// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Matrix.cpp" -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2016, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | A n a b a t i c - Global Routing Toolbox | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./Matrix.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "anabatic/Matrix.h" #include "anabatic/GCell.h" namespace Anabatic { using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::setw; using std::setfill; using std::ostringstream; using Hurricane::Error; Matrix::Matrix () : _area () , _side (1) , _gcells() , _imax (0) , _jmax (0) { } Matrix::Matrix ( Box area, DbU::Unit side ) : _area (area) , _side (side) , _gcells() , _imax (0) , _jmax (0) { _imax = _area.getWidth () / side + ((_area.getWidth () % side) ? 1 : 0); _jmax = _area.getHeight() / side + ((_area.getHeight() % side) ? 1 : 0); _gcells.resize( _imax*_jmax ); } Matrix::~Matrix () { } void Matrix::setCell ( Cell* cell, DbU::Unit side ) { _area = cell->getAbutmentBox(); _side = side; _imax = _area.getWidth () / side + ((_area.getWidth () % side) ? 1 : 0); _jmax = _area.getHeight() / side + ((_area.getHeight() % side) ? 1 : 0); _gcells.resize( _imax*_jmax ); cdebug_log(110,0) << "Matrix::setCell(): " << this << endl; } GCell* Matrix::getUnder ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y ) const { if (x == _area.getXMax()) --x; if (y == _area.getYMax()) --y; int index = xy2maxIndex(x,y); cdebug_log(110,0) << "Matrix::getUnder() (" << DbU::getValueString(x) << " " << DbU::getValueString(y) << ") index:" << index << endl; return (index < 0) ? NULL : _gcells[index]->getUnder(x,y); } void Matrix::updateLookup ( GCell* gcell ) { cdebug_log(110,1) << "Matrix::updateLookup(): " << gcell << endl; if (gcell->isFlat()) { cdebug_log(110,0) << " GCell is flat, no update." << endl; cdebug_tabw(110,-1); return; } Box gcellBb = gcell->getBoundingBox(); Box updateArea = _area.getIntersection( gcellBb ); cdebug_log(110,0) << "_side: " << DbU::getValueString(_side) << endl; cdebug_log(110,0) << "_area: " << _area << endl; cdebug_log(110,0) << "updateArea: " << updateArea << endl; if (updateArea.isEmpty()) { cerr << Error( "Matrix::updateLookup(): %s is not under area of %s." , getString(gcell).c_str() , getString(this).c_str() ) << endl; } Index indexMin = Index::asMin( this, updateArea.getXMin(), updateArea.getYMin() ); Index indexMax = Index::asMax( this, updateArea.getXMax(), updateArea.getYMax() ); int xspan = indexMax.i() - indexMin.i(); DbU::Unit dx = updateArea.getXMin() - _area.getXMin(); DbU::Unit dy = updateArea.getYMin() - _area.getYMin(); cdebug_log(110,0) << "raw_i:" << (dx / _side + ((dx%_side) ? 1 : 0)) << " raw_j:" << (dy / _side + ((dy%_side) ? 1 : 0)) << endl; cdebug_log(110,0) << "indexMin:" << indexMin << endl; cdebug_log(110,0) << "indexMax:" << indexMax << endl; cdebug_log(110,0) << "xspan: " << xspan << endl; if (not indexMin.valid() or not indexMax.valid()) { cdebug_tabw(110,-1); return; } int index = indexMin.index(); while ( index <= indexMax.index() ) { cdebug_log(110,0) << "i,j = " << index2i(index) << "," << index2j(index) << " " << getGridPoint(index) << endl; if (updateArea.contains(getGridPoint(index))) _gcells[index] = gcell; if (index2j(index) <= indexMax.j()) ++index; else index += _imax - xspan; } cdebug_tabw(110,-1); } void Matrix::show () const { cdebug_log(111,0) << this << endl; for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_gcells.size() ; ++i ) { //cdebug_log(111,0) << "[" << setw(3) << setfill('0') << i << setfill(' ') << "] (" // << setw(3) << index2i(i) << "," // << setw(3) << index2j(i) << ") " << _gcells[i] << endl; cdebug_log(111,0) << "[" << i << "] (" << index2i(i) << "," << index2j(i) << ") " << _gcells[i] << endl; } } string Matrix::_getTypeName () const { return "Matrix"; } string Matrix::_getString () const { ostringstream os; os << "<" << _getTypeName() << " " << _imax << "x" << _jmax << " " << _area << "/" << DbU::getValueString(_side) << ">"; return os.str(); } Record* Matrix::_getRecord () const { Record* record = new Record( _getString() ); record->add( getSlot ("_area" , _area ) ); record->add( DbU::getValueSlot("_side" , &_side ) ); record->add( getSlot ("_imax" , _imax ) ); record->add( getSlot ("_jmax" , _jmax ) ); record->add( getSlot ("_gcells", &_gcells) ); return record; } } // Anabatic namespace;