.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
.. include:: ./definitions.rst

8. Tool Engines (CRL Core)

The ToolEngine_ class is the base class for all tools developpeds in
|Coriolis|. In the rest of the tutorial we will use the names ``tool``
or ``engine`` as synonyms.

8.1 Placer -- Etesian

To run the placer, create the |Etesian| engine, then call the ``place()``

.. code-block:: Python

   import Etesian

   # [...]

   etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create(cell)

You can configure the placer in two ways:

#. Prior to the creation of the engine, setup an abutment for the cell.
   The placer will fit the cells into that area. If the area is too
   small, it will issue an error.

#. Setup |Etesian| parameters through the ``settings.py`` configuration
   file. For example:

   .. code-block:: Python

      parametersTable = \
          ( ("etesian.effort"           , TypeEnumerate , 2       )
          , ('etesian.uniformDensity'   , TypeBool      , True    )
          , ('etesian.spaceMargin'      , TypePercentage, 3.0     )
          , ('etesian.aspectRatio'      , TypePercentage, 100.0   )

   With this setup, the cells will be spread uniformally over the
   area (``etesian.uniformDensity``), with ``3.0%`` of free space
   added and an aspect ratio of ``100%`` (square shape).

8.1 Router -- Katana

Like for |Etesian|, you have to create the engine on the cell then call
the sequence of functions detailed below.

.. note:: **Kite vs. Katana.** There are currently two router in |Coriolis|,
	  |Kite| is the old one and digital only. |Katana| is a re-implementation
	  with support for mixed routing (digital **and** analog).
	  Until |Katana| is fully implemented we keep both of them.

.. code-block:: Python

   import Anabatic
   import Katana

   # [...]

   katana = Katana.KatanaEngine.create(cell)
   katana.digitalInit      ()
   katana.runGlobalRouter  ()
   katana.loadGlobalRouting( Anabatic.EngineLoadGrByNet )
   katana.layerAssign      ( Anabatic.EngineNoNetLayerAssign )
   katana.runNegociate     ( Katana.Flags.NoFlags )

8.2  A Complete Example

The example file ``toolengines.py`` can be found in the ``share/doc/coriolis2/examples/scripts/``
directory (under the the root of the |Coriolis| installation).

This script automatically place and route the ``fulladder`` netlist as seen
previously. The call to the ToolEngines_ is made inside the new function

.. note:: As the ``ToolEngine`` take care of opening and closing UpdateSession_, we
	  do not need the wrapper function ``doBreak()`` around the breakpoints.
          We directly call Breakpoint_.

.. note:: The space margin for this example is very high (``30%``), it's only
	  because it's too small for the placer to run correctly. For normal
	  case it is around ``3%``.

.. code-block:: Python

   import sys
   from   Hurricane import *
   from   CRL       import *
   import Etesian
   import Anabatic
   import Katana
   # Everybody needs it.
   af = AllianceFramework.get()
   def toDbU ( l ): return DbU.fromLambda(l)
   def buildFulladder ( editor ):
      # Get the Framework and all the master cells.
       xr2_x2 = af.getCell( 'xr2_x1', Catalog.State.Views )
       a2_x2  = af.getCell( 'a2_x2' , Catalog.State.Views )
       o2_x2  = af.getCell( 'o2_x2' , Catalog.State.Views )
       fulladder = af.createCell( 'fulladder' )
      # Create Instances.
       a2_1  = Instance.create( fulladder,  'a2_1',  a2_x2 )
       a2_2  = Instance.create( fulladder,  'a2_2',  a2_x2 ) 
       xr2_1 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'xr2_1', xr2_x2 )
       xr2_2 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'xr2_2', xr2_x2 )
       o2_1  = Instance.create( fulladder,  'o2_1',  o2_x2 )
      # Create Nets.
       vss = Net.create( fulladder, "vss" )
       vss.setExternal( True )
       vss.setGlobal  ( True )
       vdd = Net.create( fulladder, "vdd" )
       vdd.setExternal( True )
       vdd.setGlobal  ( True )
       cin = Net.create( fulladder, "cin" )
       cin.setExternal( True )
       xr2_2.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( cin )
       a2_2 .getPlug(  a2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( cin )
       a = Net.create( fulladder, 'a' )
       a.setExternal( True )
       xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( a )
       a2_1 .getPlug(  a2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( a )
       b = Net.create( fulladder, 'b' )
       b.setExternal( True )
       xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( b )
       a2_1 .getPlug(  a2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( b )
       sout_1 = Net.create( fulladder, 'sout_1' )
       xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('q' ) ).setNet( sout_1 )
       xr2_2.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( sout_1 )
       a2_2 .getPlug(  a2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( sout_1 )
       carry_1 = Net.create( fulladder, 'carry_1' )
       a2_1.getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('q' ) ).setNet( carry_1 )
       o2_1.getPlug( o2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( carry_1 )
       carry_2 = Net.create( fulladder, 'carry_2' )
       a2_2.getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('q' ) ).setNet( carry_2 )
       o2_1.getPlug( o2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( carry_2 )
       sout = Net.create( fulladder, 'sout' )
       sout.setExternal( True )
       xr2_2.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('q') ).setNet( sout )
       cout = Net.create( fulladder, 'cout' )
       cout.setExternal( True )
       o2_1.getPlug( o2_x2.getNet('q') ).setNet( cout )
       af.saveCell( fulladder, Catalog.State.Views )
       return fulladder
   def placeAndRoute ( editor, cell ):
      # Run the placer.
       etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create(cell)
       if editor:
         editor.setCell( cell )
       Breakpoint.stop( 1, 'After placement' )
      # Run the router.
       katana = Katana.KatanaEngine.create(cell)
       katana.digitalInit      ()
       katana.runGlobalRouter  ()
       katana.loadGlobalRouting( Anabatic.EngineLoadGrByNet )
       katana.layerAssign      ( Anabatic.EngineNoNetLayerAssign )
       katana.runNegociate     ( Katana.Flags.NoFlags )
       af.saveCell( cell, Catalog.State.Views )
   def ScriptMain ( **kw ):
       editor = None
       if kw.has_key('editor') and kw['editor']:
         editor = kw['editor']
       fulladder = buildFulladder( editor )
       placeAndRoute( editor, fulladder )
       return True