
Param -- How to use parameters


nbit, nword = Param ( "n", "w" )


This function allows the user to give parameters when creating a cell.


    \item \verb-args- : letters which correspond to letter typed on the shell

When one wants to give values to two parameters, one can type on the shell :
python test.py -n 4 -w 8

The file \verb-test.py- has then to contain :
nbit, nword = Param ( "n", "w" )

You can see a concrete example at : \hyperref[ref]{\emph{A concrete example}}{}{Example}{secexample}
Some errors may occur :
    \item \verb-Error in Param : there is no parameter.-\\The parameters seem to have been forgotten.

\subsubsection{See Also}

\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Place and Route}}{}{Place and Route}{secroute}