More configuration sharing.

* Change: In CRL Core, .../etc/, put all that's shared under .../common/,
    all layouts and some settings not technologically dependant.
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Chaput 2014-05-27 15:40:42 +02:00
parent db4c811d75
commit 70b896fc96
17 changed files with 256 additions and 432 deletions

View File

@ -1,61 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "hMetis.conf<cmos>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
# hMETIS parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ("metis.globalConnectionsWeightRatio" , TypeInt ,1 )
, ("metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion", TypeInt ,45 )
, ("metis.numberOfTriedBisections" , TypeInt ,10 )
, ("metis.partOrKWayHMetis" , TypeBool ,True )
, ("metis.tuneHMetisParameters" , TypeBool ,False)
, ("metis.ubFactor" , TypeInt ,0 )
, ("metis.CType", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Hybrid First Choice", 1)
, ("First Choice" , 2)
, ("Greedy First" , 3)
, ("Hyper Edge" , 4)
, ("Edge" , 5) ) }
, ("metis.RType", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Fiduccia-Mattheyses" , 1)
, ("One Way Fidducia-Mattheyses" , 2)
, ("Early Exit Fidducia-Mattheyses", 3) ) }
, ("metis.VCycle", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("No V-Cycle Refinement" , 0)
, ("On Each Final Bisections" , 1)
, ("On Best Intermediate Solutions", 2)
, ("On All Intermediate Solutions" , 3) ) }
, ("metis.Reconst", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("Ignore cuts Hyper Edges" , 0)
, ("Keep parts of cuts Hyper Edges", 1) ) }
, ("metis.debug", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("Disabled" , 0)
, ("Coarsening Stage" , 1)
, ("Initial Partitioning", 2)
, ("Refinement" , 4)
, ("Multiple Runs" , 8)
, ("More Multiples Runs" , 16) ) }
, ("metis.tuneHMetisParameters", TypeBool, True
, { 'slaves':( "metis.CType"
, "metis.numberOfTriedBisections"
, "metis.CType"
, "metis.RType"
, "metis.VCycle"
, "metis.Reconst"
, "metis.debug"
) }
# The layout of hMetis is integrated in Mauka.
layoutTable = ()
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/hMetis.conf' )

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "kite.conf<cmos>" -*-
import helpers
# Contains the layout (shared by all technologies).
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/kite.conf' )
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
parametersTable = \
( ("katabatic.globalLengthThreshold",TypeInt ,1450 ) # Katabatic parameters.
, ("katabatic.saturateRatio" ,TypePercentage,80 )
, ("katabatic.saturateRp" ,TypeInt ,8 )
( ("katabatic.globalLengthThreshold",TypeInt ,1450 ) # Katabatic parameters.
, ("katabatic.saturateRatio" ,TypePercentage,80 )
, ("katabatic.saturateRp" ,TypeInt ,8 )
, ('katabatic.topRoutingLayer' , TypeString , 'METAL5')
# Kite parameters.
, ("kite.hEdgeCapacity" ,TypePercentage,85 , { 'min':0, 'max':110 } )
, ("kite.vEdgeCapacity" ,TypePercentage,85 , { 'min':0, 'max':110 } )
@ -15,23 +21,3 @@ parametersTable = \
, ("kite.globalRipupLimit" ,TypeInt ,5 , { 'min':1 } )
, ("kite.longGlobalRipupLimit" ,TypeInt ,5 , { 'min':1 } )
# Kite Layout.
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , "Kite", "kite" )
, (TypeTitle , "Katabatic - Routing Database" )
, (TypeOption , "katabatic.saturateRatio" , "Saturate Ratio (%)" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "katabatic.saturateRp" , "Saturate RoutingPad" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "katabatic.globalLengthThreshold", "Global Length Threshold", 0 )
, (TypeRule ,)
, (TypeTitle , "Kite - Detailed Router" )
, (TypeOption , "kite.edgeCapacity" , "Edge Capacity (%)" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "kite.eventsLimit" , "Events Limit" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "kite.ripupCost" , "Ripup Cost" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeSection, "Ripup Limits", 1 )
, (TypeOption , "kite.strapRipupLimit" , "Straps" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeOption , "kite.localRipupLimit" , "Locals" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeOption , "kite.globalRipupLimit" , "Globals" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeOption , "kite.longGlobalRipupLimit", "Long Globals", 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeRule ,)

