376 lines
12 KiB
376 lines
12 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Configuration.cpp<anabatic>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2016, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | A n a b a t i c - Global Routing Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Configuration.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include "vlsisapd/configuration/Configuration.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/RegularLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "crlcore/CellGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingLayerGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "anabatic/Configuration.h"
#include "anabatic/GCell.h"
namespace Anabatic {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::setprecision;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::vector;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Technology;
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::RegularLayer;
using CRL::AllianceFramework;
using CRL::RoutingGauge;
using CRL::RoutingLayerGauge;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Anabatic::Configuration".
Configuration::Configuration ( const CellGauge* cg, const RoutingGauge* rg )
: _cg (NULL)
, _rg (NULL)
, _extensionCaps ()
, _saturateRatio (Cfg::getParamPercentage("katabatic.saturateRatio",80.0)->asDouble())
, _saturateRp (Cfg::getParamInt ("katabatic.saturateRp" ,8 )->asInt())
, _globalThreshold(0)
, _allowedDepth (0)
, _edgeLength (DbU::fromLambda(Cfg::getParamInt("anabatic.edgeLength",24)->asInt()))
, _edgeWidth (DbU::fromLambda(Cfg::getParamInt("anabatic.edgeWidth" , 4)->asInt()))
, _edgeCostH (Cfg::getParamDouble("anabatic.edgeCostH", 9.0)->asDouble())
, _edgeCostK (Cfg::getParamDouble("anabatic.edgeCostK",-10.0)->asDouble())
, _edgeHInc (Cfg::getParamDouble("anabatic.edgeHInc" , 1.5)->asDouble())
GCell::setDisplayMode( Cfg::getParamEnumerate("anabatic.gcell.displayMode", GCell::Boundary)->asInt() );
if (cg == NULL) cg = AllianceFramework::get()->getCellGauge();
if (rg == NULL) rg = AllianceFramework::get()->getRoutingGauge();
_cg = cg->getClone();
_rg = rg->getClone();
if (Cfg::hasParameter("anabatic.topRoutingLayer")) {
_setTopRoutingLayer( Cfg::getParamString("anabatic.topRoutingLayer")->asString() );
} else
_allowedDepth = rg->getDepth()-1;
_gmetalh = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer("gmetalh");
_gmetalv = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer("gmetalv");
_gcontact = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer("gcontact");
if (_gcontact == NULL) cerr << Warning("Cannot get \"gcontact\" layer from the Technology.") << endl;
if (_gmetalv == NULL) cerr << Warning("Cannot get \"gmetalv\" layer from the Technology.") << endl;
if (_gmetalh == NULL) cerr << Warning("Cannot get \"gmetalh\" layer from the Technology.") << endl;
//DbU::Unit sliceHeight = _cg->getSliceHeight();
const vector<RoutingLayerGauge*>& layerGauges = rg->getLayerGauges();
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth < layerGauges.size() ; ++depth ) {
const RegularLayer* regularLayer = dynamic_cast<const RegularLayer*>( layerGauges[depth]->getLayer() );
if (regularLayer)
_extensionCaps.push_back( regularLayer->getExtentionCap() );
else {
_extensionCaps.push_back( 0 );
cerr << Warning( "Routing layer at depth %d is *not* a RegularLayer, cannot guess extension cap.\n"
" (%s)"
, depth
, getString(layerGauges[depth]->getLayer()).c_str()
) << endl;
Configuration::Configuration ( const Configuration& other )
: _gmetalh (other._gmetalh)
, _gmetalv (other._gmetalv)
, _gcontact (other._gcontact)
, _cg (NULL)
, _rg (NULL)
, _extensionCaps (other._extensionCaps)
, _saturateRatio (other._saturateRatio)
, _globalThreshold(other._globalThreshold)
, _allowedDepth (other._allowedDepth)
, _edgeCostH (other._edgeCostH)
, _edgeCostK (other._edgeCostK)
, _edgeHInc (other._edgeHInc)
GCell::setDisplayMode( Cfg::getParamEnumerate("anabatic.gcell.displayMode", GCell::Boundary)->asInt() );
if (other._cg) _cg = other._cg->getClone();
if (other._rg) _rg = other._rg->getClone();
Configuration::~Configuration ()
cdebug_log(145,0) << "About to delete attribute _rg (RoutingGauge)." << endl;
_cg->destroy ();
_rg->destroy ();
Configuration* Configuration::clone () const
{ return new Configuration(*this); }
bool Configuration::isGMetal ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return (layer and ((layer == _gmetalh) or (layer == _gmetalv))); }
bool Configuration::isGContact ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return (layer and (layer == _gcontact)); }
const Layer* Configuration::getGContactLayer () const
{ return _gcontact; }
const Layer* Configuration::getGHorizontalLayer () const
{ return _gmetalh; }
const Layer* Configuration::getGVerticalLayer () const
{ return _gmetalv; }
size_t Configuration::getDepth () const
{ return _rg->getDepth(); }
size_t Configuration::getAllowedDepth () const
{ return _allowedDepth; }
size_t Configuration::getLayerDepth ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return _rg->getLayerDepth(layer); }
CellGauge* Configuration::getCellGauge () const
{ return _cg; }
RoutingGauge* Configuration::getRoutingGauge () const
