// // This file is part of the Coriolis Project. // Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM // Universite Pierre et Marie Curie // // Main contributors : // Christophe Alexandre // Hugo Cl�ment // Jean-Paul Chaput // Christian Masson // // The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // // License-Tag // // // Date : 30/10/2006 // Author : Damien Dupuis // // Authors-Tag // // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // | | // | C O R I O L I S | // | Alliance / Hurricane Interface | // | | // | Author : Damien DUPUIS | // | E-mail : Damien.Dupuis.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./Knik.cpp" | // | *************************************************************** | // | U p d a t e s | // | | // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x #include #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/Property.h" #include "hurricane/Contact.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "hurricane/Technology.h" #include "hurricane/DataBase.h" #include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h" #include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h" #include "crlcore/Utilities.h" #include "crlcore/ToolBox.h" #include "crlcore/Measures.h" #include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h" #include "crlcore/RoutingLayerGauge.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" #include "knik/Configuration.h" #include "knik/Edge.h" #include "knik/Vertex.h" #include "knik/Graph.h" #include "knik/RoutingGrid.h" #include "knik/NetExtension.h" #include "knik/KnikEngine.h" #include "knik/flute.h" #define MAX_RUNTIME 86400 #define MAX_ITERATION UINT_MAX namespace Knik { using Hurricane::Warning; using CRL::addMeasure; using CRL::RoutingGauge; using CRL::RoutingLayerGauge; using CRL::AllianceFramework; //globale variables unsigned __congestion__; unsigned __precongestion__; float __edge_cost__; bool __initialized__; extern bool __ripupMode__; const Name KnikEngine::_toolName = "Knik::KnikEngine"; float KnikEngine::_edgeCapacityPercent = 1.0; KnikEngine::KnikEngine ( Cell* cell, unsigned congestion, unsigned precongestion, bool benchMode, bool useSegments, float edgeCost ) // ********************************************************************************************************************************* : Inherit ( cell ) , _routingGraph ( NULL ) , _routingGrid ( NULL ) , _benchMode ( benchMode ) , _useSegments ( useSegments ) , _routingDone ( false ) , _rerouteIteration ( 0 ) , _segmentOverEdges() , _sortSegmentOv() { if ( congestion > 1 ) throw Error ( "KnikEngine::KnikEngine(): congestion argument must be 0 (None) or 1 (Congestion) : %s." , getString(congestion).c_str() ); __congestion__ = congestion; if ( precongestion > 2 ) throw Error ( "KnikEngine::KnikEngine(): precongestion argument must be 0 (None), 1 (Static) or 2 (Dynamic) : %s." , getString(precongestion).c_str() ); __precongestion__ = precongestion; __edge_cost__ = edgeCost; __initialized__ = false; } KnikEngine::~KnikEngine () // *********************** { } KnikEngine* KnikEngine::create ( Cell* cell, unsigned congestion, unsigned precongestion, bool benchMode, bool useSegments, float edgeCost ) // ***************************************************************************************************************************************** { CRL::deleteEmptyNets ( cell ); KnikEngine* _knik = new KnikEngine ( cell, congestion, precongestion, benchMode, useSegments, edgeCost ); _knik->_postCreate(); cout << " o Knik -- Global router makes use of FLUTE software" << endl; cout << Dots::asIdentifier(" - Author" ,"Chris C. N. CHU") << endl; cout << Dots::asIdentifier(" - Prof. Ident. ","Iowa State University") << endl; cout << Dots::asIdentifier(" - URL" ,"http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~cnchu") << endl; return _knik; } void KnikEngine::_postCreate() // *************************** { Inherit::_postCreate(); // For Flute : readLUT to be able to use POWV9.dat & POST9.dat readLUT(); return; } void KnikEngine::destroy() // *********************** { _preDestroy(); delete this; } void KnikEngine::_preDestroy() // *************************** { _routingGraph->destroy(); Inherit::_preDestroy(); //Configuration::get()->destroy(); return; } void KnikEngine::MakeRoutingLeaves() // ********************************* { //unsigned steps = getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getHeight() / DbU::lambda(50); // +o( mieux vaudrait recuperer le slice ! //if ( _nimbus->getDepth() < steps ) { // _nimbus->progress ( steps - _nimbus->getDepth() ); // _nimbus->PlacementLeavesDown(); //} // for_each_gcell(gcell, _nimbus->getPlacementLeaves()) { // //if (_metisseLimit) // dans un premier temps on se limite � respecter les placementLeaves (on ne descend pas en dessous) // if (gcell->isAStrictSubGCellOf(gcell->getPlacementLeaf())) // break; // gcell->setAsRoutingLeaf(); // for_each_fence (fence, gcell->getSurroundingFences()) { // fence->setAsRoutingFence(); // end_for; // } // end_for; // } return; } void KnikEngine::initGlobalRouting() // ********************************* { assert ( _nets_to_route.empty() ); cmess2 << " o Knik::initGlobalRouting()" << endl; //#if defined(__USE_STATIC_PRECONGESTION__) || defined(__USE_DYNAMIC_PRECONGESTION__) cmess2 << " - Congestion: " << __congestion__ << endl; cmess2 << " - PreCongestion: " << __precongestion__ << endl; cmess2 << " - EdgeCost: " << __edge_cost__ << endl; //#endif // create the route graph if ( !