View File

@ -1,48 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "mauka.conf<cmos>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
# Mauka parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ('mauka.partOrKWayHMetis' , TypeBool , False )
, ('mauka.annealingBinMult' , TypePercentage, 5 )
, ('mauka.annealingNetMult' , TypePercentage, 90 )
, ('mauka.annealingRowMult' , TypePercentage, 5 )
, ('mauka.ignorePins' , TypeBool , False )
, ('mauka.insertFeeds' , TypeBool , True )
, ('mauka.plotBins' , TypeBool , True )
, ('mauka.searchRatio' , TypePercentage, 50 )
, ('mauka.standardAnnealing', TypeBool , True )
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , 'Mauka', 'mauka')
# hMETIS part.
, (TypeTitle , 'hMetis - Partitionner')
, (TypeOption, "metis.partOrKWayHMetis" , "Recursive 2-Parts (vs. K-Way)", 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion", "Partition Size Stop" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.globalConnectionsWeightRatio" , "Global Connections Weight" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.ubFactor" , "UB Factor" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.tuneHMetisParameters" , "Tune hMETIS Parameters" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.numberOfTriedBisections" , "# of tried bisections" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.CType" , "CType" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.RType" , "RType" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.VCycle" , "V-Cycle" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.Reconst" , "Reconst" , 1 )
# Nimbus part.
, (TypeTitle , "Mauka - Placer")
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.pinsPlacement", "Pins Placement" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.aspectRatio" , "Aspect Ratio, X/Y (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.spaceMargin" , "Space Margin" , 1 )
, (TypeRule ,)
# Mauka part.
, (TypeOption, "mauka.standardAnnealing", "Standart Annealing" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.ignorePins" , "Ignore Pins" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.plotBins" , "Plot Bins" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.insertFeeds" , "Insert Feeds" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.searchRatio" , "Search Ratio (%)" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingNetMult" , "Annealing Net Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingBinMult" , "Annealing Bin Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingRowMult" , "Annealing Row Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeRule ,)
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/mauka.conf' )

View File

@ -1,66 +1,9 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "misc.conf<cmos>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
parametersTable = \
( ('misc.catchCore' , TypeBool, False)
, ('' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.bug' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.logMode' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.verboseLevel1', TypeBool, True )
, ('misc.verboseLevel2', TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.traceLevel' , TypeInt , 1000, {'min':0} )
, ("viewer.printer.mode", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Cell Mode" , 1)
, ("Design Mode", 2) ) }
# Those enumerated values *must* match QPrinter::PaperSize.
, ("viewer.printer.paper", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("A4" , 0)
, ("B5" , 1)
, ("Letter" , 2)
, ("Legal" , 3)
, ("Executive", 4)
, ("A0" , 5)
, ("A1" , 6)
, ("A2" , 7)
, ("A3" , 8)
, ("A5" , 9)
, ("A6" , 10)
, ("A7" , 11)
, ("A8" , 12)
, ("A9" , 13)
, ("B0" , 14)
, ("B1" , 15)
, ("B10" , 16)
, ("B2" , 17)
, ("B3" , 18)
, ("B4" , 19)
, ("B6" , 20)
, ("B7" , 21)
, ("B8" , 22)
, ("B9" , 23)
, ("C5E" , 24)
, ("Comm10E" , 25)
, ("DLE" , 26)
, ("Folio" , 27)
, ("Ledger" , 28)
, ("Tabloid" , 29)
, ("Custom" , 30) ) }
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , 'Misc.', 'misc')
, (TypeTitle , 'Miscellaneous')
, (TypeOption, 'misc.catchCore' , 'Catch Core Dumps' , 1)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.verboseLevel1' , 'Verbose' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.verboseLevel2' , 'Very Verbose' , 0)
, (TypeOption, '' , 'Show Info' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.logMode' , 'Output is a TTY' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.traceLevel' , 'Trace Level' , 1)
, (TypeTitle , 'Print/Snapshot Parameters')
, (TypeOption, 'viewer.printer.mode' , 'Printer/Snapshot Mode', 1)
, (TypeOption, 'viewer.printer.paper', 'Paper Size' , 0)
# Provides standard settings for:
# # - <defaultStyle>
# # - <stylesTable>
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/misc.conf' )

View File

@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "nimbus.conf<cmos>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
# Nimbus parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ('nimbus.aspectRatio' , TypePercentage, 100 , { 'min':10, 'max':1000 } )
, ("nimbus.pinsPlacement", TypeBool , False )
, ("nimbus.spaceMargin" , TypePercentage, 40 )
, ("nimbus.cellGauge" , TypeString , "sxlib", { 'flags':Cfg.Parameter.Flags.AllRequirements} )
, ("nimbus.routingGauge" , TypeString , "sxlib", { 'flags':Cfg.Parameter.Flags.AllRequirements} )
# layoutTable is defined inside Mauka.
layoutTable = ()
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/nimbus.conf' )

