// -*- C++ -*-

 namespace Hurricane {

 /*! \class        InspectorWidget
  *  \brief        A Widget to browse through the Hurricane objetcs.
  *  \section      secInspectorMM  Inspector Memory Management
  *                In order to keep the memory footprint of the Inspector as
  *                small as possible only the currently viewed Record is allocated.
  *                The only exception is the root Record itself, which we must
  *                kept for it has not been passed as a Slot but as a Record.
  *                Be aware however, that the root Record is destroyed the
  *                moment the Inspector is, so do not uses the root Record in
  *                context from which the Inspector has been spawned.
  *                The history from the root Record to the deepest reached
  *                level of the data structure is kept in a vector of Slots.
  *                We choose Slot over Record because they are lightweight object.
  *                Slots containts only a name (usually the object's attribute
  *                name) and a pointer to that attribute. The Record associated
  *                to the attribute is generated on demand. To have a completly
  *                uniform history we must create a special Slot from the root
  *                Record, unlike others this Slot contains directly the Record
  *                and not the attribute pointer it has been generated from.
  *                When an Inspector windows is closed by the window manager,
  *                the widget is not simply hidden, it is fully destroyed
  *                (see the QWidget \c Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute). Thus, pointers
  *                to an Inspector Widget are not to be kept.
  *                Any number of Inspector could be created simultanously, even
  *                on the same datas. Slot & Record beeing on demand, expandables,
  *                objects.

 /*! \function     InspectorWidget::InspectorWidget(QWidget* parent=NULL);
  *                Construct a InspectorWidget. The root Record to browse must
  *                be sets immediatly afterwards with the setRootRecord()
  *                method.

 /*! \function     void InspectorWidget::setRootRecord(Record* record);
  *                Sets the root record of the Inspector.
  *  \remark       The previous root record is freed.

 /*! \function     void InspectorWidget::setRootOccurrence(Occurrence& occurrence);
  *                Build a Record from the Occurrence and set it as the root Record.                
  *  \remark       The previous root record is freed.
