// -*- C++ -*- namespace Katabatic { /*! \class AutoSegment * \brief Self-sizing segment (\b API). * * AutoSegment provide an uniform way of accessing AutoHorizontal * and AutoVertical self-sizing segments. AutoSegments mainly contains * a pointer to the associated Horizontal/Vertical Hurricane segment. * This is the Hurricane segment which is part of the ring of the * AutoContact. Thus we can directly access the Hurricane segment * from the AutoSegment, but for the othey around we uses a lookup * table in the Katabatic \c ToolEngine (see the * Katabatic::_Lookup() member function). * * In order to inform the router of an AutoSegment state change, * a callback function SegmentRevalidateCB can be positionned. * * \c Segment associated to AutoSegment are automatically oriented * in such a way that the source \c Hook is always \e lower than * the target \c hook. For an Horizontal segment it means that * the abcissa of the source is inferior to the abcsissa of the * target. It goes the same way for Vertical segment with the * ordinate. * * KatabaticSession mechanism : this is fairly similar to the * \c Hurricane updateSession one. When a segment is either moved * by the router or resized by it's AutoContact it is invalidated * with autoInvalidate() and put into the set of invalidated * segments. When the KatabaticSession is closed the onRevalidate() * member function is called on each segment, which in turn calls * the router's callback. See Session::open(), Session::revalidate(), * Session::close() and \ref katabaticSession. * * \remark As this object uses the decorator Design Pattern, almost all * functions are pure virtuals. Implementation take place in a * derived class \c AutoSegmentConcrete which is not documented, * (same specifications as AutoSegment). * * \see AutoSegmentDecorator class. */ /*! \typedef AutoSegment::RevalidateCb_t ( AutoSegment* ) * Function type for the router callback. See AutoSegment::setRevalidateCb(). */ /* \function static AutoSegment::RevalidateCb_t* AutoSegment::setRevalidateCb ( RevalidateCb_t* cb ); * \param cb The new router callback to install. * \return The previous router callback. * * Install the callback to call when an AutoSegment is revalidated, * The callback is called by onRevalidate() on closing the Katabatic * update session. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isHorizontal () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is horizontal. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isVertical () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is vertical. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isGlobal () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is global : source and target * AutoContact are not in the same GCell. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isLocal () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is local : source and target * belongs to the same GCell. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isTerminal () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is terminal : the only way * to access a terminal AutoContact (may not be directly * achored on that terminal). */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isCollapsed () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is collapsed : kept to zero-length. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isCanonical () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is canonical that is, the leftmost * (for horizontal) or lowest (for vertical) segment of a set * of collapsed segments. The canonical segment must be used * as the unique representant for the collapsed set. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isFixed () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment cannot be moved (through setAxis()). */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isAccountable () const; * \return \true if the AutoSegment is canonical and not collapsed. * Normally those flags are mutually exclusives, but better safe * than sorry. * */ /*! \function virtual GCell* AutoSegment::getGCell () const; * \return The GCell owning the source AutoContact. */ /*! \function Net* AutoSegment::getNet () const; * \return The net this AutoSegment is part of. */ /*! \function Layer* AutoSegment::getLayer () const; * \return The layer of the AutoSegment. */ /*! \function virtual Segment* AutoSegment::getSegment (); * \return The associated \c Hurricane segment. */ /*! \function virtual Segment* AutoSegment::getSegment () const; * \return The associated \c Hurricane segment. * * This function is for use in const members. */ /*! \function virtual Segment* AutoSegment::getHorizontal (); * \return If the the associated segment is horizontal, returns it. * Otherwise (vertical) returns \c NULL. */ /*! \function virtual Segment* AutoSegment::getVertical (); * \return If the the associated segment is vertical, returns it. * Otherwise (horizontal) returns \c NULL. */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getAxis () const; * \return The segment axis : Y for horizontals and X for verticals. */ /*! \function AutoContact* AutoSegment::getSource () const; * \return