// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2006-2015, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | I s o b a r - Hurricane / Python Interface | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./PyInstance.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "hurricane/isobar/PyBox.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyTransformation.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyLibrary.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyCell.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyInstance.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPlacementStatus.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyNet.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPlug.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPlugCollection.h" namespace Isobar { using namespace Hurricane; extern "C" { #undef ACCESS_OBJECT #undef ACCESS_CLASS #define ACCESS_OBJECT _baseObject._object #define ACCESS_CLASS(_pyObject) &(_pyObject->_baseObject) #define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(Instance,instance,function) #define LOAD_CONSTANT(CONSTANT_VALUE,CONSTANT_NAME) \ constant = PyInt_FromLong ( (long)CONSTANT_VALUE ); \ PyDict_SetItemString ( dictionnary, CONSTANT_NAME, constant ); \ Py_DECREF ( constant ); // x=================================================================x // | "PyInstance" Python Module Code Part | // x=================================================================x #if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__) // x-------------------------------------------------------------x // | "PyInstance" Local Functions | // x-------------------------------------------------------------x // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Function : "PyInt_AsType ()" static Instance::PlacementStatus PyInt_AsPlacementStatus ( PyObject* object ) { switch ( PyAny_AsLong(object) ) { case Instance::PlacementStatus::UNPLACED : return ( Instance::PlacementStatus(Instance::PlacementStatus::UNPLACED) ); case Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED : return ( Instance::PlacementStatus(Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED) ); case Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED : return ( Instance::PlacementStatus(Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED) ); } return ( Instance::PlacementStatus(Instance::PlacementStatus::UNPLACED) ); } // x-------------------------------------------------------------x // | "PyInstance" Attribute Methods | // x-------------------------------------------------------------x // Standart Accessors (Attributes). // Standart destroy (Attribute). DBoDestroyAttribute(PyInstance_destroy,PyInstance) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getName ()" GetNameMethod(Instance, instance) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_create ()" PyObject* PyInstance_create ( PyObject*, PyObject *args ) { trace << "PyInstance_create ()" << endl; Instance* instance = NULL; PyObject* arg0; PyObject* arg1; PyObject* arg2; PyObject* arg3; HTRY __cs.init ("Instance.create"); if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O&O&O&|O&:Instance.new" ,Converter,&arg0 ,Converter,&arg1 ,Converter,&arg2 ,Converter,&arg3 )) { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Instance constructor." ); return NULL; } if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == ":ent:string:ent") { instance = Instance::create( PYCELL_O(arg0), Name(PyString_AsString(arg1)), PYCELL_O(arg2) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == ":ent:string:ent:transfo") { instance = Instance::create( PYCELL_O(arg0), Name(PyString_AsString(arg1)), PYCELL_O(arg2), *PYTRANSFORMATION_O(arg3), Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Instance constructor." ); return NULL; } HCATCH return PyInstance_Link ( instance ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getMasterCell ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getMasterCell ( PyInstance *self ) { trace << "PyInstance_getMasterCell ()" << endl; Cell* cell = NULL; HTRY METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getMasterCell()" ) cell = instance->getMasterCell (); HCATCH return PyCell_Link ( cell ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getPlacementStatus ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getPlacementStatus ( PyInstance *self ) { trace << "PyInstance_getPlacementStatus ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getPlacementStatus()" ); PyObject* pyObject = NULL; HTRY pyObject = (PyObject*)PyLong_FromLong((long)instance->getPlacementStatus().getCode()); HCATCH return pyObject; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_SetPlacementStatus ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_setPlacementStatus ( PyInstance *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyInstance_setPlacementStatus()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.setPlacementStatus()" ) HTRY PyObject* arg0; if ( ! ParseOneArg ( "Instance.setPlacementStatus()", args, INT_ARG, (PyObject**)&arg0 ) ) return ( NULL ); instance->setPlacementStatus ( PyInt_AsPlacementStatus(arg0) ); HCATCH Py_RETURN_NONE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getTransformation ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getTransformation ( PyInstance *self ) { trace << "PyInstance_getTransformation ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getTransformation()" ); PyTransformation* resultPyTransf = PyObject_NEW ( PyTransformation, &PyTypeTransformation ); if ( resultPyTransf == NULL ) { return NULL; } HTRY resultPyTransf->_object = new Transformation ( instance->getTransformation () ); HCATCH return ( (PyObject*)resultPyTransf ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getPlug ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getPlug ( PyInstance *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyInstance_getPlug ()" << endl; Plug* plug = NULL; HTRY METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getPlug()" ) PyNet* masterNet; if ( ! ParseOneArg ( "Instance.getPlug", args, NET_ARG, (PyObject**)&masterNet ) ) return ( NULL ); plug = instance->getPlug( PYNET_O(masterNet) ); HCATCH return PyPlug_Link ( plug ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getPlugs()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getPlugs(PyInstance *self ) { trace << "PyInstance_getPlugs()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getPlugs()" ) PyPlugCollection* pyPlugCollection = NULL; HTRY Plugs* plugs = new Plugs(instance->getPlugs()); pyPlugCollection = PyObject_NEW(PyPlugCollection, &PyTypePlugCollection); if (pyPlugCollection == NULL) { return NULL; } pyPlugCollection->_object = plugs; HCATCH return (PyObject*)pyPlugCollection; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getConnectedPlugs()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getConnectedPlugs(PyInstance *self) { trace << "PyInstance_getConnectedPlugs ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getConnectedPlugs()") PyPlugCollection* pyPlugCollection = NULL; HTRY Plugs* plugs = new Plugs(instance->getConnectedPlugs()); pyPlugCollection = PyObject_NEW(PyPlugCollection, &PyTypePlugCollection); if (pyPlugCollection == NULL) { return NULL; } pyPlugCollection->_object = plugs; HCATCH return (PyObject*)pyPlugCollection; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getUnconnectedPlugsLocator ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getUnconnectedPlugs(PyInstance *self) { trace << "PyInstance_getUnconnectedPlugs ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getUnconnectedPlugs()") PyPlugCollection* pyPlugCollection = NULL; HTRY Plugs* plugs = new Plugs(instance->getUnconnectedPlugs()); pyPlugCollection = PyObject_NEW(PyPlugCollection, &PyTypePlugCollection); if (pyPlugCollection == NULL) { return NULL; } pyPlugCollection->_object = plugs; HCATCH return (PyObject*)pyPlugCollection; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_getAbutmentBox ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_getAbutmentBox ( PyInstance *self ) { trace << "PyInstance_getAbutmentBox ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.getAbutmentBox()" ) PyBox* pyBox = PyObject_NEW ( PyBox, &PyTypeBox ); if (pyBox == NULL) { return NULL; } HTRY pyBox->_object = new Box ( instance->getAbutmentBox() ); HCATCH return ( (PyObject*)pyBox ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_setName ()" SetNameMethod(Instance, instance) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_SetTransformation ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_setTransformation ( PyInstance *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyInstance_setTransformation()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.setTransformation()" ) HTRY PyTransformation* transformation; if ( ! ParseOneArg ( "Instance.setTransformation", args, TRANS_ARG, (PyObject**)&transformation ) ) return ( NULL ); instance->setTransformation ( *PYTRANSFORMATION_O(transformation) ); HCATCH Py_RETURN_NONE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyInstance_SetMasterCell ()" static PyObject* PyInstance_setMasterCell ( PyInstance *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "Instance.setMasterCell()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Instance.setMasterCell()" ) HTRY PyCell* masterCell; if ( ! ParseOneArg ( "Instance.setMasterCell", args, CELL_ARG, (PyObject**)&masterCell ) ) return ( NULL ); instance->setMasterCell ( PYCELL_O(masterCell) ); HCATCH Py_RETURN_NONE; } // Standart Predicates (Attributes). DirectGetBoolAttribute(PyInstance_isTerminal ,isTerminal ,PyInstance,Instance) DirectGetBoolAttribute(PyInstance_isLeaf ,isLeaf ,PyInstance,Instance) GetBoundStateAttribute(PyInstance_isPyBound ,PyInstance,Instance) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // PyInstance Attribute Method table. PyMethodDef PyInstance_Methods[] = { { "create" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_create , METH_VARARGS|METH_STATIC , "Create a new Instance." } , { "getName" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getName , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the instance name." } , { "getMasterCell" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getMasterCell , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the cell model referenced by the instance." } , { "getTransformation" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getTransformation , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the transformation associated to the instance." } , { "getPlacementStatus" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getPlacementStatus , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the placement status of the instance." } , { "getPlug" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getPlug , METH_VARARGS, "Returns the plug associated to the if it exists or else NULL (if the net is not external)." } , { "getPlugs" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getPlugs , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the collection of instance plugs." } , { "getConnectedPlugs" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getConnectedPlugs , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the collection of instance plugs which are effectively connected." } , { "getUnconnectedPlugs" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getUnconnectedPlugs , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the collection of instance plugs which are not connected." } , { "getAbutmentBox" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_getAbutmentBox , METH_NOARGS , "Returns the abutment box of the instance, that is the abutment box of the master cell to which has been applied the instance transformation." } , { "isTerminal" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_isTerminal , METH_NOARGS , "Returns true if the instance is a terminal instance." } , { "isLeaf" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_isLeaf , METH_NOARGS , "Returns true if the instance is a leaf instance." } , { "isBound" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_isPyBound , METH_NOARGS , "Returns true if the instance is bounded to the hurricane instance" } , { "setName" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_setName , METH_VARARGS, "Allows to change the instance name." } , { "setTransformation" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_setTransformation , METH_VARARGS, "Allows to modify the instance transformation." } , { "setPlacementStatus" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_setPlacementStatus , METH_VARARGS, "Allows to modify the instance placement status." } , { "setMasterCell" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_setMasterCell , METH_VARARGS, "Allows to change the cell referenced by this instance." } , { "destroy" , (PyCFunction)PyInstance_destroy , METH_NOARGS , "Destroy associated hurricane object The python object remains." } , {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; // x-------------------------------------------------------------x // | "PyInstance" Object Methods | // x-------------------------------------------------------------x DBoDeleteMethod(Instance) PyTypeObjectLinkPyType(Instance) #else // End of Python Module Code Part. // x=================================================================x // | "PyInstance" Shared Library Code Part | // x=================================================================x // Link/Creation Method. DBoLinkCreateMethod(Instance) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // PyInstance Object Definitions. PyTypeInheritedObjectDefinitions(Instance, Entity) extern void PyInstance_postModuleInit () { PyPlacementStatus_postModuleInit(); PyDict_SetItemString( PyTypeInstance.tp_dict, "PlacementStatus", (PyObject*)&PyTypePlacementStatus ); } #endif // End of Shared Library Code Part. } // End of extern "C". } // End of Isobar namespace.