// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2018-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | I s o b a r - Hurricane / Python Interface | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./PyPolygon.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPoint.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPointCollection.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyNet.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyLayer.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyBox.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPolygon.h" namespace Isobar { using namespace Hurricane; template< typename CppType > bool ListToVector ( PyObject* list, PyTypeObject* itemType, std::vector& v ) { if (not PyList_Check(list)) return false; int length = PyList_Size( list ); for ( int i=0 ; iob_type != itemType) { string message = "Polygon: Item at position " + getString(i) + "has wrong type."; PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, message.c_str() ); return false; } v.push_back( *PYPOINT_O(item) ); } return true; } extern "C" { #undef ACCESS_OBJECT #undef ACCESS_CLASS #define ACCESS_OBJECT _baseObject._baseObject._object #define ACCESS_CLASS(_pyObject) &(_pyObject->_baseObject._baseObject) #define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(Polygon,polygon,function) // +=================================================================+ // | "PyPolygon" Python Module Code Part | // +=================================================================+ #if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__) // Standard Accessors (Attributes). DirectGetLongAttribute(PyPolygon_getX, getX, PyPolygon, Polygon) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyPolygon_getY, getY, PyPolygon, Polygon) // Standard Destroy (Attribute). DBoDestroyAttribute(PyPolygon_destroy, PyPolygon) static PyObject* PyPolygon_create ( PyObject*, PyObject *args ) { cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyPolygon_create()" << endl; PyObject* arg0 = NULL; PyObject* arg1 = NULL; PyObject* arg2 = NULL; Polygon* polygon = NULL; HTRY if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO:Polygon.create" ,&arg0 ,&arg1 ,&arg2 )) { PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Invalid number of parameters for Polygon constructor." ); return NULL; } if (not IsPyNet(arg0)) { PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "First parameter of Polygon constructor must be a Net." ); return NULL; } if (not IsPyDerivedLayer(arg1)) { PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Second parameter of Polygon constructor must be a Layer." ); return NULL; } vector points; if (not ListToVector(arg2,&PyTypePoint,points)) return NULL; polygon = Polygon::create( PYNET_O(arg0), PYDERIVEDLAYER_O(arg1), points ); HCATCH return PyPolygon_Link(polygon); } static PyObject* PyPolygon_getBoundingBox ( PyPolygon *self ) { cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyPolygon_getBoundingBox()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD( "Polygon.BoundingBox()" ) PyBox* pyBox = PyObject_NEW( PyBox, &PyTypeBox ); if (pyBox == NULL) { return NULL; } HTRY pyBox->_object = new Box ( polygon->getBoundingBox() ); HCATCH return (PyObject*)pyBox; } static PyObject* PyPolygon_setPoints ( PyPolygon *self, PyObject* args ) { cdebug_log(20,0) << "Polygon.setPoints()" << endl; HTRY METHOD_HEAD( "Polygon.setPoints()" ) PyObject* arg0 = NULL; PyObject* arg1 = NULL; PyObject* arg2 = NULL; if (not PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O:Polygon.setPoints", &arg0 )) { PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Invalid number of parameters for Polygon.setPoints()." ); return NULL; } vector points; if (not ListToVector(arg0,&PyTypePoint,points)) return NULL; polygon->setPoints( points ); HCATCH Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyObject* PyPolygon_translate ( PyPolygon *self, PyObject* args ) { cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyPolygon_translate ()" << endl; HTRY METHOD_HEAD ( "Polygon.translate()" ) PyObject* arg0 = NULL; PyObject* arg1 = NULL; __cs.init ("Polygon.translate"); if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O&O&:Polygon.translate", Converter, &arg0, Converter, &arg1)) { if (__cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG) polygon->translate( PyAny_AsLong(arg0), PyAny_AsLong(arg1) ); else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "Polygon.translate(): Invalid type for parameter(s)." ); return NULL; } } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "Polygon.translate(): Invalid number of parameters." ); return NULL; } HCATCH Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyObject* PyPolygon_getMContour ( PyPolygon *self ) { cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyPolygon_getMContour()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD( "Polygon.getMContour()" ) PyPointCollection* pyPointCollection = NULL; HTRY Points* points = new Points( polygon->getMContour() ); pyPointCollection = PyObject_NEW(PyPointCollection, &PyTypePointCollection); if (pyPointCollection == NULL) return NULL; pyPointCollection->_object = points; HCATCH return (PyObject*)pyPointCollection; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // PyPolygon Attribute Method table. PyMethodDef PyPolygon_Methods[] = { { "create" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_create , METH_VARARGS|METH_STATIC , "Create a new Polygon." } , { "getX" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_getX , METH_NOARGS , "Return the Polygon X value." } , { "getY" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_getY , METH_NOARGS , "Return the Polygon Y value." } , { "getBoundingBox", (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_getBoundingBox, METH_NOARGS , "Return the Polygon Bounding Box." } , { "getMContour" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_getMContour , METH_NOARGS , "Return the points of the manhattanized contour." } , { "setPoints" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_setPoints , METH_VARARGS, "Sets the Polygon Bounding Box." } , { "translate" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_translate , METH_VARARGS, "Translates the Polygon of dx and dy." } , { "destroy" , (PyCFunction)PyPolygon_destroy , METH_NOARGS , "Destroy associated hurricane object, the python object remains." } , {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; DBoDeleteMethod(Polygon) PyTypeObjectLinkPyType(Polygon) #else // Python Module Code Part. // +=================================================================+ // | "PyPolygon" Shared Library Code Part | // +=================================================================+ // Link/Creation Method. DBoLinkCreateMethod(Polygon) PyTypeInheritedObjectDefinitions(Polygon,Component) #endif // Shared Library Code Part. } // extern "C". } // Isobar namespace.