// -*- C++ -*-

 namespace Katabatic {

 /*! \class        AutoContactHTee
  *  \brief        AutoContact H-Tee (two H, one V)
  *                AutoContact to build an horizontal tee (two H, one V).

 //! \function    AutoContactHTee* AutoContactHTee::create ( GCell* gcell, Net* net, const Layer* layer );
 //! \param       gcell  The GCell into which create the AutoContact.
 //! \param       net    The Net to which this AutoContact belongs.
 //! \param       layer  The Layer of the AutoContact.
 //! \return      The created AutoContactHTee.
 //!              Create a new AutoContactHTee.

 //! \function    void  AutoContactHTee::updateTopology ();
 //!              Restore the topology (i.e. connexity) of the contact after any number
 //!              of connected segments has changed layer (at least one, up to three).
 //!              For any configuration, the connexity can be restored by making only
 //!              one dogleg.
 //!              We distinguish two kind of layer changes:
 //!                -# The two horizontals (\c h1 and \c h2) are still on the same layer
 //!                   (either they both moved or the vertical only has moved, see figures
 //!                   2 & 4).
 //!                   In that case, the dogleg is made on the vertical.                   
 //!                -# The two horizontals no longer are on the same layer (figures 1 & 3).
 //!                   In that case, the dogleg is made on the horizontal which is at the
 //!                   greater distance (in a layer sense) from the vertical.
 //!              \image html  updateTopologyHTee.png  "Update H-Tee Topology"
