
Model -- Master class


Every cell made is a class herited from class \verb-Model-.\\
\indent Some methods have to be created, like \verb-Interface-, \verb-Netlist- ... Some methods are inherited from the class \verb-Model-.


    \item \verb-name- : The name of the cell (which is the name of the files which will be created)
    \item \verb-param- : A dictionnary which gives all the parameters usefull in order to create the cell

Methods of class \verb-Model- are listed below :
    \item \verb-View- : Opens/Refreshes the editor in order to see the created layout
    \item \verb-Quit- : Finishes a cell without saving
    \item \verb-Save- : Saves the created cell\\If several cells have been created, they are all going to be saved in separated files\\

Some of those methods have to be defined in order to create a new cell :
    \item \verb-Interface- : Description of the external ports of the cell
    \item \verb-Netlist- : Description of the netlist of the cell
    \item \verb-Layout- : Description of the layout of the cell
    \item \verb-Vbe- : Description of the behavior of the cell
    \item \verb-Pattern- : Description of the patterns in order to test the cell

You can see a concrete example at : \hyperref[ref]{\emph{A concrete example}}{}{Example}{secexample}
\subsubsection{See Also}

\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Place and Route}}{}{Place and Route}{secroute}