
639 lines
28 KiB

# -*- Mode:Python -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2018, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul Chaput |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./karakaze/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
from Hurricane import *
from Hurricane import DataBase
import CRL
import helpers
from helpers import isderived
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage as Error
from Analog import Device
from Analog import TransistorFamily
from Analog import Transistor
from Analog import CommonDrain
from Analog import CommonGatePair
from Analog import CommonSourcePair
from Analog import CrossCoupledPair
from Analog import DifferentialPair
from Analog import LevelShifter
from Analog import SimpleCurrentMirror
from Analog import CapacitorFamily
from Analog import MultiCapacitor
from Analog import LayoutGenerator
from Analog import Matrix
from Bora import ParameterRange
from Bora import StepParameterRange
from Bora import MatrixParameterRange
from Bora import SlicingNode
from Bora import HSlicingNode
from Bora import VSlicingNode
from Bora import DSlicingNode
from Bora import RHSlicingNode
from Bora import RVSlicingNode
import karakaze.Oceane
import Anabatic
import Katana
import Bora
NMOS = Transistor.NMOS
PMOS = Transistor.PMOS
PIP = CapacitorFamily.PIP
MIM = CapacitorFamily.MIM
MOM = CapacitorFamily.MOM
Center = SlicingNode.AlignCenter
Left = SlicingNode.AlignLeft
Right = SlicingNode.AlignRight
Top = SlicingNode.AlignTop
Bottom = SlicingNode.AlignBottom
Unknown = SlicingNode.AlignBottom
VNode = 1
HNode = 2
DNode = 3
def toDbU ( value ): return DbU.fromPhysical( value, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
def toLength ( value ): return float(value) * 1e+6
def readMatrix ( rows ):
if not isinstance(rows,list):
print '[ERROR] readMatrix(): First level is not a list.'
sys.exit( 1 )
rowCount = len(rows)
for row in range(len(rows)):
column = rows[row]
if not isinstance(column,list):
print '[ERROR] readMatrix(): Column %d is not a list.' % row
sys.exit( 1 )
if row == 0:
columnCount = len(column)
matrix = Matrix( rowCount, columnCount )
if columnCount != len(column):
print '[ERROR] readMatrix(): Column %d size discrepency (sould be %d).' % (len(column),columnCount)
sys.exit( 1 )
for column in range(len(column)):
matrix.setValue( row, column, rows[row][column] )
return matrix
class AnalogDesign ( object ):
def __init__ ( self ):
self.cellName = None
self.netCache = {}
self.rg = None
self.library = None
self.cell = None
self.netCache = {}
self.slicingTree = None
self.stack = []
self.stack2 = []
self.toleranceRatioH = 0
self.toleranceRatioW = 0
self.toleranceBandH = 0
self.toleranceBandW = 0
self.parameters = karakaze.Oceane.Parameters()
def setCellName ( self, name ):
self.cellName = name
def beginCell ( self, cellName ):
self.setCellName( cellName )
self.rg = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getRoutingGauge()
self.cell = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().createCell( self.cellName )
self.library = Library.create( DataBase.getDB().getRootLibrary(), 'AnalogRootLibrary' )
self.generator = LayoutGenerator()
def endCell ( self ):
def checkBeginCell ( self, function ):
if not self.cell:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign: \"AnalogDevice.beginCell()\" must be called *before* \"%s\".' \
% function
] )
def checkConnexion ( self, count, net, connexion ):
if not isinstance(connexion,tuple):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): \"self.netSpecs\" in \"%s\", connexion [%d] is *not* a tuple.' \
% (net.getName(),count)
, '%s' % str(connexion) ] )
if len(connexion) != 2:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" in \"%s\", connexion [%d] has %d items instead of 2 .' \
% (net.getName(),count,len(connexion))
, '%s' % str(connexion) ] )
if not isinstance(connexion[0],str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" in \"%s\", connexion [%d], field [0] (instance) is *not* a string.' \
% (net.getName(),count)
, '%s' % str(connexion) ] )
if not isinstance(connexion[1],str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" in \"%s\", connexion [%d], field [1] (terminal) is *not* a string.' \
% (net.getName(),count)
