Allow 45/135 degrees edges in Hurricane::Rectilinear.

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Chaput 2019-12-09 13:44:19 +01:00
parent f04d07cd22
commit 8cc2d9f06e
2 changed files with 86 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import sys
from Hurricane import *
from CRL import *
def toDbU ( l ): return DbU.fromLambda(l)
def toMicron ( u ): return DbU.toPhysical( u, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
def doBreak ( level, message ):
Breakpoint.stop( level, message )
def buildRectilinear ( editor ):
cell = AllianceFramework.get().createCell( 'Rectilinear' )
cell.setTerminal( True )
cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( toDbU(-5.0), toDbU(-5.0), toDbU(65.0), toDbU(75.0) ) )
#cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( toDbU(-5.0), toDbU(-5.0), toDbU(21.0), toDbU(35.0) ) )
if editor:
editor.setCell( cell )
technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology()
metal1 = technology.getLayer( "METAL1" )
metal2 = technology.getLayer( "METAL2" )
metal3 = technology.getLayer( "METAL3" )
metal4 = technology.getLayer( "METAL4" )
poly = technology.getLayer( "POLY" )
ptrans = technology.getLayer( "PTRANS" )
ntrans = technology.getLayer( "NTRANS" )
pdif = technology.getLayer( "PDIF" )
ndif = technology.getLayer( "NDIF" )
contdifn = technology.getLayer( "CONT_DIF_N" )
contdifp = technology.getLayer( "CONT_DIF_P" )
nwell = technology.getLayer( "NWELL" )
contpoly = technology.getLayer( "CONT_POLY" )
ntie = technology.getLayer( "NTIE" )
net = Net.create( cell, 'my_net' )
net.setExternal( True )
points = [ Point( toDbU( 0.0), toDbU( 0.0) )
, Point( toDbU( 0.0), toDbU( 10.0) )
, Point( toDbU( 20.0), toDbU( 30.0) )
, Point( toDbU( 30.0), toDbU( 30.0) )
, Point( toDbU( 30.0), toDbU( 20.0) )
, Point( toDbU( 10.0), toDbU( 0.0) ) ]
r = Rectilinear.create( net, metal2, points )
#print 'Normalized and manhattanized contour:'
#i = 0
#for point in p.getMContour():
# print '| %d '%i, point \
# , '[%fum %fum]' % ( toMicron(point.getX()) \
# , toMicron(point.getY()) )
# i += 1
UpdateSession.close() cell )
def ScriptMain ( **kw ):
editor = None
if kw.has_key('editor') and kw['editor']:
editor = kw['editor']
buildRectilinear( editor )
return True

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@ -62,8 +62,10 @@ namespace Hurricane {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<points.size() ; ++i ) {
size_t j = (i+1) % points.size();
if ( (points[i].getX() != points[j].getX())
and (points[i].getY() != points[j].getY()) )
DbU::Unit dx = std::abs( points[i].getX() - points[j].getX() );
DbU::Unit dy = std::abs( points[i].getY() - points[j].getY() );
if ( (dx != 0) and (dy != 0) and (dx != dy) )
throw Error( "Rectilinear::create(): Can't create, non H/V edge (points %d:%s - %d:%s)."
, i, getString(points[i]).c_str(), j, getString(points[j]).c_str() );