import re class Parameters ( object ): class Transistor ( object ): def __init__ ( self, aName ): = aName self.L = 0.0 self.W = 0.0 self.M = 0 return class Capacitor ( object ): def __init__ ( self, aName ): = aName self.C = 0.0 return class Resistor ( object ): def __init__ ( self, aName ): = aName self.R = 0.0 return def __init__ ( self ): self.transistors = { } self.capacitors = { } self.resistors = { } self.indexToName = { } return def addTransistor ( self, name, index ): lname = name.lower() if self.transistors.has_key(lname): print 'Duplicated transistor "%s" (ignored).' % lname else: if self.indexToName.has_key(index): print 'Transistors "%s" and "%s" have the same index %d (ignored).' % \ (self.indexToName[index],lname,index) self.transistors[ lname ] = Parameters.Transistor( lname ) self.indexToName[ index ] = lname return self.transistors[ lname ] def getTransistor ( self, ref ): transistor = None if isinstance(ref,str): lname = ref.lower() if self.transistors.has_key(lname): transistor = self.transistors[lname] else: print 'No transistor named "%s".' % ref if isinstance(ref,int): if self.indexToName.has_key(ref): transistor = self.transistors[self.indexToName[ref]] else: print 'No transistor with index %d.' % ref return transistor #def getTransistorL ( self, ref ): return self.getTransistor(ref)[0] #def getTransistorW ( self, ref ): return self.getTransistor(ref)[1] #def getTransistorM ( self, ref ): return self.getTransistor(ref)[2] def addCapacitor ( self, name, value ): lname = name.lower() if self.capacitors.has_key(lname): print 'Duplicated capacitor "%s" (ignored).' % lname else: print 'Add capacitor "%s"' % lname self.capacitors[ lname ] = Parameters.Capacitor( lname ) self.capacitors[ lname ].C = value return self.capacitors[ lname ] def getCapacitor ( self, ref ): capacitor = None lname = ref.lower() if self.capacitors.has_key(lname): capacitor = self.capacitors[lname] else: print 'No capacitor named "%s".' % ref return capacitor def addResistor ( self, name, value ): lname = name.lower() if self.resistors.has_key(lname): print 'Duplicated resistor "%s" (ignored).' % lname else: self.resistors[ lname ] = Parameters.Resistor( lname ) self.resistors[ lname ].R = value return self.resistors[ lname ] def getResistor ( self, ref ): resistor = None lname = ref.lower() if self.capactors.has_key(lname): resistor = self.capactors[lname] else: print 'No resistor named "%s".' % ref return resistor def read ( self, file ): reSpecCapa = re.compile( r'^(?PC\w+)\s+(?P.*)$' ) reSpecResis = re.compile( r'^(?PR\w+)\s+(?P.*)$' ) reSpecTran = re.compile( r'^\* SPECIFICATIONS DE M(?P\d+)\s+:\s+(?P\w+) \*$' ) reSpecL = re.compile( r'L_(?P\d+)\s+(?P[0-9.e-]+)' ) reSpecW = re.compile( r'W_(?P\d+)\s+(?P[0-9.e-]+)' ) reSpecM = re.compile( r'M_(?P\d+)\s+(?P\d+)' ) fd = open( file, 'r' ) for line in fd.readlines(): if line.startswith('REGIME_'): continue m = reSpecTran.match( line[:-1] ) if m: i = int('index')) #print 'Found transistor %d:<%s>' % (i,'name')) self.addTransistor('name'), i ) continue m = reSpecL.match( line[:-1] ) if m: i = int ('index')) L = float('float')) #print ' %d:L: %g' % (int('index')), L) self.getTransistor(i).L = L continue m = reSpecW.match( line[:-1] ) if m: i = int ('index')) W = float('float')) #print ' %d:W: %g' % (int('index')), W) self.getTransistor(i).W = W continue m = reSpecM.match( line[:-1] ) if m: i = int('index')) M = int('int' )) #print ' %d:M: %d' % (int('index')), M) self.getTransistor(i).M = M self.getTransistor(i).W = M * self.getTransistor(i).W m = reSpecCapa.match( line[:-1] ) if m: self.addCapacitor('name'), float('value')) ) m = reSpecResis.match( line[:-1] ) if m: self.addResistor('name'), float('value')) ) fd.close()