, '%s' % str(connexion) ] )
def checkRail( self, net, metal, npitch, cellName, instanceName ):
#Net verification missing
if not isinstance(metal,str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.checkRail(): \"metal\" is *not* a string.' ] )
if not isinstance(npitch,int):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.checkRail(): \"NPitch\" is *not* an int.' ] )
if not isinstance(cellName,str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.checkRail(): \"cellName\" is *not* a string.' ] )
if not isinstance(instanceName,str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.checkRail(): \"instanceName\" is *not* a string.' ] )
def connect ( self, instanceName, masterNetName, net ):
instance = getattr( self, instanceName )
masterNet = instance.getMasterCell().getNet( masterNetName )
instance.getPlug( masterNet ).setNet( net )
state = NetRoutingExtension.get(net)
device = instance.getMasterCell()
if masterNetName=='B':
if masterNetName=='G':
if masterNetName=='G1':
if masterNetName=='G2':
if masterNetName=='D':
if masterNetName=='D1':
if masterNetName=='D2':
if masterNetName=='S':
def getNet ( self, netName, create=True ):
net = None
if self.netCache.has_key(netName):
net = self.netCache[netName]
elif create:
net = Net.create( self.cell, netName )
self.netCache[ netName ] = net
return net
def doNets ( self ):
self.checkBeginCell( 'AnalogDesign.doNets()' )
if not hasattr(self,'netSpecs'):
raise Error( 3, 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): Mandatory attribute \"self.netSpecs\" has not been defined.' )
if not isinstance(self.netSpecs,dict):
raise Error( 3, 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): Attribute \"self.netSpecs\" *must* be a Python dict.' )
for netName, netType in self.netTypes.items():
if not isinstance(netName,str):
raise Error( 3, 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): Dict key (net name) of \"self.netTypes\" *must* be a string (%s).' % str(netName) )
net = self.getNet( netName )
isExternal = False
if netType.has_key('isExternal'): isExternal = netType['isExternal']
for netName, connexions in self.netSpecs.items():
if not isinstance(netName,str):
raise Error( 3, 'AnalogDesign.doNets(): Dict key (net name) of \"self.netSpecs\" *must* be a string (%s).' % str(netName) )
net = self.getNet( netName )
state = NetRoutingExtension.create( net, NetRoutingState.AutomaticGlobalRoute|NetRoutingState.Analog )
count = 1
for connexion in connexions:
if isinstance(connexion,tuple):
self.checkConnexion( count, net, connexion )
self.connect( connexion[0], connexion[1], net )
count += 1
if isinstance(connexion,dict): state.setWPitch(long(connexion['W']))
def checkDSpec ( self, count, dspec ):
if not isinstance(dspec,list):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], is *not* a list.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isderived(dspec[0],Device):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [0] is *not* a Device class.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
specSize = 0
if isderived(dspec[0],TransistorFamily): specSize = 12
elif isderived(dspec[0], CapacitorFamily): specSize = 6
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], has unsupported device type.' \
% (count)
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if len(dspec) < specSize:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], has %d items instead of 12 .' \
% (count,len(dspec))
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[1],str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [1] (model name) is *not* a string.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[2],str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [2] (layout style) is *not* a string.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if specSize == 12:
