
118 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class Slice
* \brief Slice description (\b API)
* \section secSliceIntro Introduction
* The slices are objects which split the layout description of
* a cell into horizontal slices grouping all objects located on
* a given layer and storing them into a fast geometrical access
* structure implemented by a quadtree.
* \section secSliceConstructionAndDestruction Construction and destruction
* The slices are fully managed by the cells : they are neither
* created nor destroyed by the application programmer.
* Components are inserted in a slice (at their creation) and
* removed from their slice (at their deletion).
* Empty slices being automatically deleted, you must never
* store pointers to them.
* \section secSliceExample Example
* The following example shows how to visit all cell components
* lying on a given basic layer and whose bounding box
* intersects some rectangular area.
Cell* cell = ...; // we get the cell
BasicLayer* basicLayer = ...; // we get the basic layer
Box area = ...; // we define the rectangular area
for_each_slice(slice, cell->getSlices()) {
if (slice->getLayer()->Contains(basicLayer)) {
for_each_componant(component, slice->getComponentsUnder(area)) {
// here we visit all requested components
/*! \name Accessors
// \{
/*! \function Cell* Slice::getCell() const;
* \Return the cell owning the slice.
/*! \function Layer* Slice::getLayer() const;
* \Return the layer associated to the slice : all components lying in a
* cell are perforce located on that layer.
/*! \function Box Slice::getBoundingBox() const;
* \Return the bounding box of the slice, that is the smallest enclosing
* rectangle of all its components.
/*! \function const Gos Slice::getGos() const;
* \Return the collection of graphic objects lying on the slice.
/*! \function const Components Slice::getComponents() const;
* \Return the collection of components lying on the slice.
/*! \function const Components Slice::getComponentsUnder(const Box& area) const;
* \Return the collection of components of the slice whose bounding box
* intersects the rectangular region defined by \c \<area\>.
// \}
/*! \name Slice Collection
// \{
/*! \typedef Slices
* Collection representing a set of slices.
/*! \typedef SliceLocator
* Locator for traversing a collection of slices.
/*! \typedef SliceFilter
* Filter for selecting a subset of slices which match a given
* criteria.
/*! \def for_each_slice(slice, slices)
* Macro for visiting the slices of a slice collection.
// \}