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186 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class Query
* \brief Query description (\b API)
* \section secQueryIntro Introduction
* The Query is a part of the trans-hierarchical mechanism.
* A Query performs a walktrough over all the Occurrences
* of objects under a determined area, thus providing a
* virtual flattening service. Please note that only placed
* objects (i.e. inserted in a QuadTree) are took into account.
* To use the Query class the user has to create derived classes
* and overload the various callbacks. At least the following
* pure virtual methods must be overloaded:
* - Query::masterCellCallback().
* - Query::goCallback().
* - Query::extensionGoCallback().
* \section secQueryParameters
* A query walkthrough is defined by the following parameters:
* - The starting hierarchical level: only objects with a
* hierarchical depth greater or equal will be explored.
* The top level Cell has a depth of \e zero, the master
* Cell of the instances a depth of \e one and so on.
* - The stoping hierarchical level: only objects with a
* hierarchical depth lesser or equal will be considered.
* - The top Cell on which to start.
* - The area to consider on the top Cell.
* - A transformation to apply on the top Cell.
* - A BasicLayer to select only the Gos containing it.
* - An ExtensionSlice::Mask to select which user-defined slice
* to process.
* - A Mask, to select which kind of Go to process.
//! \enum Query::QueryFilter
//! Set of flags to specify on which types of objects the Query
//! must iterate.
//! \var Query::DoMasterCells
//! Activate the call of the Query::masterCellCallback().
//! \var Query::DoTerminalCells
//! Activate the call of the Query::masterCellCallback(), but only on
//! leaf Cell of the hierarchy.
//! \var Query::DoComponents
//! Activate the call of the Query::goCallback().
//! \var Query::DoMarkers
//! Activate the call of the Query::markerCallback().
//! \var Query::DoRubbers
//! Activate the call of the Query::rubberCallback().
//! \var Query::DoExtensionGos
//! Activate the call of the Query::extensionGoCallback().
//! \var Query::DoAll
//! Activate all the callbacks at once.
//! \function Query::Query ();
//! Default constructor. Initialisation is done through Query::setQuery().
//! \function Query::~Query ();
//! Default destructor.
//! \function unsigned int Query::getStartLevel () const;
//! \sreturn The hierarchical level from which we start to consider objects.
//! \function unsigned int Query::getStopLevel () const;
//! \sreturn The hierarchical level from which we stop to consider objects.
//! \function size_t Query::getDepth () const;
//! \sreturn The hierarchical depth of the current Query walkthrough.
//! \function const Transformation& Query::getTransformation () const;
//! \sreturn The cumulative transformation of the master cell currently under exploration.
//! \function const Box& Query::getArea () const;
//! \sreturn The area to explore, expressed in the coordinates system of the
//! current master cell under exploration. This is the starting area with
//! the inverse of the current transformation applied.
//! \function const BasicLayer* Query::getBasicLayer () const;
//! \sreturn The BasicLayer we are filtering with.
//! \function Cell* Query::getMasterCell ();
//! \sreturn The master Cell currently under exploration.
//! \function Instance* Query::getInstance ();
//! \sreturn The Instance currently under exploration.
//! \function Path Query::getPath () const;
//! \sreturn The instanciation path between the instance currently under inspection
//! and the top cell.
//! \function bool Query::hasGoCallback () const;
//! \sreturn Tells wether the Go callback is present and should be called.
//! \function bool Query::hasMarkerCallback () const;
//! \sreturn Tells wether the Marker callback is present and should be called.
//! \function bool Query::hasRubberCallback () const;
//! \sreturn Tells wether the Rubber callback is present and should be called.
//! \function bool Query::hasExtensionGoCallback () const;
//! \sreturn Tells wether the ExtensionGo callback is present and should be called.
//! \function bool Query::hasMasterCellCallback () const;
//! \sreturn Tells wether the master Cell callback is present and should be called.
//! \function void Query::goCallback ( Go* );
//! \sreturn The method called on each encountered Go. This is a pure virtual
//! method which must be overloaded in derived classes.
//! \function void Query::markerCallback ( Marker* );
//! \sreturn The method called on each encountered Marker. A default implementation
//! is provided, which does absolutely nothing.
//! \function void Query::rubberCallback ( Rubber* );
//! \sreturn The method called on each encountered Rubber. A default implementation
//! is provided, which does absolutely nothing.
//! \function void Query::extensionGoCallback ( Go* );
//! \sreturn The method called on each encountered ExtensionGo. This is a pure virtual
//! method which must be overloaded in derived classes.
//! \function void Query::masterCellCallback ();
//! \sreturn The method called on each encountered master Cell. The Cell is not
//! passed as parameter as it is directly accessible through Query::getCell().
//! This is a pure virtual method which must be overloaded in derived classes.
//! \function void Query::setQuery ( Cell* cell, const Box& area, const Transformation& transformation, const BasicLayer* basicLayer, ExtensionSlice::Mask extensionMask, Mask filter );
//! \param cell The top Cell on which to start the Query.
//! \param area The area under which objects are queried.
//! \param transformation An initial transformation to apply to \c cell.
//! \param basicLayer Consider only objects containing this BasicLayer.
//! \param extensionMask Consider only ExtensionGo matching this mask.
//! \param filter Consider only objects of certain types, as defined in
//! QueryFilter.
//! Initialize the basic parameters of the Query. Those parameters can
//! be changed individually afterwards with specific mutators.
//! \function void Query::setCell ( Cell* cell );
//! Change the top Cell on which to perform the Query.
//! \function void Query::setArea ( const Box& box );
//! Change the top area to query.
//! \function void Query::setTransformation ( const Transformation& transformation );
//! Change the transformation applied to the top level Cell.
//! \function void Query::setBasicLayer ( const BasicLayer* );
//! Change the BasicLayer selector.
//! \function void Query::setExtensionMask ( ExtensionSlice::Mask );
//! Change the filtering mask for ExtensionSlice.
//! \function void Query::setFilter ( Mask );
//! Change the filtering mask for object types.
//! \function void Query::setStartLevel ( unsigned int );
//! Change the starting depth level.
//! \function void Query::setStopLevel ( unsigned int );
//! Change the stoping depth level.
//! \function void Query::doQuery ();
//! Perform the actual Query.
// \}