// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2014-2014, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | E t e s i a n - A n a l y t i c P l a c e r | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./EtesianEngine.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include #if HAVE_COLOQUINTE #include "coloquinte/circuit.hxx" #include "coloquinte/legalizer.hxx" #endif #include "vlsisapd/configuration/Configuration.h" #include "vlsisapd/utilities/Dots.h" #include "hurricane/DebugSession.h" #include "hurricane/Bug.h" #include "hurricane/Error.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h" #include "hurricane/Layer.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/Pad.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "hurricane/Occurrence.h" #include "hurricane/Instance.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/CellWidget.h" #include "crlcore/Utilities.h" #include "crlcore/Measures.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" #include "etesian/EtesianEngine.h" #include "etesian/FeedCells.h" namespace { using namespace std; using namespace Hurricane; using coloquinte::int_t; using coloquinte::float_t; using coloquinte::point; #if HAVE_COLOQUINTE //inline bool isNan( const float_t& f ) { return (f != f); } string extractInstanceName ( const RoutingPad* rp ) { ostringstream name; Occurrence occurrence = rp->getOccurrence(); name << getString(occurrence.getOwnerCell()->getName()) << ':'; if (not rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getHeadPath().isEmpty()) name << getString(rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getHeadPath().getName()) << ":"; name << "I." << getString(rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getTailInstance()->getName()); return name.str(); } string extractPinName ( const RoutingPad* rp ) { ostringstream name; Occurrence occurrence = rp->getOccurrence(); name << getString(occurrence.getOwnerCell()->getName()) << ':'; if (not rp->getOccurrence().getPath().isEmpty()) name << getString(rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getName()) << ":"; name << "T." << getString(rp->_getEntityAsComponent()->getNet()->getName()); return name.str(); } string extractTerminalName ( const RoutingPad* rp ) { ostringstream name; Occurrence occurrence = rp->getOccurrence(); name << getString(occurrence.getOwnerCell()->getName()) << ':'; if (not rp->getOccurrence().getPath().isEmpty()) name << getString(rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getName()) << ":"; name << "T." << getString(rp->_getEntityAsComponent()->getNet()->getName()); return name.str(); } #if 0 Coloquinte::cell::pin::pin_dir extractDirection ( const RoutingPad* rp ) { switch ( rp->_getEntityAsComponent()->getNet()->getDirection() ) { case Net::Direction::IN: return Coloquinte::cell::pin::I; default: case Net::Direction::OUT: case Net::Direction::TRISTATE: return Coloquinte::cell::pin::O; case Net::Direction::INOUT: return Coloquinte::cell::pin::B; } return Coloquinte::cell::pin::O; } #endif Point extractRpOffset ( const RoutingPad* rp ) { Cell* masterCell = rp->getOccurrence().getMasterCell(); Component* component = rp->_getEntityAsComponent(); // TODO: verify that it doesn't assume that the orientation is North Box masterBox = masterCell->getAbutmentBox(); Point offset; if (component) { offset.setX( component->getCenter().getX() - masterBox.getXMin() ); offset.setY( component->getCenter().getY() - masterBox.getYMin() ); } else { // Why? offset = masterBox.getCenter(); } return offset; } Transformation toTransformation ( point position , point orientation , Cell* model , DbU::Unit pitch ) { DbU::Unit tx = position.x_ * pitch; DbU::Unit ty = position.y_ * pitch; //Point center = model->getAbutmentBox().getCenter(); Box cellBox = model->getAbutmentBox(); Transformation::Orientation orient = Transformation::Orientation::ID; // TODO offsets if ( orientation.x_ and orientation.y_ ) { //tx += - center.getX(); //ty += - center.getY(); } else if ( not orientation.x_ and orientation.y_) { //tx += center.getX(); tx += cellBox.getWidth(); //ty += - center.getY(); orient = Transformation::Orientation::MX; } else