_routingGraph ) { _timer.resetIncrease(); _timer.start(); cmess2 << " o CLOSE sessionCreate routing graph." << endl; Cell* cell = getCell(); _routingGraph = Graph::create ( cell, _routingGrid, _benchMode, _useSegments ); cmess2 << " - Graph size: " << _routingGraph->getXSize() << "x" << _routingGraph->getYSize() << endl; _timer.stop(); printTime(); } else { cmess2 << " - Reusing pre-existing graph." << endl; } // 20/02/09 tout ce qui suit dans la fonction etait inclu dans le if(!_routingGraph) on le sépare pour pouvoir // créer explicitement le graph dans une fonction, pour _timer.resetIncrease(); _timer.start(); cmess2 << " o Selecting nets to route and create precongestion" << endl; const unsigned int MaxDegree = 13000; Name obstacleNetName ("obstaclenet"); //for_each_occurrence ( occurrence, cell->getHyperNetRootNetOccurrences() ) // working on deepNets for_each_net ( net, getCell()->getNets() ) { //Net* net = dynamic_cast(occurrence.getEntity()); // working on deepNets assert(net); //cerr << " Net : " << net << endl; if ( net->isGlobal() or net->isSupply() or net->isClock() or (net->getName() == obstacleNetName) ) { cmess1 << " - <" << net->getName() << "> not routed (global, supply, clock or obstacle)." << endl; continue; } //if ( !isVeryFlatCell && net->getCell()->isLeaf() ) { // Don't want to route Leaf Cells nets // //cerr << " rootNet belongs to a leaf cell => continue" << endl; // continue; //} // working on deepNets // We want to route nets with more at least 2 and less than MaxDegree vertexes unsigned netDegree = _routingGraph->countVertexes ( net ); if ( netDegree > 1 && netDegree < MaxDegree ) { Box bbox = net->getBoundingBox(); NetRecord record ( net, (long int)((DbU::getLambda(bbox.getWidth())+1)*(DbU::getLambda(bbox.getHeight())+1)) ); assert ( record._net ); assert ( record._exArea > 0 ); _nets_to_route.push_back ( record ); //#if defined(__USE_STATIC_PRECONGESTION__) || defined(__USE_DYNAMIC_PRECONGESTION__) if ( __precongestion__ ) _routingGraph->UpdateEstimateCongestion ( true ); //#endif //cerr << " will be routed." << endl; } else { if ( netDegree > MaxDegree-1 ) cmess1 << Warning("%s has a not a degree in [2:%u[ (%d), not routed." ,getString(net).c_str(),MaxDegree,netDegree) << endl; } _routingGraph->resetVertexes(); end_for; } stable_sort ( _nets_to_route.begin(), _nets_to_route.end(), NetSurfacesComp() ); NetVector::iterator new_end = unique ( _nets_to_route.begin(), _nets_to_route.end() ); _nets_to_route.erase ( new_end, _nets_to_route.end() ); _timer.stop(); printTime(); cmess2 << " + Nets to route: " << _nets_to_route.size() << endl; //#endif // 20/02/09 fin de l'ancienne inclusion __initialized__ = true; } void KnikEngine::createRoutingGrid ( unsigned nbXTiles , unsigned nbYTiles , const Box& boundingBox , DbU::Unit tileWidth , DbU::Unit tileHeight , unsigned hcapacity , unsigned vcapacity ) { _routingGrid = RoutingGrid::create ( nbXTiles , nbYTiles , boundingBox , tileWidth , tileHeight , hcapacity , vcapacity ); } void KnikEngine::createRoutingGraph() // ********************************** { Cell* cell = getCell(); _routingGraph = Graph::create ( cell, _routingGrid, _benchMode, _useSegments ); //Breakpoint::stop ( 0, "Point d'arret:
  createGlobalGraph() " // "after Knik createGlobalGraph()." ); } void KnikEngine::addRoutingPadToGraph ( RoutingPad* routingPad ) // ************************************************************* { Vertex* rpVertex = _routingGraph->getVertex ( routingPad->getCenter() ); Contact* rpContact = rpVertex->getContact(); if ( !rpContact || (rpContact->getNet() != routingPad->getNet()) ) { Contact* contact = Contact::create ( routingPad->getNet() , DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer("metal2") , DbU::lambda(floor(DbU::getLambda(rpVertex->getPosition().getX()))) , DbU::lambda(floor(DbU::getLambda(rpVertex->getPosition().getY()))) , rpVertex->getHalfWidth()/5 , rpVertex->getHalfHeight()/5 ); rpVertex->setContact ( contact ); } } Edge* KnikEngine::getEdge ( unsigned col1, unsigned row1, unsigned col2, unsigned row2 ) // ************************************************************************************* { return _routingGraph->getEdge ( col1, row1, col2, row2 ); } void KnikEngine::updateEdgeCapacity ( unsigned col1, unsigned row1, unsigned col2, unsigned row2, unsigned capacity ) // ****************************************************************************************************************** { _routingGraph->UpdateEdgeCapacity ( col1, row1, col2, row2, capacity ); } void KnikEngine::increaseEdgeCapacity ( unsigned col1, unsigned row1, unsigned col2, unsigned row2, int capacity ) // *************************************************************************************************************** { _routingGraph->increaseEdgeCapacity ( col1, row1, col2, row2, capacity ); } void KnikEngine::insertSegment ( Segment* segment ) // ************************************************ { _routingGraph->insertSegment ( segment ); } Vertex* KnikEngine::getVertex ( Point position ) // ********************************************* { return _routingGraph->getVertex ( position ); } Vertex* KnikEngine::getVertex ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y ) // ******************************************************* { return _routingGraph->getVertex ( x, y ); } void KnikEngine::printTime() // ************************* { cmess2 << " + Done in " << Timer::getStringTime(_timer.getCombTime()) << " [+" << Timer::getStringMemory(_timer.getIncrease()) << "]." << endl; cmess2 << " (raw measurements : " << _timer.getCombTime() << "s [+" << (_timer.getIncrease()>>10) << "Ko/" << (_timer.getMemorySize()>>10) << "Ko])" << endl; } // void KnikEngine::showEstimateOccupancy() // // ************************************* // { // if ( _routingGraph ) // _routingGraph->UpdateEstimateOccupancyWindow(); // } inline bool netId_sort(Net* net1, Net* net2) { return NetExtension::getId(net1) < NetExtension::getId(net2); } string KnikEngine::_getSolutionName() const // **************************************** { return getString(_cell->getName()) + ".kgr"; } void KnikEngine::saveSolution ( const string& fileName ) // ***************************************************** { Name obstacleNetName ("obstaclenet"); string saveFileName = fileName; if ( saveFileName.empty() ) saveFileName = _getSolutionName(); _nets_to_route.clear(); vector all_nets; forEach (Net*, net, _cell->getNets()) { if ( net->isGlobal() or net->isSupply() or net->isClock() or (net->getName() == obstacleNetName) ) continue; all_nets.push_back(*net); } stable_sort ( all_nets.begin(), all_nets.end(), netId_sort ); CRL::IoFile saveStream ( saveFileName ); saveStream.open ("w"); FILE* saveFile = saveStream.getFile(); if ( !saveFile ) throw Error ("Cannot open solution file to write !"); const Layer* gcontact = Configuration::getGContact(); const Layer* gmetalh = Configuration::getGMetalH(); const Layer* gmetalv = Configuration::getGMetalV(); for ( size_t i=0 ; i= 0 ); vector viaContacts; forEach ( Contact*, icontact, net->getContacts() ) { if ( (icontact->getLayer() == gcontact) or (icontact->getLayer() == gmetalv) ) viaContacts.push_back ( *icontact ); } vector grSegments; forEach ( Segment*, isegment, net->getSegments() ) { if ( (isegment->getLayer() == gmetalh) or (isegment->getLayer() == gmetalv) ) { grSegments.push_back ( *isegment ); } } unsigned nbEntries = grSegments.size() + viaContacts.size(); fprintf ( saveFile, "%s %ld %d\n", getString(net->getName()).c_str(), netId, nbEntries ); for ( size_t j=0 ; j(grSegments[j]))? 1 : 2; fprintf ( saveFile, "(%d,%d,%d)-(%d,%d,%d)\n" , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(grSegments[j]->getSourceX()) , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(grSegments[j]->getSourceY()) , layer , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(grSegments[j]->getTargetX()) , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(grSegments[j]->getTargetY()) , layer ); //if ( layer == 2 ) { // pour rajouter les vias de descentes aux connecteurs // if ( segment->getSource()->getLayer() == layerGMetalV ) { // unsigned x = (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(segment->getSourceX()); // unsigned y = (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(segment->getSourceY()); // fprintf(saveFile, "(%d,%d,1)-(%d,%d,2)\n", x, y, x, y); // } // if ( segment->getTarget()->getLayer() == layerGMetalV ) { // unsigned x = (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(segment->getTargetX()); // unsigned y = (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(segment->getTargetY()); // fprintf(saveFile, "(%d,%d,1)-(%d,%d,2)\n", x, y ,x, y); // } //} } for ( size_t i=0 ; igetX()) , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(contact->getY()) , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(contact->getX()) , (unsigned)DbU::getLambda(contact->getY()) ); } fprintf ( saveFile, "!\n" ); } saveStream.close (); } void KnikEngine::getHorizontalCutLines ( vector& horizontalCutLines ) // ***************************************************************************** { _routingGraph->getHorizontalCutLines ( horizontalCutLines ); } void KnikEngine::getVerticalCutLines ( vector& verticalCutLines ) // ************************************************************************* { _routingGraph->getVerticalCutLines ( verticalCutLines ); } void KnikEngine::unrouteSelected() // ******************************* { // static const Layer* layerGAlu2 = NULL; // static const Layer* layerGAlu3 = NULL; // static const Layer* layerGCont = NULL; // if ( !layerGAlu2 ) { // Technology* technology = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology(); // layerGAlu2 = technology->getLayer(Name("GALU2")); // layerGAlu3 = technology->getLayer(Name("GALU3")); // layerGCont = technology->getLayer(Name("GCONTACT")); // } // set segmentsToUnroute; // CEditor* editor = getCEditor ( getCell() ); // if (editor->hasSomethingSelected() ) { // for_each_selector ( selector, editor->getSelectors() ) { // if ( Segment* segment = dynamic_cast(selector->getOccurrence().getEntity()) ) { // Layer* layer = segment->getLayer(); // if ( (layer == layerGAlu2) || (layer == layerGAlu3) || (layer == layerGCont) ) { // //cerr << "segment " << segment << " passes " << _routingGraph->getCongestEdgeNb(segment) << endl; // segmentsToUnroute.insert ( segment ); // } // } // end_for; // } // } // UpdateSession::open(); // // Previous call to recursive function // //while ( !segmentsToUnroute.empty() ) { // // Segment* seg = (*segmentsToUnroute.begin()); // // unroute ( seg, segmentsToUnroute ); // //} // do { // set contacts; // while ( !segmentsToUnroute.empty() ) { // on parcourt tous les segments a derouter // Segment* segment = (*segmentsToUnroute.begin()); // if ( !dynamic_cast(segment->getSource()) ) throw Error ( "unroute segment : segment's source is not a contact !" ); // if ( !dynamic_cast(segment->getTarget()) ) throw Error ( "unroute segment : segment's target is not a contact !" ); // // on insere les contacts source et target dans le set // contacts.insert ( static_cast(segment->getSource()) ); // contacts.insert ( static_cast(segment->getTarget()) ); // segmentsToUnroute.erase ( segment ); // suppression du segment dans le set // _routingGraph->removeSegment ( segment ); // il faut mettre a jour les occupations des edges dans le graph ! // segment->getSourceHook()->detach(); // segment->getTargetHook()->detach(); // segment->destroy(); // delete du segment // } // for ( set::iterator cit = contacts.begin(); cit != contacts.end() ; cit++ ) { // pour chacun des contacts du set // Contact* contact = (*cit); // Vertex* contactVertex = _routingGraph->getVertex(contact->getCenter()); // Hook* contactHook = contact->getBodyHook(); // bool routingPadPresent = false; // Hook* currentHook = contactHook->getNextHook(); // // on verifie si le contact est associe a un routingPad // while ( currentHook != contactHook ) { // if ( dynamic_cast(currentHook->getComponent()) ) { // RoutingPad* rp = static_cast(currentHook->getComponent()); // if ( _routingGraph->getVertex(rp->getCenter()) == contactVertex ) { // routingPadPresent = true; // break; // } // } // currentHook = currentHook->getNextHook(); // } // // si le contact est associe a un routingPad, on passe au contact suivant // if ( routingPadPresent ) continue; // unsigned nbSegments = contact->getSlaveComponents().getSize(); // // sinon s'il a au moins 2 segments on passe au suivant aussi // if ( nbSegments >= 2 ) continue; // // sinon s'il n'a qu'un segment, on ajoutele segment au set des segments a derouter // if ( nbSegments == 1 ) { // if ( !dynamic_cast(contact->getSlaveComponents().getFirst()) ) throw Error ("somthing else than a segment is on a contact ..."); // segmentsToUnroute.insert(static_cast(contact->getSlaveComponents().getFirst())); // continue; // } // // sinon sile contact est "seul", on le delete, apres vérif tout de meme // if ( nbSegments == 0 ) { // contactVertex->setContact( NULL ); // pour etre surqu'on ne pointe pas sur un objet efface // contact->destroy(); // } // } // } while ( !segmentsToUnroute.empty() ); // UpdateSession::close(); // editor->UnselectAll(); // editor->Refresh(); } string KnikEngine::adaptString ( string s ) // **************************************** { string adapt = s; unsigned pos = adapt.find ( '<' ); while ( pos < adapt.size() ) { adapt.replace ( pos, 1, "<" ); pos = adapt.find ( '<', pos ); } pos = adapt.find ( '>' ); while ( pos < adapt.size() ) { adapt.replace ( pos, 1, ">" ); pos = adapt.find ( '>', pos ); } return adapt; } void KnikEngine::unrouteOvSegments() // ********************************* { cmess2 << " o Unroute overflowed segments :" << endl; unsigned countSegments = 0; unsigned countContacts = 0; UpdateSession::open(); _timer.resume(); do { set contacts; while ( !_segmentsToUnroute.empty() ) { // on parcourt tous les segments a derouter Segment* segment = (*_segmentsToUnroute.begin()); assert(segment); if ( !dynamic_cast(segment->getSource()) ) throw Error ( "unroute segment : segment's source is not a contact !" ); if ( !dynamic_cast(segment->getTarget()) ) throw Error ( "unroute segment : segment's target is not a contact !" ); // on insere les contacts source et target dans le set contacts.insert ( static_cast(segment->getSource()) ); contacts.insert ( static_cast(segment->getTarget()) ); _segmentsToUnroute.erase ( segment ); // suppression du segment dans le set _routingGraph->removeSegment ( segment ); // il faut mettre a jour les occupations des edges dans le graph ! countSegments++; segment->getSourceHook()->detach(); segment->getTargetHook()->detach(); segment->destroy(); // delete du segment } for ( set::iterator cit = contacts.begin(); cit != contacts.end() ; cit++ ) { // pour chacun des contacts du set Contact* contact = (*cit); Vertex* contactVertex = _routingGraph->getVertex(contact->getCenter()); Hook* contactHook = contact->getBodyHook(); bool routingPadPresent = false; Hook* currentHook = contactHook->getNextHook(); // on verifie si le contact est associe a un routingPad while ( currentHook != contactHook ) { if ( dynamic_cast(currentHook->getComponent()) ) { RoutingPad* rp = static_cast(currentHook->getComponent()); if ( _routingGraph->getVertex(rp->getCenter()) == contactVertex ) { routingPadPresent = true; break; } } currentHook = currentHook->getNextHook(); } // si le contact est associe a un routingPad, on passe au contact suivant if ( routingPadPresent ) continue; unsigned nbSegments = contact->getSlaveComponents().getSize(); // sinon s'il a plus de 2 segments on passe au suivant aussi if ( nbSegments > 2 ) continue; // s'il y a 2 segments if ( nbSegments == 2 ) { // s'ils sont de meme direction : on les fusionne Segment* segment1 = NULL; Segment* segment2 = NULL; forEach ( Component*, component, contact->getSlaveComponents() ) { if ( !dynamic_cast(*component) ) throw Error ("I did did see a pussy cat"); Segment* segment = static_cast(*component); if ( !segment1 ) segment1 = segment; else