Remove unused buffers in Block & Core2Chip.

Note: The previous strategy was not fully coherent in chip mode.
      Everything added, net and components must be added at
      corona level and not separated between corona and core.

* New: In cumulus/plugins/block.configuration, new FeedsConf object
    to handle the feeds and provide a filling area helper.
* New: In cumulus/plugins/block.spares.removeUnusedbuffers() to
    remove unused buffers in the pools and replace them by feedthrough.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins.block.spares, unify coordinate/slice
    computation. If we are in chip mode, the coordinates are
    expressed in the corona *but* aligned on the slices of the
    *core* model.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins.block.Block.rsave(), add the '_r' suffix
    to the routed cells.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins.clocktree.ClockTree, when in chip mode
    create everything at corona level. Also forgot to set type of
    clock subnet as clock.
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Chaput 2020-10-23 22:28:42 +02:00
parent e6e667c6c7
commit b9f2a5bf28
9 changed files with 206 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ class Block ( object ):
print( ' o Building clock tree(s).' )
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
clockNets = []
for net in self.conf.cell.getNets():
for net in self.conf.cellPnR.getNets():
if af.isCLOCK(net.getName()): 'CLOCK: {}'.format(net)
if net.isClock():
trace( 550, '\tBlock.addClockTrees(): Found clock {}.\n'.format(net) )
@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ class Block ( object ):
if self.conf.useClockTree: self.splitClocks()
if self.conf.isCoreBlock: self.doConnectCore()
status = self.route()
if not self.conf.isCoreBlock:

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class ClockTree ( object ):
if qt.isLeaf(): return False
driverNet = qt.bOutputPlug.getNet()
driverNet.setType( Net.Type.CLOCK )
for leaf in qt.leafs:
leaf.bInputPlug.setNet( driverNet )
self._rconnectHTree( leaf )
@ -135,13 +136,13 @@ class ClockTree ( object ):
gaugeConf.createVertical ( trContact , rightContact , rightX , 0 )
if qt.isRoot():
ckNet = self.clockNet
if not self.spares.conf.isCoreBlock:
trace( 550, '\tRemoving any previous pin...\n' )
pins = []
for pin in ckNet.getPins(): pins.append( pin )
for pin in pins:
print( WarningMessage('ClockTree._rrouteHTree(): Removing {}.'.format(pin)) )
if not self.spares.conf.isCoreBlock:
layerGauge = gaugeConf.vRoutingGauge
rootContact = gaugeConf.rpAccessByPlugName( qt.buffer, bufferConf.input, ckNet, 0 )
x = gaugeConf.getNearestVerticalTrack ( qt.area, rootContact.getX(), 0 )
@ -187,14 +188,19 @@ class ClockTree ( object ):
quadTree.bufferTag = self.clockNet.getName()
quadTree.rselectBuffer( self.clockIndex, self.clockIndex, 0 )
with UpdateSession():
coronaPlugs = []
hyperClock = HyperNet.create( Occurrence(self.clockNet) )
for plugOccurrence in hyperClock.getTerminalNetlistPlugOccurrences():
if quadTree.isUnderArea(plugOccurrence):
quadTree.attachToLeaf( plugOccurrence )
coronaPlugs.append( plugOccurrence )
if self.spares.conf.isCoreBlock:
plug = utils.getPlugByName( quadTree.buffer, bufferConf.input )
plug.setNet( self.clockNet )
trace( 550, '\tCore mode, setting only root plug "{}"\n'.format(self.clockNet.getName()) )
trace( 550, '\tPlug of "{}"\n'.format(self.clockNet.getName()) )
trace( 550, '\tPlug of "{}" (Cell:{})\n'.format(self.clockNet.getName()
,self.clockNet.getCell()) )
for plug in self.clockNet.getPlugs():
trace( 550, '\t| {}\n'.format(plug) )