The source AutoContact. */ /*! \function AutoContact* AutoSegment::getTarget () const; * \return The target AutoContact. */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getSourcePosition () const; * \return The lower bound of the segment into the routing track, equal * the source coordinate minus the half pitch. */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getTargetPosition () const; * \return The upper bound of the segment into the routing track, equal * the target coordinate plus the half pitch. */ /*! \function virtual void AutoSegment::setAxis ( DbU::Unit axis, bool realignate=false, set<AutoSegment*>* processeds=NULL ); * \param axis New coordinate of the axis. For an horizontal segment * it will change the Y coordinate and for a vertical, * the X coordinate. * \param realignate It set to true, the new axis position will be propagated * to all collapsed segments, even if the current AutoSegment * don't need to be moved. * \param processeds The set of already processeds aligneds AutoSegments. * * setAxis is the API frontend to the alignate function. It actually * only checks if the segment has to be moved and if the move is to * be propagated to the aligned AutoSegments. */ /*! \function virtual void AutoSegment::orient (); * sets the source and target \c Hook of the Hurricane segment so * the source is always lower than the target. */ /*! \function virtual void AutoSegment::invalidate (); * adds the AutoSegment to the invalidate session. This will happens * whenever a segment is moved by the router through setAxis() or * resized by it's AutoContact. */ /* \function virtual void AutoSegment::onRevalidate (); * This function is called at the time the AutoUpdate session is closed * and calls the router's callback. */ /*! \function virtual void AutoSegment::getConstraints ( DbU::Unit& constraintMin, DbU::Unit& constraintMax ) const; * \param constraintMin Where to store the constraint lower bound. * \param constraintMax Where to store the constraint upper bound. * \return Always \true (don't remember why...). * * Constraints are deduced from the constraint box of the source * AutoContact. * * \see \ref NetConstraints */ /*! \function virtual void AutoSegment::getConstraints ( Interval& i ) const; * \param i The constraint interval. * \return Always \true (don't remember why...). * * \see getConstraints(), \ref NetConstraints */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getSlack () const; * \return The length of the constraint interval. * * \see \ref NetOptimals */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getOptimalMin () const; * \return The lower bound of the optimal interval. * * \see \ref NetOptimals */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getOptimalMax () const; * \return The upper bound of the optimal interval. * * \see \ref NetOptimals */ /*! \function Interval& AutoSegment::getOptimal ( Interval& i ) const; * \param i The optimal interval. * \return The interval given as argument. * * \see \ref NetOptimals */ /*! \function DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getCost ( DbU::Unit axis ) const; * \param axis An axis coordinate. * \return The distance from the nearest optimal interval bound. * * \see \ref NetOptimals */ /*! \function AutoSegment* AutoSegment::getCanonical ( DbU::Unit& sourcePosition, DbU::Unit& targetPosition ); * \param sourcePosition Lower bound of the super-AutoSegment. * \param targetPosition Upper bound of the super-AutoSegment. * \return The canonical AutoSegment of the super-AutoSegment. * * A super-AutoSegment is the set of all AutoSegment which have been * bound together through (perpandicular) collapsed AutoSegment. * They behave like one big AutoSegment. For algorithmic purpose we * needs a canonical representant : it will be the lower AutoSegment * (the one with the lower source coordinates). * We also needs to know the real extend of the super-AutoSegment : it's * returned through \c sourcePosition and \c targetPosition parameters. */ /*! \function AutoSegment* AutoSegment::getCanonical ( Interval& i ); * \param i interval of the super-AutoSegment. * \return The canonical AutoSegment of the super-AutoSegment. * * \see AutoSegment::getCanonical(). */ /*! \function AutoSegments AutoSegment::getCollapseds ( bool withPerpand=false ); * \return The \Collection of AutoSegment that are collapsed to this one * (i.e. linked through perpandicual collapsed ones). Together * they forms one big virtual AutoSegment. */ /*! \function AutoSegments AutoSegment::getCollapsedPerpandiculars (); * \return The \Collection of AutoSegment that are perpandicular to this * one and it's collapsed fellows. * * Note that this \Collection contains only \b GLOBAL perpandicular * AutoSegment and \b Terminal perpandicular AutoSegment. */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::setCanonical ( bool state ); * \param state sets the isCanonical() flag to this value. */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::setTerminal ( bool state ); * \param state sets the isTerminal() flag to this value. */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::setLayer ( const Layer* layer ); * \param layer Changes the \Hurricane segment layer. */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::setPositions (); * compute the positions of the AutoSegment into the routing track, * from the \Hurricane segment extentions and the half-pitch. * * \see getSourcePosition() & getTargetPosition(). */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::collapse (); * sets the AutoSegment into collapsed state (zero-length). */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::expand (); * Uncollapse the AutoSegment, re-compute the constraints on * the splitted sets. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::toConstraintAxis ( set<AutoSegment*>* processeds=NULL ); * \return \True if the AutoSegment axis has been moved. * * If the segment axis is outside the constraint interval, set it * the nearest constraint interval bound. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::toOptimalAxis ( set<AutoSegment*>* processeds=NULL ); * \return \True if the AutoSegment axis has been moved. * * If the segment axis is outside the optimal interval, set it * the nearest optimal interval bound. */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::alignate ( DbU::Unit axis ); * \param axis New axis's coordinate. * * Move the segment axis to a new position. Adjust positions * of the supporting Contact whenever they are anchored on terminals * (i.e. RoutingPad). * This function is atomic and should not be called directly * but rather through setAxis(). It's implemented in the * derived classes AutoHorizontal & AutoVertical. */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::setOptimalMin ( DbU::Unit oMin ); * \param oMin sets the lower bound of the optimal interval. * * \see getOptimalMin(), getOptimalMax(), getCost(). */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::setOptimalMax ( DbU::Unit oMin ); * \param oMin sets the upper bound of the optimal interval. * * \see getOptimalMin(), getOptimalMax(), getCost(). */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::checkPositions () const; * check the coherency between the locally shadowed values * of source \& target position and the real ones. If a discrepancy * is found issue an error (but do not stop the program). * * Note that discrepancies are legal while the AutoSegment is * invalidated (see \ref katabaticSession). */ /*! \function void AutoSegment::checkInvalidated () const; * issue an error if the AutoSegment is invalidated. Mainly used * to debug the Katabatic Session mechanism (\ref katabaticSession). */ //! \addtogroup NetOptimals //! \{ /*! \function virtual void AutoSegment::computeOptimal ( set<AutoSegment*>* processeds=NULL ); * compute the AutoSegment optimal position interval. */ /*! \function virtual DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getOrigin () const; * \return The lower bound of the GCell in which the AutoSegment is * (\c YMin for horizontals, \c XMin for verticals). */ /*! \function virtual DbU::Unit AutoSegment::getExtremity () const; * \return The upper bound of the GCell in which the AutoSegment is * (\c YMax for horizontals, \c XMax for verticals). */ //! \} //! \addtogroup katabaticSession //! \{ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::isInvalidated () const; * \return \True if the AutoSegment is invalidated, i.e. in the * Katabatic Session, it's axis having being moved by the * router. * * \see autoInvalidate(). */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::setInvalidated ( bool state ); * \param state set the state of the AutoSegment regarding the * Katabatic Session. * * \see autoInvalidate(). */ //! \} /*! \class AutoHorizontal * \brief Horizontal AutoSegment (\b API). */ /*! \function static AutoHorizontal* AutoHorizontal::create ( Horizontal* horizontal, int type, bool terminal=false, bool collapsed=false ); * \param horizontal The associated \c Hurricane segment. * \param type Global, local or guessed kind. * \param terminal Whether the segment is tightly linked to a terminal. * \param collapsed Whether the segment must be kept of null length. * \return The newly created AutoSegment. */ /*! \function static AutoHorizontal* AutoHorizontal::create ( AutoContact* source, AutoContact* target, const Layer* layer, DbU::Unit y, DbU::Unit width, int type, bool terminal=false, bool collapsed=false ); * \param source The source \c Component. * \param target The target \c Component. * \param layer The segment's layer. * \param y The segment's Y coordinate. * \param width The segment's width. * \param type Global, local or guessed kind. * \param terminal Whether the segment is tightly linked to a terminal. * \param collapsed Whether the segment must be kept of null length. * \return The newly created AutoSegment. * * Allocate both \c Hurricane segment and Katabatic AutoSegment. */ /*! \class AutoVertical * \brief Vertical AutoSegment (\b API). */ /*! \function static AutoVertical* AutoVertical::create ( Vertical* vertical, int type, bool terminal=false, bool collapsed=false ); * \param vertical The associated \c Hurricane segment. * \param type Global, local or guessed kind. * \param terminal Whether the