->getNet() );
ltrace(500) << "Deter| Move up " << (*isegment) << endl;
(*isegment)->changeDepth ( depth+2, false, false );
moved = (*isegment);
if (moved) return true;
return false;
bool GCell::stepBalance ( unsigned int depth, GCell::SetIndex& invalidateds )
ltrace(200) << "stepBalance() - " << this << endl;
updateDensity ();
//float capacity;
vector<AutoSegment*>::iterator isegment;
vector<AutoSegment*>::iterator iend;
set<Net*> globalNets;
switch ( Session::getDirection(depth) ) {
case KbHorizontal:
iend = _hsegments.end ();
isegment = _hsegments.begin ();
//capacity = getHCapacity ();
case KbVertical:
iend = _vsegments.end ();
isegment = _vsegments.begin ();
//capacity = getVCapacity ();
for ( ; (isegment != iend) ; isegment++ ) {
unsigned int segmentDepth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth((*isegment)->getLayer());
if ( segmentDepth < depth ) continue;
if ( segmentDepth > depth ) break;
// Hard-coded: reserve 3 tracks (1/20 * 3).
if ((*isegment)->canMoveULeft(0.05)) {
return true;
if ((*isegment)->canMoveURight(0.05)) {
return true;
return false;
bool GCell::stepNetDesaturate ( unsigned int depth, set<Net*>& globalNets, GCell::SetIndex& invalidateds )
ltrace(500) << "Deter| GCell::stepNetDesaturate() depth:" << depth << endl;
ltrace(500) << "Deter| " << this << endl;
updateDensity ();
//float capacity;
vector<AutoSegment*>::iterator isegment;
vector<AutoSegment*>::iterator iend;
switch ( Session::getDirection(depth) ) {
case KbHorizontal:
iend = _hsegments.end ();
isegment = _hsegments.begin ();
//capacity = getHCapacity ();
case KbVertical:
iend = _vsegments.end ();
isegment = _vsegments.begin ();
//capacity = getVCapacity ();
for ( ; (isegment != iend) ; isegment++ ) {
unsigned int segmentDepth = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth((*isegment)->getLayer());
if ( segmentDepth < depth ) continue;
if ( segmentDepth > depth ) break;
ltrace(500) << "Deter| Move up " << (*isegment) << endl;
if ( getGCellGrid()->getKatabatic()->moveUpNetTrunk(*isegment,globalNets,invalidateds) )
return true;
return false;
Box GCell::getBoundingBox () const
return _box;
void GCell::translate ( const DbU::Unit&, const DbU::Unit& )
cerr << Warning("Calling GCell::translate() on %s is likely a bug."
,_getString().c_str()) << endl;
string GCell::_getString () const
Box box = getBoundingBox ();
ostringstream s;
s << "<" << _getTypeName() << " [" << _index << "] "
<< DbU::getValueString(box.getXMin()) << ":" << DbU::getValueString(box.getYMin()) << " "
<< DbU::getValueString(box.getXMax()) << ":" << DbU::getValueString(box.getYMax()) << " "
<< setprecision(3)
<< getDensity(NoUpdate) << " "
<< "d:" << _depth << " "
<< getVectorString(_densities ,_depth) << " "
<< getVectorString(_feedthroughs,_depth)
<< " "
<< (isValid () ? "-" : "i")
<< (isSaturated () ? "s" : "-")
<< (isUnderIoPad() ? "P" : "-")
<< ">";
return s.str();
Record* GCell::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( _getString() );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_gcellGrid" , _gcellGrid ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_index" , &_index ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_vsegments" , &_vsegments ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_hsegments" , &_hsegments ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_contacts" , &_contacts ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_box" , &_box ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_depth" , &_depth ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_flags" , &_flags ) );
RoutingGauge* rg = getGCellGrid()->getKatabatic()->getRoutingGauge();
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth<_depth ; ++depth ) {
ostringstream s;
const Layer* layer = rg->getRoutingLayer(depth)->getBlockageLayer();
s << "_blockages[" << depth << ":" << ((layer) ? layer->getName() : "None") << "]";
record->add ( getSlot ( s.str(), &_blockages[depth] ) );
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth<_depth ; ++depth ) {
ostringstream s;
const Layer* layer = rg->getRoutingLayer(depth);
s << "_densities[" << depth << ":" << ((layer) ? layer->getName() : "None") << "]";
record->add ( getSlot ( s.str(), &_densities[depth] ) );
// for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth<_depth ; ++depth ) {
// ostringstream s;
// const Layer* layer = rg->getRoutingLayer(depth);
// s << "_saturateDensities[" << depth << ":" << ((layer) ? layer->getName() : "None") << "]";
// record->add ( getSlot ( s.str(), &_saturateDensities[depth] ) );
// }
return record;
void GCell::_xmlWrite ( ostream& o ) const
char line[1024];
snprintf ( line, 1024
, "<GCell index=\"%04i %04i\" corner=\"%06.1f %06.1f\" density=\"%3.2f,%3.2f\">"
, getColumn()
, getRow()
, DbU::toLambda(getX())
, DbU::toLambda(getY())
, getDensity()
, _cDensity
o << line;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Kite::GCellDensitySet".
GCellDensitySet::GCellDensitySet ( unsigned int depth )
: _depth (depth)
, _set ()
, _requests()
{ }
GCellDensitySet::GCellDensitySet ( unsigned int depth, const std::vector<GCell*>& gcells )
: _depth (depth)
, _set ()
, _requests()
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<gcells.size() ; i++ )
_requests.insert( gcells[i] );
GCellDensitySet::~GCellDensitySet ()
if (not _requests.empty()) {
cerr << Warning("~GCellDensitySet(): Still contains %d requests (and %d elements)."
,_requests.size(),_set.size()) << endl;
void GCellDensitySet::requeue ()
ltrace(190) << "GCellDensitySet::requeue()" << endl;
std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey>::iterator iinserted;
GCell::SetIndex::iterator igcell = _requests.begin();
// Remove invalidateds GCell from the queue.
for ( ; igcell != _requests.end() ; ++igcell ) {
iinserted = _set.find(*igcell);
if (iinserted != _set.end()) {
_set.erase( iinserted );
// Re-insert invalidateds GCell in the queue *after* updating the key.
for ( igcell = _requests.begin() ; igcell != _requests.end() ; ++igcell ) {
(*igcell)->updateKey( _depth );
_set.insert( *igcell );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities.
string getVectorString ( float* v, size_t size )
ostringstream s;
s << setprecision(3);
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<size ; i++ ) {
if ( !i ) s << "[";
else s << " ";
s << v[i];
s << "]";
return s.str();
} // End of Katabatic namespace.