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import re
import os.path
from operator import itemgetter
import Cfg
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import DbU
@ -596,6 +597,67 @@ class BufferInterface ( object ):
self.count = 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : "configuration.FeedsConf".
class FeedsConf ( object ):
Store informations about feed cells and how to fill a gap.
def __init__ ( self, framework ):
trace( 550, ',+', '\tFeedsConf.__init__()\n' )
feeds = Cfg.getParamString('etesian.feedNames').asString().split(',')
self.count = 0
self.feeds = []
for feedName in feeds:
feedCell = framework.getCell( feedName, CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
if not feedCell:
print( WarningMessage( 'FeedConf.__init__(): Feed cell "{}" not found in library (skipped).' \
.format(feedName)) )
feedWidth = feedCell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
self.feeds.append( (feedWidth,feedCell) )
self.feeds.sort( key=itemgetter(0) )
print( self.feeds )
for i in range(len(self.feeds)):
trace( 550, '\t[{:>2}] {:>10} {}\n' \
.format(i,DbU.getValueString(self.feeds[i][0]),self.feeds[i][1]) )
trace( 550, '-' )
def fillAt ( self, cell, transf, gapWidth ):
In ``cell``, fill a *one* row gap starting at ``transf`` position and
of length ``gapWidth``.
x = transf.getTx()
while gapWidth > 0:
feedAdded = False
for i in range(len(self.feeds)):
if self.feeds[i][0] <= gapWidth:
instance = Instance.create( cell, 'spare_feed_{}'.format(self.count), self.feeds[i][1] )
instance.setTransformation( Transformation( x
, transf.getTy()
, transf.getOrientation() ))
instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
gapWidth -= self.feeds[i][0]
x += self.feeds[i][0]
self.count += 1
feedAdded = True
if not feedAdded: break
if gapWidth > 0:
print( WarningMessage( [ 'FeedConf.fillAt(): Unable to fill row gap in "{}".' \
, ' (@{}, lenght:{})' \
] ))
def resetFeedCount ( self ):
self.count = 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : "configuration.IoPin".
@ -766,6 +828,7 @@ class BlockConf ( GaugeConf ):
self.framework = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
self.cfg = CfgCache('',Cfg.Parameter.Priority.Interactive)
self.bufferConf = BufferInterface( self.framework )
self.feedsConf = FeedsConf( self.framework )
self.chipConf = ChipConf( self )
self.bColumns = 2
self.bRows = 2
@ -833,6 +896,11 @@ class BlockConf ( GaugeConf ):
def core ( self ): return self.cell
def cellPnR ( self ):
if self.icorona: return self.corona
return self.cell
def setEditor ( self, editor ): self.editor = editor
def refresh ( self, cell=None ):
@ -843,7 +911,7 @@ class BlockConf ( GaugeConf ):
def createBuffer ( self ):
return self.bufferConf.createBuffer( self.cell )
return self.bufferConf.createBuffer( self.cellPnR )
def setDeltaAb ( self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 ):
self.deltaAb = [ dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 ]

