// -*- C++ -*-

 namespace Katabatic {

 /*! \class        AutoContact
  *  \brief        Self-sizing Contact (\b API).
  *  \see          \ref buildRules.
  *  \section      secAutoContactSplitting  AutoContact splitting mechanism
  *                An AutoContact splitting occurs when more than two layers connects
  *                to a single AutoContact.
  *                <b>General Case</b>
  *                <ol>
  *                  <li>Create a \b secondary contact, so that both the original
  *                      and the secondary abide by the two layers rule.
  *                  <li>Create new AutoSegments to connect original to secondary.
  *                      There could be one or two segments created according to
  *                      the <i>layers distance</i>.
  *                  <li>Re-attach the AutoSegments to the right AutoContact.
  *                      The rule being that an AutoSegment is attached to the
  *                      lowest AutoContact containing it's Layer.
  *                  <li>The orignal &amp; secondary contact are passed trough
  *                      the connexity restauration procedure.
  *                </ol>
  *                <b>Importants Points</b>
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>In the second step: the new AutoSegments must be put on
  *                      axis so that after resizing original and secondary AutoContact,
  *                      the AutoSegments do not extend outside their previous extension.
  *                  <li>Constraints splitting: the constraints on the splitted
  *                      AutoSegment mustn't be more restrictive than thoses on the
  *                      original one. For example, two AutoSegments that weren't
  *                      HAligneds must not become so.
  *                </ul>
  *                <b>Special Cases</b>
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>The AutoContact is anchored on a \c METAL1 terminal, then
  *                      there is only one \c M4 AutoSegment to be re-connected, we
  *                      simply create a two-VIA dog leg.
  *                  <li>The AutoContact still have connect two connex Layers, just
  *                      changes the AutoContact Layer.
  *                </ul>
  *                \image html  AutoContact-12.png
  *                \image html  AutoContact-13.png
  *                \image html  AutoContact-14.png
  *                \image html  AutoContact-15.png
  *                \image latex AutoContact-12.pdf
  *                \image latex AutoContact-13.pdf
  *                \image latex AutoContact-14.pdf
  *                \image latex AutoContact-15.pdf

 /*  \var          GCell* AutoContact::_gcell
  *  \brief        The GCell into which the AutoContact is located.

 /*! \function     AutoContact* AutoContact::fromRp ( GCell* gcell, RoutingPad* routingPad, const Layer* layer, Point point, DbU::Unit width, DbU::Unit height, bool fixed=false );
  *  \param        gcell      The GCell in which to create the AutoContact.
  *  \param        routingPad The RoutingPad on which to anchor the AutoContact.
  *  \param        layer      The AutoContact's layer.
  *  \param        point      The absolute position of the AutoContact.
  *  \param        width      AutoContact's width.
  *  \param        height     AutoContact's height.
  *  \param        fixed      The AutoContact cannot be moved.
  *  \return       Newly created AutoContact.
  *                create an AutoContact anchored on a \c RoutingPad. The AutoContact can
  *                be moved along the \c RoutingPad but not outside it.
  *                A remark on the \c point parameter : it must be absolute coordinates, but
  *                as we uses the \c RoutingPad as an anchor they are translated into an
  *                offset from the \c RoutingPad (see how \c Hurricane handles coordinates
  *                through anchoring). It is also assumed that the AutoContact is to be
  *                electrically connected to the \c RoutingPad (no disconnection).
  *                So, we will faces three cases, depending on the \c RoutingPad
  *                underlying \c Entity :
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>The \c Entity is an horizontal segment :
  *                      the Y coordinate is sets to zero, the X coordinate is kept.
  *                  <li>The \c Entity is a vertical segment :
  *                      keep the Y coordinate, the X coordinate is sets to zero.
  *                  <li>The \c Entity is a \c Contact or a \c Pin :
  *                      both X and Y are sets to zero.
  *                </ul>

 /*! \function     AutoContact*  AutoContact::create ( GCell* gcell, Net* net, const Layer* layer, bool hAlignate=false, bool vAlignate=false )
  *  \param        gcell      The GCell into which the AutoContact will be put.
  *  \param        net        The AutoContact's owner Net.
  *  \param        layer      The AutoContact's layer.
  *  \param        hAlignate  Keeps alignate (all) horizontal segments.
  *  \param        vAlignate  Keeps alignate (all) vertical segments.
  *  \return                  A new AutoContact.
  *                As AutoContact are Contacts restricted to, at best, two adjacent
  *                routing layers, the layer argument is either a single routing
  *                contact or a two metals only VIA.