if ( !segment2 ) segment2 = segment; else throw Error ("Houston we've got a problem"); } // on remove les 2 segments dans le graphe pour que les occupations et les références dans les edges soient correctes! if ( dynamic_cast(segment1) && dynamic_cast(segment2) ) { //cerr << "On remplace : " << segment1 << " et " << segment2 << " par:" << endl; _routingGraph->removeSegment(segment1); _routingGraph->removeSegment(segment2); Horizontal* horiz1 = static_cast(segment1); Horizontal* horiz2 = static_cast(segment2); assert(horiz1->getNet() == horiz2->getNet()); Contact* toDel = NULL; if ( horiz1->getSourceX() < horiz2->getSourceX() ) { Contact* target = dynamic_cast(horiz2->getTarget()); toDel = dynamic_cast(horiz1->getTarget()); if (!target || !toDel) throw Error ("Mummy help me !"); Hook* hook = horiz1->getTargetHook(); hook->detach(); hook->attach(target->getBodyHook()); } else { Contact* source = dynamic_cast(horiz2->getSource()); toDel = dynamic_cast(horiz1->getSource()); if (!source || !toDel) throw Error ("It's not my fault"); Hook* hook = horiz1->getSourceHook(); hook->detach(); hook->attach(source->getBodyHook()); } // il est tres important de verifier que le segment qui va etre implicitement detruit n'est pas présent dans _segmentsToUnroute ! set::iterator horiz2it = _segmentsToUnroute.find(horiz2); if ( horiz2it != _segmentsToUnroute.end() ) { //throw Error ("Implicity destroying a horizontal segment that is present in _segmentToUnroute !"); _segmentsToUnroute.erase(horiz2it); // doit-on rajouter horiz1 dans _segmentsToUnroute ? _segmentsToUnroute.insert(horiz1); // oui puique horiz2 y était et que horiz1 remplace en partie horiz2 } toDel->destroy(); // le segment horiz2 s'appuie sur le contact et il est donc destroy implicitement //cerr << " " << segment1 << endl; // on rajoute le segment1 agrandi dans le graphe, toujours pour les edges A NE FAIRE QUE SI LES SEG SONT DE MEME TYPE _routingGraph->insertSegment(segment1); } else if ( dynamic_cast(segment1) && dynamic_cast(segment2) ) { //cerr << "On remplace : " << segment1 << " et " << segment2 << " par:" << endl; _routingGraph->removeSegment(segment1); _routingGraph->removeSegment(segment2); Vertical* verti1 = static_cast(segment1); Vertical* verti2 = static_cast(segment2); assert(verti1->getNet() == verti2->getNet()); Contact* toDel = NULL; if ( verti1->getSourceY() < verti2->getSourceY() ) { Contact* target = dynamic_cast(verti2->getTarget()); toDel = dynamic_cast(verti1->getTarget()); if (!target || !toDel) throw Error ("Not again!"); Hook* hook = verti1->getTargetHook(); hook->detach(); hook->attach(target->getBodyHook()); } else { Contact* source = dynamic_cast(verti2->getSource()); toDel = dynamic_cast(verti1->getSource()); if (!source || !toDel) throw Error ("Please reboot computer ... or not."); Hook* hook = verti1->getSourceHook(); hook->detach(); hook->attach(source->getBodyHook()); } // il est tres important de verifier que le segment qui va etre implicitement detruit n'est pas présent dans _segmentsToUnroute ! set::iterator verti2it = _segmentsToUnroute.find(verti2); if ( verti2it != _segmentsToUnroute.end() ) { //throw Error ("Implicity destroying a vertical segment that is present in _segmentToUnroute !"); _segmentsToUnroute.erase(verti2it); _segmentsToUnroute.insert(verti1); } toDel->destroy(); // le segment verti2 s'appuie sur le contact et il est donc destroy implicitement //cerr << " " << segment1 << endl; // on rajoute le segment1 agrandi dans le graphe, toujours pour les edges A NE FAIRE QUE SI LES SEG SONT DE MEME TYPE _routingGraph->insertSegment(segment1); } // sinon on continue else continue; } // sinon s'il n'a qu'un segment, on ajoute le segment au set des segments a derouter if ( nbSegments == 1 ) { if ( !dynamic_cast(contact->getSlaveComponents().getFirst()) ) throw Error ("somthing else than a segment is on a contact ..."); _segmentsToUnroute.insert(static_cast(contact->getSlaveComponents().getFirst())); // XXX euh oui mais s'il est déjà présent dans le set ? il se passe quoi ? XXX continue; } // sinon si le contact est "seul", on le delete, apres vérif tout de meme if ( nbSegments == 0 ) { contactVertex->setContact( NULL ); // pour etre surqu'on ne pointe pas sur un objet efface contact->destroy(); countContacts++; } } } while ( !_segmentsToUnroute.empty() ); _timer.suspend(); cmess2 << " + Done in " << _timer.getCombTime() << "s [+" << Timer::getStringMemory(_timer.getIncrease()) << "]." << endl; UpdateSession::close(); cmess2 << " - Segments destroyed : " << countSegments << endl << " - Contacts destroyed : " << countContacts << endl; } void KnikEngine::unroute ( Segment* segment, set &segmentsToUnroute, Contact* fromContact ) // ************************************************************************************************** { bool deleteSource = false; bool deleteTarget = false; if ( !dynamic_cast(segment->getSource()) ) throw Error ( "KnikEngine::unroute(): found a Segment not based on a Contact." ); Contact* sourceContact = static_cast(segment->getSource()); if ( sourceContact != fromContact ) { Hook* contactHook = sourceContact->getBodyHook(); Hook* tempHook = contactHook->getNextHook(); Segment* firstSeg = NULL; Segment* secondSeg = NULL; unsigned NbSeg = 0; bool routingPadPresent = false; while ( tempHook != contactHook ) { if ( dynamic_cast(tempHook->getComponent()) ) { NbSeg++; if ( NbSeg > 2 ) break; // ca sert a rien de continuer on a au moins 3 elements if ( !firstSeg ) firstSeg = static_cast(tempHook->getComponent()); else secondSeg = static_cast(tempHook->getComponent()); } if ( dynamic_cast(tempHook->getComponent()) ) { routingPadPresent = true; break; } tempHook = tempHook->getNextHook(); } if ( !routingPadPresent && (NbSeg == 2) ) { // on doit "unroute" l'autre segment aussi if ( firstSeg == segment ) unroute ( secondSeg, segmentsToUnroute, sourceContact ); else if ( secondSeg == segment ) unroute ( firstSeg, segmentsToUnroute, sourceContact ); else throw Error ("KnikEngine::unroute(): Wow how did I do that!"); deleteSource = true; } } if ( !dynamic_cast(segment->getTarget()) ) throw Error ( "KnikEngine::unroute(): found a Segment not based on a Contact." ); Contact* targetContact = static_cast(segment->getTarget()); if ( targetContact != fromContact ) { Hook* contactHook = targetContact->getBodyHook(); Hook* tempHook = contactHook->getNextHook(); Segment* firstSeg = NULL; Segment* secondSeg = NULL; unsigned NbSeg = 0; bool routingPadPresent = false; while ( tempHook != contactHook ) { if ( Segment* seg = dynamic_cast(tempHook->getComponent()) ) { NbSeg++; if ( NbSeg > 2 ) break; // ca sert a rien de continuer on a au moins 3 �l�ments if ( !firstSeg ) firstSeg = seg; else secondSeg = seg; } if ( dynamic_cast(tempHook->getComponent()) ) { routingPadPresent = true; break; } tempHook = tempHook->getNextHook(); } if ( !routingPadPresent && (NbSeg == 2) ) { // on doit "unroute" l'autre segment aussi if ( firstSeg == segment ) unroute ( secondSeg, segmentsToUnroute, targetContact ); else if ( secondSeg == segment ) unroute ( firstSeg, segmentsToUnroute, targetContact ); else throw Error ("KnikEngine::unroute(): Once again, how did I do that!"); deleteTarget = true; } } segmentsToUnroute.erase ( segment ); _routingGraph->removeSegment ( segment ); // il faut mettre a jour les occupations des edges dans le graph ! segment->getSourceHook()->detach(); segment->getTargetHook()->detach(); segment->destroy(); if ( deleteSource ) sourceContact->destroy(); if ( deleteTarget ) targetContact->destroy(); } void KnikEngine::computeOverflow() // ******************************* { cmess1 << " o Computing Statistics" << endl; Vertex* currentVertex = _routingGraph->getLowerLeftVertex(); int nbEdgesTotal = 0; int nbEdgesOver = 0; unsigned overflow = 0; unsigned maxOver = 0; //float maxOver = 0; //float averageOver = 0; while ( currentVertex ) { Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex; while ( currentVertex ) { Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut(); if ( hEdgeOut ) { nbEdgesTotal++; int ov = 2*(hEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() - hEdgeOut->getCapacity()); // 2 = minimum spacing + minimum width if ( ov > 0 ) { nbEdgesOver++; overflow += ov; maxOver = (unsigned)ov > maxOver ? ov : maxOver; } for_each_segment ( segment, hEdgeOut->getSegments() ) { map::iterator ssit = _segmentOverEdges.find ( segment ); SegRecord record; if ( ssit != _segmentOverEdges.end() ) record = (*ssit).second; else record = SegRecord(); record.incNbTotEdges(); if ( ov > 0 ) { record.incNbOvEdges(); record.incSumOv ( ov ); record.UpdateMaxOv ( ov ); } end_for; } } if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() ) { nbEdgesTotal++; int ov = 2*(vEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() - vEdgeOut->getCapacity()); if ( ov > 0 ) { nbEdgesOver++; overflow += ov; maxOver = (unsigned)ov > maxOver ? ov : maxOver; } for_each_segment ( segment, vEdgeOut->getSegments() ) { map::iterator ssit = _segmentOverEdges.find ( segment ); SegRecord record; if ( ssit != _segmentOverEdges.end() ) record = (*ssit).second; else record = SegRecord(); record.incNbTotEdges(); if ( ov > 0 ) { record.incNbOvEdges(); record.incSumOv ( ov ); record.UpdateMaxOv ( ov ); } end_for; } } if ( hEdgeOut ) currentVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex ); else break; } Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut(); if ( vEdgeOut ) currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex ); else break; } cmess2 << " - first skimming through edges done (overflow computed)" << endl; //averageOver = nbEdgesOver == 0 ? 0 : averageOver / (float)nbEdgesOver; // Now we've got the max we can print more detailed statistics about edges overflow // except if there is no overflow... vector ovEdgesStats; if ( maxOver ) { Vertex* currentVertex = _routingGraph->getLowerLeftVertex(); unsigned maxOvIdx = maxOver / (int)(10); ovEdgesStats.resize(maxOvIdx+1); while ( currentVertex ) { Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex; while ( currentVertex ) { Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut(); if ( hEdgeOut ) { int ov = 2*(hEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() - hEdgeOut->getCapacity()); // 2 = minimum sapcing + minimum width if ( ov > 0 ) { unsigned ovIdx = ov / int(10); ovEdgesStats[ovIdx]++; } } if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() ) { int ov = 2*(vEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() - vEdgeOut->getCapacity()); if ( ov > 0 ) { unsigned ovIdx = ov / int(10); ovEdgesStats[ovIdx]++; } } if ( hEdgeOut ) currentVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex ); else break; } Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut(); if ( vEdgeOut ) currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex ); else break; } cmess2 << " - second skimming through edges done (overflow details)" << endl; } unsigned _wirelength = 0; unsigned _gridWirelength = 0; unsigned _gridWirelengthWoVia = 0; Layer* layerContact = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer(Name("GCONTACT")); //for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nets_to_route.size() ; i++ ) { // Net* net = _nets_to_route[i]._net; forEach ( Net*, net, _cell->getNets() ) { unsigned netWirelength = 0; for_each_segment ( segment, net->getSegments() ) { _wirelength += (unsigned)DbU::getLambda ( segment->getLength() ); unsigned gridWirelength = _routingGraph->getGridLength ( segment ); _gridWirelength += gridWirelength; _gridWirelengthWoVia += gridWirelength; netWirelength += gridWirelength; end_for; } for_each_contact ( contact, net->getContacts() ) { if ( contact->getLayer() == layerContact ) { _gridWirelength += 3; netWirelength += 3; } end_for; } NetExtension::setWireLength ( *net, netWirelength ); } cmess2 << " - Wirelength computed" << endl; // *** Cannot build column several times, no hasColumn function *** // CEditor* editor = getCEditor ( getCell() ); // CNetListWindow* netListWindow = editor->getNetListWindow(); // if ( ! netListWindow->hasColumn ( "GridWirelength" ) ) { // netListWindow->addColumn ( "GridWirelength", getNetWirelength, NetExtension::compare, CListWidget::RightJustify ); // netListWindow->Rebuild(); // } // cmess2 << " - Netlist window rebuild" << endl; // cmess1 << " - Total number of edges : " << nbEdgesTotal << endl cmess1 << " - Number of overcapacity edges : " << nbEdgesOver << " / " << nbEdgesTotal << endl //<< " - Total calls to Dijkstra : " << countDijkstra << endl //<< " - Total calls to Monotonic : " << countMonotonic << endl //<< " - Total calls to Materialize : " << countMaterialize << endl //<< " - Taille du Graphe de routage : " << _xSize << " x " << _ySize << endl << " - # of overflow : " << overflow << endl << " - max of overflow : " << maxOver << endl; // << " - # of net with overflow : " << _netNbOverEdges.size() << endl cmess1 << " - grid wirelength : " << _gridWirelength << endl; cmess2 << " - grid wirelength : " << _gridWirelength << endl << " - grid wirelength w/o via : " << _gridWirelengthWoVia << endl << " - real wirelength : " << _wirelength << endl; //if ( ! ovEdgesStats.empty() ) { // // print details about edges overflow // cmess2 << endl // << " - Number of edges for overflow interval :" << endl; // for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < ovEdgesStats.size() ; i++ ) { // unsigned first = i*10; // unsigned second = (i+1)*10 > maxOver ? maxOver : (i+1)*10; // cmess2 << " - " << first << " - " << second << " : " << ovEdgesStats[i] << endl; // } //} return; } // void KnikEngine::showOccupancy() // // ***************************** // { // if ( _routingGraph ) // _routingGraph->UpdateOccupancyWindow(); // } void KnikEngine::run() // ******************* { Route(); bool done = analyseRouting(); while ( !done ) { unrouteOvSegments(); reroute(); done = analyseRouting(); } addMeasure ( getCell(), "knikT", _timer.getCombTime () ); addMeasure ( getCell(), "knikS", (_timer.getMemorySize() >> 20) ); computeSymbolicWireLength (); } void KnikEngine::Route() // ********************* { UpdateSession::open(); if ( !__initialized__ ) initGlobalRouting(); _timer.resetIncrease(); _timer.start(); cmess1 << " o Knik::Route()" << endl; //CEditor* editor = getCEditor ( getCell() ); //editor->showRubbers(); //editor->Refresh(); //editor->Stop("Global Routing is going to do its job"); // initializing netStamp for routingGraph: //_routingGraph->setNetStamp(1); // Maybe NetStamp should not be initialized here ! // Be aware that initializingthe NetStamp in the construction of the routingGraph, might be a bad idea, if a lotof rerouting processes are run, it may overpass the unsigne limit (really ?) Name nameDebug ("ck_dpt"); unsigned size = _nets_to_route.size(); for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) { Net* net = _nets_to_route[i]._net; assert ( net ); //_routingGraph->checkGraphConsistency(); switch ( _routingGraph->initRouting ( net ) ) { case 0: case 1: //cerr << "Nothing to global route" << endl; break; case 2: //_routingGraph->Monotonic(); //break; default: _routingGraph->Dijkstra(); break; } _routingGraph->incNetStamp(); _routingGraph->CleanRoutingState(); //cmess1 << " - ["; //cmess1.width(3); //cmess1 << floor((float)(i*100)/(float)(size)); //cmess1 << "%]\r"; } _timer.suspend(); cmess1 << " - [100%]: " << size << " nets routed." << endl; //cmess2 << " - NbSplitters : " << _routingGraph->getNbSplitters() << endl; cmess2 << " + Done in " << _timer.getCombTime() << "s [+" << Timer::getStringMemory(_timer.getIncrease()) << "]." << endl; cmess2 << " (raw measurements : " << _timer.getCombTime() << "s [+" << (_timer.getIncrease()>>10) << "Ko/" << (_timer.getMemorySize()>>10) << "Ko])" << endl; // Comment to test with transhierarchic MIPS //computeOverflow(); // To be able to plot congestionMap, we need to UpdateMaxEstimateCongestion : //_routingGraph->UpdateMaxEstimateCongestion(); // no more useful since qe use QT which allow to see colored edges. // passage en mode PERFORMANCE ! //_routingGraph->testSTuplePQ(); // While not debugging, comment this out : //_routingGraph->destroy(); UpdateSession::close(); _routingDone = true; } bool