
356 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2014, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PreProcess.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <sstream>
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/Name.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "katabatic/AutoContactTerminal.h"
#include "kite/DataNegociate.h"
#include "kite/TrackElement.h"
#include "kite/Track.h"
#include "kite/RoutingPlane.h"
#include "kite/NegociateWindow.h"
#include "kite/Session.h"
#include "kite/KiteEngine.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
using namespace CRL;
using namespace Kite;
using Katabatic::perpandicularTo;
using Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal;
void getPerpandiculars ( TrackElement* segment
, Katabatic::AutoContact* from
, unsigned int direction
, vector<TrackElement*>& perpandiculars
TrackElement* perpandicular;
forEach ( Segment*, isegment, segment->base()->getAutoSource()->getSlaveComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
perpandicular = Session::lookup ( *isegment );
ltrace(200) << "S " << perpandicular << endl;
if ( not perpandicular or (perpandicular->getDirection() == direction) ) continue;
perpandiculars.push_back ( perpandicular );
forEach ( Segment*, isegment, segment->base()->getAutoTarget()->getSlaveComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
perpandicular = Session::lookup ( *isegment );
ltrace(200) << "T " << perpandicular << endl;
if ( not perpandicular or (perpandicular->getDirection() == direction) ) continue;
perpandiculars.push_back ( perpandicular );
void findFailedPerpandiculars ( RoutingPad* rp, unsigned int direction, set<TrackElement*>& faileds )
ltrace(200) << "Find failed caging: " << rp << endl;
TrackElement* parallel;
forEach ( Segment*, isegment, rp->getSlaveComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
parallel = Session::lookup ( *isegment );
ltrace(200) << "* " << parallel << endl;
if ( parallel->isFixed () ) continue;
if ( parallel->getDirection() != direction ) continue;
Katabatic::AutoContact* contact = parallel->base()->getAutoSource();
if ( contact->base()->getAnchor() != rp ) contact = NULL;
if ( contact == NULL ) contact = parallel->base()->getAutoTarget();
if ( contact->base()->getAnchor() != rp ) continue;
//parallel->makeDogLeg ( contact->getGCell() );
faileds.insert ( parallel );
void propagateCagedConstraints ( TrackElement* segment, set<TrackElement*>& faileds )
if (not segment->isFixed()) return;
ltrace(200) << "Propagate caging: " << segment << endl;
Track* track = segment->getTrack();
//unsigned int direction = Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDirection(segment->getLayer());
unsigned int direction = segment->getDirection();
Katabatic::AutoContact* source = segment->base()->getAutoSource();
RoutingPad* rp = NULL;
Interval uside = source->getGCell()->getSide(direction);
DbU::Unit minConstraint = DbU::Min;
DbU::Unit maxConstraint = DbU::Max;
vector<TrackElement*> perpandiculars;
if ( not track ) {
cerr << Bug( "%s is not inserted in a <Track>", getString(segment).c_str() ) << endl;
// Computing constraints from fixed only TrackElements (caging).
TrackElement* parallel;
size_t i = segment->getIndex();
while ( i > 0 ) {
parallel = track->getSegment( --i );
if (not parallel) continue;
if (parallel->getTargetU() < uside.getVMin()) break;
if (parallel->getNet() == segment->getNet()) continue;
if (not parallel->isFixed()) continue;
ltrace(200) << "Min Constraint from: " << parallel << endl;
minConstraint = max( minConstraint, parallel->getTargetU() );
i = segment->getIndex();
while ( i < track->getSize()-1 ) {
parallel = track->getSegment( ++i );
if (not parallel) continue;
if (parallel->getSourceU() > uside.getVMax()) break;
if (parallel->getNet() == segment->getNet()) continue;
if (not parallel->isFixed()) continue;
ltrace(200) << "Max Constraint from: " << parallel << endl;
maxConstraint = min( maxConstraint, parallel->getSourceU() );
if (minConstraint > maxConstraint) {
cerr << Bug( "%s have too tight caging constraints.", getString(segment).c_str() ) << endl;
if ( (minConstraint <= uside.getVMin()) and (maxConstraint >= uside.getVMax()) ) {
ltrace(200) << "No constraints [" << DbU::getValueString(minConstraint)
<< ":" << DbU::getValueString(maxConstraint)
<< " vs. " << uside << endl;
// Finding perpandiculars, by way of the source & target RoutingPad.
