- Bug: In CMakeLists.txt, local include directories *first*.
- New: In Utilities, Dots::asBool() & Dots::asLambda().
- New: In display.xml, new <drawingstyle> for Mauka Containers.
- Change: In Instance & Cell, do *not* materialize unplaced instances.
This is to avoid overloading the QuadTree at point (0,0) and besides
has no senses. Uses the PlacementStatus state.
- Bug: In Viewer CMakeLists.txt, put tool include directories first.
- access to Sizing object in Circuit object (method getSizing())
- now driver is deterministic since it sorts names in alphabetical order (cannot use name's id since names are destroyed when converted to hurricane and then recreated before drive but with totaly unknow/uncontroled ids)
DO NOT name two files with the same name with only case difference !
Mac osx is by default formated as NON case sensitive system file.
key_k.fig becomes key_k_.fig
key_k.png becomes key_k_.png
key_K.fig and key_K.png are not modified
IMPORTANT: this is a temporary update to allow me to finally checkout crlcore but need to be corrected by the author
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().