// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2009, All Rights Reserved // // =================================================================== // // $Id$ // // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // | | // | H U R R I C A N E | // | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./MousePositionWidget.cpp" | // | *************************************************************** | // | U p d a t e s | // | | // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x #include #include "hurricane/viewer/DynamicLabel.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/MousePositionWidget.h" namespace Hurricane { MousePositionWidget::MousePositionWidget ( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget(parent) , _xPosition(new DynamicLabel()) , _yPosition(new DynamicLabel()) { _xPosition->setStaticText ( "X:" ); _xPosition->setDynamicText ( "N/A" ); _yPosition->setStaticText ( "Y:" ); _yPosition->setDynamicText ( "N/A" ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout (); layout->addWidget ( _xPosition ); layout->addWidget ( _yPosition ); layout->setContentsMargins ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); setLayout ( layout ); } void MousePositionWidget::setPosition ( const Point& position ) { _xPosition->setDynamicText ( position.getX() ); _yPosition->setDynamicText ( position.getY() ); } } // End of Hurricane namespace.