View File

@ -144,20 +144,21 @@ class BufferPool ( object ):
def _createBuffers ( self ):
"""Create the matrix of instances buffer."""
trace( 540, ',+', '\tBufferPool.createBuffers()\n' )
yoffset = 0
if self.quadTree.spares.conf.isCoreBlock:
yoffset = self.quadTree.spares.conf.icore.getTransformation().getTy()
conf = self.quadTree.spares.conf
sliceHeight = conf.sliceHeight
x = self.quadTree.onXPitch( self.quadTree.area.getXCenter()
x = self.quadTree.spares.toXPitch( self.quadTree.area.getXCenter()
- (conf.bufferConf.width * self.columns)/2 )
y = self.quadTree.onYSlice( self.quadTree.area.getYCenter()
y = self.quadTree.spares.toYSlice( self.quadTree.area.getYCenter()
- (conf.bufferConf.height * self.rows)/2 )
slice = y / sliceHeight
slice = (y - yoffset) / sliceHeight
trace( 540, '\tSlice height: {}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(sliceHeight)) )
trace( 540, '\tSlice #{} (y:{})\n'.format(slice,DbU.getValueString(y)) )
for row in range(self.rows):
orientation = Transformation.Orientation.ID
y = (slice+row) * sliceHeight
y = (slice+row) * sliceHeight + yoffset
if (slice+row)%2:
orientation = Transformation.Orientation.MY
y += sliceHeight
@ -175,9 +176,21 @@ class BufferPool ( object ):
, trBufAb.getXMax(), trBufAb.getYMax() )
trace( 540, '-' )
def _removeUnuseds ( self ):
conf = self.quadTree.spares.conf
for i in range(self.rows*self.columns):
if not (self.buffers[i][0] & Spares.USED):
trace( 540, '\tRemove Unused Buffer[{}]: {}\n'.format(i,self.buffers[i]) )
cell = self.buffers[i][1].getCell()
transformation = self.buffers[i][1].getTransformation()
gapWidth = self.buffers[i][1].getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
conf.feedsConf.fillAt( cell, transformation, gapWidth )
def _destroyBuffers ( self ):
"""Destroy all the buffer instances of the pool."""
for flags, buffer in self.buffers:
if buffer is not None:
def getUse ( self ):
@ -213,7 +226,11 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
def create ( spares ):
root = QuadTree( spares, None, spares.conf.cell.getAbutmentBox() )
area = spares.conf.cell.getAbutmentBox()
if spares.conf.isCoreBlock:
area = spares.conf.core.getAbutmentBox()
spares.conf.icore.getTransformation().applyOn( area )
root = QuadTree( spares, None, area )
return root
@ -261,6 +278,13 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
def __eq__ ( self, other ):
return self.rtag == other.rtag
def removeUnusedBuffers ( self ):
def rshowPoolUse ( self ):
rused = 0
rtotal = 0
@ -354,16 +378,6 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
"""The output Plug of the currently selected buffer in the pool."""
return utils.getPlugByName( self.buffer, self.spares.conf.bufferConf.output )
def onYSlice ( self, y ):
"""Returns the coordinate of the slice immediately inferior to Y."""
modulo = (y - self.area.getYMin()) % self.spares.conf.sliceHeight
return y - modulo
def onXPitch ( self, x ):
"""Returns the coordinate of the pitch immediately inferior to X."""
modulo = (x - self.area.getXMin()) % self.spares.conf.sliceStep
return x - modulo
def selectFree ( self ):
Returns the first free buffer *instance* in the pool or None if
@ -382,7 +396,7 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
trace( 540, '\tQuadTree.connectBuffer(): rtag:"{}"\n'.format(self.rtag) )
plug = self.bOutputPlug
if not plug.getNet():
outputNetBuff = Net.create( self.spares.conf.cell,'{}_{}' \
outputNetBuff = Net.create( self.spares.conf.cellPnR,'{}_{}' \
.format(self.root.bufferTag,self.rtag) )
plug.setNet( outputNetBuff )
trace( 540, '\t| {}\n'.format(plug) )
@ -429,7 +443,7 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
return False
if aspectRatio < 0.5:
self.ycut = self.spares.toYGCellGrid( self.area.getYMin() + self.area.getHeight()/2 )
self.ycut = self.spares.toYSlice( self.area.getYMin() + self.area.getHeight()/2 ) = QuadTree( self.spares
, self
, Box( self.area.getXMin()
@ -448,7 +462,7 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
trace( 540, '-' )
return True
elif aspectRatio > 2.0:
self.xcut = self.spares.toXGCellGrid( self.area.getXMin() + self.area.getWidth()/2 )
self.xcut = self.spares.toXPitch( self.area.getXMin() + self.area.getWidth()/2 ) = QuadTree( self.spares
, self
, Box( self.area.getXMin()
@ -467,8 +481,8 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
trace( 540, '-' )
return True
self.ycut = self.spares.toYGCellGrid( self.area.getYMin() + self.area.getHeight()/2 )
self.xcut = self.spares.toXGCellGrid( self.area.getXMin() + self.area.getWidth ()/2 )
