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\date {}
\title {Stratus User's Manual}
\author {Sophie Belloeil}
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\subsection{Class Model}
\subsection{Function Param}
\subsection{A concrete example}
\section{Description of a netlist}
\subsection{Creation of nets}
\subsection{Creation of instances}
\subsection{Method Alias}
\subsection{Method Extend}
\subsection{Function Cat}
\section{Description of a layout}
\section{Place and Route}
\subsection{Alimentation rails}
\subsection{Alimentation connectors}
\subsection{Instanciation of a buffer}
\subsection{Instanciation of a multiplexor}
\subsection{Instanciation of a shifter}
\subsection{Instanciation of a register}
\subsection{Instanciation of constants}
\subsection{Logical operations}
\subsection{Arithmetical operations}
\subsection{Comparison operations}
\section{Stratus' tools}
You can have the documentation of the tools related to stratus at :\\
\section{Instanciation of your own generators}
\subsection{Virtual library}
\subsection{DPGEN generators}
\subsection{Arithmetic generators}
You can have the documentation of the arithmetic library at :\\