{ return _rg; }
RoutingLayerGauge* Configuration::getLayerGauge ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _rg->getLayerGauge(depth); }
const Layer* Configuration::getRoutingLayer ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _rg->getRoutingLayer(depth); }
Layer* Configuration::getContactLayer ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _rg->getContactLayer(depth); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getSliceHeight () const
{ return _cg->getSliceHeight(); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getSliceStep () const
{ return _cg->getSliceStep(); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getPitch ( const Layer* layer, Flags flags ) const
{ return getPitch( getLayerDepth(layer), flags ); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getOffset ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return getOffset( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getExtensionCap ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return getExtensionCap( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getWireWidth ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return getWireWidth( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
Flags Configuration::getDirection ( const Layer* layer ) const
{ return getDirection( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
float Configuration::getSaturateRatio () const
{ return _saturateRatio; }
size_t Configuration::getSaturateRp () const
{ return _saturateRp; }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getGlobalThreshold () const
{ return _globalThreshold; }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getPitch ( size_t depth, Flags flags ) const
if (flags == Flags::NoFlags) return _rg->getLayerPitch(depth);
if (flags & Flags::AboveLayer) {
if (depth < getAllowedDepth())
return _rg->getLayerPitch( depth + 1 );
else {
if ( (depth > 0) and (_rg->getLayerType(depth-1) != Constant::PinOnly) )
return _rg->getLayerPitch( depth - 1 );
if (flags & Flags::BelowLayer) {
if ( (depth > 0) and (_rg->getLayerType(depth-1) != Constant::PinOnly) )
return _rg->getLayerPitch( depth - 1 );
else {
if (depth < getAllowedDepth())
return _rg->getLayerPitch( depth + 1 );
// Should issue at least a warning here.
return _rg->getLayerPitch(depth);
DbU::Unit Configuration::getOffset ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _rg->getLayerOffset(depth); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getWireWidth ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _rg->getLayerWireWidth(depth); }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getExtensionCap ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _extensionCaps[depth]; }
Flags Configuration::getDirection ( size_t depth ) const
{ return _rg->getLayerDirection(depth); }
void Configuration::setAllowedDepth ( size_t allowedDepth )
{ _allowedDepth = (allowedDepth > getDepth()) ? getDepth() : allowedDepth; }
void Configuration::_setTopRoutingLayer ( Name name )
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth<_rg->getDepth() ; ++depth ) {
if (_rg->getRoutingLayer(depth)->getName() == name) {
_allowedDepth = _rg->getLayerGauge(depth)->getDepth();
cerr << Error( "In Configuration::Concrete::_setTopRoutingLayer():\n"
" The routing gauge <%s> has no layer named <%s>"
, getString(_rg->getName()).c_str()
, getString(name).c_str() ) << endl;
void Configuration::setSaturateRatio ( float ratio )
{ _saturateRatio = ratio; }
void Configuration::setSaturateRp ( size_t threshold )
{ _saturateRp = threshold; }
void Configuration::setGlobalThreshold ( DbU::Unit threshold )
{ _globalThreshold = threshold; }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getEdgeLength () const
{ return _edgeLength; }
DbU::Unit Configuration::getEdgeWidth () const
{ return _edgeWidth; }
float Configuration::getEdgeCostH () const
{ return _edgeCostH; }
float Configuration::getEdgeCostK () const
{ return _edgeCostK; }
float Configuration::getEdgeHInc () const
{ return _edgeHInc; }
void Configuration::print ( Cell* cell ) const
if (not cmess1.enabled()) return;
string topLayerName = "UNKOWN";
const Layer* topLayer = _rg->getRoutingLayer( _allowedDepth );
if (topLayer)
topLayerName = getString( topLayer->getName() );
cout << " o Configuration of ToolEngine<Anabatic> for Cell <" << cell->getName() << ">" << endl;
cout << Dots::asIdentifier(" - Routing Gauge" ,getString(_rg->getName())) << endl;
cout << Dots::asString (" - Top routing layer" ,topLayerName) << endl;
string Configuration::_getTypeName () const
return "Configuration";
string Configuration::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << _getTypeName() << " " << _rg->getName() << ">";
return os.str();
Record* Configuration::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( _getString() );
record->add ( getSlot( "_rg" , _rg ) );
record->add ( getSlot( "_gmetalh" , _gmetalh ) );
record->add ( getSlot( "_gmetalv" , _gmetalv ) );
record->add ( getSlot( "_gcontact" , _gcontact ) );
record->add ( getSlot( "_allowedDepth", _allowedDepth ) );
record->add ( getSlot( "_edgeCostH" , _edgeCostH ) );
record->add ( getSlot( "_edgeCostK" , _edgeCostK ) );
return ( record );
} // Anabatic namespace.