// This file is part of the Coriolis Project. // Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM // Universite Pierre et Marie Curie // // Main contributors : // Christophe Alexandre // Sophie Belloeil // Hugo Clément // Jean-Paul Chaput // Damien Dupuis // Christian Masson // Marek Sroka // // The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // // License-Tag // // Date : 29/01/2004 // Author : Christophe Alexandre // // Authors-Tag #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "nimbus/NimbusEngine.h" #include "mauka/MaukaEngine.h" #include "mauka/SimAnnealingPlacer.h" #include "mauka/SubRow.h" #include "mauka/Row.h" #include "mauka/Surface.h" namespace { using namespace std; using namespace Hurricane; using namespace Mauka; void VerifyInstanceQuadtreeInsertion(Cell *cell) { cerr << "VerifyInstanceQuadtreeInsertion" << endl; for_each_instance(instance, cell->getInstances()) { if (!instance->isMaterialized()) { Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); cerr << tab << instance << " of " << masterCell << " is not materialized..." << endl; tab++; VerifyInstanceQuadtreeInsertion(masterCell); tab--; } end_for; } } void DisplayInstanceOccurrence(Occurrence& instanceOccurrence) { cerr << instanceOccurrence << " " << instanceOccurrence.getBoundingBox() << endl; Instance* instance = static_cast(instanceOccurrence.getEntity()); Path path = instanceOccurrence.getPath(); cerr << path.getTransformation() << endl; cerr << instance->getTransformation() << endl; while (!path.isEmpty()) { cerr << path.getTailInstance() << " " << path.getTailInstance()->getTransformation() << endl; cerr << path.getTailInstance()->getMasterCell() << endl; cerr << path.getTailInstance()->getMasterCell()->getAbutmentBox() << endl; cerr << path.getTailInstance()->getMasterCell()->getBoundingBox() << endl; cerr << path.getTailInstance()->getAbutmentBox() << endl; cerr << path.getTailInstance()->getBoundingBox() << endl; path = path.getHeadPath(); } } void DisplayNonTerminalNetlistInstances(Cell* cell, Box area) { ltrace(100) << "display of " << cell << " in " << area << endl; for_each_instance(instance, cell->getNonTerminalNetlistInstancesUnder(area)) { ltrace(100) << instance << " " << instance->getBoundingBox() << endl; Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell(); ltracein(20); DisplayNonTerminalNetlistInstances(masterCell, area); ltraceout(20); end_for; } } } // End of anonymous namespace. namespace Mauka { using Nimbus::NimbusEngine; using Nimbus::GCellLocator; Surface::Surface(MaukaEngine* mauka, const Box& placementbox) : Inherit(mauka->getCell(), placementbox), _mauka(mauka), _rowVector(), _rowYMax(), _rowYMinInv(), _rowZeroOrientation(false), _margin(0.0), _binWidthMax(0), _binWidthMin(0), _searchWidth(0), _searchHeight(0) {} Surface* Surface::create(MaukaEngine* mauka, const Box& placementbox) { if (!mauka) { throw Error("Can't create " + _TName("Surface") + " : empty mauka"); } if (!mauka->getCell()) { throw Error("Can't create " + _TName("Surface") + " : empty cell on mauka"); } Surface* surface = new Surface(mauka, placementbox); surface->_postCreate(); return surface; } namespace { void PlacementVerification(Cell* cell, Box& box) { set occurrenceSet; for_each_occurrence(occurrence, cell->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrencesUnder(box)) { occurrenceSet.insert(occurrence); end_for; } // for_each_occurrence(occurrence, cell->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences()) { // if (occurrenceSet.find(occurrence) == occurrenceSet.end()) { // cerr << occurrence << ":" << occurrence.getBoundingBox() << endl; // throw Error("occurrence is badly placed"); // } // end_for; // } } typedef list InstanceOccurrencesList; class PlacementProblem { public: GCell* _gcell; public: InstanceOccurrencesList _fixedInstanceOccurrenceList; public: MaukaEngine::UVector _toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesUVector; public: Surface::SubRowList _subRowList; PlacementProblem(GCell* gcell) : _gcell(gcell) , _fixedInstanceOccurrenceList() , _toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesUVector() , _subRowList() {} }; typedef list PlacementProblemList; } void