.. -*- Mode: rst -*- .. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst Credits & License ================= .. raw:: html

Hurricane Rémy Escassut & Christian Masson

Etesian Gabriel Gouvine

Stratus Sophie Belloeil

Knik Damien Dupuis

Kite, Unicorn Jean-Paul Chaput

.. raw:: latex \begin{center}\begin{minipage}[t]{.8\textwidth} \noindent\DUrole{sc}{Hurricane} \dotfill Rémy \DUrole{sc}{Escassut} \& Christian \DUrole{sc}{Masson} \\ \noindent\DUrole{sc}{Etesian} \dotfill Gabriel \DUrole{sc}{Gouvine} \\ \noindent\DUrole{sc}{Stratus} \dotfill Sophie \DUrole{sc}{Belloeil} \\ \noindent\DUrole{sc}{Knik} \dotfill Damien \DUrole{sc}{Dupuis} \\ \noindent\DUrole{sc}{Kite}, \DUrole{sc}{Unicorn} \dotfill Jean-Paul \DUrole{sc}{Chaput} \\ \end{minipage}\end{center} |medskip| The |Hurricane| data-base is copyright© |Bull| 2000-2019 and is released under the terms of the |LGPL| license. All other tools are copyright© |UPMC| 2008-2018, |SorbonneUniversite| 2018-2019 and released under the |GPL| license. Others important contributors to |Coriolis| are Christophe |Alexandre|, Hugo |Clement|, Marek |Sroka| and Wu |Yifei|. The |Katana| router makes use of the |Flute| software, which is copyright© Chris C. N. |Chu| from the Iowa State University (http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~cnchu/).