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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class Cell
* \brief The model (\b API).
/*! \function Cell* Cell::create ( Library* library, const Name& name );
* creates and returns a new Cell named \e name for the Library
* \e library.
* \caution Throws an exception if the Library is null, if the Name is
* empty or if a cell with same name already exists in the
* Library.
/*! \function Library* Cell::getLibrary () const;
* Returns the Library owning the Cell.
/*! \function const Name& Cell::getName () const;
* Returns the Name of the Cell.
/*! \function Instance* Cell::getInstance ( const Name& name ) const;
* Returns the Instance of name \e name if it exists, else \NULL.
/*! \function Instances Cell::getInstances () const;
* Returns the Collection of all instances called by the Cell.
/*! \function Instances Cell::getInstancesUnder ( const Box& area ) const;
* Returns the collection of all instances of the Cell intersecting the
* given rectangular \e area.
/*! \function Instances Cell::getSlaveInstances () const;
* Returns the Collection of instances whose master is this Cell.
/*! \function Net* Cell::getNet ( const Name& name ) const;
* Returns the Net of name \e name if it exists, else \NULL.
/*! \function Nets Cell::getNets () const;
* Returns the Collection of all nets of the Cell.
/*! \function Nets Cell::getGlobalNets () const;
* Returns the Collection of all global nets of the Cell.
/*! \function Nets Cell::getExternalNets () const;
* Returns the Collection of all external nets of the Cell.
/*! \function Nets Cell::getInternalNets () const;
* Returns the Collection of all internal nets of the Cell.
/*! \function Nets Cell::getClockNets () const;
* Returns the Collection of all clock nets of the Cell.
/*! \function Nets Cell::getSupplyNets () const;
* Returns the Collection of all supply nets of the Cell.
/*! \function Slice* Cell::getSlice ( const Layer* layer ) const;
* Returns the Slice associated with the Layer \e layer if it exists, else \NULL.
/*! \function Slices Cell::getSlices ( const Layer::Mask& mask = ~0 ) const;
* Returns the Collection of slices of a Cell.
/* \function Views Cell::getViews () const;
* Returns the Collection of graphical views of a Cell.
/* \function Views Cell::getMainViews () const;
* Returns the Collection of main graphical views of a Cell.
/* \function Views Cell::getImpactedMainViews () const;
* Returns the Collection of main graphical views we should update after
* a Cell has been modified.
* When applying modifications upon a Cell, we need to update
* main graphical views of a cell but also main graphical views
* of cells which call directly or indirectly the Cell.
/*! \function Rubbers Cell::getRubbers () const;
* Returns the Collection of all Rubbers of a Cell.
/*! \function Rubbers Cell::getRubbersUnder ( const Box& area ) const;
* Returns the collection of all Rubbers of the Cell intersecting the
* given rectangular \e area.
* \caution Only currently materialized rubbers are taken into account
* in this collection.
/*! \function Components Cell::getComponents ( const Layer::Mask& mask = ~0 ) const;
* Returns the Collection of all Components of the Cell.
/*! \function Components Cell::getComponentsUnder ( const Box& area, const Layer::Mask& mask = ~0 ) const;
* Returns the collection of all Components of the Cell intersecting the
* given rectangular \e area.
* \caution Only currently materialized Components are taken into account
* in this collection.
/*! \function Occurrences Cell::getOccurrences ( unsigned searchDepth=(unsigned)-1 ) const;
* Returns the Collection of all Occurrences belonging to this Cell.
* \remark The search depth is decremented each time a hirearchical
* level is crossed. The search ends when depth becomes null
* (the value \c INFINITE is equal to \c (unsigned)-1) .
/*! \function Occurrences Cell::getOccurrencesUnder ( const Box& area, unsigned searchDepth=(unsigned)-1 ) const;
* Returns the Collection of all Occurrences belonging to this Cell and
* intersecting the given rectangular area.
* \remark The search depth is decremented each time a hirearchical
* level is crossed. The search ends when depth becomes null
* (the value \c INFINITE is equal to \c (unsigned)-1) .
* \caution Only occurences corresponding to currently materialized
* entities are taken into account in this Collection.
/*! \function Box Cell::getAbutmentBox () const;
* Returns Returns the abutment box of the cell (which is defined by the
* designer unlike the bounding box which is managed dynamically).
/* \function Symbol* Cell::getSymbol () const;
* Returns the symbol associated to the cell.
/*! \function bool Cell::isCalledBy ( Cell* cell ) const;
* Returns \true if the cell \this is directly or indirectly called by
* the Cell \e cell. This functions allows to check that there is
* no cyclic instance calls of cells (it is by default,
* automatically called when creating an instance).
/*! \function bool Cell::isTerminal () const;
* Returns \true if the Cell is marked as terminal (meaning that it has
* no inside or that we dont want to take it into account), else
* \false.
//! \function bool Cell::isUnique () const;
//! Returns \true if the Cell has one or less instances, regardless of
//! it's uniquification state.
//! \function bool Cell::isUniquified () const;
//! Returns \true if this Cell is the result of an uniquification \b and
//! is not the reference (the original) Cell.
//! \function bool Cell::isUniquifyMaster () const;
//! Returns \true if the Cell has been uniquified and this is the original
//! Cell. The original Cell can have both normal instances and uniquified
//! instances.
/*! \function void Cell::setName ( const Name& name );
* Allows to change the Cell Name.
* \remark Throws an exception if the new \e name is empty or if the
* Library owning the Cell has already a Cell with the same
* name.
/*! \function void Cell::setAbutmentBox ( const Box& abutmentBox );
* sets Cell abutment box.
* \remark At the Cell creation the abutment box is empty. This one must
* be set through this function. It is possible also, once
* fixed, to reset it to empty (undefined) by passing an empty
* Box as argument.
/*! \function void Cell::setTerminal ( bool state );
* sets Cell terminal status to \e state.
/* \function void Cell::setSymbol ( Symbol* symbol );
* Associates the symbol \e symbol to the Cell.
/*! \function void Cell::materialize ();
* materializes all components of all the nets of the Cell.
/*! \function void Cell::unmaterialize ();
* De-materializes all components of all the nets of the Cell.
//! \function void Cell::uniquify ( unsigned int depth=(unsigned int)-1 );
//! \param depth Recursively perform the uniquification until that
//! hierarchical depth.
//! Multiple instances of a same model are modificated so that
//! each instance has it's own \e unique copy of the model.
//! This is equivalent to a flatten operation, but without
//! destroying the intermediate level of hierarchy. Only the
//! \b netlist and instance's placements gets duplicated.
//! <em>No physical components will be duplicated.</em>
//! \see Cell::getClone(), Instance::uniquify().
//! \function Cell* Cell::getClone ();
//! Build a duplicate of the Cell. The database keep track of all
//! the duplicate of one original Cell. The name of a duplicate
//! is generated by appending \c '_uXX' where \c 'XX' is the number
//! of the duplicate.
//! Only logical information (netlist) and instance's placements
//! gets duplicated. <em>No physical components will be duplicated.</em>
/*! \typedef typedef GenericCollection<Cell*> Cells;
* Generic collection representing a set of cell objects.
/*! \typedef typedef GenericLocator<Cell*> CellLocator;
* Generic locator for visiting a cell objects Collection.
/*! \typedef typedef GenericFilter<Cell*> CellFilter;
* Filter to selecting a subset of cell objects matching some criteria.
/*! \def for_each_entity(entity,entities)
* Macro for visiting all objects of a cell objects collection.