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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
//! \addtogroup JsonSupport
//! \{
/*! \class JsonObject
* \brief Support for JSON export.
//! \}
//! \function JsonObject::JsonObject ( unsigned long flags );
//! \param flags Flags sets by derived classes.
//! Base object to be used by all JSON parsers. Provides
//! helpers functions. Store three separated lists of
//! requirements/attributes needes to build the object.
//! - \c stackeds : thoses are \b not attributes of the
//! current object, but other objects that are expected
//! to be already in the stack. They are needed to build the
//! current object. Their key must start with a \c '.'
//! character.
//! - \c attributes : the simple attributes of the object.
//! Their key must start with a \c '_'.
//! - \c collections : any container, collection or whatever
//! set of other objects part of the current object.
//! Their key must start with a \c '+' character.
//! For adding a requirement/attribute, see JsonObject::add().
//! \function bool JsonObject::isDummy () const;
//! \Return \true if the concrete object is of type \c JsonDummy, \false otherwise.
//! \function string JsonObject::getTypeName () const;
//! \Return The typename of the concrete object, that is, the value
//! of the \c @typename key of the JSON object.
//! \function string JsonObject::getStackName () const;
//! \Return The key with which the DataBase object will be pushed on
//! the parser stack.
//! If the current object is associated to an attribute (that
//! is, a key in JSON), then the \c name attribute of the JsonObject
//! should have been set, and it will be returned here.
//! If the \c name attribute has not been set (for example,
//! because we are in an array). Then the typename (JsonObject::getTypeName()),
//! prefixed by a \c '.' character will be returned.
//! If the JsonObject is, for instance, a JsonBox (typename: \c "Box") :
//! - If \c name is set to \c "_abutmentBox", the box will be stacked
//! with that key.
//! - If \c name is \b not set, then the key will be \c ".Box".
//! \function JsonObject* JsonObject::setFlags ( unsigned long mask );
//! \param mask Flag(s) to be raised.
//! \return The current object.
//! \function JsonObject* JsonObject::resetFlags ( unsigned long mask );
//! \param mask Flag(s) to be lowered.
//! \return The current object.
//! \function bool JsonObject::issetFlags ( unsigned long mask ) const;
//! \param mask The combination of flags to be checked.
//! \return \true if \b all the flags given in \c mask are sets.
//! \function bool JsonObject::check ( JsonStack& stack, string fname ) const;
//! \param stack Where the objects already parsed are stored.
//! \param fname The function name on behalf of which the check is
//! performed.
//! \return \true if the check is successful.
//! Check that the \c stack actually contains all the objects (i.e. attributes)
//! needed to build the current object. The list of \e attributes is built
//! using the JsonObject::add() function. If an attribute is missing, a warning
//! is issued, but the parser will try to continue.
//! \function bool JsonObject::has ( const string& key ) const;
//! \param key The key name to search for.
//! \return \true if the object possess such a key.
//! \function void JsonObject::add ( const string& key, type_index tid );
//! \param key The requirement/attribute to add.
//! \param tid The type index of the attribute.
//! Adds a new requirement or attribute to the object. The first character
//! of the key tells which kind it is:
//! - \c '.' : a requirement (not part of the object) that must be present
//! in the stack.
//! - \c '_' : a simple attribute of the object.
//! - \c '+' : belongs to a collection or container.
//! A more detailed description could be found in JsonObject::JsonObject().
//! \function void JsonObject::remove ( const string& key );
//! \param key The key of the requirement/attribute to remove.
//! Removes an attribute from the current object.
//! \function T JsonObject::get ( JsonStack& stack, const string& key ) const;
//! \param stack The object stack of the parser.
//! \param key The key of the requested object.
//! \return The first object associated with \c key, starting <em>from the top</em>
//! of the stack.
//! Retrieve requirements or attributes from the parser stack.
//! - If no element with a corresponding key is found, an empty element
//! of type \c T is returned (by calling the default \c T constructor).
//! - If an element matching the key is found, \b but it's type do not
//! match \c T, an exception from \c any_cast<> will be thrown.
//! \function T* JsonObject::jget ( JsonStack& stack ) const;
//! \param stack The parser stack.
//! \Return the first JsonObject that can be cast into type \c T*.
//! Search the JsonObject stack, from the top, the first object that
//! can be cast into type \c T*. Base classes can be used here, as the
//! \c dynamic_cast<> operator is used to perform the casts.
//! This function \b always return a pointer (never a value).
//! \function void JsonObject::copyAttrs ( const JsonObject* other, bool reset=false );
//! \param other The object from which to copy attributes.
//! \param reset Whether to keep or erase the original attributes of the object.
//! Copy the attributes from \c other into the current object. \b Only the
//! \b attributes are copied. Neither the requirements, nor the collections.
//! By default, the attributes are added to the existing one of the object,
//! but if \c reset is \true, the original ones will be suppresseds.
//! \function void JsonObject::clear ();
//! Removes all requirements/attributes/collections of the object.
//! Also unbind it from any generated DataBase object.
//! \function string JsonObject::getName () const;
//! \Return The name of the whole object as attribute.
//! During the parsing of the JSON structure, excepted when in an array,
//! an object is associated with a key. This is the string returned by
//! this function. It is called \c getName() instead of \c getKey() to
//! avoid confusing with the attributes keys.
//! \function void JsonObject::setName ( const string& name );
//! \param name Set the key associated to this object.
//! See JsonObject::getName() for the meaning of the name (key).
//! \function T& JsonObject::getObject () const;
//! \Return The associated DataBase object.
//! Once all the attributes have been gathered, the creation of the
//! DataBase object is triggered by calling JsonObject::toData().
//! We keep track of that DataBase object by storing it (or a pointer
//! to it) in an \c boost::any field of the JsonObject.
