
PowerRing -- Placement of power rings.


PowerRing ( nb )


This function places power rings around the core and around the plots.

    \item \verb-nb- : Number of pair of rings vdd/vss 

PowerRing ( 3 )

Some errors may occur :
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] PowerRing : Pads in the north haven't been placed.-\\The pads of the 4 sides of the chip must be placed before calling function PowerRing.
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] PowerRing : too many rings, not enough space.-\\Wether The argument of PowerRing is to big,  or the abutment box of the chip is to small. There's no space to put the rings.
\subsubsection{See Also}

\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Alimentation rails}}{}{Alimentation rails}{secrails}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Alimentation connectors}}{}{Alimentation connectors}{secconnectors}