\subsection{march 2007}
A modification has been done to the virtual library. The name of the cells have been changed in order to be synchronised with the sxlib cells.\\
\indent Two utilizations can be done with the cells of the virtual library : wether direct instanciation of 1 bit cells, wether use of a generator (same model name with the first letter uppered) in order to have several bits cells.

    \subsection{mai 2006}

First of all, the modifications made to stratus make all files created for version 2.0 deprecated, and unusable with this version 3.0.\\
\indent All following releases will be improvements, and not major changements.\\

    \item The main modification is the new funtion \verb-Generate- : this function is used to generate generators before their instanciation.\\
    \item One other modification is the type of arguments of function \verb-Place- : it no longer takes x and y coordinates but a \verb-XY- object (which is a point (x, y) ).\\
    \item Some improvements are also added for layout : the creation of segments, contacts, and references.