//! \function void JsonObject::setObject ( T );
//! \param T The DataBase object.
//! Associate the constructed DataBase object \c T to the JSON
//! object (for later access).
//! \function bool JsonObject::isBound () const;
//! \Return \true if a DataBase object is associated to the JSON object
//! (see JsonObject::setObject()).
//! \function JsonObject* JsonObject::clone ( unsigned long flags ) const;
//! \Return a new \b empty object <em>of the same dynamic type</em>
//! as the source one.
//! This is not a true clone operation in the sense that the datas
//! of the original object are not copied. The cloning is about the
//! type, and is the result of a call to the \c new operator.
//! \Important This method must be overloaded in each concrete derived class.
//! \function void JsonObject::toData ( JsonStack& stack );
//! \param The parser object stack.
//! \Important This method must be overloaded in each concrete derived class.
//! Creates the DataBase object. The requirements and attributes
//! must be on top of the stack, they are popped, the DataBase object
//! is created from them and the result is then pushed back.
//! \function unsigned int JsonObject::presetId ( JsonStack& stack );
//! \param stack The parser object stack.
//! \Return the <em>next id</em> that has been set.
//! \Remark This is a helper for JsonStack::toData().
//! In blob mode, the DataBase must be restored <em>as is</em>,
//! including the \c ids of all the Entities (see Entity).
//! This function read from the stack the \c _id attribute
//! and sets it so that the next Entity created will use it.
//! \function void JsonObject::update ( JsonStack& stack, T hobject );
//! \param stack parser object stack.
//! \param hobject the newly created DataBase object.
//! \Remark This is a helper for JsonStack::toData().
//! Pop the attributes from the stack. Push the newly created
//! object and bind it to the JsonObject.
//! \addtogroup JsonSupport
//! \{
/*! \class JsonStack
* \brief JSON Parser Stack
* The JSON parser stack contains three separate stacks and a lookup
* table:
* -# The \c attribute stack. Objects that have been translated from
* JSON to the Hurricane database (or POD objects).
* -# The \c dbo stack, similar to the previous one, but contains
* \b only objects whose base class is DBo.
* -# The JsonObject stack. The stack of objects currently under
* parsing.
* -# A lookup table for the Entity, between the Hurricane \c id and
* the JSON \c id.
//! \}
//! \function size_t JsonStack::size () const;
//! \Return The size of the attribute stack.
//! \function void JsonStack::push_back ( const std::string& key, T hobject );
//! \param key Key associated to \c hobject
//! \param hobject The \e attribute object.
//! Push back (on top) an element on the \e attribute stack.
//! \function void JsonStack::pop_back ( size_t count=1 );
//! \param count The number of element to pop.
//! Remove \c count element(s) from the top of the stack.
//! \function int JsonStack::rhas ( const string& key );
//! \param key The key element's to look for.
//! \return the index of the element, from the top.
//! The function name's stands for "Reverse HAS".
//! Search from the top of the \e attribute stack downward an
//! element with \c key. Return an index from the top of the stack,
//! that is, the end of the vector. The returned index is a negative
//! value, for exemple the element on top of the stack has an index
//! of \c -1. If no element with a matching key is found, returns 0.
//! \function T JsonStack::as ( const std::string& key ) const;
//! \param key The key's element to search.
//! \return The element, casted as type T.
//! Search an element with key matching \c key, from the top of the
//! stack. If found, returns the element casted as type \c T.
//! As the cast operation uses \c boost::any_cast<>, the exact type
//! \c T must be used (\b not a base class of \c T), otherwise the
//! cast will fail and an exception will be thrown.
//! \function T JsonStack::as ( int index ) const;
//! \param index the position of the element to convert.
//! \return The element, casted as type T.
//! Cast the element at \c index into type T.
//! As the cast operation uses \c boost::any_cast<>, the exact type
//! \c T must be used (\b not a base class of \c T), otherwise the
//! cast will fail and an exception will be thrown.
//! A positive or null index means the element must be taken from the
//! bottom of the stack and a stictly negative one means from the top
//! of the stack.
//! \function void JsonStack::push_back_dbo ( DBo* dbo );
//! \param dbo The DataBase object to push back.
//! Dedicated stack to push objects \e after they had been casted
//! into the DBo* base class. We need to create this separate stack
//! from the \e attribute stack due to the inability of \c boost::any_cast<>
//! to use a base class.
//! \function void JsonStack::pop_back_dbo ();
//! Remove one element from the top of the DBo* stack.
//! \function DBo* JsonStack::back_dbo () const;
//! \Return The elemet at the top of the DBo* stack.
//! \function void JsonStack::addEntity ( unsigned int jsonId, Entity* entity );
//! \param jsonId the \c id of the Entity, in the JSON file
//! \param entity the associated Entity.
//! When parsing a DataBase object \b not in \e blob mode, we cannot
//! restore the ids of the Entities as they are in the file.
//! Thus when an Entity is re-created, it comes with a different id.
//! So we have to keep track of the association between this newbox
//! id (in the Hurricane database) and the one in the JSON file.
//! This function adds such an association.
//! \function T JsonStack::getEntity ( unsigned int jsonId ) const;
//! \Return The entity, casted as type \c T.
//! Find an Entity with the JSON id \c jsonId and cast it into
//! type \c T.
//! Obviously, this Entity must have been registered with a call
//! to addEntity() before.
//! \function vector<JsonObject*>& JsonStack::jobjects ();
//! \Return the stack of JSON objects, for direct manipulation by the involded
//! parties.
//! \function void JsonStack::print ( std::ostream& o ) const;
//! Dump the contents of the \e attribute stack int the stream \c o.
//! For debugging purposes.