// -*- C++ -*-

 namespace Kite {

 /*! \class        TrackSegmentCost
  *  \brief        The cost calculator of a TrackSegment.
  *  \section      secMiscAttributes  Miscellaneous attributes
  *                Net instead of \TrackSegment : what we will access the most is the
  *                \TrackSegment owner, so it's it we keep as an attribute. The consequence
  *                beeing that the update member function should be given the \TrackSegment
  *                as argument.
  *  \section      secBoundInterval  Bound interval cost component
  *                This is the minimal interval to which the \TrackSegment can be
  *                shrunk without breaking the net's connexity. The interval is
  *                computed by AutoSegment::getTopologicalInfos(). And the computation
  *                is as follow :
  *                <ol>
  *                  <li>Each AutoContact has a <em>constraint box</em> which defines
  *                      the legal area where the AutoContact could be positionned.
  *                  <li>The <em>left bound</em> is the minimum of all constraints
  *                      boxes max.
  *                  <li>Conversely, the <em>right bound</em> is the maximum of all
  *                      constraints boxes min.
  *                </ol>
  *                \image html  TrackSegmentCost-1.png "Left bound &amp; right bound"
  *                \image latex TrackSegmentCost-1.pdf "Left bound &amp; right bound"   width=0.6\textwidth
  *                \image html  TrackSegmentCost-2.png "Maximal shrink example"
  *                \image latex TrackSegmentCost-2.pdf "Maximal shrink example"   width=0.6\textwidth
  *  \section      secCostAttractors  Attractors and differential wirelength cost component
  *                The goal of attractors is to compute the wirelength variation whenever
  *                the \TrackSegment changes of supporting \Track.
  *                The \TrackSegment is connected to perpandicular \TrackSegment, attractors
  *                are the extremity position of those perpandicular <em>which are not</em>
  *                connected to the reference \TrackSegment. The true rule is more complex
  *                an is computed by AutoSegment::isTopologicalBound().
  *                \image html  TrackSegmentCost-3.png "Attractors example"
  *                \image latex TrackSegmentCost-3.pdf "Attractors example"   width=0.6\textwidth
  *                In the attractor example, the reference horizontal \TrackSegment (in
  *                black) which is made of (at least) three \c AutoSegments, is connected
  *                to five vertical canonical \TrackSegment (labelled \e A through \e E).
  *                \e Left attractors are below the horizontal \TrackSegment axis,
  *                \e right ones are above. Punctual attractors are exactly on the axis.
  *                As both \TrackSegment and \c AutoSegment are orienteds, source is always
  *                the minimum and target always the maximum.
  *                The attractors are deduced as follow :
  *                <ul>
  *                  <li>\e A : source is on the axis and move with it, so it is not took
  *                      into account. Target <code>\@2:19</code> is a right attractor.
  *                  <li>\e B : not aligned due to constraints on \e A, fully included in
  *                      \e A, do not generate attractor.
  *                  <li>\e C : canonical is accross the reference horizontal, both source
  *                      and target generate attractors : <code>left \@7:6</code> and
  *                      <code>right \@7:16</code>.
  *                  <li>\e D : punctual, that is null-length canonical exactly on the
  *                      axis. Generate only one attractor : <code>punctual \@14:10</code>
  *                      (i.e. not one for each extremity).
  *                  <li>\e E : target is on the axis and move with it, so it is not took
  *                      into account. Target <code>\@23:4</code> is a left attractor.
  *                </ul>
  *                The concept of left/right and punctual flavor for attractors are only
  *                used dured construction. Once built only the coordinate remains.
  *                The extremity of perpandicular canonical \TrackSegment connected to
  *                the reference segment do not generate attractors because they move
  *                with it. But there are exception to this behavior : one is that
  *                the extremity is in fact anchored to a terminal and will not move.
  *                This is the work of the AutoSegment::isTopologicalBound() function
  *                to check for thoses exceptions, in which case an attractor will be
  *                created.
  *  \section      secTerminalCount  The terminal count cost component
  *                The number of terminals directly connected to this \TrackSegment.
  *                Computation relies on AutoSegment::getTerminalCount().

 /*! \function     Net* TrackSegmentCost::getNet () const;
  *  \Return       The Net owning this TrackSegment.

 /*! \function     unsigned int  TrackSegmentCost::getTerminals () const;
  *  \Return       The number of terminal directly connected to this \TrackSegment.

 /*! \function     DbU::Unit  TrackSegmentCost::getWiringDelta ( DbU::Unit axis ) const;
  *  \param        axis  The axis where to put the TrackSegment.
  *  \return       The total wirelengh needed for perpandicular TrackSegment to connect
  *                with this one sets on <em>axis</em>. The sum of distance to all the
  *                attractors.

 /*! \function     void  TrackSegmentCost::update ( TrackSegment* trackSegment );
  *  \param        trackSegment  the associated \TrackSegment, must be the same as used
  *                              in the construction.
  *                Update the cost calculator after a relative position change.

 }  // End of Kite namespace.