KnikEngine::analyseRouting() // ****************************** { //computeOverflow(); if (_routingDone) _timer.resume(); else { _timer.resetIncrease(); _timer.start(); } unsigned overflow = _routingGraph->analyseRouting (_segmentsToUnroute); cmess2 << " - Segments to unroute : " << _segmentsToUnroute.size() << endl; // redefine the new _nets_to_route vector _nets_to_route.clear(); for ( set::iterator it = _segmentsToUnroute.begin() ; it != _segmentsToUnroute.end() ; it++ ) { cmess2 << " "<< (*it) << endl; Net* net = (*it)->getNet(); bool present = false; for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nets_to_route.size() ; i++ ) { if ( _nets_to_route[i]._net == net ) { present = true; break; } } if ( !present ) { Box bbox = net->getBoundingBox(); NetRecord record ( net, (long int)((DbU::getLambda(bbox.getWidth())+1)*(DbU::getLambda(bbox.getHeight())+1)) ); _nets_to_route.push_back ( record ); } } // Il est nécessaire de retrier les nets à rerouter de façon uqe le Dijkstra soit optimisé stable_sort ( _nets_to_route.begin(), _nets_to_route.end(), NetSurfacesComp() ); NetVector::iterator new_end = unique ( _nets_to_route.begin(), _nets_to_route.end() ); _nets_to_route.erase ( new_end, _nets_to_route.end() ); //cmess1 << " - Nets to reroute : " << _nets_to_route.size() << endl; //cmess1 << " "; //for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nets_to_route.size() ; i++ ) // cmess1 << _nets_to_route[i]._net->getName() << "|"; //cmess1 << endl; _timer.suspend(); cmess1 << " + Done in " << _timer.getCombTime() << "s [+" << Timer::getStringMemory(_timer.getIncrease()) << "]." << endl; bool done = false; if ( (overflow==0) || (_timer.getCombTime() >= MAX_RUNTIME) || (_rerouteIteration >= MAX_ITERATION) ) done = true; return done; } void KnikEngine::reroute() // *********************** { UpdateSession::open(); //Breakpoint::setStopLevel(1); //analyseRouting(); //unrouteOvSegments(); cmess1 << " o Knik::reroute() : iteration " << ++_rerouteIteration << endl; _timer.resume(); unsigned size = _nets_to_route.size(); __ripupMode__ = true; for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) { Net* net = _nets_to_route[i]._net; assert ( net ); //_routingGraph->checkGraphConsistency(); switch ( _routingGraph->initRouting ( net ) ) { case 0: case 1: //cerr << "Nothing to global route" << endl; break; default: _routingGraph->Dijkstra(); break; } _routingGraph->incNetStamp(); _routingGraph->CleanRoutingState(); //cmess1 << " - ["; //cmess1.width(3); //cmess1 << floor((float)(i*100)/(float)(size)); //cmess1 << "%]\r"; } _timer.suspend(); cmess1 << " - [100%]: " << size << " nets routed." << endl; //cmess2 << " - NbSplitters : " << _routingGraph->getNbSplitters() << endl; cmess2 << " + Done in " << _timer.getCombTime() << " [+" << Timer::getStringMemory(_timer.getIncrease()) << "]." << endl; cmess2 << " (raw measurements : " << _timer.getCombTime() << "s [+" << (_timer.getIncrease()>>10) << "Ko/" << (_timer.getMemorySize()>>10) << "Ko])" << endl; // Comment to test with transhierarchic MIPS //computeOverflow(); // While not debugging, comment this out : //_routingGraph->destroy(); UpdateSession::close(); } void KnikEngine::computeSymbolicWireLength () { // Ugly: hardcoded SxLib gauge characteristics. size_t hEdgeCapacity = 0; size_t vEdgeCapacity = 0; double gcellSide = 50.0; RoutingGauge* rg = AllianceFramework::get()->getRoutingGauge(); vector::const_iterator ilayerGauge = rg->getLayerGauges().begin(); for ( ; ilayerGauge != rg->getLayerGauges().end() ; ++ilayerGauge ) { RoutingLayerGauge* layerGauge = (*ilayerGauge); if ( layerGauge->getType() != Constant::Default ) continue; if ( layerGauge->getDirection() == Constant::Horizontal ) { hEdgeCapacity += layerGauge->getTrackNumber ( 0, DbU::lambda(50.0) ) - 1; } else if ( layerGauge->getDirection() == Constant::Vertical ) { vEdgeCapacity += layerGauge->getTrackNumber ( 0, DbU::lambda(50.0) ) - 1; } } // Complete formula: unitarian Wirelength/Area for one GCell. // (side*(hEdgeCapacity+vEdgeCapacity)) / (side * side). const double normalize = ((double)(hEdgeCapacity+vEdgeCapacity)) / gcellSide; unsigned long long symbolicWireLength = 0; forEach ( Net*, net, getCell()->getNets() ) { if ( net->isGlobal() or net->isSupply() or net->isClock() ) { continue; } forEach ( Segment*, isegment, net->getSegments() ) { symbolicWireLength += (unsigned long long)DbU::getLambda ( isegment->getLength() ); } } addMeasure ( getCell(), "GWL(l)", symbolicWireLength, 14 ); Box ab ( getCell()->getAbutmentBox() ); double area = (DbU::getLambda(ab.getWidth()) * DbU::getLambda(ab.getHeight()) ); addMeasure ( getCell(), "Area(l2)", area, 14 ); addMeasure ( getCell(), "Sat." , (symbolicWireLength/area)/normalize ); } Record* KnikEngine::_getRecord() const // ***************************** { Record* record = Inherit::_getRecord(); if ( !record ) record = new Record ( getString ( this ) ); record->add ( getSlot ( "RoutingGraph", _routingGraph ) ); return record; } KnikEngine* KnikEngine::get (const Cell* cell ) // ******************************************** { return ( dynamic_cast ( ToolEngine::get ( cell, KnikEngine::staticGetName() ) ) ); } } // namespace Knik // ********************************************************************* // Copyright (C) UPMC/LIP6/ASIM 2003-2004 All rights reserved // *********************************************************************