self.ycut = self.spares.toYSlice( self.area.getYMin() + self.area.getHeight()/2 )
self.xcut = self.spares.toXPitch( self.area.getXMin() + self.area.getWidth ()/2 ) = QuadTree( self.spares
, self
, Box( self.area.getXMin()
@ -648,6 +662,9 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
position = plugOccurrence.getBoundingBox().getCenter()
self.getLeafUnder(position).plugs.append( plugOccurrence )
def isUnderArea ( self, plugOccurrence ):
return self.area.contains( plugOccurrence.getBoundingBox().getCenter() )
def splitNetlist ( self ):
Reorganize the netlist by connecting all plugs to the output of the
@ -665,15 +682,15 @@ class QuadTree ( object ):
2.b. Connect the plug to the buffer output net at the same level.
No net/buffer will be used if the plug list is empty.
If the plug list is empty, the buffer will still be used and it's
output net created.
if not self.plugs: return
trace( 540, ',+', '\tQuadTree.spliNetlist()\n' )
self.connectBuffer( doLeaf=True )
netBuff = self.bOutputPlug.getNet()
trace( 540, '\tBuffer: {}\n'.format(self.buffer) )
trace( 540, '\tBuffer output: {}\n'.format(netBuff) )
if not self.plugs: return
for plug in self.plugs:
trace( 540, '\t| Leaf: {}\n'.format(plug) )
trace( 540, '\t| netBuff: {}\n'.format(netBuff) )
@ -743,15 +760,32 @@ class Spares ( object ):
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'Spares.getSpareSpaceMargin(): Spare leaf area is zero.' )
return (float(bufferLength) * 1.4) / float(areaLength)
def toXGCellGrid ( self, x ):
"""Find the nearest X (inferior) on the Cell gauge grid (sliceStep)."""
dx = x - self.conf.xMin
return self.conf.xMin + (dx - dx % self.conf.sliceStep)
def toXPitch ( self, x ):
Returns the coordinate of the pitch immediately inferior to X.
If we are in a chip, compute coordinate in the *corona* system.
offset = 0
area = self.conf.coreAb
if self.conf.isCoreBlock:
offset = self.conf.icore.getTransformation().getTx()
self.conf.icore.getTransformation().applyOn( area )
modulo = (x - offset - area.getXMin()) % self.conf.sliceStep
return x - modulo
def toYGCellGrid ( self, y ):
"""Find the nearest Y (inferior) on the Cell gauge grid (sliceHeight)."""
dy = y - self.conf.yMin
return self.conf.yMin + (dy - dy % self.conf.sliceHeight)
def toYSlice ( self, y ):
Returns the coordinate of the slice immediately inferior to Y.
If we are in a chip, compute coordinate in the *corona* system.
offset = 0
area = self.conf.coreAb
if self.conf.isCoreBlock:
offset = self.conf.icore.getTransformation().getTy()
self.conf.icore.getTransformation().applyOn( area )
trace( 540, '\toffset:\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(offset)) )
modulo = (y - offset - area.getYMin()) % self.conf.sliceHeight
return y - modulo
def build ( self ):
if not self.conf.useSpares: return
@ -773,8 +807,8 @@ class Spares ( object ):
trace( 540, ',+', '\tSpares.addStrayBuffer()\n' )
sliceHeight = self.conf.sliceHeight
x = self.quadTree.onXPitch( position.getX() )
y = self.quadTree.onYSlice( position.getY() )
x = self.quadTree.toXPitch( position.getX() )
y = self.quadTree.toYSlice( position.getY() )
slice = y / sliceHeight
orientation = Transformation.Orientation.ID
y = slice * sliceHeight
@ -845,6 +879,7 @@ class Spares ( object ):
*plug master net* and the *tail path*.
trace( 540, '\tSpares.raddTransNet() top:{} path:{}\n'.format(topNet,path) )
if path.isEmpty():
self.addClonedCell( topNet.getCell() )
return None
@ -853,6 +888,7 @@ class Spares ( object ):
headPlug = utils.getPlugByNet(headInstance,topNet)
if not headPlug:
masterCell = headInstance.getMasterCell()
trace( 540, '\tcreate Plug in {}\n'.format(headInstance) )
masterNet = Net.create( masterCell, topNet.getName() )
masterNet.setExternal ( True )
masterNet.setType ( topNet.getType() )
@ -866,9 +902,14 @@ class Spares ( object ):
self.addClonedCell( headInstance.getCell() )
masterNet = headPlug.getMasterNet()
trace( 540, '\ttailPath {}\n'.format(tailPath) )
if tailPath.isEmpty(): return headPlug
return self.raddTransNet( masterNet, tailPath )
def removeUnusedBuffers ( self ):
with UpdateSession():
def rsave ( self, cell ):
Save the complete cell hierarchy. Saves only the physical view, except
@ -896,5 +937,7 @@ class Spares ( object ):
for cell in self.cloneds:
trace( 550, '\tRenaming cloned cell: "{}"\n'.format(cell) )
cell.setName( cell.getName()+'_cts' )
if self.conf.chip is None:
self.conf.cell.setName( self.conf.cell.getName()+'_r' )
self.rsave( self.conf.cell )