 /*! \function     AutoContact*  AutoContact::create ( GCell* gcell, RoutingPad* rp, const Layer* layer, const DbU::Unit dx, const DbU::Unit dy, const DbU::Unit width, const DbU::Unit height, bool hAlignate=false, bool vAlignate=false, bool fixed=false );
  *  \param        gcell      The GCell into which the AutoContact will be put.
  *  \param        rp         The RoutingPad anchor.
  *  \param        layer      The AutoContact's layer.
  *  \param        dx         Horizontal offset to the component.
  *  \param        dy         Vertical offset to the component.
  *  \param        width      Width of the AutoContact.
  *  \param        height     Height of the AutoContact.
  *  \param        hAlignate  Keeps alignate (all) horizontal segments.
  *  \param        vAlignate  Keeps alignate (all) vertical segments.
  *  \param        fixed      The AutoContact cannot be moved.
  *  \return                  A new AutoContact.
  *                create an AutoContact anchored on a component : the component must
  *                be a \RoutingPad, sets the isTerminal() flag.
  *                As AutoContact are Contacts restricted to, at best, two adjacent
  *                routing layers, the layer argument is either a single routing
  *                contact or a two metals only VIA.

 /*! \function     GCell* AutoContact::getGCell() const
  *  \brief        Returns the GCell into which the AutoContact is located.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::updateGeometry()
  *  \brief        Perform the segment resizing.
  *                As it will resizes Hurricane components, this function call must
  *                be enclosed into an updateSession.

 /*! \function     AutoContacts  AutoContact::getCollapseds ( unsigned int direction );
  *  \param        direction restrict the search to that direction.
  *  \return       The \c Collection of AutoContact that are collapsed on this one,
  *                       that is, linked through collapsed AutoSegment of type
  *                       \c direction.

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::isTerminal () const;
  *  \return       \true if the AutoContact is anchored on a terminal.

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::isHAlignate () const;
  *  \return       \true if the horizontal AutoSegment anchored on the AutoContact
  *                must be kept aligned.
  *  \see          \ref collapseCanonical

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::isVAlignate () const;
  *  \return       \true if the vertical AutoSegment anchored on the AutoContact
  *                must be kept aligned.
  *  \see          \ref collapseCanonical

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::getLengths ( DbU::Unit* lengths, set<AutoSegment*>& segments );
  *  \return       Increment the table of lengths for the lengths of segments of
  *                this AutoContact and inside it's owning GCell.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setTerminal ( bool isTerminal );
  *  \param        isTerminal  set the terminal flag.

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::isHExtended ();
  *  \return       \true if the \b privileged direction of the AutoContact is horizontal.
  *                To be privileged in horizontal direction means that the \c Y coordinates
  *                of all horizontals of the AutoContact are the same and imposed in either
  *                of the following ways:
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>Have a horizontal global (i.e. stem). The AutoContact could
  *                      be non-punctual along the horizontal axis.
  *                  <li>All it's horizontals are kept aligneds.
  *                </ul>
  *  \note         An AutoContact can be neither horizontally extended nor vertically
  *                extended. In which case it is punctual.
  *                \image html  AutoContact-10.png
  *                \image latex AutoContact-10.pdf

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::isVExtended ();
  *  \return       \true if the \b privileged direction of the AutoContact is vertical.
  *                To be privileged in vertical direction means that the \c X coordinates
  *                of all verticals of the AutoContact are the same and imposed in either
  *                the following way:
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>Have a vertical global (i.e. stem). The AutoContact could
  *                      be non-punctual along the vertical axis.
  *                  <li>All it's vertical are kept aligneds.
  *                </ul>
  *  \note         An AutoContact can be neither horizontally extended nor vertically
  *                extended. In which case it is punctual.
  *                \image html  AutoContact-11.png
  *                \image latex AutoContact-11.pdf

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setHAlignate ( bool hAlignate );
  *  \param        hAlignate  The new horizontal alignement mode.
  *                When horizontal aligment mode is active, all horizontals of the
  *                AutoContact are kept aligned (on the same \b Y coordinate).
  *  \see          \ref collapseCanonical

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setVAlignate ( bool vAlignate );
  *  \param        vAlignate  The new vertical alignement mode.
  *                When vertical aligment mode is active, all verticals of the
  *                AutoContact are kept aligned (on the same \b X coordinate).
  *  \see          \ref collapseCanonical

