// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e | // | | // | Authors : Eric LAO | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./SlicingNode.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/DeepNet.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h" #include "bora/SlicingNode.h" namespace Bora { using namespace std; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::Warning; using Hurricane::Point; using Hurricane::Box; using Hurricane::DeepNet; using Hurricane::Component; using Hurricane::Plug; using Hurricane::RoutingPad; using Analog::AnalogCellExtension; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "Bora::SlicingNode". CRL::RoutingGauge* SlicingNode::_rg = NULL; Cell* SlicingNode::_cell = NULL; Katana::KatanaEngine* SlicingNode::_katana = NULL; vector SlicingNode::_railSegments = vector(); size_t SlicingNode::_idCounter = 0; SlicingNode::SlicingNode ( unsigned int type , NodeSets* nodeSets , unsigned int alignment , BoxSet* boxSet ) : Super() , _id (_idCounter++) , _parent (NULL) , _flags (0) , _nodeSets(nodeSets) , _x (0) , _y (0) , _boxSet (NULL) , _gcell (NULL) , _master (NULL) { setType (type); setAlignment(alignment); if (boxSet != NULL) { setBoxSet(boxSet); setPreset(Preset); setSet (Set); } //cdebug_log(536,0) << "SlicingNode::SlicingNode(unsigned,NodeSet*,unsigned,BoxSet*) - " << this << endl; } SlicingNode::SlicingNode ( unsigned int type ) : Super() , _parent (NULL) , _flags (0) , _nodeSets(NodeSets::create( NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )) , _x (0) , _y (0) , _boxSet (NULL) , _gcell (NULL) , _master (NULL) { setType (type); setAlignment(UnknownAlignment); //cdebug_log(536,1) << "SlicingNode::SlicingNode(unsigned) - " << this << endl; } SlicingNode::~SlicingNode () { } bool SlicingNode::isSameSize ( BoxSet* boxSet ) const { if ( _boxSet and boxSet ) { if ( (_boxSet->getHeight() == boxSet->getHeight()) and (_boxSet->getWidth () == boxSet->getWidth ()) ) return true; } return false; } bool SlicingNode::isSameSize ( DbU::Unit height, DbU::Unit width ) const { if (_boxSet) { if ( (_boxSet->getHeight() == height) and (_boxSet->getWidth() == width) ) return true; } return false; } bool SlicingNode::isEmpty () const { return _nodeSets->empty(); } bool SlicingNode::isSame ( SlicingNode* , unsigned int ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::isSame(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return false; } bool SlicingNode::isSymmetric ( SlicingNode* , unsigned int , unsigned int ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::isSymmetric(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return false; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getHeight () const { return (_boxSet) ? _boxSet->getHeight() : 0; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getWidth () const { return (_boxSet) ? _boxSet->getWidth() : 0; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getRootHeight () const { return getRoot()->getHeight(); } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getRootWidth () const { return getRoot()->getWidth(); } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getRootX () const { return getRoot()->getX(); } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getRootY () const { return getRoot()->getY(); } int SlicingNode::getCpt () { return (_boxSet) ? _boxSet->getCpt() : 0 ; } double SlicingNode::getRatio () { return (_boxSet) ? _boxSet->getRatio() : 0 ; } double SlicingNode::getArea () { return (_boxSet) ? _boxSet->getArea() : 0 ; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getVPitch () { if (_rg) return _rg->getVerticalPitch(); cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getVPitch(): RoutingGauge has not been defined." ) << endl; return 0; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getHPitch () { if (_rg) return _rg->getHorizontalPitch(); cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getHPitch(): RoutingGauge has not been defined." ) << endl; return 0; } void SlicingNode::setBoxSet( BoxSet* boxSet ) { if (not isPreset()) { if (_nodeSets->find(boxSet) != NULL) { setSet( Set ); _boxSet = boxSet; } else { cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::setBoxSet(BoxSet*): Boxset not found." ) << endl; } } } void SlicingNode::setBoxSet ( DbU::Unit height, DbU::Unit width ) { if (not isPreset()) { BoxSet* match = _nodeSets->find( height, width ); if (match) { setSet( Set ); _boxSet = match; } else { cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::setBoxSet(DbU::Unit w,DbU::Unit h): Boxset not found." ) << endl; } } } void SlicingNode::setBoxSet ( size_t index ) { if (index+1 > _nodeSets->size()) cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::setBoxSet(size_t): Out of bound index." ) << endl; else _boxSet = _nodeSets->at( index ); } void SlicingNode::_setBoxSet ( BoxSet* boxSet ) { if (isPreset()) return; setSet( Set ); _boxSet = boxSet; } void SlicingNode::setX ( DbU::Unit x ) { float pitch = _rg->getVerticalPitch(); if (fmod(x,pitch) > 1e-06) { cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::setX(): On %s, X position %s is not pitched on %s (will be adjusted)." , getString(this).