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "stratus1.conf<cmos>" -*-
import helpers
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
# Status1 parameters.
parametersTable = \
@ -8,13 +10,6 @@ parametersTable = \
, ("stratus1.format" , TypeString, "vst")
, ("stratus1.simulator" , TypeString, "asimut")
# Stratus1 tab layout.
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab ,"Stratus1", "stratus1" )
, (TypeTitle , "Stratus1 - Netlist & Layout Capture" )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.mappingName", "Virtual Library Translation", 0, 2 )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.format" , "Netlist Format (vst, vhd)" , 0, 2 )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.simulator" , "Simulator" , 0, 2 )
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/stratus1.conf' )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "hMetis.conf<common>" -*-
# hMETIS parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ("metis.globalConnectionsWeightRatio" , TypeInt ,1 )
, ("metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion", TypeInt ,45 )
, ("metis.numberOfTriedBisections" , TypeInt ,10 )
, ("metis.partOrKWayHMetis" , TypeBool ,True )
, ("metis.tuneHMetisParameters" , TypeBool ,False)
, ("metis.ubFactor" , TypeInt ,0 )
, ("metis.CType", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Hybrid First Choice", 1)
, ("First Choice" , 2)
, ("Greedy First" , 3)
, ("Hyper Edge" , 4)
, ("Edge" , 5) ) }
, ("metis.RType", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Fiduccia-Mattheyses" , 1)
, ("One Way Fidducia-Mattheyses" , 2)
, ("Early Exit Fidducia-Mattheyses", 3) ) }
, ("metis.VCycle", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("No V-Cycle Refinement" , 0)
, ("On Each Final Bisections" , 1)
, ("On Best Intermediate Solutions", 2)
, ("On All Intermediate Solutions" , 3) ) }
, ("metis.Reconst", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("Ignore cuts Hyper Edges" , 0)
, ("Keep parts of cuts Hyper Edges", 1) ) }
, ("metis.debug", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("Disabled" , 0)
, ("Coarsening Stage" , 1)
, ("Initial Partitioning", 2)
, ("Refinement" , 4)
, ("Multiple Runs" , 8)
, ("More Multiples Runs" , 16) ) }
, ("metis.tuneHMetisParameters", TypeBool, True
, { 'slaves':( "metis.CType"
, "metis.numberOfTriedBisections"
, "metis.CType"
, "metis.RType"
, "metis.VCycle"
, "metis.Reconst"
, "metis.debug"
) }
# The layout of hMetis is integrated in Mauka.
layoutTable = ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "mauka.conf<common>" -*-
# Mauka parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ('mauka.partOrKWayHMetis' , TypeBool , False )
, ('mauka.annealingBinMult' , TypePercentage, 5 )
, ('mauka.annealingNetMult' , TypePercentage, 90 )
, ('mauka.annealingRowMult' , TypePercentage, 5 )
, ('mauka.ignorePins' , TypeBool , False )
, ('mauka.insertFeeds' , TypeBool , True )
, ('mauka.plotBins' , TypeBool , True )
, ('mauka.searchRatio' , TypePercentage, 50 )
, ('mauka.standardAnnealing', TypeBool , True )
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , 'Mauka', 'mauka')
# hMETIS part.
, (TypeTitle , 'hMetis - Partitionner')
, (TypeOption, "metis.partOrKWayHMetis" , "Recursive 2-Parts (vs. K-Way)", 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion", "Partition Size Stop" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.globalConnectionsWeightRatio" , "Global Connections Weight" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.ubFactor" , "UB Factor" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.tuneHMetisParameters" , "Tune hMETIS Parameters" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.numberOfTriedBisections" , "# of tried bisections" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.CType" , "CType" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.RType" , "RType" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.VCycle" , "V-Cycle" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.Reconst" , "Reconst" , 1 )
# Nimbus part.
, (TypeTitle , "Mauka - Placer")
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.pinsPlacement", "Pins Placement" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.aspectRatio" , "Aspect Ratio, X/Y (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.spaceMargin" , "Space Margin" , 1 )
, (TypeRule ,)
# Mauka part.
, (TypeOption, "mauka.standardAnnealing", "Standart Annealing" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.ignorePins" , "Ignore Pins" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.plotBins" , "Plot Bins" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.insertFeeds" , "Insert Feeds" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.searchRatio" , "Search Ratio (%)" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingNetMult" , "Annealing Net Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingBinMult" , "Annealing Bin Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingRowMult" , "Annealing Row Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeRule ,)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "misc.conf<common>" -*-
parametersTable = \
( ('misc.catchCore' , TypeBool, False)
, ('' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.bug' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.logMode' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.verboseLevel1', TypeBool, True )
, ('misc.verboseLevel2', TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.traceLevel' , TypeInt , 1000, {'min':0} )
, ("viewer.printer.mode", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Cell Mode" , 1)
, ("Design Mode", 2) ) }
# Those enumerated values *must* match QPrinter::PaperSize.
, ("viewer.printer.paper", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("A4" , 0)
, ("B5" , 1)
, ("Letter" , 2)
, ("Legal" , 3)
, ("Executive", 4)
, ("A0" , 5)
, ("A1" , 6)
, ("A2" , 7)
, ("A3" , 8)
, ("A5" , 9)
, ("A6" , 10)
, ("A7" , 11)
, ("A8" , 12)
, ("A9" , 13)
, ("B0" , 14)
, ("B1" , 15)
, ("B10" , 16)
, ("B2" , 17)
, ("B3" , 18)
, ("B4" , 19)
, ("B6" , 20)
, ("B7" , 21)
, ("B8" , 22)
, ("B9" , 23)
, ("C5E" , 24)
, ("Comm10E" , 25)
, ("DLE" , 26)
, ("Folio" , 27)
, ("Ledger" , 28)
, ("Tabloid" , 29)
, ("Custom" , 30) ) }
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , 'Misc.', 'misc')
, (TypeTitle , 'Miscellaneous')
, (TypeOption, 'misc.catchCore' , 'Catch Core Dumps' , 1)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.verboseLevel1' , 'Verbose' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.verboseLevel2' , 'Very Verbose' , 0)
, (TypeOption, '' , 'Show Info' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.logMode' , 'Output is a TTY' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.traceLevel' , 'Trace Level' , 1)
, (TypeTitle , 'Print/Snapshot Parameters')
, (TypeOption, 'viewer.printer.mode' , 'Printer/Snapshot Mode', 1)
, (TypeOption, 'viewer.printer.paper', 'Paper Size' , 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "nimbus.conf<common>" -*-
# Nimbus parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ('nimbus.aspectRatio' , TypePercentage, 100 , { 'min':10, 'max':1000 } )
, ("nimbus.pinsPlacement", TypeBool , False )
, ("nimbus.spaceMargin" , TypePercentage, 40 )
# layoutTable is defined inside Mauka.
layoutTable = ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "stratus1.conf<common>" -*-
# Stratus1 tab layout.
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab ,"Stratus1", "stratus1" )
, (TypeTitle , "Stratus1 - Netlist & Layout Capture" )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.mappingName", "Virtual Library Translation", 0, 2 )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.format" , "Netlist Format (vst, vhd)" , 0, 2 )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.simulator" , "Simulator" , 0, 2 )

