
AlimVerticalRail, AlimHorizontalRail -- Placement of a vertical/horizontal alimentation call back


AlimVerticalRail ( nb )


These functions place a vertical/horizontal alimentation call back. It's position is given by the parameter given.

    \item \verb-nb- : coordinate of the rail
        \item For AlimVerticalRail, \verb-nb- is in pitches i.e. 5 lambdas
        \item For AlimHorizontalRail, \verb-nb- is in slices i.e. 50 lambdas

AlimVerticalRail   (  50 )
AlimVerticalRail   ( 150 )
AlimHorizontalRail (  10 )

Some errors may occur :
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] AlimHorizontalRail :-\\\verb-Illegal argument y, y must be between ... and ...-\\The argument given is wrong : the call back would not be in the abutment box.
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Placement of cells :-\\\verb-please check your file of layout with DRUC.-\\The placement of the cell needs to be correct in order to place a call back. Check the errors of placement.

\subsubsection{See Also}

\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Alimentation connectors}}{}{Alimentation connectors}{secconnectors}