Surface::_postCreate () { typedef set OccurrenceSet; Inherit::_postCreate(); bool partitionned = false; NimbusEngine* nimbus = NULL; if (_box.isEmpty()) { nimbus = NimbusEngine::get ( getCell() ); if (nimbus == NULL) { throw Error("Can't create Mauka::Surface, no Box and no Nimbus"); } _box = nimbus->getGrid()->getRoot()->getBox(); partitionned = (nimbus->getDepth() > 1); if ( partitionned ) cmess2 << " - Design is partionned (depth:" << nimbus->getDepth() << ")" << endl; } PlacementVerification ( getCell(), _box ); DbU::Unit sliceHeight = _mauka->getSliceHeight(); DbU::Unit pitch = _mauka->getPitch(); if ( _box.isEmpty() or _box.isPonctual() or _box.isFlat()) throw Error("Wrong Box for Area: %s",getString(_box).c_str()); if ( getHeight() % sliceHeight ) throw Error("Box Height %s must be a multiple of Slice Height %s" ,DbU::getValueString(getHeight()).c_str() ,DbU::getValueString(sliceHeight).c_str()); DbU::Unit instanceToPlaceWidthMax = 0; double instanceToPlaceWidthSum = 0.0; for ( unsigned int id = 0; id < _mauka->_instanceWidths.size(); ++id ) { DbU::Unit instanceWidth = _mauka->_instanceWidths[id]; instanceToPlaceWidthSum += (double)instanceWidth; if ( instanceWidth % pitch ) throw Error("Width of %s (%s) is not a multiple of pitch (%s)." ,getString(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[id]).c_str() ,DbU::getValueString(instanceWidth).c_str() ,DbU::getValueString(pitch).c_str()); if (instanceWidth > instanceToPlaceWidthMax) instanceToPlaceWidthMax = instanceWidth; } // _binWidthMax = DbU::lambda // ((unsigned)( 3.0 * DbU::getLambda(instanceToPlaceWidthMax) / DbU::getLambda(pitch)) // * DbU::getLambda(pitch)); // _binWidthMin = DbU::lambda // ((unsigned)(DbU::getLambda(_binWidthMax) / (DbU::getLambda(pitch) * 2)) * DbU::getLambda(pitch)); _binWidthMax = 2 * (instanceToPlaceWidthMax / pitch) * pitch; _binWidthMin = (_binWidthMax / (pitch * 2)) * pitch; // cerr << "_binWidthMax:" << DbU::getValueString(_binWidthMax) << endl; // cerr << "_binWidthMin:" << DbU::getValueString(_binWidthMin) << endl; double surfaceTotalWidth = 0.0; PlacementProblemList placementProblemList; OccurrenceSet verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet; if ( nimbus ) { forEach ( GCell*, igcell, nimbus->getPlacementLeaves() ) { PlacementProblem* placementProblem = new PlacementProblem(*igcell); placementProblemList.push_back(placementProblem); InstanceOccurrencesList toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesList; // Search for preplaced leaf instances forEach ( Occurrence , ioccurrence, _mauka->getCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrencesUnder(igcell->getBox()) ) { Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); if ( instance->isFixed() ) { placementProblem->_fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.push_back(*ioccurrence); } else { MaukaEngine::InstanceOccurrencesMap::const_iterator iomit = _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesMap.find(*ioccurrence); if ( iomit == _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesMap.end() ) throw Error("Instance occurrence unexpectedly appeared:\n" " %s",getString(*ioccurrence).c_str()); placementProblem->_toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesUVector.push_back(iomit->second); verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.insert(*ioccurrence); } } // Special case: no Nimbus run, Instances are *not* in the quadtree yet. if ( not partitionned ) { forEach(Occurrence, ioccurrence, _mauka->getCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() ) { Instance* instance = static_cast((*ioccurrence).getEntity()); if ( instance->isFixed() ) continue; MaukaEngine::InstanceOccurrencesMap::const_iterator iomit = _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesMap.find(*ioccurrence); if (iomit == _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesMap.end()) throw Error("Instance occurrence unexpectedly appeared:\n" " %s",getString(*ioccurrence).c_str()); placementProblem->_toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesUVector.push_back(iomit->second); verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.insert(*ioccurrence); } } DbU::Unit