
588 lines
20 KiB

// $Id: PyTransformation.cpp,v 1.17 2007/01/30 14:47:24 cobell Exp $
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | I s o b a r - Hurricane / Python Interface |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PyTransformation.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyPoint.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyBox.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyTransformation.h"
namespace Isobar {
using namespace Hurricane;
extern "C" {
#define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(Transformation,transf,function)
// x=================================================================x
// | "PyTransformation" Python Module Code Part |
// x=================================================================x
#if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__)
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
// | Global Constants Loading |
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
extern void TransformationLoadConstants ( PyObject* dictionnary )
PyObject* constant;
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::ID, "OrientationID" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::R1, "OrientationR1" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::R2, "OrientationR2" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::R3, "OrientationR3" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::MX, "OrientationMX" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::XR, "OrientationXR" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::MY, "OrientationMY" )
LOAD_CONSTANT ( Transformation::Orientation::YR, "OrientationYR" )
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
// | "PyTransformation" Attribute Methods |
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
// Standart Accessors (Attributes).
DirectGetLongAttribute(PyTransformation_getTx, getTx, PyTransformation, Transformation)
DirectGetLongAttribute(PyTransformation_getTy, getTy, PyTransformation, Transformation)
// Standard destroy (Attribute).
DirectDestroyAttribute(PyTransformation_destroy, PyTransformation)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyBox_getTranslation ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getTranslation ( PyTransformation *self ) {
trace << "PyBox_getTranslation ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Translation.getTranslation()" )
PyPoint* pyPoint = PyObject_NEW ( PyPoint, &PyTypePoint );
if (pyPoint == NULL) { return NULL; }
trace_in ();
trace << "new PyPoint [" << hex << pyPoint << "]" << endl;
trace_out ();
pyPoint->_object = new Point ( transf->getTranslation() );
return ( (PyObject*)pyPoint );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getOrientation ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getOrientation ( PyTransformation *self ) {
trace << "PyTransformation_getOrientation ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Translation.getOrientation()" )
return ( (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("i",(long)transf->getOrientation().getCode()) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getX ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getX ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getX ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getX()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
long result = 0;
__cs.init ("Transformation.getX");
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&:Transformation.getX",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1) )
return ( NULL );
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { result = transf->getX ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { result = transf->getX ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg1) ); }
else {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Tranformation.getX()." );
return ( NULL );
return ( (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("i",result) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getY ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getY ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getY ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getY()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
long result = 0;
__cs.init ("Transformation.getY");
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&:Transformation.getY",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1) )
return ( NULL );
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { result = transf->getY ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { result = transf->getY ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg1) ); }
else {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Tranformation.getY()." );
return ( NULL );
return ( (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("i",result) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getDx ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getDx ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getDx ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getDx()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
long result = 0;
if ( ! ParseTwoArg ( "Transformation.getDx", args, INTS2_ARG, &arg0, &arg1 ) ) return ( NULL );
result = transf->getDx ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0), PyInt_AsLong(arg1) );
return ( (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("i",result) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getDy ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getDy ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getDy ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getDy()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
long result = 0;
if ( ! ParseTwoArg ( "Transformation.getDy", args, INTS2_ARG, &arg0, &arg1 ) ) return ( NULL );
result = transf->getDy ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0), PyInt_AsLong(arg1) );
return ( (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("i",result) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getTransformation ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getTransformation ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getTransformation ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getTransformation()" )
PyObject* arg0;
Transformation result;
if ( ! ParseOneArg ( "Transformation.getTransformation", args, TRANS_ARG, &arg0 ) ) return ( NULL );
result = transf->getTransformation ( *PYTRANSFORMATION_O(arg0) );
PyTransformation* resultPyTransf = PyObject_NEW ( PyTransformation, &PyTypeTransformation );
if ( resultPyTransf == NULL ) { return NULL; }
trace_in ();
trace << "new PyTransformation [" << hex << resultPyTransf << "]" << endl;
trace_out ();
resultPyTransf->_object = new Transformation ( result );
return ( (PyObject*)resultPyTransf );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getPoint ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getPoint ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getPoint ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getPoint()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
Point result;
__cs.init ("Transformation.getPoint");
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&:Transformation.getPoint",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1) )
return ( NULL );
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { result = transf->getPoint ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { result = transf->getPoint ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg1) ); }
else {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Tranformation.getPoint()." );
return ( NULL );
PyPoint* resultPyPoint = PyObject_NEW ( PyPoint, &PyTypePoint );
if ( resultPyPoint == NULL ) { return NULL; }
trace_in ();
trace << "new PyPoint [" << hex << resultPyPoint << "]" << endl;
trace_out ();
resultPyPoint->_object = new Point ( result );
return ( (PyObject*)resultPyPoint );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getBox ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getBox ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_getBox ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getBox()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
PyObject* arg2;
PyObject* arg3;
Box result;
__cs.init ("Transformation.getBox");
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&O&O&:Transformation.getBox"
,Converter,&arg3) )
return ( NULL );
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == BOX_ARG ) { result = transf->getBox ( *PYBOX_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINTS2_ARG ) { result = transf->getBox ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0)
, *PYPOINT_O(arg1) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS4_ARG ) { result = transf->getBox ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg1)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg2)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg3) ); }
else {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Tranformation.getBox()." );
return ( NULL );
PyBox* resultPyBox = PyObject_NEW ( PyBox, &PyTypeBox );
if ( resultPyBox == NULL ) { return NULL; }
trace_in ();
trace << "new PyBox [" << hex << resultPyBox << "]" << endl;
trace_out ();
resultPyBox->_object = new Box ( result );
return ( (PyObject*)resultPyBox );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_getInvert ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_getInvert ( PyTransformation *self )
trace << "PyTransformation_getInvert ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.getInvert()" )
Transformation result = transf->getInvert ();
PyTransformation* resultPyTransf = PyObject_NEW ( PyTransformation, &PyTypeTransformation );
if ( resultPyTransf == NULL ) { return NULL; }
trace_in ();
trace << "new PyTransformation [" << hex << resultPyTransf << "]" << endl;
trace_out ();
resultPyTransf->_object = new Transformation ( result );
return ( (PyObject*)resultPyTransf );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_Invert ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_Invert ( PyTransformation *self )
trace << "PyTransformation_Invert ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.Invert()" )
transf->invert ();
Py_INCREF ( self );
return ( (PyObject*)self );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_ApplyOn ()"
static PyObject* PyTransformation_ApplyOn ( PyTransformation *self, PyObject* args )
trace << "PyTransformation_ApplyOn ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Transformation.ApplyOn()" )
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
__cs.init ("Transformation.ApplyOn");
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&:Transformation.ApplyOn",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1) )
return ( NULL );
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { transf->applyOn ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == BOX_ARG ) { transf->applyOn ( *PYBOX_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == TRANS_ARG ) { transf->applyOn ( *PYTRANSFORMATION_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "This set of ApplyOn() parameters has not been implemented." );
return ( NULL );
} else {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Tranformation.ApplyOn()." );
return ( NULL );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// PyTransformation Attribute Method table.