if (source->getAnchor()) {
rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(source->getAnchor());
if (rp) {
TrackElement* parallel;
forEach ( Segment*, isegment, rp->getSlaveComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
parallel = Session::lookup( *isegment );
ltrace(200) << "* " << parallel << endl;
if (parallel->isFixed ()) continue;
if (parallel->isGlobal()) continue;
getPerpandiculars( parallel, source, direction, perpandiculars );
getPerpandiculars( parallel, segment->base()->getAutoTarget(), direction, perpandiculars );
} else {
cerr << Bug( "%s is not anchored on a <RoutingPad>\n (%s)"
, getString(source).c_str()
, getString(source->getAnchor()).c_str() ) << endl;
// Apply caging constraints to perpandiculars.
if (perpandiculars.size() == 0) {
ltrace(200) << "No perpandiculars to " << segment << endl;
Interval constraints ( minConstraint, maxConstraint );
for ( size_t iperpand=0 ; iperpand<perpandiculars.size() ; iperpand++ ) {
ltrace(200) << "Caged: " << constraints << " " << perpandiculars[iperpand] << endl;
perpandiculars[iperpand]->base()->mergeUserConstraints( constraints );
if (perpandiculars[iperpand]->base()->getUserConstraints().isEmpty()) {
ltrace(200) << "Cumulative caged constraints are too tight on " << perpandiculars[iperpand] << endl;
findFailedPerpandiculars( rp, direction, faileds );
void moveUpCaged ( TrackElement* segment )
DebugSession::open( segment->getNet(), 150 );
ltrace(150) << "::moveUpCaged() " << segment << endl;
//Configuration* configuration = Session::getConfiguration();
//const Layer* metal2 = configuration->getRoutingLayer( 1 );
//const Layer* metal3 = configuration->getRoutingLayer( 2 );
Katabatic::AutoContact* support = segment->base()->getAutoSource();
RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(support->getAnchor());
forEach( Component*, icomponent, rp->getSlaveComponents() ) {
Horizontal* baseSegment = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>( *icomponent );
TrackElement* accessSegment = Session::lookup( baseSegment );
if (accessSegment and not accessSegment->isFixed()) {
accessSegment->moveUp( Katabatic::KbNoFlags );
void protectCagedTerminals ( Track* track )
ltrace(150) << "protectCagedTerminals() " << track << endl;
DbU::Unit lastMovedUp = track->getMin();
unsigned int moveUpCount = 0;
Configuration* configuration = Session::getConfiguration();
const Layer* metal2 = configuration->getRoutingLayer( 1 );
const Layer* metal3 = configuration->getRoutingLayer( 2 );
Net* neighborNet = NULL;
RoutingPlane* metal3plane = track->getRoutingPlane()->getTop();
if (track->getLayer() != metal2) {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<track->getSize() ; ++i ) {
TrackElement* segment = track->getSegment(i);
Implementation of pre-routing support (for clock-tree compliance). * New: In Katabatic, in <AutoContact>, this class is no longer derived from ExtentionGo. With the simplificated AutoContacts, there is no reason to do so, and it will save some QuadTree insertions/deletions. New factory function AutoContact::createFrom(Contact*) which try to build an AutoContact on top of a Hurricane::Contact. Of course that base contact *must fit* into one of the predefined Contact configurations (Terminal, Turn, HTee or VTee). NOTE: This implies that the pre-routed segments & contacts *are* correctly articulated, which is not the case when a Cell is read from disk in "ap" format. The pre-routing feature must be used for now without any re-read from disk. We will implement a re-articulating pre-process in the future. * Change: In Katabatic, in <AutoContact> derived classes, the ::updateCache() method now display an accurate error message if a segment is connected but has no AutoSegment conterpart (i.e. the lookup fails). * New: In Katabatic, in <AutoSegment>, the ::computeOptimal() method is short-circuited for pre-routed segments, the optimal axis position is considered to be the one it is currently on (i.e. we trust the designer). * New: In Katabatic, in <KatabaticEngine>, the ::loadGlobalRouting() method now accept a map of excluded nets (same as Knik). This map is the one of pre-routed nets. * New: In Katabatic, in layer assignment, do not try to displace fixed segments... * New: In Katabatic, in <AutoSegment>, new flag SegUserDefined and related methods to know if a segment comes from the global router (Knik) or is pre-routed (supplied by the user). * New: In Kite, In <BuildPowerRails>, support (exclusion) for pre-routed nets. * New: In Kite, In <GraphicKiteEngine> new menu entry for running the router on pre-routed nets ("Detailed Pre-Route"), also integrated in the all-on-one route command. * New: In Kite, In KiteEngine, new method ::_initDataBase() that group all the initialisation steps. It is a mix of calls between Knik and Kite initializations which are intertwinneds (may have to devellop a shared common base at a later point). It creates the Knik grid, then the Katabatic grid, then load pre-routed wires and power rails and protect isolated RoutingPads. Add support for a map of pre-routed nets (to be excluded for Knik calls). The method "::run()" now uses function flags, firstly to know if it is managing pre-routed wires or general purposes ones. * New: In Kite, in <NegociateWindow>, the "::run()" methods has now two modes. The normal one and the 'KtPreRoutedStage' that is for routing pre-routed nets. When in pre-route stage, the wires are fixed at the end of this step. * New: In Kite, in <TrackElement> add decorator for AutoSegment isUsedDefined(). * New: In Kite, in <TrackSegment>, the various ::canDogleg() methods returns false for a pre-routed (user-defined segment). * New: In Kite, in PyKiteEngine, added new method runNegociatePreRouted().