searchWidth = DbU::lambda(_mauka->getSearchRatio() * DbU::getLambda(igcell->getWidth())); if (_searchWidth < searchWidth) _searchWidth = searchWidth; DbU::Unit searchHeight = DbU::lambda(_mauka->getSearchRatio() * DbU::getLambda(igcell->getHeight())); if (_searchHeight < searchHeight) _searchHeight = searchHeight; } for ( PlacementProblemList::iterator pplit = placementProblemList.begin(); pplit != placementProblemList.end(); pplit++) { PlacementProblem* placementProblem = *pplit; GCell* gcell = placementProblem->_gcell; if ( placementProblem->_fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.size() != 0 ) { bool rowZeroOrientation = false; int width = (unsigned)(gcell->getWidth () / pitch); // Number of X pitch int height = (unsigned)(gcell->getHeight() / sliceHeight); // Number of Y slices MaukaEngine::PrePlaceTab prePlaceTab(height, MaukaEngine::PrePlaceRow(width, false)); InstanceOccurrencesList::const_iterator iolit = placementProblem->_fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.begin(); // Find the orientation of the first row. Instance* refInstance = static_cast(iolit->getEntity()); Box refAbutmentBox = refInstance->getAbutmentBox(); Transformation refTransformation = refInstance->getTransformation(); iolit->getPath().getTransformation().applyOn(refAbutmentBox); iolit->getPath().getTransformation().applyOn(refTransformation); Box preplacedBox = gcell->getIntersection(refAbutmentBox); // Position en y ramene au slice int refInsYPos = (int)((preplacedBox.getYMin() - gcell->getYMin()) / sliceHeight); // Hauteur ramene a la hauteur du slice int refInsSliceHeight = (int)(preplacedBox.getHeight() / sliceHeight); Transformation::Orientation orientation = refTransformation.getOrientation(); if ( refInsYPos % 2 == 0 ) { if ( (refInsSliceHeight % 2 == 0) or (orientation == Transformation::Orientation::ID) or (orientation == Transformation::Orientation::MX)) rowZeroOrientation = false; else rowZeroOrientation = true; } else { if ( (refInsSliceHeight % 2 == 0) or (orientation == Transformation::Orientation::ID) or (orientation == Transformation::Orientation::MX)) rowZeroOrientation = true; else rowZeroOrientation = false; } // Tests for each Instance. for ( InstanceOccurrencesList::iterator iolit = placementProblem->_fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.begin(); iolit != placementProblem->_fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.end(); iolit++ ) { Instance* instance = static_cast(iolit->getEntity()); Box instanceAbutmentBox = instance->getAbutmentBox(); iolit->getPath().getTransformation().applyOn(instanceAbutmentBox); Box preplacedBox = gcell->getIntersection(instanceAbutmentBox); DbU::Unit insWidth = preplacedBox.getWidth(); DbU::Unit insHeight = preplacedBox.getHeight(); int insPitchWidth = (int)(insWidth / pitch); // Largeur ramene au pitch int insSliceHeight = (int)(insHeight / sliceHeight); // Hauteur ramene a la hauteur du slice int ypos = (int)((preplacedBox.getYMin() - gcell->getYMin()) / sliceHeight); // Position en Y ramene au slice int xpos = (int)((preplacedBox.getXMin() - gcell->getXMin()) / pitch); // Position en X ramene au pitch for ( int yit = ypos; yit < ypos + insSliceHeight; ++yit ) { for ( int xit = xpos; xit < xpos + insPitchWidth; ++xit ) { if ( (xit > width - 1) or (yit > height - 1) or (xit < 0) or (yit < 0) ) throw Error("%s is out of the abutment box" ,getString(*iolit).c_str()); if ( prePlaceTab[yit][xit] == false ) prePlaceTab[yit][xit] = true; else throw Error("%s is badly placed. There is another instance at it's position" ,getString(*iolit).c_str()); } } } bool rowOrientation = rowZeroOrientation; for ( int y = 0; y < (int)prePlaceTab.size(); ++y ) { int x = 0; while ( x < (int)prePlaceTab[y].size() ) { while ( (x < (int)prePlaceTab[y].size()) and (prePlaceTab[y][x] == true) ) ++x; DbU::Unit subRowXMin = gcell->getXMin() + x * pitch; if (x >= (int)prePlaceTab[y].size()) break; while ( (x < (int)prePlaceTab[y].size()) and (prePlaceTab[y][x] == false) ) ++x; DbU::Unit subRowXMax = gcell->getXMin() + x * pitch; if ( subRowXMax - subRowXMin > _binWidthMin ) { SubRow* subRow = SubRow::create ( getCell() , this , Box(subRowXMin, gcell->getYMin() + y * sliceHeight ,subRowXMax, gcell->getYMin() + (y+1) * sliceHeight) , rowOrientation ); placementProblem->_subRowList.push_back(subRow); } } rowOrientation = not rowOrientation; } } else { bool rowOrientation = false; for ( DbU::Unit ymin = gcell->getYMin() ; ymin <= gcell->getYMax() - sliceHeight ; ymin += sliceHeight ) { SubRow* subRow = SubRow::create ( getCell() , this , Box(gcell->getXMin(), ymin ,gcell->getXMax(), ymin + sliceHeight) , rowOrientation ); placementProblem->_subRowList.push_back(subRow); rowOrientation = not rowOrientation; } } } } else { PlacementProblem* placementProblem = new PlacementProblem(NULL); _searchHeight = getHeight(); _searchWidth = getWidth(); bool rowOrientation = false; unsigned int nRows = getHeight() / sliceHeight; surfaceTotalWidth = ((double)getWidth()) * nRows; for ( DbU::Unit ymin = getYMin(); ymin <= getYMax() - sliceHeight; ymin += sliceHeight ) { SubRow* subRow = SubRow::create ( getCell() , this , Box(getXMin(), ymin,getXMax(), ymin + sliceHeight) , rowOrientation ); placementProblem->_subRowList.push_back(subRow); rowOrientation = not rowOrientation; } for ( unsigned int id=0; id < _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); ++id ) { placementProblem->_toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesUVector.push_back(id); } throw Error("MaukaEngine needs NimbusEngine"); } _computeCapacity(); linefill output (" ",cmess2); for (PlacementProblemList::iterator pplit = placementProblemList.begin(); pplit != placementProblemList.end(); pplit++) { //cmess2 << " - Initial placement of " << (*pplit)->_gcell->getBox() << endl; output << (*pplit)->_gcell->getBox(); _DisplayInstances((*pplit)->_toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesUVector, (*pplit)->_subRowList); delete *pplit; } output << endl; placementProblemList.clear (); if ( verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.size() != _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size() ) { cerr << Error("There are %d Instances not taken into account" ,(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size() - verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.size())) << endl; VerifyInstanceQuadtreeInsertion(_mauka->getCell()); for ( MaukaEngine::InstanceOccurrencesVector::iterator iovit = _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.begin(); iovit != _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.end(); iovit++ ) { OccurrenceSet::iterator osit = verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.find(*iovit); if ( osit == verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.end() ) { cerr << " o Problem with " << *iovit << endl; DisplayInstanceOccurrence ( *iovit ); DisplayNonTerminalNetlistInstances ( _mauka->getCell(), iovit->getBoundingBox() ); return; } } throw Error("There are %d Instances not taken into account" ,(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size() - verifyInstanceOccurrencesSet.size())); } for ( RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++ ) { surfaceTotalWidth += (double)((*rvit)->getSubRowsWidth()); } _computeRowsAndSubRows(); _margin = 1.0 - instanceToPlaceWidthSum / surfaceTotalWidth; if ( _margin < 0.0 ) { throw Error("There is not enough free space to place the circuit %s < %s" ,DbU::getValueString(surfaceTotalWidth).c_str() ,DbU::getValueString(instanceToPlaceWidthSum).c_str() ); } if (_margin < 0.15) cerr << Warning("Low margin %f, may not be able to complete successfully",_margin) << endl; _computeCapacity(); } void Surface::_preDestroy() { Inherit::_preDestroy(); for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) (*rvit)->destroy(); _rowVector.clear(); } void Surface::_computeCapacity() { for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) (*rvit)->_computeCapacity(_margin); } namespace { struct RowSortByY { bool operator()(const Container* row1, const Container* row2) const { return row1->getYMin() < row2->getYMin(); } }; } Row* Surface::InsertSubRowInRow(SubRow* subrow, bool orientation) { Row* row = NULL; if (_rowVector.size() == 0) { row = Row::create(getCell(), this, subrow->getBox(), orientation); _rowVector.push_back(row); } else { RowVector::iterator rvit = lower_bound(_rowVector.begin(), _rowVector.end(), subrow, RowSortByY()); if (rvit == _rowVector.end()) { row = Row::create(getCell(), this, subrow->getBox(), orientation); _rowVector.push_back(row); } else if ((*rvit)->getYMin() == subrow->getYMin()) { row = *rvit; if (row->_orientation != orientation) { cerr << "PROBLEM in " << row << " orientation with " << subrow << endl; } //assert(row->_orientation == orientation); } else { row = Row::create(getCell(), this, subrow->getBox(), orientation); _rowVector.insert(rvit, row); } } row->_InsertSubRow(subrow); return row; } void Surface::_computeRowsAndSubRows() { _rowYMax.clear(); _rowYMinInv.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < _rowVector.size(); i++) { Row* row = _rowVector[i]; _rowYMax[row->getYMax()] = i; _rowYMinInv[row->getYMin()] = i; row->_computeSubRows(); } } Bin* Surface::getBinInSurface(Bin* srcbin, double dist) { Point srcPos = srcbin->getCenter(); DbU::Unit lowerY = srcPos.getY() - DbU::lambda((dist * DbU::getLambda(_searchHeight))); if (lowerY < getYMin()) lowerY = getYMin(); DbU::Unit upperY = srcPos.getY() + DbU::lambda((dist * DbU::getLambda(_searchHeight))); if (upperY > getYMax()) upperY = getYMax(); RowYMax::iterator rinf = _rowYMax.upper_bound(lowerY); RowYMinInv::iterator rsup = _rowYMinInv.upper_bound(upperY); unsigned randidx = rinf->second + (unsigned)((rsup->second - rinf->second + 1) * (rand() / (RAND_MAX+1.0))); Row* searchRow = _rowVector[randidx]; DbU::Unit lowerX = srcPos.getX() - DbU::lambda((dist * DbU::getLambda(_searchWidth))); if ((lowerX < searchRow->getXMin()) || (lowerX > searchRow->getXMax())) lowerX = searchRow->getXMin(); DbU::Unit upperX = srcPos.getX() + DbU::lambda((dist * DbU::getLambda(_searchWidth))); if ((upperX > searchRow->getXMax()) || (upperX < searchRow->getXMin())) upperX = searchRow->getXMax(); SubRow* subRow = searchRow->getSubRowBetween(lowerX, upperX); if ((lowerX < subRow->getXMin()) || (lowerX > subRow->getXMax())) lowerX = subRow->getXMin(); if ((upperX > subRow->getXMax()) || (upperX < subRow->getXMin())) upperX = subRow->getXMax(); Bin* dstBin = subRow->getBinBetween(lowerX, upperX, srcbin); return dstBin; } double Surface::getBinCost() const { double binCost = 0.0; for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) binCost += (*rvit)->getBinCost(); return binCost; } double Surface::getRowCost() const { double rowCost = 0.0; for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) rowCost += (*rvit)->getCost(); return rowCost; } double Surface::getBinsSize() const { double totalBinsSize = 0.0; for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) totalBinsSize += (double)(*rvit)->getBinsSize(); return totalBinsSize; } double Surface::getBinsCapa() const { double totalBinsCapa = 0.0; for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) totalBinsCapa += (double)(*rvit)->getBinsCapa(); return totalBinsCapa; } double Surface::getSubRowsCapa() const { double totalSubRowsCapa = 0.0; for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) { totalSubRowsCapa += (double)(*rvit)->getSubRowsCapa(); } return totalSubRowsCapa; } namespace { class sortInstanceOccurrencesIdsByWidth { private: MaukaEngine* _mauka; public: sortInstanceOccurrencesIdsByWidth(MaukaEngine* mauka): _mauka(mauka) {} public: bool operator()(unsigned instanceoccurrenceid1, unsigned instanceoccurrenceid2) const { DbU::Unit width1 = _mauka->getInstanceIdWidth(instanceoccurrenceid1); DbU::Unit width2 = _mauka->getInstanceIdWidth(instanceoccurrenceid2); return width1 > width2; } }; } void Surface::_DisplayInstances(MaukaEngine::UVector& instanceids, SubRowList& subrowlist) { // Insert instances in subrows sort(instanceids.begin(), instanceids.end(), sortInstanceOccurrencesIdsByWidth(_mauka)); SubRowList::iterator srlit = subrowlist.begin(); MaukaEngine::UVector::const_iterator insIterator = instanceids.begin(); MaukaEngine::UVector::const_iterator lastLoopInsertedInsIterator = insIterator; size_t nbInstancesPlaced = 0; // First instance. // if ( insIterator != instanceids.end() ) { // Cell* master = (static_cast(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[*insIterator].getEntity()))->getMasterCell(); // DbU::Unit