View File

@ -1,61 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "hMetis.conf<vsc200>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
# hMETIS parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ("metis.globalConnectionsWeightRatio" , TypeInt ,1 )
, ("metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion", TypeInt ,45 )
, ("metis.numberOfTriedBisections" , TypeInt ,10 )
, ("metis.partOrKWayHMetis" , TypeBool ,True )
, ("metis.tuneHMetisParameters" , TypeBool ,False)
, ("metis.ubFactor" , TypeInt ,0 )
, ("metis.CType", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Hybrid First Choice", 1)
, ("First Choice" , 2)
, ("Greedy First" , 3)
, ("Hyper Edge" , 4)
, ("Edge" , 5) ) }
, ("metis.RType", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Fiduccia-Mattheyses" , 1)
, ("One Way Fidducia-Mattheyses" , 2)
, ("Early Exit Fidducia-Mattheyses", 3) ) }
, ("metis.VCycle", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("No V-Cycle Refinement" , 0)
, ("On Each Final Bisections" , 1)
, ("On Best Intermediate Solutions", 2)
, ("On All Intermediate Solutions" , 3) ) }
, ("metis.Reconst", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("Ignore cuts Hyper Edges" , 0)
, ("Keep parts of cuts Hyper Edges", 1) ) }
, ("metis.debug", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("Disabled" , 0)
, ("Coarsening Stage" , 1)
, ("Initial Partitioning", 2)
, ("Refinement" , 4)
, ("Multiple Runs" , 8)
, ("More Multiples Runs" , 16) ) }
, ("metis.tuneHMetisParameters", TypeBool, True
, { 'slaves':( "metis.CType"
, "metis.numberOfTriedBisections"
, "metis.CType"
, "metis.RType"
, "metis.VCycle"
, "metis.Reconst"
, "metis.debug"
) }
# The layout of hMetis is integrated in Mauka.
layoutTable = ()
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/hMetis.conf' )