if ( orientation.x_ and not orientation.y_) { //tx += - center.getX(); //ty += center.getY(); ty += cellBox.getHeight(); orient = Transformation::Orientation::MY; } else if ( not orientation.x_ and not orientation.y_) { //tx += center.getX(); //ty += center.getY(); tx += cellBox.getWidth(); ty += cellBox.getHeight(); orient = Transformation::Orientation::R2; } return Transformation( tx, ty, orient ); } #endif } // Anonymous namespace. namespace Etesian { using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::setw; using std::left; using std::string; using std::ostream; using std::ofstream; using std::ostringstream; using std::setprecision; using std::vector; using std::pair; using std::make_pair; using std::unordered_map; using Utilities::Dots; using Hurricane::DebugSession; using Hurricane::tab; using Hurricane::inltrace; using Hurricane::ltracein; using Hurricane::ltraceout; using Hurricane::ForEachIterator; using Hurricane::Bug; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::Warning; using Hurricane::Breakpoint; using Hurricane::Box; using Hurricane::Layer; using Hurricane::Cell; using Hurricane::Instance; using Hurricane::RoutingPad; using Hurricane::Net; using Hurricane::Occurrence; using Hurricane::CellWidget; using CRL::ToolEngine; using CRL::AllianceFramework; using CRL::Catalog; using CRL::addMeasure; using CRL::Measures; using CRL::MeasuresSet; using CRL::CatalogExtension; using coloquinte::index_t; using coloquinte::capacity_t; using coloquinte::int_t; using coloquinte::float_t; using coloquinte::point; using coloquinte::box; using coloquinte::Movability; using coloquinte::temporary_cell; using coloquinte::temporary_net; using coloquinte::temporary_pin; using coloquinte::netlist; using coloquinte::placement_t; const char* missingEtesian = "%s :\n\n" " Cell %s do not have any EtesianEngine (or not yet created).\n"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "Etesian::EtesianEngine". Name EtesianEngine::_toolName = "Etesian"; const Name& EtesianEngine::staticGetName () { return _toolName; } EtesianEngine* EtesianEngine::get ( const Cell* cell ) { return static_cast(ToolEngine::get(cell,staticGetName())); } EtesianEngine::EtesianEngine ( Cell* cell ) : ToolEngine (cell) , _configuration(new ConfigurationConcrete()) , _flags (0) , _timer () , _surface () , _circuit () , _placementLB () , _placementUB () , _cellsToIds () , _idsToInsts () , _cellWidget (NULL) , _feedCells (this) { } void EtesianEngine::_postCreate () { // Ugly: Name based detection of ISPD benchmarks. if (getString(getCell()->getName()).substr(0,7) == "bigblue") { cmess1 << " o ISPD benchmark <" << getCell()->getName() << ">, no feed cells will be added." << endl; } else { // Ugly: Direct uses of Alliance Framework. // Must change toward something in the settings. _feedCells.useFeed( AllianceFramework::get()->getCell("tie_x0" ,Catalog::State::Views) ); _feedCells.useFeed( AllianceFramework::get()->getCell("rowend_x0",Catalog::State::Views) ); } } EtesianEngine* EtesianEngine::create ( Cell* cell ) { EtesianEngine* etesian = new EtesianEngine ( cell ); etesian->_postCreate(); return etesian; } void EtesianEngine::_preDestroy () { ltrace(90) << "EtesianEngine::_preDestroy()" << endl; ltracein(90); cmess1 << " o Deleting ToolEngine<" << getName() << "> from Cell <" << getCell()->getName() << ">" << endl; ltraceout(90); } EtesianEngine::~EtesianEngine () { delete _configuration; } const Name& EtesianEngine::getName () const { return _toolName; } const Configuration* EtesianEngine::getConfiguration () const { return _configuration; } Configuration* EtesianEngine::getConfiguration () { return _configuration; } void EtesianEngine::startMeasures () { _timer.resetIncrease(); _timer.start(); } void EtesianEngine::stopMeasures () { _timer.stop(); } void EtesianEngine::printMeasures ( string tag ) const { ostringstream result; result << Timer::getStringTime(_timer.getCombTime()) << ", " << Timer::getStringMemory(_timer.getIncrease()); cmess1 << ::Dots::asString( " - Done in", result.str() ) << endl; result.str(""); result << _timer.getCombTime() << "s, +" << (_timer.getIncrease()>>10) << "Kb/" << (_timer.getMemorySize()>>10) << "Kb"; cmess2 << ::Dots::asString( " - Raw measurements", result.str() ) << endl; } void EtesianEngine::setDefaultAb () { double spaceMargin = Cfg::getParamPercentage("nimbus.spaceMargin", 10.0)->asDouble(); double aspectRatio = Cfg::getParamPercentage("nimbus.aspectRatio",100.0)->asDouble(); size_t instanceNb = 0; double cellLength = 0; vector feedOccurrences; forEach ( Occurrence, ioccurrence, getCell()->getLeafInstanceOccurrences() ) { Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); string instanceName = (*ioccurrence).getCompactString(); if (CatalogExtension::isFeed(masterCell)) { cerr << Warning( "Found a feedcell %s in an unplaced design, removing." , instanceName.c_str() ) << endl; feedOccurrences.push_back( *ioccurrence ); continue; } cellLength += DbU::toLambda( masterCell->getAbutmentBox().getWidth() ); instanceNb += 1; } double gcellLength = cellLength*(1.0+spaceMargin) / DbU::toLambda( getSliceHeight() ); double rows = sqrt( gcellLength/aspectRatio ); if (floor(rows) != rows) rows = floor(rows)+1.0; else rows = floor(rows); double columns = gcellLength / rows; if (floor(columns) != columns) columns = floor(columns)+1.0; else columns = floor(columns); cmess1 << " o Creating abutment box (margin:" << (spaceMargin*100.0) << "% aspect ratio:" << (aspectRatio*100.0) << "% g-length:" << (cellLength/DbU::toLambda(getSliceHeight())) << ")" << endl; cmess1 << " - GCell grid: [" << (int)columns << "x" << (int)rows << "]" << endl; UpdateSession::open(); for ( auto ioccurrence : feedOccurrences ) { static_cast(ioccurrence.getEntity())->destroy(); } getCell()->setAbutmentBox( Box( DbU::fromLambda(0) , DbU::fromLambda(0) , columns*getSliceHeight() , rows *getSliceHeight() ) ); UpdateSession::close(); if (_cellWidget) _cellWidget->fitToContents(); } void EtesianEngine::resetPlacement () { //cerr << "EtesianEngine::resetPlacement()" << endl; if (_flags & NoPlacement) return; _flags |= FlatDesign; Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 1000 ); cmess1 << " o Erasing previous placement of <" << getCell()->getName() << ">" << endl; UpdateSession::open(); vector feedOccurrences; forEach ( Occurrence, ioccurrence, getCell()->getLeafInstanceOccurrences() ) { dots.dot(); if ((_flags & FlatDesign) and not (*ioccurrence).getPath().getTailPath().isEmpty()) _flags &= ~FlatDesign; Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); string instanceName = (*ioccurrence).getCompactString(); if (CatalogExtension::isFeed(masterCell)) { feedOccurrences.push_back( *ioccurrence ); } } for ( auto ioccurrence : feedOccurrences ) { cerr << " Destroy: " << ioccurrence.getCompactString() << endl; Instance* instance = static_cast(ioccurrence.getEntity()); instance->destroy(); } UpdateSession::close(); dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); if (_cellWidget) _cellWidget->refresh(); _flags |= NoPlacement; } void EtesianEngine::toColoquinte () { #if HAVE_COLOQUINTE cmess1 << " o Converting <" << getCell()->getName() << "> into Coloquinte." << endl; resetPlacement(); Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 1000 ); AllianceFramework* af = AllianceFramework::get(); DbU::Unit pitch = getPitch(); cmess1 << " - Building RoutingPads (transhierarchical) ..." << endl; getCell()->flattenNets( Cell::BuildRings|Cell::NoClockFlatten ); // Coloquinte circuit description data-structures. size_t instancesNb = getCell()->getLeafInstanceOccurrences().getSize(); vector idsToTransf ( instancesNb ); vector instances ( instancesNb ); vector< point > positions ( instancesNb ); vector< point > orientations( instancesNb, point(true, true) ); cmess1 << " - Converting " << instancesNb << " instances" << endl; cout.flush(); Box topAb = getCell()->getAbutmentBox(); UpdateSession::open(); forEach ( Occurrence, ioccurrence, getCell()->getNonLeafInstanceOccurrences() ) { Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); if (masterCell->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty()) { // Have to check here if the model is fully placed or not. masterCell->setAbutmentBox( topAb ); instance->setTransformation( Transformation() ); // (0,0,ID). instance->setPlacementStatus( Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED ); } } UpdateSession::close(); index_t instanceId = 0; forEach ( Occurrence, ioccurrence, getCell()->getLeafInstanceOccurrences() ) { Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); string instanceName = (*ioccurrence).getCompactString(); // Remove the enclosing brackets... instanceName.erase( 0, 1 ); instanceName.erase( instanceName.size()-1 ); if (CatalogExtension::isFeed(masterCell)) { cerr << Warning("Feed instance found and skipped.") << endl; continue; } Box instanceAb = masterCell->getAbutmentBox(); Transformation instanceTransf = instance->getTransformation(); (*ioccurrence).getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( instanceTransf ); instanceTransf.applyOn( instanceAb ); // Upper rounded int_t xsize = (instanceAb.getWidth () + pitch -1) / pitch; int_t ysize = (instanceAb.getHeight() + pitch -1) / pitch; // Lower rounded int_t xpos = instanceAb.getXMin() / pitch; int_t ypos = instanceAb.getYMin() / pitch; instances[instanceId].size = point( xsize, ysize ); instances[instanceId].list_index = instanceId; instances[instanceId].area = static_cast(xsize) * static_cast(ysize); positions[instanceId] = point( xpos, ypos ); if ( not instance->isFixed() and instance->isTerminal() ) { instances[instanceId].attributes = coloquinte::XMovable |coloquinte::YMovable |coloquinte::XFlippable |coloquinte::YFlippable; } else { instances[instanceId].attributes = 0; } _cellsToIds.insert( make_pair(instanceName,instanceId) ); _idsToInsts.push_back( instance ); ++instanceId; dots.dot(); } dots.finish( Dots::Reset|Dots::FirstDot ); size_t netsNb = getCell()->getNets().getSize(); cmess1 << " - Converting " << netsNb << " nets" << endl; vector nets ( netsNb ); vector pins; unsigned int netId = 0; forEach ( Net*, inet, getCell()->getNets() ) { const char* excludedType = NULL; if ((*inet)->getType() == Net::Type::POWER ) excludedType = "POWER"; if ((*inet)->getType() == Net::Type::GROUND) excludedType = "GROUND"; if ((*inet)->getType() == Net::Type::CLOCK ) excludedType = "CLOCK"; if (excludedType) { cparanoid << Warning( "%s is not a routable net (%s,excluded)." , getString(*inet).c_str(), excludedType ) << endl; continue; } if (af->isBLOCKAGE((*inet)->getName())) continue; dots.dot(); nets[netId] = temporary_net( netId, 1000 ); forEach ( RoutingPad*, irp, (*inet)->getRoutingPads() ) { string insName = extractInstanceName( *irp ); Point offset = extractRpOffset ( *irp ); int_t xpin = offset.getX() / pitch; int_t ypin = offset.getY() / pitch; auto iid = _cellsToIds.find( insName ); if (iid == _cellsToIds.end() ) { cerr << Error( "Unable to lookup instance <%s>.", insName.c_str() ) << endl; } else { pins.push_back( temporary_pin( point(xpin,ypin), (*iid).second, netId ) ); } } netId++; } dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); _surface = box( (int_t)(getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getXMin() / pitch) , (int_t)(getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getXMax() / pitch) , (int_t)(getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getYMin() / pitch) , (int_t)(getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getYMax() / pitch) ); _circuit = netlist( instances, nets, pins ); _circuit.selfcheck(); _placementLB.positions_ = positions; _placementLB.orientations_ = orientations; _placementUB = _placementLB; //cerr << "Coloquinte cell height: " << _circuit.get_cell(0).size.y_ << endl; #endif // HAVE_COLOQUINTE } void EtesianEngine::place ( unsigned int flags ) { #if HAVE_COLOQUINTE using namespace coloquinte::gp; using namespace coloquinte::dp; if (flags & SlowMotion) getConfiguration()-> setFlags( SlowMotion ); else getConfiguration()->unsetFlags( SlowMotion ); if (getCell()->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty()) setDefaultAb(); findYSpin(); toColoquinte(); cmess1 << " o Running Coloquinte." << endl; cmess1 << " - Computing initial placement..." << endl; cmess2 << setfill('0') << right; double sliceHeight = getSliceHeight() / getPitch(); time_t startTime = time(NULL); time_t