// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2008, All Rights Reserved // // =================================================================== // // $Id$ // // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // | | // | C O R I O L I S | // | K a t a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./NetConstraints.cpp" | // | *************************************************************** | // | U p d a t e s | // | | // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x #include #include #include "hurricane/DebugSession.h" #include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/Pad.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Instance.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "katabatic/AutoContact.h" #include "katabatic/AutoSegment.h" #include "katabatic/Session.h" #include "katabatic/KatabaticEngine.h" namespace { //! \addtogroup NetConstraints //! \{ /*! \function void propagateConstraintFromRp ( RoutingPad* rp ) * \param rp The \c RoutingPad starting point. * * Do a full constraint propagation starting from this \c RoutingPad. */ /*! \function void propagateConstraint ( AutoContactStack& segmentStack, DbU::Unit constraintMin, DbU::Unit constraintMax, unsigned int direction ) * \param segmentStack A vector of \c AutoSegment. * \param constraintMin The interval lower bound. * \param constraintMax The interval upper bound. * \param direction The propagation direction. * * Propagate the constraint in the appropriate direction through the vector * of \c AutoSegments and any other linked through collapse. */ //! \} using namespace std; using namespace CRL; using namespace Hurricane; using namespace Katabatic; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Functions. void propagateConstraint ( AutoContactStack& segmentStack , DbU::Unit constraintMin , DbU::Unit constraintMax , unsigned int direction ) { ltracein(99); while ( !segmentStack.isEmpty() ) { AutoContact* sourceContact = segmentStack.getAutoContact (); Segment* sourceSegment = segmentStack.getSegment (); segmentStack.pop (); if ( sourceContact->isAlignate(direction) ) { ltrace(99) << "Apply to (source): " << (void*)sourceContact->base() << ":" << sourceContact << endl; sourceContact->restrictConstraintBox ( constraintMin, constraintMax, direction ); } AutoSegment* sourceAutoSegment = Session::lookup ( sourceSegment ); forEach ( Component*, icomponent, sourceContact->getSlaveComponents() ) { if ( *icomponent == sourceSegment ) continue; Segment* targetSegment = dynamic_cast(*icomponent); if ( !targetSegment ) continue; AutoSegment* targetAutoSegment = Session::lookup ( targetSegment ); if ( !targetAutoSegment ) { const BasicLayer* basicLayer = dynamic_cast(targetSegment->getLayer()); if ( basicLayer && basicLayer->getMaterial() != BasicLayer::Material::metal ) continue; cerr << Error("Can't lookup for ",getString(targetSegment).c_str()) << endl; continue; } AutoContact* targetContact = Session::lookup ( dynamic_cast(targetAutoSegment->getOppositeAnchor(sourceContact->base())) ); if ( sourceAutoSegment && targetAutoSegment ) { unsigned int state = AutoSegment::getPerpandicularState ( sourceContact , sourceAutoSegment , targetAutoSegment , (direction & Constant::Horizontal)?true:false ); if ( !( state & (AutoSegment::PerpandicularIndirect |AutoSegment::ParallelOrExpanded |AutoSegment::ParallelAndLayerChange )) ) { segmentStack.push ( targetContact, targetSegment ); if ( targetAutoSegment && (targetAutoSegment->getDirection() == direction) && targetContact->isAlignate(direction) ) { ltrace(99) << "Apply to (target): " << (void*)targetContact->base() << ":" << targetContact << endl; targetContact->restrictConstraintBox ( constraintMin, constraintMax, direction ); } continue; } } } } ltraceout(99); ltrace(99) << "Finished propagating." << endl; } void propagateConstraintFromRp ( RoutingPad* rp ) { ltrace(99) << "propagateConstraintFromRp() - " << (void*)rp << " " << rp << endl; forEach ( Component*, icomponent, rp->getSlaveComponents() ) { ltrace(99) << "slave: " << *icomponent << endl; AutoContact* contact = Session::lookup ( dynamic_cast(*icomponent) ); if ( contact ) { ltrace(99) << "Start slave: " << (void*)contact->getContact() << ":" << contact << endl; set collapsedContactsSet; AutoContactStack collapsedContactsStack; AutoContactStack verticalSegmentsStack; AutoContactStack horizontalSegmentsStack; collapsedContactsStack.push ( contact, NULL ); collapsedContactsSet.insert ( contact ); // Find all AutoContacts directly collapeds on the RoutingPad. while ( !collapsedContactsStack.isEmpty() ) { AutoContact* sourceContact = collapsedContactsStack.getAutoContact (); Segment* sourceSegment = collapsedContactsStack.getSegment (); Segment* segment; collapsedContactsStack.pop (); forEach ( Component*, icomponent2, sourceContact->getSlaveComponents() ) { bool isHorizontal = true; segment = dynamic_cast(*icomponent2); if ( !segment && (segment = dynamic_cast(*icomponent2)) ) isHorizontal = false; if ( !segment || (segment == sourceSegment) ) continue; AutoSegment* autoSegment = Session::lookup ( segment ); if ( !autoSegment ) { const BasicLayer* basicLayer = dynamic_cast(segment->getLayer()); if ( basicLayer && basicLayer->getMaterial() != BasicLayer::Material::metal ) continue; cerr << Error("Can't lookup for %s.",getString(segment).c_str()) << endl; continue; } ltrace(99) << "Examining: " << autoSegment << endl; AutoContact* targetContact = Session::lookup ( dynamic_cast(autoSegment->getOppositeAnchor(sourceContact->base())) ); if ( targetContact ) { if ( !autoSegment->isCollapsed() ) { if ( isHorizontal ) { ltrace(99) << "On horizontal stack " << (void*)segment << ":" << segment << endl; horizontalSegmentsStack.push ( targetContact, segment ); } else { ltrace(99) << "On vertical stack " << (void*)segment << ":" << segment << endl; verticalSegmentsStack.push ( targetContact, segment ); } } else { ltrace(99) << "On collapsed stack " << (void*)segment << ":" << segment << endl; collapsedContactsStack.push ( targetContact, segment ); collapsedContactsSet.insert ( targetContact ); } } } } // compute constraint on all AutoContacts collapseds, // then sets all the constraint Box to the intersection. ltrace(99) << "Computing constraint:" << endl; ltracein(99); set::iterator it = collapsedContactsSet.begin(); set::iterator end = collapsedContactsSet.end(); ltrace(99) << *it << " " << (*it)->getConstraintBox() << endl; Box constraintBox = (*it++)->getConstraintBox (); for ( ; it != end ; it++ ) { (*it)->intersectConstraintBox ( constraintBox ); ltrace(99) << *it << " " << constraintBox << endl; } if ( constraintBox.isEmpty() ) { cerr << "[ERROR] incompatible segment collapse for " << rp << endl; ltraceout(99); break; } ltraceout(99); ltrace(99) << "Applying constraint " << constraintBox << " to:" << endl; ltracein(99); it = collapsedContactsSet.begin(); for ( ; it != end ; it++ ) { ltrace(99) << *it << endl; (*it)->setConstraintBox ( constraintBox ); } ltraceout(99); // Propagate constraint through horizontally bound segments. ltrace(99) << "Propagate constraint on horizontal segments" << endl; propagateConstraint ( horizontalSegmentsStack , constraintBox.getYMin() , constraintBox.getYMax() , Constant::Horizontal ); // Propagate constraint through vertically bound segments. ltrace(99) << "Propagate constraint on vertical segments" << endl; propagateConstraint ( verticalSegmentsStack , constraintBox.getXMin() , constraintBox.getXMax() , Constant::Vertical ); } } ltrace(99) << "propagateConstraintFromRp() - Exit" << endl; } } // End of local namespace. namespace Katabatic { using Hurricane::Cell; void KatabaticEngine::_computeNetConstraints ( Net* net ) { DebugSession::open ( net ); ltrace(100) << "Katabatic::_computeNetConstraints ( " << net << " )" << endl; ltracein(99); //cmess2 << " - " << net << endl; vector routingPads; forEach ( Component*, icomponent, net->getComponents() ) { Contact* contact = dynamic_cast(*icomponent); if ( contact ) { AutoContact* autoContact = Session::lookup ( contact ); if ( autoContact ) autoContact->restoreNativeConstraintBox (); } else { RoutingPad* routingPad = dynamic_cast(*icomponent); if ( routingPad ) routingPads.push_back ( routingPad ); } } for ( size_t i=0 ; i processeds; forEach ( Segment*, isegment, net->getSegments() ) { AutoSegment* autoSegment = Session::lookup ( *isegment ); if ( !autoSegment ) continue; autoSegment->toConstraintAxis ( &processeds ); } ltraceout(99); DebugSession::close (); } void KatabaticEngine::_collapseNets ( Nets nets, unsigned int depth ) { forEach ( Net*, inet, nets ) _collapseNet ( *inet, depth ); } void KatabaticEngine::_collapseNet ( const Name& name, unsigned int depth ) { Net* net = getCell()->getNet ( name ); if ( !net ) { cerr << Error("No net %s in %s" ,getString(name).c_str() ,getString(getCell()).c_str()) << endl; return; } _collapseNet ( net ); } void KatabaticEngine::_collapseNet ( Net* net, unsigned int depth ) { ltrace(100) << "Katabatic::_collapseNet ( " << net << " )" << endl; ltracein(99); forEach ( Component*, icomponent, net->getComponents() ) { RoutingPad* routingPad = dynamic_cast(*icomponent); if ( routingPad ) { ltrace(99) << "RoutingPad " << routingPad << endl; forEach ( Component*, islaveComponent, routingPad->getSlaveComponents() ) { ltrace(99) << "SlaveComponent " << *islaveComponent << endl; Segment* segment = dynamic_cast(*islaveComponent); if ( segment ) { AutoSegment* autoSegment = Session::lookup ( segment ); if ( !autoSegment ) continue; if ( autoSegment->isLocal() ) { ltrace(99) << "Collapsing " << autoSegment << endl; autoSegment->collapse (); } } } // islaveComponent. } } // icomponent. ltraceout(99); } } // End of Katabatic namespace.