PyMethodDef PyTransformation_Methods[] =
{ { "getTx" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getTx , METH_NOARGS, "Return the horizontal component of a Transformation." }
, { "getTy" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getTy , METH_NOARGS, "Return the vertical component of a Transformation." }
, { "getTranslation" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getTranslation , METH_NOARGS , "Return the translation component of a Transformation." }
, { "getOrientation" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getOrientation , METH_NOARGS , "Return the orientation component of a Transformation." }
, { "getX" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getX , METH_VARARGS, "Return X of transformed point <x,y>." }
, { "getY" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getY , METH_VARARGS, "Return Y of transformed point <x,y>." }
, { "getDx" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getDx , METH_VARARGS, "Return X of transformed point <x,y>." }
, { "getDy" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getDy , METH_VARARGS, "Return Y of transformed point <x,y>." }
, { "getTransformation", (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getTransformation, METH_VARARGS, "Return combined transformation." }
, { "getPoint" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getPoint , METH_VARARGS, "Return transformed point <x,y>." }
, { "getBox" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getBox , METH_VARARGS, "Return transformed box." }
, { "getInvert" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_getInvert , METH_NOARGS, "Return inverse transformation." }
, { "Invert" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_Invert , METH_NOARGS, "Inverse transformation." }
, { "ApplyOn" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_ApplyOn , METH_VARARGS, "Apply transformation to object." }
, { "destroy" , (PyCFunction)PyTransformation_destroy , METH_NOARGS
, "Destroy associated hurricane object, the python object remains." }
, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
// | "PyTransformation" Object Methods |
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
#else // End of Python Module Code Part.
// x=================================================================x
// | "PyTransformation" Shared Library Code Part |
// x=================================================================x
static Transformation::Orientation PyInt_AsOrientation ( PyObject* object ) {
switch ( PyInt_AsLong(object) ) {
case Transformation::Orientation::ID : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::ID) );
case Transformation::Orientation::R1 : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::R1) );
case Transformation::Orientation::R2 : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::R2) );
case Transformation::Orientation::R3 : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::R3) );
case Transformation::Orientation::MX : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::MX) );
case Transformation::Orientation::XR : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::XR) );
case Transformation::Orientation::MY : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::MY) );
case Transformation::Orientation::YR : return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::YR) );
return ( Transformation::Orientation(Transformation::Orientation::ID) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Method : "PyTransformation_create ()"
PyObject* PyTransformation_create (PyObject *module, PyObject *args) {
trace << "PyTransformation_create()" << endl;
Transformation* transf;
PyObject* arg0;
PyObject* arg1;
PyObject* arg2;
__cs.init ("Transformation.create");
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&O&:Transformation.create"
)) {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Transformation constructor." );
return NULL;
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == NO_ARG ) { transf = new Transformation (); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { transf = new Transformation ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == TRANS_ARG ) { transf = new Transformation ( *PYTRANSFORMATION_O(arg0) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { transf = new Transformation ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg1) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_INT_ARG ) { transf = new Transformation ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0)
, PyInt_AsOrientation(arg1) ); }
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS3_ARG ) { transf = new Transformation ( PyInt_AsLong(arg0)
, PyInt_AsLong(arg1)
, PyInt_AsOrientation(arg2) ); }
else {
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Transformation constructor." );
return NULL;
PyTransformation* pyTransformation = PyObject_NEW(PyTransformation, &PyTypeTransformation);
if (pyTransformation == NULL) { return NULL; }
trace_in ();
trace << "new PyTransformation [" << hex << pyTransformation << "]" << endl;
trace_out ();
pyTransformation->_object = transf;
return (PyObject*)pyTransformation;
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
// | "PyTransformation" Local Functions |
// x-------------------------------------------------------------x
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// PyTransformation Object Definitions.
#endif // End of Shared Library Code Part.
} // End of extern "C".
} // End of Isobar namespace.