if dspec[3] not in [NMOS, PMOS]:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [3] (type) must be either NMOS or PMOS.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[4],float):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [4] (WE) is *not* a float.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[5],float):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [5] (LE) is *not* a float.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[6],int):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [6] (M) is *not* an int.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if (not dspec[7] is None) and (not isinstance(dspec[7],int)):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [7] (Mint) is neither an int nor None.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[8],int):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [8] (external dummies) is *not* an int.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[9],bool):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [9] (source first) is *not* a boolean.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[10],int):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [10] (bulk) is *not* an int.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if dspec[10] > 0xf:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [10] (bulk) is greater than 0xf.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[11],bool):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [11] (bulk connected) is *not* a boolean.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
elif specSize == 6:
if dspec[3] not in [PIP, MIM, MOM]:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [3] (type) must be either PIP, MIM or MOM.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if isinstance(dspec[4],float): pass
elif isinstance(dspec[4],tuple): pass
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [4] (Cs) should either be *one* float or a *list* of floats.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], spec list do not match any known pattern.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
def checkDSpecDigital ( self, count, dspec ):
# if not isinstance(dspec[0],str):
# raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [0] (model name) is *not* a string.' % count
# , '%s' % str(dspec) ])
if not isinstance(dspec[1],str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): \"self.devicesSpecs\" entry [%d], field [1] (model name) is *not* a string.' % count
, '%s' % str(dspec) ])
def readParameters ( self, path ):
trace( 110, ',+', '\tReading Oceane parameters from \"%s\"\n' % path )
if not path: return path );
for dspec in self.devicesSpecs:
if len(dspec) > 2:
Tname = dspec[1].split('_')[0]
Tparameters = self.parameters.getTransistor( Tname )
if not Tparameters:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.readParameters(): Missing parameters for \"%s\".' % Tname ] )
dspec[4] = toLength( Tparameters.W )
dspec[5] = toLength( Tparameters.L )
dspec[6] = Tparameters.M
trace( 110, '\t- \"%s\" : W:%f L:%f M:%d\n' % (Tname
,dspec[6]) )
trace( 110, '-,' )
def doDevice ( self, count, dspec ):
self.checkBeginCell( 'AnalogDesign.doDevice()' )
if len(dspec) == 2:
self.checkDSpecDigital( count, dspec )
if isinstance( dspec[0], str ):
masterCell = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getCell( dspec[0], CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
instance = Instance.create( self.cell, dspec[1], masterCell, Transformation() )
instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED )
self.__dict__[ dspec[1] ] = instance
masterCell = dspec[0]
instance = Instance.create( self.cell, dspec[1], masterCell, Transformation() )
instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED )
self.__dict__[ dspec[1] ] = instance
self.checkDSpec( count, dspec )
trace( 110, '\tBuilding \"%s\"\n' % dspec[1] )
if isderived(dspec[0],TransistorFamily):
device = dspec[0].create( self.library, dspec[1], dspec[3], dspec[11] )
device.getParameter( 'Layout Styles' ).setValue( dspec[2] )
device.getParameter( 'W' ).setValue( toDbU(dspec[4]) )
device.getParameter( 'L' ).setValue( toDbU(dspec[5]) )
device.getParameter( 'M' ).setValue( dspec[6] )
device.setSourceFirst( dspec[9] )
device.setBulkType ( dspec[10] )
if (len(dspec) > 12): device.getParameter( 'NERC' ).setValue(int (dspec[12]))
if (len(dspec) > 13): device.getParameter( 'NIRC' ).setValue(int (dspec[13]))
if not (dspec[7] is None): device.setMint ( dspec[7] )
if dspec[8]: device.setExternalDummy( dspec[8] )
elif isderived(dspec[0],CapacitorFamily):
if isinstance(dspec[4],float): capaCount = 1
elif isinstance(dspec[4],tuple): capaCount = len(dspec[4])
print type(dspec[4]), dspec[4]