View File

@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ class Chip ( Block ):
if not self.conf.validated:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, ' Chip is not valid, aborting.' )
self.conf.corona.setName( self.conf.corona.getName()+'_r' )
self.conf.chip .setName( self.conf.chip .getName()+'_r' )
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
af.saveCell( self.conf.corona, CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
af.saveCell( self.conf.chip , CRL.Catalog.State.Views )

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class ChipConf ( BlockConf ):
@ -577,6 +577,22 @@ class ChipConf ( BlockConf ):
def checkChipSize ( self ):
print( 'checkChipSize' )
if self.chipSize[0] % self.sliceStep:
print( WarningMessage( 'ChipConf.checkChipSize(): Width of "{}" ({})is not on sliceStep ({}), ajusted.' \
, DbU.getValueString(self.chipSize[0])
, DbU.getValueString(self.sliceStep))) )
adjust = self.sliceStep - self.chipSize[0] % self.sliceStep
self.chipSize = (self.chipSize[0] + adjust, self.chipSize[1])
if self.chipSize[1] % self.sliceStep:
print( WarningMessage( 'ChipConf.checkChipSize(): Height of "{}" ({})is not on sliceStep ({}), ajusted.' \
, DbU.getValueString(self.chipSize[1])
, DbU.getValueString(self.sliceStep))) )
adjust = self.sliceStep - self.chipSize[1] % self.sliceStep
self.chipSize = (self.chipSize[0], self.chipSize[1] + adjust)
#if self._coreSize.isEmpty(): return
#minWidth = self._coreSize.getWidth () + self._minCorona + 2*self._padHeight

View File

@ -488,6 +488,8 @@ class Builder ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, block ):
self.block = block
self.innerBb =
print( 'Builder.__init__(): innerBb: {}'.format(self.innerBb) )
print( self.block.path.getTransformation())
self.block.path.getTransformation().applyOn( self.innerBb )
self.innerBb.inflate( self.hRailSpace/2, self.vRailSpace/2 )
self.southSide = SouthSide( self )

View File

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class Builder ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, conf ):
self.conf = conf
self.path = Path( self.conf.icore )
self.block = self.path.getTailInstance().getMasterCell()
self.block = self.conf.icore.getMasterCell() = self.block.getAbutmentBox()
self.planes = {}
self.activePlane = None
@ -211,27 +211,30 @@ class Builder ( object ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Cannot build clock terminal as ck is not known.' )
blockCk = None
for plug in self.path.getTailInstance().getPlugs():
for plug in self.conf.icore.getPlugs():
if plug.getNet() == self.conf.coronaCk:
blockCk = plug.getMasterNet()
if not blockCk:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Block "{}" has no net connected to the clock "{}".' \
.format(self.path.getTailInstance().getName(), )
.format(self.conf.icore.getName(),self.conf.coronaCk.getName()) )
htPlugs = []
ffPlugs = []
for plug in blockCk.getPlugs():
if not plug.getInstance().isTerminalNetlist(): continue
for plug in self.conf.coronaCk.getPlugs():
print( plug )
if plug.getInstance().isTerminalNetlist():
htPlugs.append( plug )
if len(htPlugs) != 1:
message = 'Clock "{}" of block "{}" is not organized as a H-Tree.' \
message = [ 'Clock "{}" of block "{}" is not organized as a H-Tree ({} plugs).' \
.format( self.conf.coronaCk.getName()
, self.conf.icore.getName()
, len(htPlugs)) ]
print( self.conf.icore )
for plug in htPlugs:
message += '\n - {}'.format(plug)
message += [ '\n - {} {}'.format(plug,plug.getInstance()) ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
with UpdateSession():
bufferRp = self.conf.rpAccessByOccurrence( Occurrence(htPlugs[0], self.path)
bufferRp = self.conf.rpAccessByOccurrence( Occurrence(htPlugs[0], Path())
, self.conf.coronaCk
, 0 )
blockAb = self.block.getAbutmentBox()