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(x ).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(pitch).c_str() ) << endl; } _x = x; } void SlicingNode::setY ( DbU::Unit y ) { float pitch = _rg->getHorizontalPitch(); if (fmod(y,pitch) > 1e-06) { cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::setY(): On %s, Y position %s is not pitched on %s (will be adjusted)." , getString(this).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(y ).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(pitch).c_str() ) << endl; } _y = y; } void SlicingNode::clearParentsNodeSets () { if (_parent) _parent->clearParentsNodeSets(); if (getMaster()) _nodeSets->clear(); } void SlicingNode::resetSlicingTree() { // Notes: Reset a slicing tree means: // - Empty NodeSets of every parent // - Unset every nodes that are not preset // - Unplace every nodes clearParentsNodeSets(); getRoot()->_resetSlicingTree(); } void SlicingNode::_resetSlicingTree () { _x = 0; _y = 0; setPlaced( false ); if (not isPreset()){ _boxSet = NULL; setSet( false ); } } void SlicingNode::print () const { printParent(); if (isPreset()) cerr << "Preset : True" << endl; else cerr << "Preset : False " << endl; if (isSet()) cerr << "Set : True" << endl; else cerr << "Set : False " << endl; if (isPlaced()) cerr << "Placed : True" << endl; else cerr << "Placed : False " << endl; if (getMaster()) { cerr << "Master : "; getMaster()->printLine(); } unsigned int type = getType(); if (type == HorizontalSNode) cerr << "Type : HorizontalSNode"<< endl; else if (type == VerticalSNode ) cerr << "Type : VerticalSNode" << endl; else if (type == DeviceSNode ) cerr << "Type : DeviceSNode" << endl; else if (type == RoutingSNode ) cerr << "Type : RoutingSNode" << endl; else cerr << "Type : UnknownType" << endl; cerr << "Height : " << DbU::getPhysical(getHeight(),DbU::Micro) << endl; cerr << "Width : " << DbU::getPhysical(getWidth(),DbU::Micro) << endl; cerr << "X : " << DbU::getPhysical(_x,DbU::Micro) << endl; cerr << "Y : " << DbU::getPhysical(_y,DbU::Micro) << endl; if (isRoutingEstimated()) cerr << "REstimated : True" << endl; else cerr << "REstimated : False" << endl; //_nodeSets->print(); cerr << "GCell : " << _gcell << endl; if (not ((getType() == HorizontalSNode) or (getType() == VerticalSNode))) { cerr << "GCell : " << _gcell << endl; if (_gcell) { cerr << "Edges : " << endl; vector ne = _gcell->getNorthEdges(); vector se = _gcell->getSouthEdges(); vector ee = _gcell->getEastEdges(); vector we = _gcell->getWestEdges(); cerr << "--- North : " << endl; for ( Anabatic::Edge* edge : ne ) cerr << edge->getOpposite(_gcell) << endl; cerr << "--- South : " << endl; for ( Anabatic::Edge* edge : se ) cerr << edge->getOpposite(_gcell) << endl; cerr << "--- East : " << endl; for ( Anabatic::Edge* edge : ee ) cerr << edge->getOpposite(_gcell) << endl; cerr << "--- West : " << endl; for ( Anabatic::Edge* edge : we ) cerr << edge->getOpposite(_gcell) << endl; } } cerr << endl; } void SlicingNode::printLine() const { unsigned int type = getType(); if (_master) { cerr << " [MASTER]: "; _master->printLine(); } if (type == HorizontalSNode) cerr << "Type : HorizontalSNode"; else if (type == VerticalSNode ) cerr << "Type : VerticalSNode" ; else if (type == DeviceSNode ) cerr << "Type : DeviceSNode" ; else if (type == RoutingSNode ) cerr << "Type : RoutingSNode" ; else cerr << "Type : UnknownType" ; cerr << ", X: " << DbU::getPhysical(getX(),DbU::Micro); cerr << ", Y: " << DbU::getPhysical(getY(),DbU::Micro); cerr << ", W: " << setprecision(4) << DbU::getPhysical(getWidth() ,DbU::Micro); cerr << ", H: " << setprecision(4) << DbU::getPhysical(getHeight(),DbU::Micro) << endl; } void SlicingNode::printParent() const { if (_parent) { unsigned int type = _parent->getType(); if (type == HorizontalSNode) cerr << "Parent : Type: HorizontalSNode"; else if (type == VerticalSNode ) cerr << "Parent : Type: VerticalSNode"; else cerr << "Parent : Type: UnknownType"; cerr << ", H: " << setprecision(4) << DbU::getPhysical(_parent->getHeight(),DbU::Micro); cerr << ", W: " << setprecision(4) << DbU::getPhysical(_parent->getWidth(),DbU::Micro); cerr << ", X: " << DbU::getPhysical(_parent->getX(),DbU::Micro); cerr << ", Y: " << DbU::getPhysical(_parent->getY(),DbU::Micro) << endl; } else { cerr << "Parent : IsROOT " << endl; } } string SlicingNode::_getString () const { ostringstream os; os << "<" << _getTypeName(); os << " id:" << getId() << " gid:"; if (getGCell()) os << getGCell()->getId(); else os << "-"; os << " choices:" << getNodeSets()->getBoxSets().size(); os << ">"; return os.str(); } string SlicingNode::_getTypeName () const { return "SlicingNode"; } void SlicingNode::printBoxSet () const { if (_boxSet) _boxSet->print(); } void SlicingNode::place ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y ) { cdebug_log(536,1) << "SlicingNode::place(DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y)" << endl; if (isSet()) { _x = x; _y = y; setPlaced( Placed ); DbU::Unit hpitch = _rg->getHorizontalPitch(); DbU::Unit vpitch = _rg->getVerticalPitch(); if (_x % vpitch) cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::place(): On %s, _x is not pitched (%s, pitch:%s)." , getString(this).