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "kite.conf<vsc200>" -*-
import helpers
# Contains the layout (shared by all technologies).
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/kite.conf' )
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
parametersTable = \
( ("katabatic.globalLengthThreshold",TypeInt ,1450 ) # Katabatic parameters.
, ("katabatic.saturateRatio" ,TypePercentage,80 )
, ("katabatic.saturateRp" ,TypeInt ,8 )
( ("katabatic.globalLengthThreshold",TypeInt ,1450 ) # Katabatic parameters.
, ("katabatic.saturateRatio" ,TypePercentage,80 )
, ("katabatic.saturateRp" ,TypeInt ,8 )
, ('katabatic.topRoutingLayer' , TypeString , 'METAL5')
# Kite parameters.
, ("kite.hEdgeCapacity" ,TypePercentage,85 , { 'min':0, 'max':110 } )
, ("kite.vEdgeCapacity" ,TypePercentage,85 , { 'min':0, 'max':110 } )
@ -15,23 +21,3 @@ parametersTable = \
, ("kite.globalRipupLimit" ,TypeInt ,5 , { 'min':1 } )
, ("kite.longGlobalRipupLimit" ,TypeInt ,5 , { 'min':1 } )
# Kite Layout.
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , "Kite", "kite" )
, (TypeTitle , "Katabatic - Routing Database" )
, (TypeOption , "katabatic.saturateRatio" , "Saturate Ratio (%)" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "katabatic.saturateRp" , "Saturate RoutingPad" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "katabatic.globalLengthThreshold", "Global Length Threshold", 0 )
, (TypeRule ,)
, (TypeTitle , "Kite - Detailed Router" )
, (TypeOption , "kite.edgeCapacity" , "Edge Capacity (%)" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "kite.eventsLimit" , "Events Limit" , 0 )
, (TypeOption , "kite.ripupCost" , "Ripup Cost" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeSection, "Ripup Limits", 1 )
, (TypeOption , "kite.strapRipupLimit" , "Straps" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeOption , "kite.localRipupLimit" , "Locals" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeOption , "kite.globalRipupLimit" , "Globals" , 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeOption , "kite.longGlobalRipupLimit", "Long Globals", 1, 1, Cfg.ParameterWidgetFlags.UseSpinBox )
, (TypeRule ,)

View File

@ -1,48 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "mauka.conf<vsc200>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
# Mauka parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ('mauka.partOrKWayHMetis' , TypeBool , False )
, ('mauka.annealingBinMult' , TypePercentage, 5 )
, ('mauka.annealingNetMult' , TypePercentage, 90 )
, ('mauka.annealingRowMult' , TypePercentage, 5 )
, ('mauka.ignorePins' , TypeBool , False )
, ('mauka.insertFeeds' , TypeBool , True )
, ('mauka.plotBins' , TypeBool , True )
, ('mauka.searchRatio' , TypePercentage, 50 )
, ('mauka.standardAnnealing', TypeBool , True )
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , 'Mauka', 'mauka')
# hMETIS part.
, (TypeTitle , 'hMetis - Partitionner')
, (TypeOption, "metis.partOrKWayHMetis" , "Recursive 2-Parts (vs. K-Way)", 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion", "Partition Size Stop" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.globalConnectionsWeightRatio" , "Global Connections Weight" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.ubFactor" , "UB Factor" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.tuneHMetisParameters" , "Tune hMETIS Parameters" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.numberOfTriedBisections" , "# of tried bisections" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.CType" , "CType" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.RType" , "RType" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.VCycle" , "V-Cycle" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "metis.Reconst" , "Reconst" , 1 )
# Nimbus part.
, (TypeTitle , "Mauka - Placer")
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.pinsPlacement", "Pins Placement" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.aspectRatio" , "Aspect Ratio, X/Y (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "nimbus.spaceMargin" , "Space Margin" , 1 )
, (TypeRule ,)
# Mauka part.
, (TypeOption, "mauka.standardAnnealing", "Standart Annealing" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.ignorePins" , "Ignore Pins" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.plotBins" , "Plot Bins" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.insertFeeds" , "Insert Feeds" , 0 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.searchRatio" , "Search Ratio (%)" , 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingNetMult" , "Annealing Net Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingBinMult" , "Annealing Bin Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeOption, "mauka.annealingRowMult" , "Annealing Row Mult (%)", 1 )
, (TypeRule ,)
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/mauka.conf' )

