// This file is part of the Coriolis Project. // Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM // Universite Pierre et Marie Curie // // Date : 29/01/2004 // Author : Hugo Clément <Hugo.Clement@lip6.fr> #include "nimbus/NimbusEngine.h" #include "nimbus/RoutTools.h" #include "nimbus/VFence.h" namespace Nimbus { VFence::VFence (Grid* grid, GCell* gcleft, GCell* gcright) : Fence (grid) , _gcleft (gcleft) , _gcright (gcright) { return; } VFence::~VFence () { _gcleft->setRightFence(NULL); _gcright->setLeftFence(NULL); return; } VFence* VFence::create (Grid* grid, GCell* gcleft, GCell* gcright) { if ( (!gcleft) && (!gcright) ) throw Error("cannot create a flying fence"); unsigned step; if (gcleft) { step = gcleft->getStep(); } else if (gcright) { step = gcright->getStep(); } else { step = 0; } VFence* vfence = new VFence (grid, gcleft, gcright); if (!vfence) throw Error ("cannot create fence"); vfence->_postCreate(); return vfence; } void VFence::_postCreate() { DbU::Unit size = 0; if (_gcleft) { size = _gcleft->getHeight(); _gcleft->setRightFence (this); _step = _gcleft->getStep(); } if (_gcright) { size = _gcright->getHeight(); _gcright->setLeftFence (this); _step = _gcright->getStep(); } setSize(size); Inherit::_postCreate(); return; } string VFence::_getString() const { return "<" + _TName ( "VFence") + " " + getString ( getX() ) + " " + getString ( getY() ) + ">"; } Record* VFence::_getRecord() const { Record* record = Inherit::_getRecord(); if (record) { record->add(getSlot("Left nimbox", _gcleft)); record->add(getSlot("Right nimbox", _gcright)); } return record; } DbU::Unit VFence::getX() const { DbU::Unit X; if (_gcleft) { X = _gcleft->getXMax(); } else if (_gcright) { X = _gcright->getXMin(); } else { throw Error ("Floating fence"); } return X; } DbU::Unit VFence::getY() const { DbU::Unit Y; if (_gcleft) { Y = _gcleft->getYCenter(); } else if (_gcright) { Y = _gcright->getYCenter(); } else { throw Error ("Floating fence"); } return Y; } DbU::Unit VFence::getYMin() const { DbU::Unit Y; if (_gcleft) { Y = _gcleft->getYMin(); } else if (_gcright) { Y = _gcright->getYMin(); } else { throw Error ("Floating fence"); } return Y; } DbU::Unit VFence::getYMax() const { DbU::Unit Y; if (_gcleft) { Y = _gcleft->getYMax(); } else if (_gcright) { Y = _gcright->getYMax(); } else { throw Error ("Floating fence"); } return Y; } Point VFence::getP1() const { DbU::Unit X = getX(); DbU::Unit Y = getYMin(); return Point(X, Y); } Point VFence::getP2() const { DbU::Unit X = getX(); DbU::Unit Y = getYMax(); return Point(X, Y); } DbU::Unit VFence::getXCenter() const { DbU::Unit X = getX(); return X; } DbU::Unit VFence::getYCenter() const { DbU::Unit Y = (getYMin()+getYMax()) / 2; return Y; } Point VFence::getCenter() const { DbU::Unit X = getXCenter(); DbU::Unit Y = getYCenter(); return Point(X, Y); } void VFence::_moveTo (DbU::Unit target) { Inherit::_moveTo (target); getLeftGCell()->setXMax(target); getRightGCell()->setXMin(target); for_each_splitter (splitter, getSplitters()) { splitter->setX(target); end_for; } return; } void VFence::computeCapacity() { unsigned capa(0); const vector<RoutingLayerGauge*>& gauges = getNimbus()->getLayerGauges(); for ( size_t i=0 ; i<gauges.size() ; i++ ) { if (gauges[i]->getType() != Constant::Default) continue; if (gauges[i]->getDirection() == Constant::Vertical) continue; capa += gauges[i]->getTrackNumber(getYMin(), getYMax()); } setCapacity(capa); } } // namespace Nimbus