segment is tightly linked to a terminal. * \param collapsed Whether the segment must be kept of null length. * \return The newly created AutoSegment. */ /*! \function static AutoVertical* AutoVertical::create ( AutoContact* source, AutoContact* target, const Layer* layer, DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit width, int type, bool terminal=false, bool collapsed=false ); * \param source The source \c Component. * \param target The target \c Component. * \param layer The segment's layer. * \param x The segment's X coordinate. * \param width The segment's width. * \param type Global, local or guessed kind. * \param terminal Whether the segment is tightly linked to a terminal. * \param collapsed Whether the segment must be kept of null length. * \return The newly created AutoSegment. * * Allocate both \c Hurricane segment and Katabatic AutoSegment. */ /*! \function AutoSegment* AutoSegment::create ( AutoContact* source, AutoContact* target, unsigned int dir, int type, bool terminal=false, bool collapsed=false ); * \param source The source AutoContact. * \param target The target AutoContact. * \param dir The AutoSegment direction (\b H / \b V). * \param type Whether the AutoSegment is \b LOCAL, \b GLOBAL or must be guessed. * \param terminal The AutoSegment is used to connect a terminal. * \param collapsed The AutoSegment is collapsed. * \return A new AutoSegment. * * create the AutoSegment between \c source and \c target, update the GCell * density if needed. * * If the \c dir parameter do not contains the \b HORIZONTAL or \b VERTICAL * boolean flags an error will be thrown. */ /*! \enum AutoSegment::Type * This enumeration is used to hints AutoSegment constructor about * the kind of segment we are about to create. Once created, the * kind of AutoSegment is stored in a single boolean telling * wether it's \b GLOBAL or \b LOCAL (see AutoSegment::isGlobal()). * * It is always best to avoid using AutoSegment::Guess as it implies findind * and checking source and target anchors (through ring access). * And in most cases we already known the kind of segment because * we created the source and target AutoContact just before... * See GCellConfiguration related functions. */ /*! \var AutoSegment::Global * The AutosSegment crosses at least one GCell boundary (i.e. * source and target AutoContact do not belong to the same GCell). */ /*! \var AutoSegment::Local * The AutoSegment is fully included in one GCell. */ /*! \var AutoSegment::Guess * The AutoSegment constructor will guess the kind of AutoSegment * by examining source and target anchors. */ /*! \defgroup collapseCanonical 3. AutoSegment collapse & Canonical (internal) * * \section AlignedAS Collapsing AutoSegment * * A set of AutoSegment can be aligned together. The set will * behave like one big AutoSegment, especially, moving one * AutoSegment through setAxis() will move the whole set. * * For each set of aligned AutoSegment, we provide a canonical * AutoSegment : the leftmost (for horizontal) or lowermost for * verticals. * * There are two ways AutoSegments could be aligned : * <ul> * <li>Through a collapsed perpandicular AutoSegment. * <li>Through a locked AutoContact. * </ul> * * \subsection AlignedByCollapsed Aligned through collapsed AutoSegment * * When an AutoSegment is collapsed, all perpandicular AutoSegment * to it's source and target AutoContact are aligneds. Collapsing * an AutoSegment means that it should be kept to zero length and * thus not managed by the overlying router. * * \image html AutoSegmentCollapse-5.png "collapse by AutoSegment" * \image latex AutoSegmentCollapse-5.pdf "collapse by AutoSegment" width=0.4\textwidth * * \subsection AlignedByAutoContact Aligned through collapsed AutoContact * * With the setHAlignate() and setVAlignate() the alignment of * horizontal (resp. vertical) AutoSegment of an AutoContact can be * forced. * * \image html AutoSegmentCollapse-6.png "collapse by AutoContact" * \image latex AutoSegmentCollapse-6.pdf "collapse by AutoContact" width=0.4\textwidth * * \subsection collapsedExample An example of collapse/alignment * * \image html AutoSegmentCollapse-1.png "collapse - Step 1" * \image latex AutoSegmentCollapse-1.pdf "collapse - Step 1" width=0.4\textwidth * * \image html AutoSegmentCollapse-2.png "collapse - Step 2" * \image latex AutoSegmentCollapse-2.pdf "collapse - Step 2" width=0.4\textwidth * * \image html AutoSegmentCollapse-3.png "collapse - Step 3" * \image latex AutoSegmentCollapse-3.pdf "collapse - Step 3" width=0.4\textwidth * * \image html AutoSegmentCollapse-4.png "collapse - Step 4" * \image latex AutoSegmentCollapse-4.pdf "collapse - Step 4" width=0.4\textwidth */ //! \addtogroup collapseCanonical //! \{ /*! \enum AutoSegment::PerpandicularState * set of flags used to build the state of two AutoSegment. * \see getPerpandicularState(). */ /*! \var AutoSegment::PerpandicularAny * The \e current AutoSegment is perpandicular to the \e master. * May it be or not through collapsed perpandiculars. */ /*! \var AutoSegment::PerpandicularIndirect * The \e current AutoSegment is perpandicular to the \e master * through at least one collapsed