instanceWidth = _mauka->_instanceWidths[*insIterator]; // cerr << " Trying to add #0 id:" << *insIterator // << " w:" << DbU::getValueString(instanceWidth)<< " " << master << endl; // } while (true) { if (insIterator == instanceids.end()) { break; // end of insertion } if (srlit == subrowlist.end()) { //if ( cmess2.enabled() ) cerr << "\n"; cerr << Warning("Mauka::_DisplayInstances(): Cannot honor Bin margin, bypassing.") << endl; srlit = subrowlist.begin(); if (lastLoopInsertedInsIterator != insIterator) lastLoopInsertedInsIterator = insIterator; else { // insertion of instances with respect of Bins margin // did not succeed, inserting what's left. while (insIterator != instanceids.end()) { for (SubRow::BinVector::iterator bvit = (*srlit)->_binVector.begin(); bvit != (*srlit)->_binVector.end(); bvit++) { Bin* bin = *bvit; unsigned instanceId = *insIterator; DbU::Unit instanceWidth = _mauka->_instanceWidths[instanceId]; if (instanceWidth > (*srlit)->getWidthVsSize()) break; bin->addInstance(instanceId); ++insIterator; if (insIterator == instanceids.end()) break; } if (insIterator == instanceids.end()) break; ++srlit; if (srlit == subrowlist.end()) { if (lastLoopInsertedInsIterator == insIterator) { //impossible to succeed // try to merge all bins in subrows bool merged = false; for (srlit = subrowlist.begin(); srlit != subrowlist.end(); srlit++) { merged = (*srlit)->_MergeBins(); } if (merged) { insIterator = instanceids.begin(); } else { //count instances to place unsigned nbInstancesToPlace = 0; while (insIterator++ != instanceids.end()) ++nbInstancesToPlace; //cerr << "Box: " << getBoundingBox() << endl; throw Error("Not enough free space to place all the instances.
\n" "Please increase the abutment box: %s %d placeds (%d instances remains to place)" ,getString(getBoundingBox()).c_str() ,nbInstancesPlaced ,(nbInstancesToPlace - nbInstancesPlaced) ); } } srlit = subrowlist.begin(); lastLoopInsertedInsIterator = insIterator; } } } } if (insIterator != instanceids.end()) { SubRow* subRow = *srlit; for (SubRow::BinVector::iterator bvit = (*srlit)->_binVector.begin(); bvit != (*srlit)->_binVector.end(); bvit++) { Bin* bin = *bvit; // cerr << " Bin: " << bin->getBoundingBox() // << " capa:" << DbU::getValueString(bin->getCapa()) // << " size:" << DbU::getValueString(bin->getSize()) // << " SubRow:" // << " capa:" << DbU::getValueString(subRow->getCapa()) // << " size:" << DbU::getValueString(subRow->getSize()) // << endl; if (insIterator == instanceids.end()) break; unsigned instanceId = *insIterator; DbU::Unit instanceWidth = _mauka->_instanceWidths[instanceId]; if (instanceWidth > subRow->getCapaVsSize()) { // cerr << " SubRow capacity exceeded" << endl; break; } if (bin->TryAddInstance(instanceId)) { srlit = subrowlist.begin(); ++nbInstancesPlaced; ++insIterator; // if ( insIterator != instanceids.end() ) { // Instance* instance = static_cast(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[instanceId].getEntity()); // instanceWidth = _mauka->_instanceWidths[instanceId]; // cerr << " Trying to add #" << nbInstancesPlaced // << " id:" << *insIterator // << " w:" << DbU::getValueString(instanceWidth)<< " " << instance << endl; // cerr << " " << _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[instanceId]<< endl; // } break; } } ++srlit; // if ( srlit != subrowlist.end() ) { // cerr << " SubRow capaVsSize: " << DbU::getValueString((*srlit)->getCapaVsSize()) << endl; // } } } } Record* Surface::_getRecord() const { Record* record = Inherit::_getRecord(); if (record) { record->add(getSlot("MaukaEngine", _mauka)); } return record; } void Surface::DisplayBinHits() const { for (RowVector::const_iterator rvit = _rowVector.begin(); rvit != _rowVector.end(); rvit++) (*rvit)->DisplayBinHits(); } void Surface::PlotBinsStats(ofstream& out) const { out << "plot [:] '-' w l 2" << endl ; } void Surface::Plot(ofstream& out) const { out << getXMin() << " " << getYMin() << endl << getXMin() << " " << getYMax() << endl << getXMax() << " " << getYMax() << endl << getXMax() << " " << getYMin() << endl << getXMin() << " " << getYMin() << endl << endl; out << "EOF" << endl; } }