2014-06-21 13:16:47 -05:00
if (not segment or segment->isRouted()) continue;
if (segment and segment->isFixed() and segment->isTerminal()) {
Interval freeInterval = track->getFreeInterval( segment->getSourceU(), segment->getNet() );
DbU::Unit ppitch = segment->getPPitch();
//if (freeInterval.getSize() < ppitch*6) {
if ( (segment->getSourceU() - freeInterval.getVMin() < ppitch*3)
or (freeInterval.getVMax() - segment->getTargetU() < ppitch*3) ) {
cparanoid << "[INFO] Caged terminal: " << segment << endl;
if ( (segment->getLayer () != metal2)
or (segment->getLength() >= ppitch)
or (segment->getNet () == neighborNet) ) {
neighborNet = segment->getNet();
Katabatic::AutoContact* support = segment->base()->getAutoSource();
RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(support->getAnchor());
Track* metal3track = metal3plane->getTrackByPosition( rp->getSourcePosition().getX() );
if (metal3track->getFreeInterval(segment->getAxis(),segment->getNet()).isEmpty()) {
cparanoid << "[INFO] Cannot protect caged terminal because top layer (metal3) is obstructed." << endl;
if (segment->getSourceU() - lastMovedUp < ppitch*4) {
if (moveUpCount % 2 == 0) {
moveUpCaged( segment );
} else {
moveUpCount = 0;
lastMovedUp = segment->getSourceU();
Katabatic::AutoContact* source
= Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal::create( support->getGCell()
, rp
, metal3
, rp->getSourcePosition()
, DbU::fromLambda(1.0), DbU::fromLambda(1.0)
source->setFlags( Katabatic::CntIgnoreAnchor );
Katabatic::AutoContact* target =
Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal::create( support->getGCell()
, rp
, metal3
, rp->getSourcePosition()
, DbU::fromLambda(1.0), DbU::fromLambda(1.0)
target->setFlags( Katabatic::CntIgnoreAnchor );
AutoSegment* fixedSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Katabatic::KbVertical );
fixedSegment->setFlags( Katabatic::SegFixed );
Session::getNegociateWindow()->createTrackSegment( fixedSegment, KtLoadingStage );
neighborNet = segment->getNet();
} // End of local namespace.
namespace Kite {
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Net;
using Hurricane::Name;
using Katabatic::AutoSegmentLut;
void KiteEngine::preProcess ()
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_routingPlanes.size() ; ++i ) {
RoutingPlane* plane = _routingPlanes[i];
Track* track = plane->getTrackByIndex( 0 );
while ( track ) {
protectCagedTerminals( track );
track = track->getNextTrack();
Session::revalidate ();
void KiteEngine::_computeCagedConstraints ()
set<TrackElement*> faileds;
TrackElement* segment = NULL;
AutoSegmentLut::const_iterator isegment = _getAutoSegmentLut().begin();
for ( ; isegment != _getAutoSegmentLut().end() ; isegment++ ) {
segment = _lookup( isegment->second );
if (not segment or not segment->isFixed()) continue;
DebugSession::open( segment->getNet() );
propagateCagedConstraints( segment, faileds );
} // Kite namespace.