perpandicular. */ /*! \var AutoSegment::ParallelOrExpanded * The \e current AutoSegment is not part of the aligned set, * it's either parallel but not aligned (no constraint on the * AutoContact) or perpandicular and not collapsed. */ /*! \var AutoSegment::ParallelAndLayerChange * The \e current AutoSegment is parallel to the master but not on * the same layer as the \e source (the \e master by transitivity). */ /*! \function unsigned int AutoSegment::getPerpandicularState ( AutoContact* contact, AutoSegment* source, AutoSegment* current, bool isHorizontalMaster, const Layer* masterLayer=NULL ) * \param contact The AutoContact shared by source \& current. * \param source The AutoSegment from where we came. * \param current The AutoSegment we are exploring. * \param isHorizontalMaster The direction of the reference AutoSegment. * \param masterLayer The \Layer of the reference AutoSegment. * \return A composite value telling the position of current relative to * source and reference. * * Locators of \Collections like AutoSegment::getCollapseds() or * AutoSegment::getCollapsedPerpandiculars() are built on this * function. Any \Collection manipulating aligned sets must uses * this function which is the keystone of the aligned set walk-through. * * The return value is a combination of binary flags from the * AutoSegment::PerpandicularState enumeration. The function * compute the following boolean values : * <ul> * <li>\e sourcePerpandicular : \True if the \e source is perpandicular * to the \e master AutoSegment. * <li>\e currentPerpandicular : \True if the \e current is perpandicular * to the \e master AutoSegment. * <li>\e contactAlignate : \True if the alignment constraint on the * AutoContact (if any) applies to \e source \& \e current. For instance * it will be \True if both source and current are horizontal * \b and AutoContact::isHAlignate() is \True. * </ul> * Then the return value is computed as follow : * <ol> * <li>If \e current is parallel to \e master \b but not on the same * layer. * * sets the AutoSegment::AutoSegment::ParallelAndLayerChange flag. * <li>If \e current is perpandicular to \e master \b and not * collapsed, it is perpandicular to the aligned set of the * \e master. * * sets the AutoSegment::AutoSegment::PerpandicularAny flag. * <li>\e source is perpandicular to \e master. There is an implicit * context : the only way a perpandicular segment gets took into * account, is to be collapsed. Then if the \e current AutoSegment * is also perpandicular \b and \b not collapsed, it means * that it's a perpandicular to the aligned set of the \e master, * The difference with the previous case, is that it's through at * least one collapsed perpandicular. * * sets the AutoSegment::AutoSegment::PerpandicularIndirect flag. * <li>\e source is parallel to \e master. Then we check for * disconnection in the aligned set. Disconnection arises * if the \e contactAlignate flag is \false (either no * alignment constraint on the AutoContact or different * directions), \b and the \e current segment is not a * collapsed perpandicular. * * sets the AutoSegment::AutoSegment::ParallelOrExpanded flag. * </ol> * The \b zero return value means that the \e current AutoSegment * belong to the same aligned set as the \e master \b or is a * perpandicular collapsed AutoSegment. * * The figures below demonstrate all thoses case : * * \image html PerpandicularState-1.png "Simple Perpandicular (case 2)" * \image latex PerpandicularState-1.pdf "Simple Perpandicular (case 2)" width=0.8\textwidth * * \image html PerpandicularState-2.png "Indirect Perpandicular (case 3)" * \image latex PerpandicularState-2.pdf "Indirect Perpandicular (case 3)" width=0.8\textwidth * * \image html PerpandicularState-3.png "Parallel (case 4.1)" * \image latex PerpandicularState-3.pdf "Parallel (case 4.1)" width=0.8\textwidth * * \image html PerpandicularState-4.png "Aligned through AutoContact (case 4.2)" * \image latex PerpandicularState-4.pdf "Aligned through AutoContact (case 4.2)" width=0.8\textwidth */ /*! \function unsigned int AutoSegment::getPerpandicularState ( AutoContact* contact, AutoSegment* source, AutoSegment* current, AutoSegment* master ) * \param contact The AutoContact shared by source \& current. * \param source The AutoSegment from where we came. * \param current The AutoSegment we are exploring. * \param master The reference AutoSegment. * \return A composite value telling the position of current relative to * source and reference. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::arePerpandiculars ( AutoSegment* a, AutoSegment* b ); * \param a First AutoSegment. * \param b Second AutoSegment. * \return true if a \& b have perpandicular directions. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::areAligneds ( AutoSegment* a, AutoSegment* b ); * \param a First AutoSegment. * \param b Second AutoSegment. * \return true if a \& b have same directions. */ /*! \function bool AutoSegment::arePerpandiculars ( bool isHorizontalA, AutoSegment* b ); * \param isHorizontalA is the A AutoSegment horizontal. * \param b Second AutoSegment. * \return true if a \& have perpandicular directions. */ }