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::restoreHConnexity ( DbU::Unit y, bool split=false );
  *  \param        y      When splitting, the coordinate of the vertical strap segments.
  *  \param        split  Wether to separate the various horizontals or not.
  *                Ensure that there is no gap between horizontals of this AutoContact.
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>The default behavior (<tt>split=false</tt>) is simply to sets the
  *                      <b>H Alignate</b> flags, thus forcing the alignment on the same \c Y.
  *                  <li>To allow the horizontals to be on different axis, we can split
  *                      them on differents AutoContacts aligneds vertically. The AutoSegments
  *                      created between thoses secondary contacts are calleds "straps" and
  *                      sets on the \c Y axis.
  *                </ul>
  *                In case of splitting, all the verticals are kept on the original AutoContact.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::restoreVConnexity ( DbU::Unit x, bool split=false );
  *  \param        x      When splitting, the coordinate of the horizontal strap segments.
  *  \param        split  Wether to separate the various verticals or not.
  *                Ensure that there is no gap between verticals of this AutoContact.
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>The default behavior (<tt>split=false</tt>) is simply to sets the
  *                      <b>V Alignate</b> flags, thus forcing the alignment on the same \c X.
  *                  <li>To allow the verticals to be on different axis, we can split
  *                      them on differents AutoContacts aligneds horizontally. The AutoSegments
  *                      created between thoses secondary contacts are calleds "straps" and
  *                      sets on the \c X axis.
  *                </ul>
  *                In case of splitting, all the horizontals are kept on the original AutoContact.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::invalidate ();
  *                Put this AutoContact into the invalidated set (see \ref katabaticSession).

 //! \addtogroup   katabaticSession
 //! \{

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::isInvalidated () const;
  *  \return       \True if the AutoContact is invalidated, i.e. in the
  *                Katabatic Session, one or more of it's anchored AutoSegment
  *                being moved.
  *  \see          autoInvalidate().

 /*! \function     bool  AutoContact::setInvalidated ( bool state );
  *  \param        state  set the state of the AutoContact regarding the
  *                       Katabatic Session. 
  *  \see          autoInvalidate().

 /*! \function     Box  AutoContact::getNativeConstraintBox () const;
  *                Return the native constraint box, that is, the \Box of the
  *                owning GCell or the bounding box of the terminal it's anchored
  *                upon.

 /*! \function     DbU::Unit  AutoContact::getCBXMin () const;
  *  \return       The X coordinate of the lower left corner.

 /*! \function     DbU::Unit  AutoContact::getCBYMin () const;
  *  \return       The Y coordinate of the lower left corner.

 /*! \function     DbU::Unit  AutoContact::getCBXMax () const;
  *  \return       The X coordinate of the upper right corner.

 /*! \function     DbU::Unit  AutoContact::getCBYMax () const;
  *  \return       The Y coordinate of the upper right corner.

 /*! \function     Box  AutoContact::getConstraintBox () const;
  *  \return       The current constraint box.

 /*! \function     Box& AutoContact::intersectConstraintBox ( Box& box ) const;
  *  \param        box The box to intersect width.
  *  \return       A reference on the the box given as argument.
  *                Do the intersection of the constraint box and the one given
  *                as argument. Store the result in place.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::restoreNativeConstraintBox ();
  *                reset the constraint box to the native constraint box.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setConstraintBox ( const Box& box );
  *  \param        box  The new constraint box.
  *                sets the constraint box.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::restrictConstraintBox ( DbU::Unit constraintMin, DbU::Unit constraintMax, unsigned int direction );
  *  \param        constraintMin  The constraint lower bound.
  *  \param        constraintMax  The constraint upper bound.
  *  \param        direction      The direction into which apply the constraint.
  *                restrict the constraint box in one direction.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setCBXMin ( DbU::Unit xMin );
  *  \param        xMin  The X cooordinate of the lower left corner.
  *                sets the X coordinate of the lower left corner.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setCBYMin ( DbU::Unit yMin );
  *  \param        yMin  The Y cooordinate of the lower left corner.
  *                sets the Y coordinate of the lower left corner.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setCBXMax ( DbU::Unit xMax );
  *  \param        xMax  The X cooordinate of the upper right corner.
  *                sets the X coordinate of the upper right corner.

 /*! \function     void  AutoContact::setCBYMax ( DbU::Unit yMax );
  *  \param        yMax  The Y cooordinate of the upper right corner.
  *                sets the Y coordinate of the upper right corner.

 //! \}


 namespace {