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(_x).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(vpitch).c_str() ) << endl; if (_y % hpitch) cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::place(): On %s, _y is not pitched (%s, pitch:%s)." , getString(this).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(_y).c_str() , DbU::getValueString(hpitch).c_str() ) << endl; } else cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::place(DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y): Device has not been set." ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(536,-1); } void SlicingNode::replace ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y ) { cdebug_log(536,1) << "SlicingNode::replace(DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y)" << endl; if (isSet()) { _x = x; _y = y; setPlaced( Placed ); } else cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::replace(DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y): Device has not been set." ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(536,-1); } void SlicingNode::_place ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y, bool replace ) { cdebug_log(536,1) << "SlicingNode::place(DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y)" << endl; SlicingNode::place(x,y); cdebug_tabw(536,-1); } void SlicingNode::setGlobalSize ( DbU::Unit height, DbU::Unit width ) { cmess2 << " o Selecting box set (" << DbU::getValueString(height) << "," << DbU::getValueString(width) << ")" << endl; setBoxSet( height, width ); } void SlicingNode::setGlobalSize ( size_t index ) { cmess2 << " o Selecting box set at index " << index << endl; setBoxSet( index ); } void SlicingNode::_setGlobalSize ( BoxSet* boxSet ) { cdebug_log(535,1) << "SlicingNode::_setGlobalSize( BoxSet* boxSet ) " << endl; _setBoxSet( boxSet ); cdebug_log(535,-1); } void SlicingNode::preDestroy () { if (_parent) _parent->removeNode(this); //else { // if (_railCell) _railCell->destroy(); //} if (getMaster()) _nodeSets->clear(); } void SlicingNode::destroy() { SlicingNode::preDestroy(); delete this; } void SlicingNode::preRecursiveDestroy() { SlicingNode::preDestroy(); } void SlicingNode::recursiveDestroy () { SlicingNode::preRecursiveDestroy(); delete this; } LSlicingNodes SlicingNode::getLeaves () { return LSlicingNodes(); } bool SlicingNode::checkInitialPlacement ( int& cpt ) const { // Notes:: Initial placement criteria is having at least 2 devices placed at (x, y) = (0, 0) bool initialPlacement = false; if (cpt < 2) initialPlacement = true; return initialPlacement; } void SlicingNode::updateCellAbutmentBox () { Point pmin = Point( getX(), getY() ); Point pmax = Point( getX()+getWidth(), getY()+getHeight() ); _cell->setAbutmentBox( Box(pmin,pmax) ); } void SlicingNode::setGCell ( Anabatic::GCell* gcell ) { _gcell = gcell; cdebug_log(535,0) << "SlicingNode::setGCell() " << _gcell << endl; } void SlicingNode::setCell ( Cell* cell ) { if (not _parent) { if (checkCellInstances(cell)) { _cell = cell; AnalogCellExtension::set( cell, this ); } } else cerr << Warning( "SlicingNode::setCell(Cell*): Slicing tree's cell can only be set at root node." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::setKatana ( Katana::KatanaEngine* katana ) { _katana = katana; } bool SlicingNode::checkCellInstances ( Cell* cell ) { return true; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::findInstance ( Instance* instance ) { return NULL; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::findSlicingNode ( Anabatic::GCell* gcell ) { return NULL; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::findHorizontalParent () const { SlicingNode* node = _parent; while ( node ) { if (node->getType() == HorizontalSNode) break; node = node->getParent(); } return node; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::findVerticalParent () const { SlicingNode* node = _parent; while ( node ) { if (node->getType() == VerticalSNode) break; node = node->getParent(); } return node; } size_t SlicingNode::getIndexInHorizontalParent () const { if (getParent()) { if (getParent()->getType() == HorizontalSNode) { const vector& children = getParent()->getChildren(); size_t i = 0; for ( ; igetType() == getType() ) and (children[i]->getHeight() == getHeight()) and (children[i]->getWidth () == getWidth ()) and (children[i]->getX() == getX() ) and (children[i]->getY() == getY() ) ) return i; } } else { SlicingNode* node = getParent(); while ( node->getParent() ) { if (node->getParent()->getType() == HorizontalSNode) return node->getParent()->getChildIndex(node); node = node->getParent(); } } } return NodeSets::NotFound; } size_t SlicingNode::getIndexInVerticalParent () const { if (getParent()) { if (getParent()->getType() == VerticalSNode) { const vector& children = getParent()->getChildren(); size_t i = 0; for ( ; igetType() == getType() ) and (children[i]->getHeight() == getHeight()) and (children[i]->getWidth () == getWidth ()) and (children[i]->getX() == getX() ) and (children[i]->getY() == getY() ) ) return i; } } else { SlicingNode* node = getParent(); while ( node->getParent() ) { if (node->getParent()->getType() == VerticalSNode) return node->getParent()->getChildIndex(node); node = node->getParent(); } } } return NodeSets::NotFound; } void SlicingNode::createRoutingPads () { cdebug_log(536,1) << "SlicingNode::createRoutingPads()" << endl; if (not _cell) { cdebug_tabw(536,-1); return; } //_cell->flattenNets( Cell::Flags::StayOnPlugs ); _cell->flattenNets(); cdebug_tabw(536,-1); } void SlicingNode::clearRoutingPads () { vector nets; for ( Net* net : _cell->getNets() ) { DeepNet* n = dynamic_cast(net); if (n) nets.push_back(n); } for ( DeepNet* net : nets ){ net->destroy(); } for ( Net* net : _cell->getNets() ) { vector rps; for ( RoutingPad* rp : net->getRoutingPads() ) rps.push_back( rp ); for ( RoutingPad* rp : rps ) rp->destroy(); } } void SlicingNode::restrictDevices () { if (_gcell) { Anabatic::Vertex* vertex = _gcell->getObserver( Anabatic::GCell::Observable::Vertex ); vertex->clearRestriction(); } } void SlicingNode::setVertexRestriction ( Net* , Katana::KatanaEngine* ) { } void SlicingNode::estimateChannelsSize () { setRoutingEstimated( RoutingEstimated ); } void SlicingNode::expandRoutingChannel () { setRoutingEstimated( RoutingEstimated ); } void SlicingNode::_expandRoutingChannel () { setRoutingEstimated( RoutingEstimated ); } void SlicingNode::expandRoutingChannel ( DbU::Unit height, DbU::Unit width ) { setRoutingEstimated( RoutingEstimated ); } void SlicingNode::clearGlobalRouting () { vector segments; vector contacts; for ( Net* net: _cell->getNets() ) { for ( Component* component : net->getComponents() ) { if (not SlicingNode::isRailSegments(dynamic_cast(component))) { Hurricane::Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast(component); Hurricane::Vertical* v = dynamic_cast (component); Hurricane::Contact* c = dynamic_cast (component); if (h or v) segments.push_back(component); if (c) contacts.push_back(component); } } } for ( Component* component : segments ) component->destroy(); for ( Component* component : contacts ) component->destroy(); clearGCells(); } void SlicingNode::clearGCells () { _gcell = NULL; } void SlicingNode::updateGCellPosition () { if (_gcell) _gcell->setSouthWestCorner( getX(), getY() ); cdebug_log(535,0) << "SlicingNode::updateGCellPosition(): " << _gcell << endl; } void SlicingNode::updateGContacts() { if (_gcell) _gcell->updateGContacts( Anabatic::Flags::Vertical|Anabatic::Flags::Horizontal ); cdebug_log(535,0) << "SlicingNode::updateGContacts(): " << _gcell << endl; } int SlicingNode::getNbDevices() { return 1; } bool SlicingNode::containAxis ( DbU::Unit axis, unsigned int symmetryType ) { if (symmetryType == HSymmetry) return ( (axis > getX()) and (axis < getX()+getWidth ())); else if (symmetryType == VSymmetry) return ( (axis > getY()) and (axis < getY()+getHeight())); return false; } void SlicingNode::setRoutingGauge ( CRL::RoutingGauge* rg ) { _rg = rg; } void SlicingNode::addRailSegments ( Segment* segment ) { _railSegments.push_back(segment); } bool SlicingNode::isRailSegments ( Segment* segment ) { for ( Segment* rail : _railSegments ) { if (segment == rail) return true; } return false; } bool SlicingNode::isRailSegments ( Plug* plug ) { Instance* instance = plug->getInstance(); if (instance->getMasterCell()->getNets().getSize() != 1) return false; Net* net = instance->getMasterCell()->getNets().getFirst(); if (net->getComponents().getSize() != 1) return false; Segment* segment = dynamic_cast( net->getComponents().getFirst() ); return segment and isRailSegments( segment ); } void SlicingNode::setNFing ( int ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setNFing(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } int SlicingNode::getNFing () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getNFing(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } double SlicingNode::getStartParameter () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getStartParameter(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0.0; } double SlicingNode::getStepParameter () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getStepParameter(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0.0; } double SlicingNode::getCountParameter () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getCountParameter(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0.0; } Instance* SlicingNode::getInstance () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getInstance(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return NULL; } void SlicingNode::setHeight ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setHeight(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::setWidth ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setWidth(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::setInstance ( Instance* ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setInstance(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::updateMatrixGCellPosition () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::updateMatrixGCellPosition(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::updateMatrixGContacts () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::updateMatrixGContacts(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::addWireOccupation ( DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::addWireOccupation(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } int SlicingNode::getMaxWireOccupation () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getMaxWireOccupation(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getToleranceRatioH () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getMaxWireOccupation(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getToleranceRatioW () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getMaxWireOccupation(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } void SlicingNode::setToleranceRatioH ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setToleranceRatioH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::setToleranceRatioW ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setToleranceRatioW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getToleranceBandH () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getToleranceBandH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } DbU::Unit SlicingNode::getToleranceBandW () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getToleranceBandW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } void SlicingNode::setToleranceBandH ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setToleranceBandH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::setToleranceBandW ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setToleranceBandW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceRatioH ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceRatioH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceRatioW ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceRatioW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceBandH ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceBandH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceBandW ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::recursiveSetToleranceBandW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceRatioH ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceRatioH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceRatioW ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceRatioW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceBandH ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceBandH(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceBandW ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::_recursiveSetToleranceBandW(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::_recursiveSetTolerances ( DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::_recursiveSetTolerances(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::setTolerances ( DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setTolerances(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::recursiveSetTolerances ( DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::recursiveSetTolerances(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } bool SlicingNode::hasEmptyChildrenNodeSets () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } const VSlicingNodes& SlicingNode::getChildren () const { static VSlicingNodes empty; cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getChildren(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return empty; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::getChild ( size_t ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getChild(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return NULL; } size_t SlicingNode::getChildIndex ( SlicingNode* ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getChildIndex(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } size_t SlicingNode::getNbChild () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getNbChild(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } void SlicingNode::createChild ( unsigned int type, unsigned int alignment ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::createChild(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::createChild ( NodeSets*, unsigned int, Instance*, BoxSet* ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::createChild(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::createChild ( size_t childIndex, size_t copyIndex, unsigned int tr ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::createChild(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::createRouting ( DbU::Unit ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::createRouting(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::insertNode ( SlicingNode* , size_t index ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::insertNode(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::push_back ( SlicingNode* , bool reset ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::push_back(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::push_front ( SlicingNode* ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::push_front(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::removeNode ( SlicingNode* ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::removeNode(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::removeAllNodes () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::removeAllNodes(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } const LSymmetries& SlicingNode::getSymmetries () const { static LSymmetries empty; cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getSymmetries(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return empty; } void SlicingNode::setSymmetries ( const LSymmetries& ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::setSymmetries(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } bool SlicingNode::isSymmetry ( size_t index, Symmetry& ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::isSymmetry(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return false; } bool SlicingNode::isSymmetry ( size_t index ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::isSymmetry(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return false; } void SlicingNode::addSymmetry ( size_t childIndex, size_t copyIndex, bool reset ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::addSymmetry(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::removeSymmetry ( size_t index ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::removeSymmetry(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::normalizeSymmetries () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::normalizeSymmetries(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::printChildren () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::printChildren(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::printChildrenLine () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::printChildrenLine(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::clone ( unsigned int ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::clone(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return NULL; } double SlicingNode::getDevicesArea () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getDevicesArea(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0.0; } double SlicingNode::getOccupationArea () const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getOccupationArea(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0.0; } void SlicingNode::createSlicingRouting () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::createSlicingRouting(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::resetSlicingRouting () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::resetSlicingRouting(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::destroySlicingRouting () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::destroySlicingRouting(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } size_t SlicingNode::getRoutingIndex ( SlicingNode* ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getRoutingIndex(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return 0; } SlicingNode* SlicingNode::getSlicingRouting ( size_t ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::getSlicingRouting(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return NULL; } bool SlicingNode::checkSymmetryNet ( unsigned int , Net* , Net* ) const { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::checkSymmetryNet(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; return false; } void SlicingNode::addSymmetryNet ( unsigned int , Net* , Net* ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::addSymmetryNet(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::updateNetConstraints () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::updateNetConstraints(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::updateSymNetAxis () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::updateSymNetAxis(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::flattenDigitalNets () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::flattenDigitalNets(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::updateWireOccupation ( Anabatic::VertexSet ) { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::updateWireOccupation(): Base class method must never be called." ) << endl; } void SlicingNode::resetWireOccupation () { cerr << Error( "SlicingNode::resetWireOccupation(): Base class method must never be called.\n" " (on %s)" , getString(this).c_str() ) << endl; } } // Bora namespace.