View File

@ -1,66 +1,9 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "misc.conf<vsc200>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
parametersTable = \
( ('misc.catchCore' , TypeBool, False)
, ('' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.bug' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.logMode' , TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.verboseLevel1', TypeBool, True )
, ('misc.verboseLevel2', TypeBool, False)
, ('misc.traceLevel' , TypeInt , 1000, {'min':0} )
, ("viewer.printer.mode", TypeEnumerate ,1
, { 'values':( ("Cell Mode" , 1)
, ("Design Mode", 2) ) }
# Those enumerated values *must* match QPrinter::PaperSize.
, ("viewer.printer.paper", TypeEnumerate ,0
, { 'values':( ("A4" , 0)
, ("B5" , 1)
, ("Letter" , 2)
, ("Legal" , 3)
, ("Executive", 4)
, ("A0" , 5)
, ("A1" , 6)
, ("A2" , 7)
, ("A3" , 8)
, ("A5" , 9)
, ("A6" , 10)
, ("A7" , 11)
, ("A8" , 12)
, ("A9" , 13)
, ("B0" , 14)
, ("B1" , 15)
, ("B10" , 16)
, ("B2" , 17)
, ("B3" , 18)
, ("B4" , 19)
, ("B6" , 20)
, ("B7" , 21)
, ("B8" , 22)
, ("B9" , 23)
, ("C5E" , 24)
, ("Comm10E" , 25)
, ("DLE" , 26)
, ("Folio" , 27)
, ("Ledger" , 28)
, ("Tabloid" , 29)
, ("Custom" , 30) ) }
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab , 'Misc.', 'misc')
, (TypeTitle , 'Miscellaneous')
, (TypeOption, 'misc.catchCore' , 'Catch Core Dumps' , 1)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.verboseLevel1' , 'Verbose' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.verboseLevel2' , 'Very Verbose' , 0)
, (TypeOption, '' , 'Show Info' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.logMode' , 'Output is a TTY' , 0)
, (TypeOption, 'misc.traceLevel' , 'Trace Level' , 1)
, (TypeTitle , 'Print/Snapshot Parameters')
, (TypeOption, 'viewer.printer.mode' , 'Printer/Snapshot Mode', 1)
, (TypeOption, 'viewer.printer.paper', 'Paper Size' , 0)
# Provides standard settings for:
# # - <defaultStyle>
# # - <stylesTable>
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/misc.conf' )

View File

@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "nimbus.conf<vsc200>" -*-
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
import helpers
# Nimbus parameters.
parametersTable = \
( ('nimbus.aspectRatio' , TypePercentage, 100 , { 'min':10, 'max':1000 } )
, ("nimbus.pinsPlacement", TypeBool , False )
, ("nimbus.spaceMargin" , TypePercentage, 40 )
, ("nimbus.cellGauge" , TypeString , "vsclib", { 'flags':Cfg.Parameter.Flags.AllRequirements} )
, ("nimbus.routingGauge" , TypeString , "vsclib", { 'flags':Cfg.Parameter.Flags.AllRequirements} )
# layoutTable is defined inside Mauka.
layoutTable = ()
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/nimbus.conf' )

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "stratus1.conf<vsc200>" -*-
import helpers
# -*- Mode:Python -*-
# Status1 parameters.
parametersTable = \
@ -8,13 +10,6 @@ parametersTable = \
, ("stratus1.format" , TypeString, "vst")
, ("stratus1.simulator" , TypeString, "asimut")
# Stratus1 tab layout.
layoutTable = \
( (TypeTab ,"Stratus1", "stratus1" )
, (TypeTitle , "Stratus1 - Netlist & Layout Capture" )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.mappingName", "Virtual Library Translation", 0, 2 )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.format" , "Netlist Format (vst, vhd)" , 0, 2 )
, (TypeOption, "stratus1.simulator" , "Simulator" , 0, 2 )
execfile( helpers.sysConfDir+'/common/stratus1.conf' )