device = dspec[0].create( self.library, dspec[1], dspec[3], capaCount )
device.getParameter( 'Layout Styles' ).setValue ( dspec[2] )
device.getParameter( 'matrix' ).setMatrix( dspec[5] )
if isinstance(dspec[4],float):
device.getParameter( 'capacities' ).setValue( 0, dspec[4] )
for index in range(len(dspec[4])):
device.getParameter( 'capacities' ).setValue( index, dspec[4][index] )
self.generator.setDevice ( device )
instance = Instance.create( self.cell
, dspec[1]
, device
, Transformation()
, Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED )
self.__dict__[ dspec[1] ] = instance
def doDevices ( self ):
trace( 110, ',+', '\tAnalogDesign.doDevices()\n' )
if not hasattr(self,'devicesSpecs'):
raise Error( 3, 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): Mandatory attribute \"self.devicesSpecs\" has not been defined.' )
if not isinstance(self.devicesSpecs,list):
raise Error( 3, 'AnalogDesign.doDevices(): Attribute \"self.devicesSpecs\" *must* be a Python list.' )
count = 1
for dspec in self.devicesSpecs:
self.doDevice( count, dspec )
count += 1
trace( 110, '-,' )
def showNode ( self, node ):
lines = [ '{' ]
for key, value in node.items():
if key == 'children':
lines += [ "%20s { ... }" % "'children':" ]
skey = "'%s':" % str(key)
lines += [ "%20s %s" % (skey,str(value)) ]
lines += [ '}' ]
return lines
def checkNode ( self, node, isRoot ):
if not isinstance(node,dict):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Node element is *not* a dict.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('type'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"type\" key/element.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
nodeType = node['type']
if nodeType not in [VNode, HNode, DNode]:
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"type\" must be one of VNode, HNode or DNode.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if nodeType == DNode:
if not node.has_key('device'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"device\" key/element.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not isinstance(node['device'],str):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"device\" value *must* be of type str.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('span'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"span\" key/element.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not isinstance(node['span'],tuple) \
or len(node['span']) != 3 \
or not isinstance(node['span'][0],float) \
or not isinstance(node['span'][1],float) \
or not isinstance(node['span'][2],float):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"span\" value *must* be a tuple of 3 floats.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('NF'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"NF\" key/element.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not isinstance(node['NF'],int):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"NF\" value *must* be of type int.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if isRoot:
if not node.has_key('toleranceRatioH'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"toleranceRationH\" key/element in root node.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('toleranceRatioW'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"toleranceRationW\" key/element in root node.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('toleranceBandH'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"toleranceBandH\" key/element in root node.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('toleranceBandW'):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Missing mandatory \"toleranceBandW\" key/element in root node.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if not node.has_key('children'):
print Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): Suspicious root node without children.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
if node.has_key('children'):
if not isinstance(node['children'],list):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"children\" value *must* be of type list.' ]
+ self.showNode(node) )
if node.has_key('symmetries'):
symmetries = node['symmetries']
if not isinstance(symmetries,list):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"symmetries\" value *must* be of type list.'
