134 lines
3.5 KiB
134 lines
3.5 KiB
// ****************************************************************************************************
// File: MetaTransistor.h
// Authors: Wu YiFei
// Date : 21/12/2006
// ****************************************************************************************************
#include "Cell.h"
#include "AnalogicalCommons.h"
namespace Hurricane {
class Library;
class Name;
class Symbol;
class Record;
class MetaTransistor: public Cell {
// ********************************
// Types
// *****
public : typedef Cell Inherit;
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// Logicals Attributes
// *******************
private : char _type;
private : unsigned _m;
private : Micro _le, _we; // length and width expected
private : Micro _lr, _wr; // real length and real width
private : unsigned _nSex, _nDex, nSin, _nDin, _nSsh, _nDsh;
private : Micro _dgg, _de;
private : MicroPower2 _as, _ad;
private : Micro _ps, _pd;
private : double _capaDrain, _capaGate, _capaSource;
private : double _cgb, _cgs, _cdb, _cds, _csb, _cgd;
// Behaviorals attributes
// **********************
private : double _temp, _vds, _vgs; // DC
private : double _vg, _vd, _vs, _vb;
private : char _region;
private : double _ids;
private : double _vth, _vdsat; // AC
# endif
// Constructors
// ************
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
protected : MetaTransistor(Library* library, const Name& name, char type);
# endif
public : static MetaTransistor* Create(Library* library, const Name& name, char type);
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
protected : virtual void _PostCreate();
// Destructors
// ***********
protected : ~MetaTransistor() {};
protected : virtual void _PreDelete();
# endif
// Operations
// **********
// Create the connection between all instances.
// ********************************************
public : void CreateConnection();
// Create the layout of all motifs in this metatransistor.
// *******************************************************
public : void CreateLayout();
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// Get all paramters after generation of Layout (capa..).
// *****************************************************
public : void GetParameterOfGeneration() { /* to do */};
// Delete all instances and all motifs in this metatransistor.
// ***********************************************************
public : void Flush();
# endif
// Accessors
// *********
public : const Micro& GetLe() const { return _le; };
public : const Micro& GetWe() const { return _we; };
public : const char GetType() const { return _type; };
public : const unsigned GetM() const { return _m; };
// Updators
// ********
public : void SetLe (const Micro le) { _le=le; };
public : void SetWe (const Micro we) { _we=we; };
public : void SetType(const char type) { _type=type; };
public : void SetM (const unsigned m) { _m=m; };
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN_PROCESSOR__)
// Others
// ******
public: virtual string _GetTypeName() const {return _TName("MetaTransistor");};
public: virtual string _GetString() const;
public: virtual Record* _GetRecord() const;
# endif