Simply load an OPENCHAMS file using the static function OpenChams::Circuit::readFromFile() and then get the netlist object (OpenChams::Circuit::getNetlist()) or the sizing procedure (OpenChams::Circuit::getSizing(), might be NULL) or any other useful information (see OpenChams::Circuit).
Using the driver is very simple, user has to create an OpenChams::Circuit object and simply add OpenChams::Netlist (mandatory) and OpenChams::Sizing (optionnal) or OpenChams::Schematic (optionnal) or OpenChams::Layout (optinnal) to it.
Finally use the OpenChams::Circuit::writeToFile() method to dump the database to file.
As said is the global presentation, VLSI SAPD project provides C++ libraries and Python modules for each supported format. In this section we present simple code examples to parse and drive a OPENCHAMS file using C++ or Python. The OPENCHAMS files considered are the same for all examples: \c inverter.xml and \c buffer.xml
\include inverter.xml
\include buffer.xml
All source codes are available in the \c examples directory.
\subsection openChamsC C++
\subsubsection openChamsParseC Parser
The following code (\c parseOpenChams.cpp) is an example of how to parse a OPENCHAMS file using C++ library.
\include parseOpenChams.cpp
\subsubsection openChamsDriveC Driver
This C++ code (\c driveOpenChams.cpp) generates an inverter.xml file equivalent to the included one.
\include driveOpenChams.cpp
\note In order to compile these codes, a CMakeLists.txt file is provided. User must set the $VLSISAPD_TOP variable before running these commands in the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file:
%> mkdir build; cd build
%> cmake ..
%> make
\subsection openChamsPython Python
\subsubsection openChamsParsePython Parser
The following python script (\c is an example of how to parse a OPENCHAMS file using python module.
\subsubsection openChamsDrivePython Driver
This python script (\c generates an inverter.xml file equivalent to the included one.
\note In order to run these two scripts (\c &, user must ensure that $PYTHONPATH variable points to the directory containing module.