] + self.showNode(node) )
for i in range(len(symmetries)):
if not isinstance(symmetries[i],tuple) \
or len(symmetries[i]) != 2 \
or not isinstance(symmetries[i][0],int) \
or not isinstance(symmetries[i][1],int):
raise Error( 3, [ 'AnalogDesign.doSlicingTree(): \"symmetries\" entry [%d] *must* be a tuple of 2 int.' % i ]
+ self.showNode(node) )
def beginSlicingTree ( self ):
trace( 110, ',+', '\tAnalogDesign.beginSlicingTree()\n' )
def topNode ( self ): return self.stack[-1][0]
def topSymmetries ( self ): return self.stack[-1][1]
def topSymmetriesNet ( self ): return self.stack[-1][2]
def setToleranceRatioH ( self, u ): self.toleranceRatioH = toDbU(u)
def setToleranceRatioW ( self, u ): self.toleranceRatioW = toDbU(u)
def setToleranceBandH ( self, u ): self.toleranceBandH = toDbU(u)
def setToleranceBandW ( self, u ): self.toleranceBandW = toDbU(u)
def dupTolerances ( self, node ):
node.setToleranceRatioH( self.toleranceRatioH )
node.setToleranceRatioW( self.toleranceRatioW )
node.setToleranceBandH ( self.toleranceBandH )
node.setToleranceBandW ( self.toleranceBandW )
def pushNode ( self, node ):
trace( 110, ',+', '\tSlicingTree.pushNode() %s ' % str(node) )
parent = None
if len(self.stack):
parent = self.topNode()
parent.push_back( node )
trace( 110, '(parent id:%d)\n' % parent.getId() )
trace( 110, '(Root)\n' )
self.slicingTree = node
node.setCell( self.cell )
self.stack.append( (node,[],[]) )
self.dupTolerances( node )
node.setRoutingGauge( self.rg )
def pushVNode ( self, alignment ):
self.pushNode( VSlicingNode.create( alignment ) )
def pushHNode ( self, alignment ):
self.pushNode( HSlicingNode.create( alignment ) )
def popNode ( self ):
for childIndex, copyIndex in self.topSymmetries():
self.topNode().addSymmetry( childIndex, copyIndex )
for type, net1, net2 in self.topSymmetriesNet():
if (net2 == None):
self.topNode().addSymmetryNet( type, net1 )
self.topNode().addSymmetryNet( type, net1, net2 )
trace( 110, '-,', '\tSlicingTree.popNode() %s\n' % str(self.topNode()) )
if len(self.stack) == 1:
trace( 110, '\tAnalogDesign.endSlicingTree()\n' )
trace( 110, '-,', '\tSlicingTree %s stack size:%d\n' % (self.cell.getName(), len(self.stack)) )
#self.topNode().setCell( self.cell )
del self.stack[-1]
def addDevice ( self, name, align, span=(0, 0, 0), NF=0 ):
node = DSlicingNode.create( name, self.cell, StepParameterRange(span[0], span[1], span[2]), self.rg )
node.setAlignment( align )
if NF != 0: node.setNFing( NF )
self.topNode().push_back( node )
trace( 110, '\tSlicingTree.addDevice() %s (parent id:%d)\n' % (str(node),self.topNode().getId()) )
def addHRail ( self, net, metal, npitch, cellName, instanceName ):
self.checkRail( net, metal, npitch, cellName, instanceName )
node = RHSlicingNode.create( net, DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer(metal), npitch, cellName, instanceName)
self.topNode().push_back( node )
trace( 110, '\tSlicingTree.addHRail() to %s\n' % (str(self.topNode())) )
def addVRail ( self, net, metal, npitch, cellName, instanceName ):
self.checkRail( net, metal, npitch, cellName, instanceName )
node = RVSlicingNode.create( net, DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer(metal), npitch, cellName, instanceName)
self.topNode().push_back( node )
trace( 110, '\tSlicingTree.addVRail() to %s\n' % (str(self.topNode())) )
def addSymmetry ( self, childIndex, copyIndex ):
self.topSymmetries().append( (childIndex,copyIndex) )
def addSymmetryNet ( self, type, net1, net2=None ):
self.topSymmetriesNet().append( (type, net1, net2) )
def endSlicingTree ( self ):
#bora = Bora.BoraEngine.get( self.cell )
#if not bora: bora = Bora.BoraEngine.create( self.cell )
def updatePlacement ( self, *args ):
if self.slicingTree:
bora = Bora.BoraEngine.get( self.cell )
if not bora: bora = Bora.BoraEngine.create( self.cell )
signatureMatched = True
if len(args) == 2: bora.updatePlacement( toDbU(args[0]), toDbU(args[1]) )
elif len(args) == 1: bora.updatePlacement( args[0] )
else: signatureMatched = False
#if signatureMatched:
# katana = Katana.KatanaEngine.get( self.cell )
# if katana:
# katana.loadGlobalRouting( Anabatic.EngineLoadGrByNet )
# katana.runNegociate( Katana.Flags.PairSymmetrics );
# #katana.destroy()