timeDelta; ostringstream label; cmess2 << " o Initial wirelength " << get_HPWL_wirelength(_circuit, _placementLB) << "." << endl; startMeasures(); cmess1 << " o Simple legalization." << endl; auto first_legalizer = region_distribution::uniform_density_distribution(_surface, _circuit, _placementLB); first_legalizer.selfcheck(); get_rough_legalization( _circuit, _placementUB, first_legalizer); timeDelta = time(NULL) - startTime; cmess2 << " - Elapsed time:" << timeDelta << " HPWL:" << get_HPWL_wirelength( _circuit, _placementUB ) << "\n " << "- Linear Disrupt.:" << get_mean_linear_disruption ( _circuit, _placementLB, _placementLB ) << " Quad. Disrupt.:" << get_mean_quadratic_disruption( _circuit, _placementLB, _placementLB ) << endl; _placementLB = _placementUB; _placementLB.selfcheck(); _updatePlacement( _placementUB ); // Early topology-independent solution + negligible pulling forces to avoid dumb solutions cmess1 << " o Star (*) Optimization." << endl; auto solv = get_star_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, 1.0, 0, 10000) + get_pulling_forces( _circuit, _placementUB, 1000000.0); solve_linear_system( _circuit, _placementLB, solv, 200 ); _progressReport2( startTime, " [--]" ); _updatePlacement( _placementLB ); cmess1 << " o Simple legalization." << endl; auto snd_legalizer = region_distribution::uniform_density_distribution(_surface, _circuit, _placementLB); get_rough_legalization( _circuit, _placementUB, snd_legalizer); _updatePlacement( _placementUB ); int nbr_iterations = 60; float_t max_force = 1.5; bool full_density = false; for ( int i=0; i 10 * (1 << (quad_part*2)) ; ++quad_part ) { // Until there is about 10 standard cells per region legalizer.x_bipartition(); legalizer.y_bipartition(); legalizer.redo_line_partitions(); legalizer.redo_diagonal_bipartitions(); legalizer.redo_line_partitions(); legalizer.redo_diagonal_bipartitions(); legalizer.selfcheck(); } // Keep the orientation between LB and UB _placementUB = _placementLB; get_rough_legalization( _circuit, _placementUB, legalizer ); label.str(""); label << " [" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << i << "] Bipart."; _progressReport1( startTime, label.str() ); _updatePlacement( _placementUB ); if (i >= 2*nbr_iterations/3) { auto prec_legalizer = legalize( _circuit, _placementUB, _surface, sliceHeight ); coloquinte::dp::get_result( _circuit, prec_legalizer, _placementUB ); _progressReport1( startTime, " Legal. " ); _updatePlacement( _placementUB ); } } cmess1 << " o Detailed Placement." << endl; index_t legalizeIterations = 3; for ( index_t i=0; igetLeafInstanceOccurrences() ) { Point instancePosition; Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); string instanceName = (*ioccurrence).getCompactString(); // Remove the enclosing brackets... instanceName.erase( 0, 1 ); instanceName.erase( instanceName.size()-1 ); auto iid = _cellsToIds.find( instanceName ); if (iid == _cellsToIds.end() ) { cerr << Error( "Unable to lookup instance <%s>.", instanceName.c_str() ) << endl; } else { if (instance->getPlacementStatus() == Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED) continue; point position = placement.positions_[(*iid).second]; Transformation trans = toTransformation( position , placement.orientations_[(*iid).second] , instance->getMasterCell() , getPitch() ); //cerr << "Setting <" << instanceName << " @" << instancePosition << endl; // This is temporary as it's not trans-hierarchic: we ignore the posutions // of all the intermediary instances. instance->setTransformation( trans ); instance->setPlacementStatus( Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED ); } } UpdateSession::close(); if (_cellWidget) _cellWidget->refresh(); #endif } string EtesianEngine::_getTypeName () const { return "Etesian::EtesianEngine"; } string EtesianEngine::_getString () const { ostringstream os; os << "<" << "EtesianEngine " << getCell()->getName () << ">"; return os.str(); } Record* EtesianEngine::_getRecord () const { Record* record = ToolEngine::_getRecord (); if (record) { record->add( getSlot( "_configuration", _configuration ) ); } return record; } } // Etesian namespace.