200 lines
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200 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2010, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./GotoWidget.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QRegExpValidator>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "hurricane/viewer/GotoWidget.h"
namespace Hurricane {
GotoWidget::GotoWidget ( QWidget* parent )
: QDialog (parent)
, _xyRegexp ("(\\d+),(\\d+)")
, _xyEdit (new QLineEdit())
, _apertureEdit(new QLineEdit())
, _dbuMode (new QComboBox())
, _x (0)
, _y (0)
, _aperture (0)
, _hasXy (false)
, _hasAperture (false)
setModal ( true );
setWindowTitle ( "<Goto>" );
setToolTip ( "Center the view on that coordinates" );
QRegExpValidator* xyValidator = new QRegExpValidator ( _xyRegexp, this );
_xyEdit->setValidator ( xyValidator );
QRegExp apertureRegexp ( "\\d+" );
QRegExpValidator* apertureValidator = new QRegExpValidator ( apertureRegexp, this );
_apertureEdit->setValidator ( apertureValidator );
QHBoxLayout* hLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout ();
QLabel* label = new QLabel ();
label->setTextFormat ( Qt::RichText );
label->setText ( "<b>X,Y:</b>" );
hLayout1->addWidget ( label );
hLayout1->addWidget ( _xyEdit );
label = new QLabel ();
label->setTextFormat ( Qt::RichText );
label->setText ( "<b>Aperture:</b>(Zoom)" );
hLayout1->addWidget ( label );
hLayout1->addWidget ( _apertureEdit );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "DataBase" , DbU::Db /*0x01*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Grid" , DbU::Grid /*0x02*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Symbolic" , DbU::Symbolic /*0x04*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Micrometer", DbU::Physical /*0x08*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Nanometer" , 0x10 );
_dbuMode->setCurrentIndex ( 2 );
hLayout1->addWidget ( _dbuMode );
QPushButton* cancelButton = new QPushButton ();
cancelButton->setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
cancelButton->setText ( tr("Cancel") );
QPushButton* okButton = new QPushButton ();
okButton->setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
okButton->setText ( tr("Goto") );
QHBoxLayout* hLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout ();
hLayout2->addStretch ( 1 );
hLayout2->addWidget ( okButton, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
hLayout2->addStretch ( 4 );
hLayout2->addWidget ( cancelButton, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
hLayout2->addStretch ( 1 );
QFrame* hLine = new QFrame ();
hLine->setFrameShape ( QFrame::HLine );
hLine->setFrameShadow ( QFrame::Sunken );
QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout ();
//vLayout->setSizeConstraint ( QLayout::SetFixedSize );
vLayout->addLayout ( hLayout1 );
vLayout->addWidget ( hLine );
vLayout->addLayout ( hLayout2 );
setLayout ( vLayout );
connect ( okButton , SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(acceptAndUpdate()) );
connect ( cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()) );
void GotoWidget::acceptAndUpdate ()
if ( (_hasXy = _xyEdit->hasAcceptableInput()) ) {
_xyRegexp.indexIn ( _xyEdit->displayText() );
_x = toDbu ( _xyRegexp.cap(1).toDouble() );
_y = toDbu ( _xyRegexp.cap(2).toDouble() );
if ( (_hasAperture = _apertureEdit->hasAcceptableInput()) ) {
_aperture = toDbu ( _apertureEdit->displayText().toDouble() );
_hasAperture = (_aperture != 0 );
emit accept();
void GotoWidget::changeDbuMode ( int mode, DbU::UnitPower p )
if ( mode == DbU::Physical ) {
switch ( p ) {
case DbU::Nano: mode = Nanometer; break;
case DbU::Micro: mode = Micrometer; break;
int index = _dbuMode->findData ( mode );
switch ( index ) {
case Nanometer:
case Micrometer:
case Grid:
case Db: _dbuMode->setCurrentIndex(index); break;
case Symbolic: _dbuMode->setCurrentIndex(2); break;
ostringstream s;
s << (long)fromDbu(_x) << "," << (long)fromDbu(_y);
_xyEdit->setText ( s.str().c_str() );
s << (long)fromDbu(_aperture);
_apertureEdit->setText ( s.str().c_str() );
DbU::Unit GotoWidget::toDbu ( double d ) const
DbU::Unit unit;
switch ( _dbuMode->currentIndex() ) {
case Nanometer: unit = DbU::grid(DbU::physicalToGrid(d,DbU::Nano )); break;
case Micrometer: unit = DbU::grid(DbU::physicalToGrid(d,DbU::Micro)); break;
case Symbolic: unit = DbU::lambda(d); break;
case Grid: unit = DbU::grid (d); break;
case Db: unit = DbU::db ((long)d); break;
return unit;
double GotoWidget::fromDbu ( DbU::Unit u ) const
double d;
switch ( _dbuMode->currentIndex() ) {
case Nanometer: d = DbU::getPhysical(u,DbU::Nano); break;
case Micrometer: d = DbU::getPhysical(u,DbU::Micro); break;
case Symbolic: d = DbU::getLambda(u); break;
case Grid: d = DbU::getGrid (u); break;
case Db: d = DbU::getDb (u); break;
return d;
} // End of Hurricane Namespace.